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Abap AO Revengance

Abap AO Revengance

Rodolfo Montiel
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Creation Date: 26/11/2014

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 100
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Which statements are allowed if you are working with an internal table of the type SORTED. Read. Sort. Insert. Modify. Delete. Append. Collect.
Which of the following ABAP statements create a list for executable program. SKIP. WRITE. PERFORM. CLEAR. ULINE.
Which statement at the time of AT-SELECTION-SCREEN cause the selection screen to be displayed again with fields ready for input and a message in the status line. A MESSAGE E…. statement. An AUTORITY-CHECK statement that return code SY-SUBRC NE 0. A MESSAGE I…. statement.
For which tasks is the database interface responsible. Syntax check of “native” SQL commands. Conversion of Open SQL statements from ABAP statements into the corresponding database statements. Data consistency check with respect to foreign key relationship. Usage of the SAP buffers. Database independence of application programs.
Where can you have automatic input checks against the check table (Single selection). For input fields on screens if the input fields have been copied from the location into the screen painter. For input fields on ABAP lists. For input fields on selection screens.
Is it possible to increase the number of key fields in transparent tables that are already active. No, key changes are not allowed. Yes, irrespective of whether the table already contains data or not. Yes, however the table must not contain any data yet.
Which of the following statements apply to a database view. A database view supplies the results quantity of an outer join logic. Using a database view, you can read data from several table. Using a database view, you can insert data into several table. A database view is a special view of transparent tables. A database view can have one or several base table.
The search help function know various link option in the ABAP dictionary. Which of the following statements apply. A search help function that is linked to the table field can return values only for the search field (field where the F4 help was triggered). A search help function that is linked to the data element can return values only for the search field (field where the F4 help was triggered). If the search help function is linked to the data element as well as to the field, the search help for the field is displayed. If the search help function is linked to table A, this search help is displayed whenever there are input fields from A on the screen. If the search help function is linked to a table A, this search help is displayed whenever there are input fields on that screen that have A as the check table.
Which statements about parameters for an elementary search help apply. Parameters can be displayed on the result list. Parameters must be fields from the selection method only. Import parameters control which data can be included in the data selection. Export parameters control which data can be returned to the input template. A parameter is either an import or an export parameter.
What is an (instance) constructor. An instance attribute that is automatically given a unique identification by the system when an object is created. An instance method for initializing the attribute of an object; It is automatically called by the system during CREATE OBJECT. An instance method of controlling how much main memory is to be reserved for an object.
Which of the following statements about inheritance are correct. Through inheritance, the public attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass. Through inheritance the private attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass and they can be addressed in the subclass directly using ME->. Through inheritance the protected attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass. Through inheritance the private attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass and they can be addressed in the subclass directly using THIS->.
Which of the following statements about APPEND structure are true. After adding an APPEND structure to a table, you must convert the table. You can use an APPEND structure like any other structure in ABAP program. An APPEND structure allow you to append fields to an SAP table without having to modify the table itself. An APPEND structure is the same as substructure.
Typing is not always necessary in ABAP, for example, for interface parameters of a subroutine. Which of the following statements applies to ABAP objects. Typing is imperative for interface parameters of a method belonging to an ABAP objects class. To simplify writing the software and design it clearly, you can do without typing altogether with the ABAP object classes. If you have numeric interface parameter in an ABAP objects class, you can do without typing.
Which statements apply to dialog program. If you are using asynchronous update, the database changes are executed directly from the program. If you are using asynchronous update, the statement COMMIT WORK is not required because it is executed implicitly after each screen change. In the PAI of each screen, you must use the statements COMMIT WORK. In an inline change has resulted in error, the statement ROLLBACK WORK must be listed in the lasted screen in order to rollback the entire SAP LUW. All inline changes must be done in the PAI of the last screen in order to ensure the rollback ability of the SAP LUW. When the asynchronous update is used, set SAP locks are transferred to the update procedure so that they do not have to be removed in the actual dialog program.
What can you do to undo database changes executed beforehand in a dialog. Output a termination message (ABORT, X). Analyze the log record. Output an error message. Perform a ROLLBACK WORK. Raise an exception.
Which of the following steps should be carried out in a transaction that implements an updating techniques. Call the ABAP command COMMIT WORK. Unlock the data record that is to be updated. Lock the data record that is to be updated. Read the data record that is to be updated. Pass the changes entered by the user to the update process.
