

Title of test:
computer graphics 2

just what it says

noob saibot
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Creation Date: 31/08/2024

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 10
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Regarding stereo computer vision, it is correct to state that: A) It is a sub-area that aims to recognize similar images. B) Scenes are captured from two different references to obtain a disparity map. C) The displacement between objects is evaluated to calculate the dispersion. D) Its final objective is to subdivide the images. E) One of its sub-problems consists of deconstructing the images into just one.
Performing histogram equalization of an image results in obtaining: A) Minimum enhancement of details. B) A color domain transformation. C) Greater compressibility of information. D) Lower discriminability of objects. E) Maximum variance of the histogram.
What is the name of a light source that is at an infinite distance from a scene, generating lighting similar to sunlight? A) Pontual. B) Ambient. C) Directional. D) Spot. E) Diffuse.
Considering a coordinate system in space, in a previously defined orientation, and knowing that the vectors (orthogonal to each other) corresponding to the X and Y axes are known, what is the name of the operation that is capable of producing the vector corresponding to the Z axis of this system – that is, perpendicular to the other two? A) Scalar product. B) Vector product. C) Normalization. D) Translation. E) Projection.
Regarding the UDP protocol, we can state that it: hint: remember that udp uses a checksum in its header A) Is connection-oriented. B) Performs flow control. C) Performs retransmission after receiving an incorrect datagram. D) Delivers messages in order. E) Detects end-to-end errors.
The ______________ coding strategy is to decompose a monochrome or colored image into several binary images. Each of these binary images is compressed using binary compression methods. Select the alternative that correctly fills in the gap in the excerpt above. HINT: decompose into several BINARY images. BINARY - BIT - BINARY - BIT ..... A) arithmetic B) Golomb C) Huffman D) wavelet E) bit plane.
Regarding image restoration, analyze the following assertions: I. Image restoration techniques seek to recover a corrupted image based on prior knowledge of the degradation phenomenon and the application of the inverse process. II. In interactive restoration, the observer, by “tuning” the available parameters, can obtain a final result suitable for a specific purpose. III. The total knowledge about human visual perception made it possible to formulate the image restoration problem, considering the observer’s preferences and capabilities. IV. When used for restoration, geometric transformations normally modify the spatial relationships between image pixels. V. Contrast enhancement and blur removal are restoration techniques performed by applying a “deblurring” function. Which are correct? A) Only I. B) Only III. C) Only II and V. D) Only I, II and IV. E) I, II, III, IV and V.
What is the toning model that performs the interpolation of normal vectors on a surface, producing a more realistic result of the highlights of the surface? remember: although both phong and gourard are characterised by interpolation, phong tends to be more realistic.. A) Gouraud toning. B) Phong toning. C) Constant toning. D) Linear toning. E) Gamma-corrected toning.
Considering the techniques for applying textures, analyze the following assertions: I. Mapping images as texture (surface texture) is a technique that uses a 2D coordinate system. II. The technique called procedural texture avoids the expense of storing very large textures in memory. III. Bump mapping is a technique that is based on the disturbance of color in the vertices of a surface. Which are correct? hint.: bump mapping does disturb. SURFACE NORMALS, and not colour A) Only I. B) Only III. C) Only I and II. D) Only II and III. E) I, II and III.
Regarding the layers and their functions, analyze the following assertions, marking V, if true, or F, if false. ( ) Routers need to implement up to the network layer to perform their function, because packet forwarding requires knowledge of headers from this layer. ( ) The TCP/IP architecture performs the congestion control function at the transport layer. ( ) Media access control is a function of the network layer. ( ) The transport layer is essential to hide details of the physical transmission media from the session layer. The correct order for filling in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is: HINT: TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that addresses numerous reliability issues in providing a reliable byte stream: data arrives in-order data has minimal error (i.e., correctness) duplicate data is discarded lost or discarded packets are resent includes traffic congestion control V – F – F – V. V – V – F – F. V – F – V – F. F – V – F – V F – F – V – V.
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