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Class D Knowledge Practice Mode Description: Class D Knowledge Practice Mode Author:
Creation Date: 11/02/2024 Category: Driving Test Number of questions: 40 |
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1. Which of the following statements is true about wearing safety belts? Pregnant women should not wear the lap belt because they may be seriously injured by it in a crash. In vehicles with an automatic shoulder belt, it is not necessary to wear the lap belt. Your chances of being killed or injured are greater if you DO NOT wear a safety belt. Children under four may use adult safety belts if they weigh over 45 pounds. 2. Safety benefits of diverging diamond interchanges include: Fewer conflict points. Wrong way entry to ramps is easier. Limited sight distance at turns. Pedestrian crossings are longer. 3. The only time you are NOT required to stop when approaching a school bus with flashing red lights on and stop arm extended is: When you approach it from the front on the opposite side of a separated roadway. When passing on the right side of the bus. When you are driving on a one-way street. When there is more than one lane of traffic traveling in some direction. 4. When you see this sign, be aware that: There is a winding road ahead. There may be objects on the road ahead. The road ahead can be slippery when wet. There are sharp left and right turns ahead. . 5. When you see this sign, you may enter to go less than one block. False True. 6. Solid white lines on a road are meant to: Encourage movement between lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction. Separate traffic moving in opposite directions. Discourage Lane changing. Not allow pedestrians to cross at that location. . 7. Texting while driving is legal while stopped at a traffic light True False. 8. While waiting to turn: Apply your brakes while making the turn. Keep your wheels straight while waiting to turn. Signal at least 50 feet before the turn. 9. Practice driving is illegal without a valid instruction permit in your possession. False True. 10. A yellow traffic light means: You should slam on your brakes. The traffic signal is changing from green to red ,Use caution proceeding through the intersection. The light is about to turn green. Get ready to proceed. You should increase the speed to ensure that you can get through the intersection before the light turns red. 11. If an emergency vehicle approaches while you are in a Roundabout: Pull onto the roundabout apron so Emergency vehicle may pass. Exit Roundabout immediately and pull over. Stop and let emergency vehicle pass. Switch lanes. 12. Carbon monoxide can render you unconscious in just. A few minutes One and a half hours Two hours One hour . 13. If a driver refuses to give a sample of blood, breath, or urine, their driving privileges will be revoked for: 3 months 12 months 6 months 1 month. 14. This emblem is shown on the rear of vehicles designed to travel less than miles per hour. 20 mph 50 mph 30 mph 10 mph. 15. This sign means: You may turn left from either traffic lane at the intersection ahead. You must turn left at the intersection ahead. To proceed straight ahead you must be in the left lane at this intersection. You may proceed straight ahead from either traffic lane at the intersection ahead. 16. When an emergency vehicle (such as a police or ambulance) is stopped on the right side of a multi-lane road: You are required to stop on the side of the road. You should maintain your lane position and speed up. You should alert other drivers by using your horn. You should safely move to the lane furthest away from the emergency vehicle. 17. This sign means: Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk ahead. Drive cautiously, a construction flag person is ahead. A school crossing flag person is ahead. Be prepared to turn left at the intersection ahead. 18. A left turn on a red light is: Allowed only when turning from a two-way street onto a one-way street. Allowed only when facing a red arrow. Never allowed in Minnesota. Allowed only when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street. 19. What does this sign mean? Only vehicles with physically disabled license plates or parking certificates may park here. Only people using wheelchairs may park in this space. If all other parking spaces are taken, you may park in this space. Any vehicle carrying a person who is physically disabled may park in this space. 20. Which of the following statements is true about infant and child car safety seats? It is not safe to hold a child in your lap while riding in a motor vehicle, even if you use a seatbelt. Children under the age of four must be properly restrained in an approved safety seat. The back seat is the safest place. All these answers are correct. 