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AS500 2025

Mohamed Saleh
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Creation Date: 15/01/2025

Category: Science

Number of questions: 95
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The reason for taking a statistics course is that numerical data is everywhere the knowledge of statistical methods will help you understand how decisions are made statistical techniques are used to make decisions that affect our daily lives All the above.
Statistics is the science concerned with designing data collection methods and classifying the data various techniques for summarizing and organizing the data displaying and analyzing the data in order to obtain statistical indicators and information necessary for making appropriate decisions All the above.
The statistical science is descriptive statistics inferential statistics. The statistical analysis All the above.
The descriptive statistics is the methods of Organizing data. Summarizing data Presenting data in an informative way. All the above.
The statistical inference is finding the characteristics about a population (mean, Proportion) from a sample taken from that population Computing central tendency measures Computing percentiles All the above.
The average score of Ahmed is 85 and the average score of Hussein is 75 is An inferential statistic Descriptive statistics Dispersion measures. None of the above.
Ahmed is a better student than Hussein. On the next test, Ahmed is likely to get a higher score than Hussain is An inferential statistic Descriptive statistics Dispersion measures. None of the above.
The difference between the average score of Ahmed and the average score of Hussein is 10 degrees is An inferential statistic Descriptive statistics Dispersion measures None of the above.
Population is the total set of the elements under study the total set of the elements under interest it is usually the goal of the statistical study all the above.
Quantitative Data is that can be summed up in several descriptive aspects it is not possible to perform mathematical calculations such as addition and subtraction can be obtained in the form of numbers and are subject to arrangement and can be made calculations and statistics on it. None of the above.
Qualitative Data is that can be summed up in several descriptive aspects can be calculated the percentage of the aspects. Can be made bar chart all the above.
Gender is example on ordinal variable Nominal variable Discrete variable Continuous variable .
Nationality is example on ordinal variable Nominal variable Discrete variable Continuous variable.
The number of daily car accidents in Alexandria is example on ordinal variable Nominal variable Discrete variable Continuous variable.
The weight of the person has nominal level Ordinal level Interval level Ratio level.
The number of family members is continuous data ordinal data Nominal data Discrete data.
Binary data is the data obtained from a population that follows the normal distribution Bernoulli distribution Poisson distribution Gamma distribution .
The income of the head of the family (with dollar) has nominal level Ordinal level Interval level Ratio level.
Temperature degree has nominal level Ordinal level Interval level Ratio level.
Sample Survey is A method that means measuring the characteristics of a sample only from the population elements in order to generalize the results of the sample study to the population as a whole. A method That means measuring the characteristics of all the elements of the population under study Pilot study None of the above.
Blood pressure is Quantitative variable Poisson variable Binary variable Nominal variable.
If the aim of the study is to know the opinions of Cairo University students on the GATT agreement, then the comprehensive survey method means studying the opinions of a sample only from the population Students all students registered in Cairo University without neglecting the opinion of any student Pilot sample from the population Students Otherwise.
Random sampling means that: Collecting data from a limited population Each item has chance to choose The choice of any item in the sample does affect the probability of choosing any other item in the population Each item has the same chance to choose.
Simple random sampling means that Each item has the same chance to choose It is required to use this method that all items be homogeneous or similar The sample is chosen in a way that gives each individual in the population an equal chance to appear in the sample All the above.
We can select the simple random sample using lottery method Tables of random numbers Use of computer programs (for example Minitab) All the above.
In the Stratified Random Sampling , we see that It is considered one of the most used methods We can divide the population into sub-groups that are not overlapping as Strata We can divide the population into internally homogeneous groups All the above.
The number of accidents caused by rain is example on Poisson data Binomial data Normal data Nominal data.
Assume that 5 patients entered the hospital for intensive care. If we care about the number of patients who have been cured, the data will be as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, these data is followed Count data Quantitative data Discrete variable All the above.
The unit produced, non-defective or defective, represents binary data nominal data Qualitative data All the above.
When conducting a study to find out the cultural level of students consisting of 800 students, 300 of whom are female and 500 males, we wanted to choose a stratified sample of 80, then the sample size of males is 30 80 50 300.
