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Example CT7


Peter Parker
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Creation Date: 22/11/2015

Category: Literature

Number of questions: 79
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You want to move a transport request from the development system to the subsequent system. Which of the following are prerequisites for this? The transport request must be released. All tasks of the transport request must be assigned to the same user. All objects included in the transport request must be activated. The extended program check must show no warnings.
In an ABAP Program you have the following code sequence: DATA text TYPE string. DATA text_ref TYPE REF TO string. DATA data_ref TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> TYPE any. Text = ‘Content of data object’. GET REFERENCE OF text INTO data_ref . Which of the following pieces of code can you use to output the content of the variable text? ASSIGN data_ref->* TO <fs>. WRITE <fs>. GET REFERENCE OF data_ref->* INTO text_ref. WRITE text_ref->*. Text_ref ?= data_ref. WRITE text_ref->*. WRITE data_ref->*.
In an ABAP program you have the following code sequence: DATA var TYPE n LENGTH 1. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> TYPE c. ASSIGN var TO <fs> CASTING. Which type is used to cast the assigned memory area? The type of <fs> The type of var The default type I The default type STRING.
Which type of transport task is used when you modify SAP standard objects? Workbench Transport of copies Development/Correction Repair.
Which of the following ABAP code lines is valid? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. CONSTANTS gc_matnr TYPE matnr VALUE ‘100’. SELECT-OPTIONS s_matnr TYPE matnr DEFAULT ‘100’. STATICS s_matnr TYPE matnr VALUE ‘100’. DATA gc_matnr TYPE matnr DEFAULT ‘100’. PARAMETERS p_matnr TYPE matnr DEFAULT ‘100’.
Before you can add programming logic to your ABAP program that checks authorizations, which of the following do you have to create? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. An authorization profile An authorization field An authorization object An authorization role.
When would you call the RFC function module synchronously? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. During unidirectional communication During queue processing During two-way communication During interactive communication.
You display the content of an internal table using an ALV grid control. The content of the internal table changes during the program. Which CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class method can you use to display the changed content? REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY in module PAI REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY in module PBO SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY in module PBO SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY in module PAI.
You want to develop a validation for a selection screen field. If a wrong value is entered into the field an error message should be displayed and the focus should move to the field. Which event do you use to achieve this? INITIALIZATION END-OF-SELECTION AT SELECTION-SCREEN START-OF-SELECTION.
Wich of the following includes are generated when you create a function group? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. LxxxxO01 LxxxxTOP LxxxxF01 LxxxxUXX.
How can you add a session breakpoint to your program? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Set a breakpoint in the ABAP debugger and select Save Execute command /h Set a break point in the ABAP editor Set a breakpoint in the ABAP debugger and press F8.
You define a generic variable that can hold the ABAP types C, D, N, STRING and T. You want to restrict the use of other ABAP types. Which generic data type must you use in the definition? SIMPLE CSEQUENCE CLIKE DATA.
Which of the following actions can be performed in the Process After Input (PAI) processing block? Modify screen attributes dynamically. (no, se hace en el PBO) Check the function code. Set the GUI status of the screen. Set the title bar.
Using the screen system table, what can you modify through a LOOP AT SCREEN… ENDLOOP construct? Attributes of screen elements. Screen status. Values of screen elements. Function codes of buttons.
Which statement ends a screen sequence and starts from the initial screen? LEAVE SCREEN SET SCREEN 0 CALL SCREEN LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
Which of the following function types in a GUI status are reserved for internal use? Note: there are 2 correct answer to this question. T – Transaction H – Help request S – System E – Exit.
When is a foreign key check performed on an input/output field? If the field refers to a dictionary field for which a value help is defined. If the field refers to a dictionary field for which a check table is defined. If the field refers to a dictionary field for which a search help is defined. If the field refers to a dictionary field for which an append search is defined.
Which ABAP statement can make an element visible that you statically defined as invisible? SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 1. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 0. SCREEN-ACTIVE = 1. SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0.
In an ABAP program, you want to assign an initial value to an elementary data object when you define it. Which addition must you use? VALUE OBLIGATORY DEFAULT READ-ONLY.
You want to define a formal parameter to a subroutine that accepts only internal tables of type standard and type sorted as actual parameters. Which of the following generic ABAP types must you use? Index table Sorted table Hashed table Standard table.
Which of the following ABAP statements throws an error at the syntax check? DATA variable(5) TYPE n. DATA variable(5) TYPE p. DATA variable. DATA variable(5) TYPE t.
Which of the following ABAP standard types are incomplete? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. STRING X F N.
Which of the following structures is created when you use a table type to define one of its components? Flat structure Append structure Deep structure Nested structure.
You created the following ABAP code: DATA x TYPE REF TO DATA. DATA y TYPE REF TO OBJECT. ASSIGN x TO <fs>. ASSIGN y TO <fs>. You want to add a declaration of <fs> to the code. Which of the following declarations are valid? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> TYPE ANY. FIELD-SIMBOLS <fs>. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> TYPE REF TO DATA. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> TYPE REF TO ANY.
Which view types can you use to join two tables with an outer join? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Database view Maintenance view Projection view Help view.
Which of the following can you define in the technical settings of a transparent table? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. Data class Delivery class Buffering type Table name Size category.
You want to create a transparent table in the ABAP dictionary. When is the table physically created in the database? When you run the database utility transaction (SE14) When you save the table When you insert the table name and select Create When you activate the table.
You want to add a field ZZPRICE to the SAP standard transparent table EKKO. Which of the following actions result in an enhancement of the SAP standard? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Create an append structure and add ZZPRICE to it Insert ZZPRICE at the end of the table Add ZZPRICE to the Customizing include for the table Insert ZZPRICE into an SAP structure for the table.