21. Parking is not allowed: A. B. C. All answers are correct. Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant. Beside a yellow painted curb. 22. This sign means: Merging traffic, drivers in the right lane must merge left. Added Lane, traffic may enter but merging is not necessary. Right lane ends, merge left. Driver in right lane must exit at the next intersection. 23. This symbol means: That you can take a certain course of action only if there is no other traffic around. You should not take a certain course of action indicated by the sign. You may disregard this sign if there is no other traffic around. D. That you must take the course of action indicated by the sign. . 24. When passing a bicyclist, the minimum distance you must keep between your vehicle and the bicycle is: 3 feet. None is required. As much space as a car. 6 feet. 25. A green road sign: Guides and informs motorists. Is a warning sign for motorists. Prohibits and commands the driver. Warns drivers in construction zones. 26. This sign means: Divided highway begins, stay to the right. The divided highway ends. Lane ends, merge right. You are entering a two-way roadway. 27. What should you do when another vehicle is trying to pass you on a two-lane roadway? Attempt to change to a different lane. Stay in your lane and do not increase your speed. Stay in your lane and increase speed slightly. Flash your brake lights. . 28. This sign means: Pedestrians in a crosswalk must wait for traffic to clear before crossing the road. A motorist must stop before the crosswalk to yield to pedestrians crossing from the right only. The pedestrian crosswalk is always marked by white lines. A motorist must stop before the crosswalk to yield to pedestrians crossing from either side. 29. According to the lane markings in this diagram, which statement is true? Neither vehicle A or B may pass. Vehicle A may pass. Vehicle B may pass. Both vehicles A and B may pass. 30. What does this sign mean? Be prepared to accelerate if a train is approaching the crossing ahead. This sign warns of a railroad crossing ahead. Slow down and look carefully for trains. This sign means that all vehicles are required to stop at the railroad crossing ahead. 31. A double solid yellow line: Separates traffic moving in the same direction. Indicates that passing is allowed. Indicates the same as a dashed yellow line. Indicates that passing is prohibited in both directions. 32. Hydroplaning: All these answers are correct. Can occur at any speed if there is enough water on the road. Is prevented by keeping your tires in good condition and reducing speeds when driving on wet roads. Means your tires have lost contact with a wet road. 33. If your vehicle starts to skid: Slam on the brakes to regain control. Accelerate hard to regain control. Steer in the direction you want to go, keeping your foot off the accelerator and brake. Use the cruise control to avoid future skids. 34. When driving through a highway work zone, you must: reduce your speed to the posted work zone speed limit. watch out for workers and equipment. follow the flag person's directions if one is present. All these answers are correct. . 35. When safe to do so, a motor vehicle driver should: Pass close to bicyclists in a bicycle lane. Drive in a bicycle lane. Not move into a bicycle lane to prepare for a turn. Move into a bicycle lane only to prepare for a turn. . 36. When driving through a highway work zone, you should: Reduce your speed and adjust lane position away from workers. Maintain Lane position. Maintain speed. Drive slowly with your 4-way flashers on. 37. When is a complete stop required? When directed to do so by a flag person at a road construction site or by a police officer. When you must yield to a pedestrian in the crosswalk When you are behind a school bus displaying flashing red lights and STOP arm. All these answers are correct. 38. If you miss your exit from a freeway: Stop on the shoulder and back-up to the exit. Stop in any lane of the freeway. Proceed to the next exit. Roll down your window and ask other drivers for help. 39. Which of the following statements is true about railroad crossings? You may drive under a gate that is being lowered. Certain buses and trucks are required to stop at all railroad crossings. Do not cross the center of the road to pass. Vehicle/train collisions almost always occur when the driver is in an unfamiliar area. Trains slow down when they approach a railroad crossing, so a car can usually make it across ahead of the train. 40. Driving in Minnesota is: A right of all U.S. Citizens. A right of all Minnesota residents. Not permitted unless you have a Minnesota Identification Card. A privilege that can be taken away if you abuse it. |
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