Suppose that the government hospitals in Greater Cairo have 10,000 nurses, and we want to draw a random sample representative of the population, the required sample size is 300 150 400 220.
Continuous data takes values that separate values subject to the principle of counting subject to the principle of measurement has nominal level.
Discrete data takes values that separate values subject to the principle of counting Can be plotted by bar chart all the above.
The Questionnaire is a tool for the survey Collecting data Studying the relationship between variables All the above.
The data collected using the Questionnaire online is raw data Can be coded Can be processed All the above.
The daily number of surgeries is Count variable Quantitative variable Discrete variable All the above.
In the Stratified Random Sampling, we see that It is considered one of the most used methods We can divide the population into sub-groups that are not overlapping as Strata We can divide the population into internally homogeneous groups All the above.
If the study aims to test the presence of the disease in all the people this is called Sample survey Complete survey Pilot Sampling None of the above.
The process of selecting a part of the statistical population to infer the characteristics of the entire population by generalizing the results of the sample is called Sample Population Sampling Frame.
Judgment Sample is a sample whose elements is chosen based on personal criteria determined by the researcher it is not possible to use statistical methods to generalize their results to the population it does not lead to a representative sample of the characteristics of the population All the above.
The online questionnaire is The tool of collecting data The method of simple random sampling The method of stratified random sampling None of the above.
Schedule is Questionnaire Frame Sampling method The method in which the researcher will fill out this list using either the interview method or the observation and viewing method.
The questions in the questionnaire are Double-answer questions Multiple-answer questions Free, open-ended questions All the above.
Pilot Sample is Exploratory sample The researcher can discover, correct or clarify some of the wrong questions after making the necessary adjustment. No size is required All the above.
We have three hospitals (government hospital, private hospital and University Hospital) contain (250, 150, 100) nurses respectively. If we want to select a sample of size 200 from all hospital then The sample size from the government hospital is 40 60 100 50.
We have three hospitals (government hospital, private hospital and University Hospital) contain (250, 150, 100) nurses respectively. If we want to select a sample of size 200 from all hospital then The sample size from the private hospital is 40 60 100 50.
We have three hospitals (government hospital, private hospital and University Hospital) contain (250, 150, 100) nurses respectively. If we want to select a sample of size 200 from all hospital then The sample size from the University hospital is 40 60 100 50.
When determine the sample size we find that The relation between sample size and the allowable error rate is negative The relation between sample size and the standard score corresponding to the confidence level is positive The ratio of the property may be obtain from pilot sample All the above.
when designing the questionnaire Questions must be short and simple with one concept In the case of questions with double or multiple answers, it is preferable to include all possible answers so that the respondent is asked to choose one of them Clarify some definitions and units used in the measurement All the above.
Methods of data collection by survey method are Personal contact or Contact the phone Using mail Using the Internet On Line All the above.
A researcher wants to choose a systematic random sample 1 in 10 of Egypt Bank customers, if he knows that the sample size is n = 50 and the number of customers for that day is 500, if we choose a random number from 1 to 10, let it be 4 then the fourth customer is number 24 14 34 44.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The mean of the Blood Pressure is 73 73.5 73.3 73.9.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The first quartile of the Blood Pressure is 66 71.4 73 84.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The median of the Blood Pressure is 66 71.4 73 84.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The third quartile of the Blood Pressure is 66 71.4 73 84.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The first decile of the Blood Pressure is 51 70 87.2 92 .
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The last decile of the Blood Pressure is 51 70 87.2 92.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The first quantile of the Blood Pressure is 60 84 66 96.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The last quantile of the Blood Pressure is 51 70 87.2 92.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The interquartile range of the Blood Pressure is 15 16 18 20.
The following data is the Blood Pressure of 30 patient 30 40 50 60 64 66 66 66 70 70 70 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 76 80 80 82 84 84 88 90 92 92 94 96 The range of the Blood Pressure is 60 84 66 96.
The name of the chart is Histogram pie chart Bar chart none of the above.
The curve of the data is skewed to the left skewed to the right symmetric none of the above.
The chart used for nominal data ordinal data quantitative data none of the above.
The Pregnancies data has normal curve and the median is equal 3.9 then the mean is equal 3.5 3.8 3.9 4.
