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3rd Grade Practice S.S. SOL Test

3rd Grade Practice S.S. SOL Test

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Creation Date: 20/04/2013

Category: History

Number of questions: 28
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What should you NOT do when taking a test? highlight important words in a question double check guess quickly and go to the next question slash the trash (only answers you KNOW aren't right).
Which river on this map was explored by Jacques Cartier? Columbia River Rio Grande Mississippi River St. Lawrence River.
What are "laws"? a group of people who develop the laws important rules written and carried out by the government to voice your self-interest elect people.
What is "poplulation"? people the number of people in an area producers the number of stores in an area.
Match the American leader with their contributions. George Washington Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King, Jr.
What happened on the date on this calendar? Abraham Lincoln became President. America was discovered. George Washington was born. America became a country.
Which characteristic was shared by the Eastern Woodlands and the Plains Indians? riding horses farming hunting building teepees.
An effect European explorers had on the American Indians was the introduction of _____________ . Many American Indians died because of this.
Where is the school? east of the bank south of the hospital northeast of the fire station north of the hospital.
Match the famous person with the people they helped. Cesar Chavez Susan B. Anthony Hellen Keller Elenor Roosevelt.
He was an African American who studied science and plants. He became a teacher, and he developed hundreds of uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans. George Washington Carver Thurgood Marshall Martin Luther King, Jr. George Washington.
Which country sponsored these European Explorers? Juan Ponce de Leon Christopher Columbus Jacques Cartier Christopher Newport.
Why do people vote? to voice their self-interest and take part to NOT take part in the process to suggest good behavior All of the Above.
Click on all items that describe Christopher Newport. Spain sponsored him. England sponsored him. France sponsored him. He wanted to discover riches like gold and silver. He wanted to find a western sea route to Asia. He started a colony in Virginia (Jamestown). He started a colony in Florida (St. Augustine).
Click on all items that describe Juan Ponce de Leon. Spain sponsored him. England sponsored him. France sponsored him. He wanted to discover riches like gold and silver. He wanted to find a western sea route to Asia. He started a colony in Virginia (Jamestown). He claimed land in Florida (St. Augustine). He wanted to conquer land.
Using this table, what is true? Lakota Indians lived in Virginia. Pueblo Indians lived in teepees. Powhatan Indians fished, farmed, and hunted. All of the above.
If Keith wants to play with many toys, but there is only 1 toy available, he is not able to meet his wants because his resources are limited. This is called ______________________ . opportunity cost scarcity economic choice producers and consumers.
What natural resource was limited in both Rome and Greece? rich soil poor soil ships fish.
What goods and services did Greece and Rome produce? ships transportation farmers gold architecture with columns and arches.
What human resources did ancient Greece, Rome, and Mali use? miners farmers architecture ship builders car builders architects (people that designed buildings).
Match the country's number with its name. 3 4 5 6 1 2.
Which number is closest to Richmond, Virginia? 1 2 3 4.
What country is the arrow pointing to? Greece Egypt England France.
The country that sponsored Jacques Cartier's voyages is in which section of the map? C1 B1 B3 A3.
The country that sponsored Juan Ponce de Leon's voyages is in which section of the map? C1 B1 B3 A3.
In which hemispheres is the continent Asia located? Northern and Eastern Northern and Western Southern and Eastern Southern and Western.
These photos show American communities' contributions of people with different ___________ . ethnic origins basic needs government birthdays.
What should you do at the end of your SOL test? double check your answers re-read immediately end the test match your answers with the important words in the question go to sleep.
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