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SEO Questions

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Creation Date: 30/08/2020

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 56
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_______ is the process of fetching all the web pages linked to a web site. Indexing Crawling Calculating Relevancy Processing.
What is full form of SEO? Search Engine Optimization Search Entry Optimization Search Engine Operation None of above.
Websites fetched by crawler are indexed and kept in huge database, this process is called as _____. Optimizing Indexing None of these Crawling.
Which of the following are the ways of optimizing images? Writing alt tags Hosting images on Subdomains Minimizing the size of Image All of these.
Which of there is not a metric used in the link building? Domain Authority Number of links Number of advertisements None of the above.
Indexing of websites on the internet for the use of search engines is done by _______. Algorithms Spiders Quality Raters None of the above.
Should responsive design be favored over websites with separate versions for mobiles and computers? It does not make a difference No. Separate versions are better Google prefers websites with responsive design None of the above.
Which On Page element carries the most weight for SEO? The meta keywords tag The title tag The headers (H1, H2, H3, etc) None of the above.
What Is Anchor Text? It Is The Main Body Of Text On A Particular Web Page It Is The Text Within The Left Or Top Panel Of A Web Page It Is The Visible Text That Is Hyper Linked To Another Page It Is The Most Prominent Text On The Page That The Search Engines Use To Assign A Title To The Page.
Which of the following is the least important area in which to include your keyword(s)? Meta Keywords Meta Description Title Body Text.
Which of the following tactics can destroy your search rankings? Using text that is the same color as your page’s background Linking to your site from other websites Adding navigation links to your page’s template All of these.
Which of these factors will affect your ranking for local-focused queries? A crawlable correctly formatted address on your website The number of Facebook fans you have in the area The location of your website’s server None of the above.
A friendly URL is: The URL with cryptic text ad a lot of numbers Short, with recognizable text Short, with recognizable text and relevant keywords None of the above.
SEO is to improve the volume and _____ to a web site from search engines. None of these Quality of traffic Look and Feel Advertisement.
How do sitemaps help a website with search engines? Google and Yahoo! Give higher ranking to websites with better sitemaps They help users understand a website better Search engine spiders can reach more pages on a website because of sitemaps None of the above.
Task of Crawling is performed by a complex software which is called as ___ . Boat Crawler Spider All of these.
Keyword research helps you: Determine the keyword density on your website Explore the competitiveness of the keywords and estimated amount of traffic for those keywords Find out how to use keywords in the content None of the above.
The Meta Robots tag should be placed in which part of an HTML file? The head area The main body The footer r bottom of the page None of the above.
Which of the following are examples of agents? Internet Explorer SQL Server database attached to a website Search engine spiders All of the above.
The reason why you should avoid hosting free articles or content that is common on the web? Because you will not gain new traffic Because you could be penalized by Google for duplicate content Because they might be controversial None of the above.
What is Meta description? A short description of your web page that lets a search engine know what the page is about A place to put the keyword for a page A description of your company that is displayed above the title tag None of the above.
What is the format for sitemaps recommended the most by the search engine and SEOS? txt file RSS XML (Extensible Markup Language) None of the above.
Which of the following are types of SEO? On Page SEO On Page and FrontPage SEO Front Page SEO On Page and Off Page SEO .
Which of the following are examples of agents? Internet Explorer Opera Search engine spiders All of the above.
Which of the following tactics can harm your search rankings? Adding navigation links to your page’s template Using text that is the same color as your page’s background Linking to your site from other websites Update Your Content Regularly.
The number of characters recommended for Title Tag? 20 250 70 100.
Calculated placement of keywords in page to increase density of keywords is called ___. Keyword Cloacking None of these Keyword Stuffing Keyword Hijacking.
Which of the following gives a text description of the image if it is not available? alt title src height.
Which format can create a lot of colors image? PNG GIF JPG SVG.
Writing repeating keyword in the meta tag and unrelated keyword is called Meta tag stuffing Meta tag cloaking Meta tag hijacking None of these.
Which of the following is an illegal way of SEO? Creating doorway Pages Link Building Writing Meta Tags None of these.
Why are long-tail searches closer to resulting in purchasing items? Because they already have a precise idea of what the user is looking for Because long-tail searches are popular Because they are easier to compete None of the above.
What does SERP stand for? Search Entry Rating Procedure Search Engine Result Page None of the above.
Serving different version of a page to search engine and to human visitors is called ____ SEO. Cloaking None of these Keyword stuffing Fooling.
Which of the following are the ways of optimizing the images? Writing alt tags Hosting images on Subdomains Minimizing the size of Image All of these.
If you were to use keywords in the same color as the background of your website, thus hiding them, what kind of SEO technique would you be practicing? Leverage branding White hat SEO Black hat SEO None of the above.
Which of the following is not a necessarily a black hat tactic? Link exchanges Buying links Hidden text None of the above.
What is the highest Google page rank a web page can have? 1 10 100 1000.
What Is The Term For Optimization Strategies That Are In An Unknown Area Of Reputability/validity? Red Hat Techniques Grey Hat Techniques Black Hat Techniques Shady Hat Techniques.
What Aspects Of A Hyperlink Are Not Important For SEO? The Anchor Text, Especially The Keywords In It. The Place From Which The Link Originates. The Visibility Of The Link Text /// The Place to Which the Link Leads.
What’s The Largest Page Size That Googles Spider Will Crawl? 100 KB 1000 KB 2 GB No Set Limit Exists - Google May Crawl Very Large Pages If It Believes Them To Be Worthwhile.
What is Anchor Text? It is the main body of text on a particular web page It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page /// It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page.
What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to? It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on investment It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a web page are given priority by the search engines It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines.
Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies? Targeting synonyms of the main keyword Targeting the highest searched keywords only Copying competitor keywords Optimizing five or more keywords per page.
Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve? Increasing the keyword density on the web pages Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines Hiding the keywords within the web page Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors.
Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google? Having a clear hierarchy and text links Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site map into separate pages Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100).
What are some famous Black Hat SEO techniques? Link Farming Hidden text, etc Gateway or Doorway pages all of the above.
Which is the most important area to include your keywords? Page title Body text Meta Description Title tag.
Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank? The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site.
What will the following robots.txt file do? User-agent:Googlebot Disallow:/*? User-agent:Scooter Disallow: It will allow Google and the Altavista scooter bots to crawl web pages It will disallow the Google and AltaVista scooter bots from accessing any web page It will disallow Google from crawling the generated pages but allows the Altavista scooter bot to access all pages None of the above option.
What is Page Rank? The Alexa technology for ranking pages The way yahoo! Measures how popular a given page based on the number and quality of sites that link to it The search relevancy of a page compared to the other pages in the search engine The way Google measures how popular a given page on the number and quality of sites that links to it.
The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots: < meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/> Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page To index the page and not to follow the links in the page Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page.
Which query will give the list of web pages indexed by a particular search engine on given domain? list:http://www.websitename.com link:http://www.websitename.com webpage:http://www.websitename.com site:http://www.websitename.com.
Pages that are linked from other search engines are known as ـــــــــــــ. Crawled pages Indexed pages Un-indexed pages Root pages.
How can Meta Description tags help with the practice of search engine optimization? Trick question -- meta description are NOT important They help to tell the engines which keywords are most important on your page They serve as the copy that will entice searchers to click on your listing They are an important ranking factor in the search algorithms.
If you want a page to pass value through its links, but stay out of the search engines’ indices, which of the following tags should you place in the header? Use meta robots= “noindex, nofollow" Use meta robots= “index, nofollow" Use meta robots= “noindex, follow" Use meta robots= “autobot, decepticon".
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