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Vtor Kolokvium

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Zosto e SVG formatot korisen za Blackberry okolinata? Toa e edinstveniot tip na sliki koi gi poddrzuva platformata. Moze da poddrzuva razlicni golemini na ekrani. Producira sliki so pomala rezolucija - pomalku memorija.
Kako SVG definira pozicija na segmenti vo slika? Anchor tocki i Control tocki. Pikseli i nizi. Bitmapi i arei.
Koi vektorski formati gi poddrzuva Blackberry platformata? PMB PME EPS SVG.
So koi metodi pravis SVG sodrzini? So pisuvanje kod vo editor. Koristejki go Blackberry simulatorot. Koristejki rasterska konverzija. Koristejki graficki editor.
Zosto se SVG slikite skalabilni? Nacrtani se so niza na pravoagolni pikseli. Nacrtani se vo povisoka rezolucija. Odrzuvaat staticen broj na pikseli. Definiraat oblici vrz osnova na pateki.
Ako go koristis Blackberry Enterprise Server kako wireless gateway za tvojata aplikacija koi dva enkripciski algoritmi gi koristi po avtomatizam? SSL/TLS AES Simetricen kluc TripleDES Asimetricen kluc.
Koi ekstenzii se dodavaat na datotekite enkriptirani na microSD karticka? REM JSE AES COD.
Simetricnata kriptografija koi tipovi na klucevi gi koristi? javen kluc master kluc sesiski kluc eden kluc koj go koristat dvete strani.
Kakov tip na enkripcija pretstavuva AES? Simetricen Asimetricen.
Kakov tip na kriptografija pretstavuva RSA? Simetricen Asimetricen.
Koi tipovi na klucevi gi koristi Asimetricnata kriptografija? Javen kluc Master kluc Sesiski kluc Privaten kluc.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server____. Enables secure connection inside corporate network Enabled through BES/MDS connections Must be activated on BES (have BlackBerry account) Restrictions on connectivity outside MDS network Enables TCP and UDP connectivity on socket level Uses APN to connect to outside world Can be disabled by BES administrator.
Direct TCP/IP____. Enables secure connection inside corporate network Enabled through BES/MDS connections Must be activated on BES (have BlackBerry account) Restrictions on connectivity outside MDS network Enables TCP and UDP connectivity on socket level Uses APN to connect to outside world Can be disabled by BES administrator.
BlackBerry Internes Services____. Options to the regular user like BES to enterprise users Better than direct TCP/IP because of some wireless plans limitations The application that uses BIS must be part of BlackBerry Alliance Program and receive approval for BIS Use class to initiate connection.
Android uses classic java and apache classes for networking and connectivity___., java.nio Org.apache
Get Location Information____. GPS Cell Tower and BlackBerry geolocation Geocoding.
Geocoding? High accuracy Takes time to fix on satellite Less accurate Takes info from cell towers or wifi networks Faster Getting from/to street addresses.
GPS? High accuracy Takes time to fix on satellite Less accurate Takes info from cell towers or wifi networks Faster Getting from/to street addresses.
Cell Tower and BlackBerry geolocation? High accuracy Takes time to fix on satellite Less accurate Takes info from cell towers or wifi networks Faster Getting from/to street addresses.
GPS Modes? Cell Cite Wifi Assisted GPS Unassisted GPS BlackBerry Geolocation Cell Towers.
Cell cite? Determine location solely based on cell towers locations and signal strength Poor accuracy Very fast results WLAN mode Optimal mode.
BlackBerry Geolocation? WLAN mode Cell cite mode Optimal mode GPS Mode.
WLAN mode? Uses WiFi networks for location (>=5.0) Uses cell towers for location (>=6.0) Uses both WiFi and Cell towers (>=6.0).
Cell cite mode? Uses WiFi networks for location (>=5.0) Uses cell towers for location (>=6.0) Uses both WiFi and Cell towers (>=6.0).
Optimal mode? Uses WiFi networks for location (>=5.0) Uses cell towers for location (>=6.0) Uses both WiFi and Cell towers (>=6.0).
Assisted GPS? Seeks assistance from WiFi Speeds up satelite acquisition Slower than cell cite High accuracy Uses only GPS hardware Very slow satellite acquisitions It works even when there is no wireless network coverage.
Unassisted GPS? Seeks assistance from WiFi Speeds up satelite acquisition Slower than cell cite High accuracy Uses only GPS hardware Very slow satellite acquisitions It works even when there is no wireless network coverage.
BlackBerry Maps? BlackBerry Maps is included in BlackBerry OS 4.2 and up BlackBerry Maps is included in BlackBerry OS 4.3 and up BlackBerry Maps is included in BlackBerry OS 4.5 and up Applications and maps built in BlackBerry OS.
Embed maps? BlackBerry OS 4.5 and up BlackBerry OS 4.2 and up BlackBerry OS 4.3 and up Can’t show markers Can show markers Add a map field in your view The map centers on given longitude and latitude and zoom to maximum level.
Markers? BlackBerry Maps uses XML document describing view information, location markers and route information BlackBerry Maps uses TXT document describing view information, location markers and route information.
Class MapActivity? Base class for activities that contain map view Used to annotate maps using Canvas for drawing in layers over map view Set center and zoom level Create map markers.
Class Overlay? Base class for activities that contain map view Used to annotate maps using Canvas for drawing in layers over map view Set center and zoom level Create map markers.
Class MapController? Base class for activities that contain map view Used to annotate maps using Canvas for drawing in layers over map view Set center and zoom level Create map markers.
ItemizedOverlays and OverlayItems Base class for activities that contain map view Used to annotate maps using Canvas for drawing in layers over map view Set center and zoom level Create map markers.
Map Views? Present a map in a view Control the map.
Control the map? Zoom Location Display mode.
Display mode? Satellite mode Street mode Traffic mode.
Overlays? Used for annotation over map view Draw 2D primitives Add overlays on top of each other Each overlay can “hide” others below User clicks are processed from top overlay to map view – FCFS Create overlay by extending Overlay class When you draw in overlay you draw in screen coordinates using Canvas When you want to add annotation on overly using geo-coordinates you need to convert Projection class converts GeoPoints to/from Points Projection instance is relative – get new one every time!!.
Geo-screen coordinates mix? Used for annotation over map view Draw 2D primitives Add overlays on top of each other Each overlay can “hide” others below User clicks are processed from top overlay to map view – FCFS Create overlay by extending Overlay class When you draw in overlay you draw in screen coordinates using Canvas When you want to add annotation on overly using geo-coordinates you need to convert Projection class converts GeoPoints to/from Points Projection instance is relative – get new one every time!!.
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