You call an update function using CALL FUNCTION… IN UPDATE TASK. At what time are the values of the function parameters determined. At the end of the dialog step. At the start of the V1 update. At the time of the call. At the start of function execution. At COMMIT WORK.
You are writing a transaction to update a database table. Which of the following elements must the program contain. A logical database. A table buffer refresh on the application server. A call for ENQUEUE / DEQUEUE function modules. An AUTHORITY-CHECK statements. A call for an update function module in the case of time-consuming changes.
What are the main reasons for using update techniques. To log database changes. To achieves delayed implementation of database changes. To collect database change request from several dialog steps in order to process them or delete them together. To relieve the load on the dialog work process.
Which sub objects can an SAP enhancement contain. Menu exits. Screen exits. Append structures. Function module exits. User exits.
You want to output the string “Name:” in line 20, column 10 on the first page of a list, and the string “Address” immediately below it, the page should otherwise remain blank (no Header). Which of the following reports can you use to achieve this. REPORT TEST NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. Skip to line 20. Position 10. Write:/‘Name:’, /‘Address’. REPORT TEST NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. Skip to line 20 Position 10 Write:/’Name:’, /’Address:’ under ‘Name’. REPORT TEST NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. Skip to line 20. Position 10. Write;/’Name:’. Write /’Address:’. REPORT TEST NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. Skip to line 20. Position 10. Write:/ “Name:”, /10 “Address:”.
A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00. Underneath the root node, you have node_01 and then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they belong to the same hierarchy level. In addition, node_02 has a hierarchically dependent node, node_21. You have the following statements in programs: NODES. Node_00, Node_01, Node_21. Node_00, Node_02, Node_21. Node_00, Node_02. Node_00, Node_01, Node_02.
Which conditions must be fulfilled in a programmed check so that a screen input field is made ready for input again. The check module must be called using: FIELD field_name MODULE check_module. The check module must be called using: FIELD field_name MODULE check_module MESSAGE Ennn. The module must output an e-type message or w-type message. An i-type message must be output.
Which of the following statements about field transport between ABAP and screen are correct. Name equivalence is imperative for field transport between ABAP and screen. Field transport from ABAP to the screen generally takes place before the first PBO module of the screen. Field transport from the screen to ABAP is delayed if you have a FIELD statement. Dictionary structure on the screen requires a TABLES statement in ABAP.
Which of the following statements about field transport between ABAP and screen are correct. Dictionary structure on the screen require a TABLES statement in ABAP. Field transport from the screen to ABAP is delayed if you have a FIELD statement. Field transport from ABAP to the screen generally takes place before the first PBO module of the screen. Name equivalence is imperative for field transport between ABAP and screen.
Where can you have automatic input checks against the check table. Please choose the correct answer. For input fields on screens if the input fields have been copied from the Dictionary into the Screen painter. For input fields on selection screens. For input fields on ABAP lists.
The search help functions know various link options in the ABAP Dictionary. Which of the following statements apply. A search help function that is linked to the table field can return values only for the search field(field where the F4 help was triggered). A search help function that is linked to the data element can return values only for the search field(field where the F4 help was triggered). If the search help function is linked to a table A, this search help is displayed whenever there are input fields from A on the screen. The search help function is linked to a table A, this search help is displayed whenever there are input fields on that so have A as the check table. If the search help function is linked to the data element as well as to the field, the search help for the field is displayed.
What effect does the statement SUPPRESS DIALOG have in a PBO module of a screen. The screen in question is not called. The screen is displayed, but no inputs are possible. Neither the respective PBO module nor any of the subsequent PBO modules are processed. Processing is continued with the calling screen. Screen display is suppressed.
Which of the following events are suitable for the generation list. More than one answer is correct. Decide whether each answer. Initialization. Start-of-selection. At line-selection. a-screen. GET events.
Which statements about parameters for an elementary search help apply. Parameters must be fields from the selection method only. Export parameters control which data can be returned to the input. Import parameters control which data can be included in the data selection. A parameter is either an import or an export parameter. Parameters can be displayed on the results list.
