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computer engineering


noob saibot
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Creation Date: 29/08/2024

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 30
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Cache memory is based on the principles of temporal and spatial locality. Spatial locality refers to the high probability that the processor will access the same word in main memory again. true false.
In direct mapping, main memory is subdivided in such a way that a block of this main memory is always associated with the same cell in cache memory. true false.
If a computer needs to load data from three subsequent memory locations in relation to the current location of the read pointer, given by address 6FD, the last address accessed will be 700. true false.
This circuit can be simplified to become a circuit formed by an inverter gate, a two-input OR gate and a two-input AND gate. true false.
Regarding this digital circuit, judge the following items. If A = 1, B = 1 and C = 0, then the output S will be equal to 0. true false.
The capture effect in an FM (frequency modulation) system occurs when there are systems that modulate in FM or noise at frequencies identical or very close to the desired station. In this case, the receiver responds to the signal with the highest power and ignores the others. true false.
The following figure correctly shows the spectrum of an AM modulation in which the upper and lower bands are being transmitted, but the carrier is suppressed. true false.
The concurrent execution of multiple threads extracted from a single sequential program, defined by the compiler or the hardware, constitutes implicit multithreading. true false.
In multicore processing, the design of a superscalar processor includes register banks that are replicated so that multiple instructions can share pipeline stages. REVIEW THIS QUESTION AND ANSWER true false I DON'T KNOW DAMN IT. BEATS ME. I HAVEN'T THE FOGGIEST. WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO HOUND ME SO??!.
In the passive secondary parallel processing method, the secondary server does not always need to have access to the databases used by the primary server. TRUE false.
Among the contributions that RISC systems brought to computer architecture, compared to CISC systems, are the greater number of general-purpose registers and an emphasis on optimization in the instruction pipeline. true false.
Page tables used by virtual memory must reside in main memory to be accessible to processes, so they are not subject to paging. true false.
If a data bus has more than one CPU, one of the solutions to avoid inconsistent operations is to adopt the read–modify–write bus cycle. true false.
Multiprocessor systems establish the use of instruction controller chips so that the need for centralized or decentralized bus arbitration is eliminated. true false.
In a typical memory hierarchy, reducing the frequency at which the computer accesses memory is based on the principle that, for a short period of time, the processor works with fixed sets of memory references. true false.
In a steady-state control system, if the output signal is exactly the same as the input, the system has absolute stability. true false.
When inspecting interfaces, a heuristic evaluation can be carried out, which is characterized by defining a comfortable and productive adaptation between the human being and the product to be delivered. DUBIOUS true false.
If it is necessary to support communication between several terminals via a central computer, where users work on creating a centralized spreadsheet, in order to update the document at different speeds and intervals, it is possible to choose to purchase a statistical TDM type multiplexing system. TRUE FALSE.
Two's complement is a type of unsigned binary number representation, widely used in the architectures of modern computing devices. true false.
A real binary number is represented in floating point form in scientific notation that contains a digit 1 to the left of the point, followed by its fractional part (mantissa), multiplied by base two, raised to an exponent. true false.
The logical architecture of a database management system (DBMS) deals with how data is stored and presented to the user, while the physical architecture deals with the software components that make up a DBMS. true false.
Software development processes should include the following fundamental activities: software specification, software design and implementation, software validation, and software evolution. true false.
Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are useful for tracking and documenting how data associated with a particular process moves through a software system. true false.
The Java compiler translates programs written in Java into machine language instructions, which will be interpreted by the Java virtual machine. VERIFY true false.
Tree-like structures are primarily used to represent data with a flat relationship between their elements. reminder: A flat structure is like a simple list or table where everything is at the same level with no hierarchy. Imagine you have a list of names: Odecabode obama Souharto In this list, there are no sub-groups or levels; everyone is just listed side-by-side. There's no "parent" or "child" relationship between them—it's just a flat arrangement. TRUE FALSE.
Routing, link access, reliable delivery, error detection and correction are services that can be provided by link layer protocols. true false.
Symmetric key algorithms can be divided into stream (or continuous) ciphers and block ciphers. true false.
In Linux operating systems, the FSCK tool is used to verify and repair network communication devices. true false.
The guard filter in the block diagram, which is of the low-pass type, is also known as the antialiasing filter. true false.
Match the left column with the right column. (I) Multicore (A) Multiple pipelines operating in parallel. (II) Superpipeline (B) Out-of-order execution of instructions in a pipeline. (III) Superscalar (C) Pipelines with a large number of stages. (IV) Dynamic pipeline (D) Multiple processors sharing an address space. (V) Multiprocessors (E) Multiple processors in a single package. Select the alternative that contains the correct association. I-B, II-A, III-C, IV-E, V-D. I-C, II-A, III-B, IV-D, V-E. I-D, II-E, III-B, IV-A, V-C. I-E, II-C, III-A, IV-B, V-D. I-E, II-C, III-A, IV-D, V-B.
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