Mesokurtic distribution is that are moderate in breadth and curves with a medium peaked height More values in the distribution tails and more values close to the mean Fewer values in the tails and fewer values close to the mean None of the above .
Leptokurtic distribution is that are moderate in breadth and curves with a medium peaked height More values in the distribution tails and more values close to the mean Fewer values in the tails and fewer values close to the mean None of the above .
Platykurtic distribution is that are moderate in breadth and curves with a medium peaked height More values in the distribution tails and more values close to the mean Fewer values in the tails and fewer values close to the mean None of the above .
The best Measure of Central Tendency for homogeneity data is Mean Median Mode None of the above .
68% from the normal data lie between ( µ-σ and µ+σ) ( µ-9σ and µ+9σ) ( µ-3σ and µ+3σ) None of the above .
The mode is Easy to find mathematically or graphically It is not affected by outliers Used for qualitative data (nominal - ordinal) All the above.
99% from the normal data lie between (µ-3σ and µ+3σ) (µ-2σ and µ+2σ) (µ-σ and µ+σ) None of the above.
The best Measure of Central Tendency for qualitative data is Mean Median Mode None of the above.
The measure of central tendency is a measure of the determination the center of the available data used to describe and analyze data used to infer about the characteristics of the population using the characteristics of the sample All the above.
The median is Easy to understand and recognizable ordinal data Always available for any quantitative data Not much affected by outliers All the above.
The mode is It is not affected by outliers Its value depends on the individual in terms of size or frequency Used for qualitative data (nominal - ordinal) All the above .
From the Advantages of the mean is All quantitative data have an arithmetic mean All values are included in the arithmetic mean The sum of the deviations of the values from the arithmetic mean is zero All the above.
The Age data has skewness clos to zero then the data is normal Positive Skewness Negative Skewness Leptokurtic.
The Blood Pressure data has negative skewness then Mean = median = mode Mean >median > mode Mean < median <mode None of the above.
If we have a set of observations whose distribution is close to the normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a variance of 225 then Percentage of the observations between 85 and 115 68% 95% 99% 5% .
The Blood Pressure data has mean 100 and variance 400 then the z-score for The Blood Pressure 105 is equal 0.35 0.25 0.30 0.4 .
If the final exam in a course is given a weight equivalent to four times the oral exams, and if a student gets 80 in the final exam and in the oral exams a score of 75 and 85, then his average grade is: 85 80 90 75.
The grades of one of the students in three courses in one semester are 60, 75, 80 and the credit hours are 2,3,4, respectively. The weighted arithmetic mean of the student's grades is equal to 74.88 72.88 73.88 75.88 .
If we want to compare the dispersion of two or more groups measured by the same units of measurements, we use coefficient of variation standard deviation variance none of the above.
If we want to compare the dispersion of two or more groups measured by different units of measurements, we use coefficient of variation standard deviation variance none of the above .
Let we have the sample standard deviation and the sample mean are qual (50, 200) respectively then the coefficient of variation is 5 10 25 30.
In a random sample of 1000 nurses, it was found that the salary in the month for the nurse is 4400 pounds, with a standard deviation of 250 pounds. Suppose the salary distribution curve is similar to the normal curve, then the number of nurses that have salary between 4150 pounds and 4650 pounds is 950 680 95% 68%.
Suppose we have two test scores for a university student in the College of nurse , where he obtained a score of 90 in the statistics and 90 in the computer , knowing that, the mean and standard deviation of all students in statistics are (90, 10) , While the mean and standard deviation of all students in computer are (95, 5) , then the level of the student is best in statistics best in computer best in statistics and computer none of the above.
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The 10th percentile is called First quartile First quantile first decile none of the above.
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The 20th percentile is called First quartile First quantile first decile none of the above .
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The 25th percentile is called First quartile First quantile first decile none of the above.
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The position of the 50th percentile is 45.75 18.3 30.5 54.9.
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The position of the 30th percentile is 45.75 18.3 30.5 54.9 .
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The position of the 90th percentile is 45.75 18.3 30.5 54.9 .
If the sample size of patients 60 and obtain the Glucose The position of the 75th percentile is 45.75 18.3 54.9 30.5.
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