Using the statements CREATE OBJECT you can instantiate objects of a class. What situations can arise here. More than one answer is correct. Decide whether each answer is true or false. You define the type and number of attributes of an object through the corresponding class. The contents of the attributes of different objects in a class always contain the same content or values immediately after being created. You can present different objects of a class with different values immediately after being created. All objects of the same class contain the same number of attributes and methods after being created.
You have created a screen with 5 radio buttons. How do you ensure that only one radio button is selected at a time. Assign all the radio buttons to the same modification group. Create a common function code for all the radio button. Combine all the radio button into a group. Enclose all the radio buttons in a frame.
Which statement at the time of AT SELECTION-SCREEN causes the selection screen to be displayed again with fields ready for input and a message in the status bar. Choose the correct answer. An AUTHORITY-CHECK statement with a return code not equal to 0. A MESSAGE statement of type E. A MESSAGE statement of type I.
Which of the following statements about inheritance are correct. Through inheritance, the public attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass. Through inheritance, the private attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass and they can be addressed in the subclass directly using ME->. Through inheritance, the protected attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass. Through inheritance, the private attributes of the super class are inherited to the subclass and they can be addressed in the subclass directly using THIS->.
REF_CL is a reference to the class cl_document. Ref_if is a reference to the interface if_display. The interface if_display is implemented by class cl_document. What option do you have to create an object of the class cl_document. CREATE OBJECT ref_cl. CREATE OBJECT ref_it. CREATE OBJECT ref_if TYPE cl_document. DATA: class_name TYPE string. class_name = “CL_DOCUMENT” CREATE OBJECT ref_if TYPE (class_name).
What is the format of the system date variable sy-datum. YYYYMMDD MMDDYY YYMMDD DDMMYYYY.
What will be the output of the following code for the user has a date format as DD-MM-YYYY. (Assume today’s date is 14th Feb 2010) 2010-02-14 20100214 14-02-2010 02-14-2010.
You are working on a program which is updating the database now you want that if something goes wrong you want that your code should be capable of reverting the changes done in database, which statements can be used to achieve this. (There are two correct options) Commit Work. Roll Back Work. Message ‘Changes aborted’ Type ‘A’. Message ‘Changes aborted’ type ‘I’.
You want to declare a variable which can be used out side class globally but no one should be allowed to change that variable except the method of that class.how you can achieve this. class class_name Definition. Public section. Data : gl_var type i. Endclass. class class_name Definition. Proteced section. Data : gl_var type i. Endclass. class class_name Definition. Public section. Data : gl_var type i hidden. Endclass. class class_name Definition. Public section. Data : gl_var type i read-only. Endclass.
There is a screen 500 with next screen set as 501 in it’s screen attribute. Business want that in some of the condition instead of going to screen 501 it should go to screen 502 after screen 500 finish it’s execution. How will you achieve this. Use statement LEAVE TO SCREEN 502. in PBO of screen 501. Use statement SET SCREEN 0. In PAI of screen 500. Use statement SET SCREEN 502. IN PAI of screen 500. It is not possible to over right the next screen attribute set into screen 500.
A database table without MANDT field is called. (Select most appropriate answer) Client dependent Client in-dependent Structure Database view.
To define the internal table using statement: Data : it_tab type XYZ Where XYZ should be of type. Data base table Structure Table type View.
Internal table ITAB has the following data Name Salary John 80000 Bob 20000 Amar 10000 David 50000 What will be the sy-subrc in following case. Read table ITAB into WTAB with key Name = ‘David’ using binary search. 0 4 8 12.
Business want to put validation on plant No. For all the screen. The requirement is to give Error message whenever user give plant 567. What can be most appropriate way to achieve this. Screen EXIT Function module EXIT Field EXIT USER EXIT.
Which all statements are true for BADI. You can use filter to choose the implementation you want to call. BADI cannot have multiple implementations. BADI can be reusable. BADI can be filter dependent.
Which of the following statements are correct. You can select from several database tables using a database view or a join. A secondary index for non-key fields generally works like a primary index for key fields. A key field in a database table uniquely identifies a data record. The client field is a selective field and should there for always be specified in the WHERE condition for SELECT. The OPEN SQL statements are converted into database-specific statements by the database interface.
