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6th Grade S.S. Practice SOL Test

6th Grade S.S. Practice SOL Test

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Creation Date: 19/05/2013

Category: History

Number of questions: 43
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Where did the Lakota (American Indians) live? Great Plains (middle of present-day U.S.A.) Southwest (present day New Mexico and Arizona) Arctic (present day Alaska and northern Canada) Pacific Northwest coast of North America Eastern woodlands of North America.
Where did the Iroquois (American Indians) live? Great Plains (middle of present-day U.S.A.) Southwest (present day New Mexico and Arizona) Arctic (present day Alaska and northern Canada) Pacific Northwest coast of North America Eastern woodlands of North America.
Where did the Inuit (American Indians) live? Great Plains (middle of present-day U.S.A.) Southwest (present day New Mexico and Arizona) Arctic (present day Alaska and northern Canada) Pacific Northwest coast of North America Eastern woodlands of North America.
Where did the Pueblo (American Indians) live? Great Plains (middle of present-day U.S.A.) Southwest (present day New Mexico and Arizona) Arctic (present day Alaska and northern Canada) Pacific Northwest coast of North America Eastern woodlands of North America.
Where did the Kwakiutl (American Indians) live? Great Plains (middle of present-day U.S.A.) Southwest (present day New Mexico and Arizona) Arctic (present day Alaska and northern Canada) Pacific Northwest coast of North America Eastern woodlands of North America.
Match the number with the American Indian tribe that lived there. (Click on the green dots.) 1 2 3 4 5.
Check all the correct descriptions of the Pueblo Indians. dry grasslands Southwest lived in the Great Plains lived in present-day New Mexico / Arizona adobe houses by desert, cliffs, and mountains. teepee (tipi) houses.
Check all the correct descriptions of the Lakota Indians. dry grasslands woodland forests lived in the Great Plains lived in the freezing Artic adobe houses by desert, cliffs, and mountains. teepee (tipi) houses.
Cactus Hill is located on the ___________ River in southeastern Virginia. Evidence that humans lived at Cactus Hill as early as ________________ ago. This makes it one of the oldest archaeological sites in North America. Nottoway, 18,000 years James, 8 years Mississippi, 18,000,000 years Rappahannock, 1,000 years.
Match the resources with the correct definition. capital resources human resources natural resources.
If geography and climate affected how the Iroquois met their basic needs with deer skin clothing and long houses made from trees, what kind of climate and resources did the Iroquois have? freezing temperatures, snow and ocean animals mild temperatures, forest animals rainy, lots of trees and ocean animals desert, not many trees or grass.
If geography and climate affected how the various American Indian groups met their basic needs, what kind of climate and resources did the Kwakiutl have? freezing temperatures, snow and ocean animals mild temperatures, lots of trees and forest animals rainy, lots of trees and ocean animals desert, not many trees or grass.
Mark all correct ways that the American Indians used resources in their environment (in the past). fished hunted grew crops went to Shoppers constructed shelters from sod (mud), stones, or animal skins made clothing from skins and plants constructed shelters from stones or wood contructed shelters from bricks bought clothes at stores.
Which geographic features are most associated with the Coastal Plain? Lakes and high plateaus Rolling flatlands with many rivers Broad lowlands with many harbors Mountain ranges and valleys.
In the mid 1800s, the ________________ led many people to move west. gold rush American Indians invention of cars Civil War.
One subject of conflict between settlers and American Indians was the _______________ . exchange of food ownership of land farming techniques number of trading posts.
This document was most likely written by the colonists of _______________ . Roanoke Island Plymouth Jamestown Georgia.
The recovery and analysis of evidence from the past are most important in the study of ___________________ . archaeology biology sociology paleontology.
Navigational tools such as this one were used to ____________ . improve military weapons aid African agriculture find natural resources aid European exploration.
What was one reason that Europeans explored the darker-shaded area? to learn new languages to avoid political persecution to spread religion to cure diseases.
Which kind of work did most women do in colonial America? Cared for people and houses Sold furniture and clothes Served in hospitals and nurseries Taught in schools and colleges.
Which colonial goods were usually exchanged for manufactured goods from England? gold slave labor raw materials navigational tools.
How did the Proclamation of 1763 affect the British colonists? It led to an increase in fur trading. It limited the western movement of settlers. It prevented trade with American Indians. It led to the French and Indian War.
Which name replaces the question mark in the table? Patrick Henry George Washington Lord Cornwallis Benjamin Franklin.
Mark all correct descriptions of Benjamin Franklin. gained French support for American independence made the first library president of the U.S.A. important member of the Continental Congress commander of the Continental Army helped frame (create) the Declaration of Independence.
The colonists won the Revolutionary War because they ________________ . had a more powerful navy had better weapons had uniforms for all soldiers fought on their own territory.
At the Constitutional Convention, the Great Compromise settled a debate about __________________ . judicial powers the presidential elections the amendment process state representation.
These documents were the basis for ___________________________ . Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation Virginia's statues and monuments.
The War of 1812 helped the U.S.A. gain the respect of _______________ . European countries Ecuador African nations Canada.
The darker-shaded area on this map was sold to the United States by ______________ . Mexico Spain France American Indians.
In 1848, why did they take this quote from the Declaration of Independence? describe anger about changing the Constitution of the United States show that this American philosophy continues to support equal rights protest against the rights of women show that European nations want to increase equal rights.
Which invention contributed most to the change shown in this graph? Steamboat Reaper Cotton gin Steel plow.
Matcth the cause with the effect. disease people in the North and South had different beliefs about slavery The North won the Civil War The South had mostly an agricultural-based economy Southerns thought that the abolition of slavery.
Match the Civil War events. Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Manassas Appomattox Court House Battle of Vicksburg Fort Sumter Emancipation Proclamation.
Who does this describe? Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Jefferson Davis Robert E. Lee Benjamin Franklin.
Match the number with the kind of state it was during the Civil War. 1 2 3 4.
Which would most likely be found in the Mid-Atlantic colonies? plantation farming gold mining market towns shipbuilding industries.
Where are Mali, Ghana, and Songhai located? 1 2 3 4.
Which phrase completes this list? No national legislature No common currency No political parties No states’ rights.
Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States should ____________ . expand for the good of the country get smaller for the good of the American Indians become independent from Great Britain increase immigration from Europe.
Which ocean is closest to Virginia? Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Ohio River.
Match the number with the correct continent. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
Match the number with the correct ocean. 8 9 10 11 12.
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