Which statements are correct for Where-Used list. Changing an ABAP Dictionary object might also affect its dependent objects. If an object is probably used by several objects, you should perform the search in the background. There is Where-Used list for each ABAP Dictionary object with which you can´t find all the object that refer to this object. You can find direct and indirect usages of an ABAP Dictionary object with the Where-Used list.
Database objects in the ABAP Dictionary. Which statements are correct. Changes in the definition of a table or Database view are also automatically made in the Database. Tables and Database views can´t be defined in the ABAP Dictionary. Indexes can be defined in the ABAP Dictionary to speed up access to data in a table. Indexes are also created in the database. Database objects are created in the underlying database with this definition.
Which statements are correct in Client/Server Architecture. The R/3 system allocates the presentation, application logic, and data storage on a single computer. The lowest level is the Database level. The R/3 System has a modular software architecture that follow software-oriented client/server principles. The application server level contains the user interface through which each user can access the program, enter new data, and display result work process. ABAP programs (Both the applications provided by SAP and the ones you develop yourself) run at the application server level.
ABAP has built-in types like C, I, N, STRING or X. If you use these types for defining data objects, which statement are correct. If you want to define a two-bytes integer data object, you use the following syntax: DATA xyz(2) TYPE i. If you create a data object without explicitly specifying its type, it will become type C with length 1. If you define a data object with type D, two or four digits will be reserved for the year, depending on the user´s settings. Data object type STRING has a fixed length that will automatically be set when the first value assigned this data object. Length can´t be adjust thereafter.
The concept of visibility of components is well-know in object oriented language. Which of the following statemets are correct with ABAP objects. A programmer can, but need not, determine the visibility of a component. The default visibility of a component is PRIVATE. A PRIVATE component of a class can be accessed in all methods of that class. A PROTECTED method METH that id defined in a class SUPER can be overwritten (redefined) in an inherited class SUB. All components of inherited classes are PUBLIC.
SAP ListViewer commonly known as the ALV, is a powerful tool for displaying data. Among the various ALV types, the ALV Grid Control is used displaying non-hierarchical table data. The ALV Grid Control can be integrated into a list, a SELECTION-SCREEN, and a CLASSICAL-SCREEN (dynpro). By default, a column header will be taken from the data element which is used for specifying the type of the column. When a report with an ALV Grid Control is execute in background processing, the program will terminate abnormally since controls cannot be addressed. The ALV display is automatically refreshed when the data in the database tale is changed.
You want a subroutine U to have a formal parameter P that is used to return a value. Which of the following definitions of U would you use to ensure that the value is passed back to the calling program only if the processing of U ends normally and is not terminated with a MESSAGE statement FORM U USING P. FORM U CHANGING P. FORM U USING P. LOCAL P. FORM U CHANGING VALUE(P) FORM U USING VALUE(p).
You can use the DIALOG_MODE parameter to specify whether the action is generally run in the background or whether it only runs in the background until an error occurs, or whether the changes are generally carried out in dialog mode. Possible values: ‘0’ indicates The changes are generally processed in the background. If an error occurs (with an E or Amessage) the entire step is terminated and the module returns the corresponding error message in the 'RETURN' structure. The changes are processed in the background. If an error occurs, the system switches to dialog mode so that the user can correct the entries. The changes are processed in dialog mode. None of the above.
Which of the following statements about indexes are correct. The primary index consists of the key fields of the database table. An index can be assigned to several database tables. A database table can have more than one index. Using an index speeds up data selection from a table.
Which of the following statements apply to the SAP Grid Control. Can only be implemented in module pool. Can only display single-line lists. Cannot print data. Provides standard functions such as sorting. Can only display structure from the Dictionary.
Which of the following part of SAP Business Suite is correct. SAP Desing Byone SAP Desing All Product life cycle management ERP CRM.
Which size of the integer. 8 bytes 6 bytes 4 bytes Assign as you declare the value.
There are two classes CL_SUPER and CL_SUB. Class CL_SUPER has method say SUPER_METHOD and CL_SUB has a method SUB_METHOD. DATA: GO_SUPER type ref to CL_SUPER, GO_SUB type ref to CL_SUB. GO_SUPER -> SUPER_METHOD. GO_SUPER -> SUB_METHOD. GO_SUB -> SUB_METHOD. GO_SUB -> SUPER_METHOD.
What you can do in class builder. Local class and Local interface from your local program. Redefine classes and interface When you can define global class, you can use in F8 function. Using the Class-Builder, a local class can be converted into a global class. A Local class can be copied using the Class-Builder the copy is then a global class. You can use the Refactoring Assistant to move methods to a different class within an inheritance hierarchy.
What are the components of ABAP Workbench. Function builder. Class builder. Screen painter. Class navigator. ABAP Dictionary. ABAP Editor. Menu painter.
In a table, when buffering settings are switched on and buffering style is single. What would be the option. SELECT SINGLE... SELECT SINGLE... UPDATE SELECT... LOOP SELECT... ENDSELECT.
There are basically three types of SELECT statements. SELECT SINGLE, SELECT… ENDSELECT, SELECT…INTO TABLE.. The SELECT…ENDSELECT statement is also know as the SELECT loop. A work area (structure) is required for the selected rows. This work area can be given explicitly (with INTO) or implicitly (if a TABLES declaration). The database will transport individual rows to the database interface. The database will transport blocks of rows to the database interface. The system field sy-tabix counts the number of selected table rows.
ABAP statements require an explicit end, like SELECT loops, FORM definitions, or IF clauses. Which the following ABAP statements can be NESTED. One inner SELECT… ENDSELECT in an outer SELECT… ENDSELECT. One inner FORM… ENDFORM in an outer FORM… ENDFORM. One inner CASE… ENDCASE in an outer CASE… ENDCASE. One inner CLASS… ENDCLASS in an outer CLASS… ENDCLASS. One inner LOOP... ENDLOOP in an outer LOOP... ENDLOOP. One inner FUNCTION... ENDFUNCTION in an outer FUNCTION... ENDFUNCTION.
Which of the following statements about the SELECT statement are correct. With SELECT SINGLE access, the result is one data record maximum. The SELECT statement supports the return code (SY-SUBRC). With SELECT… ENDSELECT access, the result is one data record maximum. The SELECT statement always reads the data into SAP memory first. With SELECT… INTO TABLE access, the result is one data record maximum.
Which the basic objects for defining data in the ABAP Dictionary are. Database Table View Data Type Data Element Structure Table Type Domains Search Help Lock Object Foreing Keys.
Which the aggregate objects for defining data in the ABAP Dictionary are. View Database Table Data Type Data Element Structure Table Type Domains Search Help Lock Object Foreing Keys.
What is defined in ABAP Dictionary Type tools Transparent table Domains Internal tables Methods.
Different type categories exist in the ABAP Dictionary are Table Types Structure Field Type Data Element.
Which of the SE11 ABAP Dictionary Database table View Data type Group type Domains Search help Lock object.
What are the main functions of the data dictionary. To insulate the ABAP/4 developer from the database. To provide the security at the application level. To connect to the operating system. To support the creation and management of metadata.
Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field. Data element documentation. Domain short text. Search help. Domain help values.
Which of the following Dictionary Objects gets stored as a Runtime Object. Tables. All of the answer are correct. Structure. Data element. Table types.
What must be assigned to search help parameters. data element. domain. values. nothing.
What are the parameters of functional method. Importing Exporting Changing Returning Transporting.
What appears in the standard header of list. Page number. User. Program title. Date. Underline.
How can you debug the program. Place /h in command field. Execute -> Debug. Set break-point and execute. Set watch-point in the ABAP editor window. Place /d in command field.
What can be done using watchpoint. The contents of internal table can be changed. Change the components of the structures. Change the content of constans. Change the value to the INPUT structure in interface.
There is a local type variable defined gty_1. Which possible definition is allowed on ABAP statement. DATA var LIKE gty_1. DATA var TYPE gty_1 VALUE '1'. CONSTANT var TYPE gty_1. DATA var TYPE gty_1 DEFAULT 1.
How can you define an internal table using structure of the transparent table. DATA gt_itab TYPE <transparent table>. DATA gt_itab LINE TYPE OF <transparent table>. DATA gt_itab LIKE LINE OF <transparent table>. DATA gt_itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF <transparent table>. DATA gt_itab TYPE TABLE OF <transparent table>.
Parameters for table type. Line type Access type Primary key Buffering settings Type data Size.
Role of Database Interface. Converts open SQL statements to the underlying suitable native SQL. SAP Buffering Application independent program Syntax check of “native” SQL commands. Data consistency check with respect to foreign key relationship.
What is the result of the following code. DO 5 TIMES. IF sy-index EQ 2. CONTINUE. ENDIF. WRITE sy-index. ENDDO. 1345 2 12345.
When you create a screen, you must. Set the general screen attributes (on the attibute screen). Design the screen layout (in the layout editor). Set the field attributes (in the field list). Write the flow logic (in the flow logic editor). Set the field attributes (in the flow logic editor). Create screen (in the Abap PAI/PBO editor).
Which of the following statement about Screen attributes is correct. Each screen has a set of administration attributes that specify ist type, size, and the subsequent screen. It also has settings that influence other properties of the screen and of its components. Screen number greater than 9000 are reserved for SAP system customers. Screen numbers 1000 through 1010 are reserved for the maintenance screens of ABAP Dictionary tables and the standard selection screens of executable programs. Screen number greater than 9000 are reserved for SAP system customers and screen numbers lowest to 1000 through are reserved for the maintenance screens of ABAP Dictionary tables and the standard selection screens of executable programs. The screen type identifies the purpose of the screen. Certain other special attributes of a screen and its components depend on this attributes. The flow logic in the PAI run after to check the database table to prepare data to neccesary for display screen, and before PBO receive data to display in the screen.
Where the next statements about Dialog Programs is correct. When the program start, the system loads its program context and prepare memory space for the program data objects. The selection screen is displayed. In a processing block, the program reads data from the database. To do so, it passes information about the data requested by the user to the database. The database fills a structure with the required data record. The processing logic then calls a screen. This triggers a processing block belonging to the screen called Process Before Output (PBO). Once the PBO has been processed, the data is transferred to a structure that serves as an interface to the screen. It is then transferred to the screen and displayed. The ABAP runtime system check all logic to the PAI and PBO to process screen, when the user action request a sy-uccom this applicate interaction to the Database data and export data.
Which of the following statement of LUW is correct. Logical Unit of Work An SAP LUW consist of changes in SAP R/3 that logically belong together. These changes are either carried out in full or they are not carried out at all ("all or nothing" principle). In general, a business transaction is not processed by a single SAP LUW. The entire process from receipt of a customer order to the issue of an invoice, example, split into individual, logic parts. A SAP LUW work process in one unit to area control for the block proccessing as one COMMIT WORK to save directly database for efficient the system.
What can we get usign Code inspector. Possible to get to know the time for program execution. Database tables uses. Variables not used. Sintax of code, Pragmas application in the statements.
Which of the following assesment for INHERITANCE is correct. Inheritance defines the implementation relationship between classes. One class (the subclass) adopts the structure and behavior of another class (superclass), possibly also adapting or extending it. Inheritance is to possibility to expand methods to the subclass. Inheritance re-use to methods of the superclass for adapt a new logics to functionality to program.
Which of the following assesment for POLYMORPHISM is correct. Polymorphism is when instances of different classes respond differently to the same messages. Polymorphism is when methods of different classes respond differently to the same messages. Polymorphism heredate to function logic methods and replace all logic in the superclass.
A customer is doing changes in SAP Standard source code. Customizing Modification Enhancement Correction.
How are Dialog step processed work process in the application layer. A dialog work process is assigned till the end of each SAP LUW. Usually, each dialog step is assigned to different work processes. Diferrent steps in different application servers.
When a user using a update function module for updating the database and has realized that all previous work should be undone to get back database to previous state. Rollback Commit work Exit Message E type.
After a READ LINE on a list, what happens to the HIDE. Nothing, the remains in the hidden area. The hide area is restored to shared memory. The hide is not available to the program. It is transferred back to the fields defined in the program.
Which of the following are controllers of Web Dynpro component. Custom controller. Window controller. View controller. Instance controller. User controller.
Suppose you are copying a subclass reference to a reference variable that is typed to the superclass (narrowing cast). What components can you access with this reference variable. Redefined components of the superclass. Newly defined components of the subclass. Inherited components of the superclass. Redefined components of the subclass.
Assume that reference variable typed on a superclass contains a subclass reference ans you copy this to a reference variable that is typed on the class (widening cast). Which of the following components can you access with this reference variable. Redefined components of the superclass. Newly defined components of the subclass. Inherited components of the superclass. Redefined components of the subclass.
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