A structure has enhancement category 3: Can be enhanced (character -type). Which set of elementary types is allowed for the new fields? C, D, N, X D, I, STRING, T F, I, P, X C, D, N, T.
Which of the following transactions can you use to define transparent tables? SE11 SE16N SM37 SE38.
You want to create a transparent table. Which of the following must you define to activate the table? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. A delivery class The MANDT field A short description The primary key A foreign key.
Which action on the underlying dictionary object triggers a database table conversion? Inserting an append structure Reducing the size of a field Changing the order of non-key fields Inserting a field of type reference.
You want to add a field of type CURR to a transparent table. What else you must do? Add a key field of type CUKY Add a check table that contains a field of type CUKY Create a new field CUKY as a predefined type Create a reference to a field of type CUKY.
For which f the following purposes can you use the ABAP dictionary? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. To activate logging for transparent tables To maintain program translations To create lock objects To create development classes.
Which of the following customer modification options are available in the table maintenance generator? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Maintenance screens Append searches Search helps Events.
How can you find customer exists in an ABAP program? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Search for ‘CALL CUSTOMER’ in the program Search for ‘CL_EXITHANDLER’ in the program Search for customer exits in the program documentation Search for customer exits in the Repository Information System.
Which of the following is an implicit enhancement? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Private method Protected method Overwrite method Pre-method.
Which of the following characters is the first of a menu exit function code? & - + *.
Which of the following enhancements calls a customer function module? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Business Transaction Event User exit Customer exit Business Add-In (BAdI).
Which of the following must you do to be able to use a Business Add-In (BAdI)? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Activate the enhancement project. Write code for methods Modify the adapter class Create the BAdI implementation.
Which of the following can you use to enhance SAP standard tables and structures with fields? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Append structures Append search helps Field exits Customizing includes.
When does SAP recommend that you use a hashed table? When a table is very large ans you want to access the table by index only When a table must to be sorted automatically by key in ascending order When a table is very large and you want to access the table by key only When a table must be accessible by both index and key.
How can you define an internal table in private method of a class? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. DATA lt_itab TYPE <Dictionary Table >. DATA lt_itab TYPE < Table Type >. DATA lt_itab TYPE TABLE OF < Structure Type >. DATA lt_itab TYPE TABLE OF < Dictionary Table >. DATA lt_tab TYPE TABLE OF < Dictionary Table > WITH HEADER LINE.
Which of the following are valid control level changes within a loop over an internal table? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. SUM LAST COLLECT END of <f>.
Which of the following are fully-specified internal table types? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Any Index Standard Hashed.
To which of the following must you assign newly created SAP repository objects? Transport request Function group Package Transport task.
Which of the following capabilities is provided by the Application Platform layer of SAP NetWeaver? Database and operating system abstraction Business process management Master data management Multi-channel access.
You are writing a function module that will be called from external systems via remote function call (RFC). How do you report an error back to the external caller? Write the error data into a RECEIVING parameter that is passed by value. Write the error data into a TABLES parameter that is passed by reference. Write the error data into an EXPORTING parameter that is passed by reference. Write the error data into a CHANGING parameter that is passed by value.
Which task does the dispatcher perform? Administrates the lock table in the shared memory Executes programs that run without user interaction Distributes requests to the work process Verifies the correctness of ABAP programs.
You used Unified Modeling Language (UML) to design your classes. You want to describe the message exchange between objects. Which diagram type can you use? Component diagram Class diagram Object diagram Sequence diagram.
In a subclass you want to redefine a method of the superclass. Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. The subclass method has a lower visibility than the superclass method. The subclass method has same visibility as the superclass method. The superclass method is abstract. The superclass method is an instance method.
You add the CREATE PROTECTED addition to a class definition. From where can you instantiate the class? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. From a parent class From the class itself From any protected class From a child class From a friend class.
How would you define a method of an ABAP class to prevent this method from being available in a subclass? Abstract Protected Private Final.
Which of the following are valid combinations of event visibility and handler method visibility? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Public event and protected handler Private event and public handler Protected event and public handler Private event and private handler.
Which of the following steps are required to setup a shared memory area? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. Declare a catalog object Set the root object Call the attach_for_write method of the area root class Enable multiple versions of an area root class Generate an area root class.
What is the predefined reference variable used in ABAP OO to address the object itself? SELF SUPER THIS ME.
DOG is a subclass of ANIMAL. You have created a variable of type ANIMAL that references an instance of the DOG class. Which of the following statements can you use to copy this reference to a new variable of type DOG? WRITE…. TO…. MOVE… ?TO… MOVE-CORRESPONDING… TO… MOVE… TO….
Table USER has the following fields: ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME. FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME have same basic type and length. You want to (…¿match?…) FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME to each other. Which of the following SELECT statements can you use? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. SELECT * FROM users INTO TABLE lt_users WHERE first_name = users-last_name. SELECT * FROM users AS a INTO TABLE lt_users WHERE a~first_name = a~last_name. SELECT * FROM users AS a INTO TABLE lt_users Where a~first_name = last_name. SELECT * FROM users INTO TABLE lt_users WHERE first_name = users~last_name.
You count all customers within the same country and city. You want to display only the cities where three or more customers exist. Which of the following SQL statements you should use? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. SELECT country city FROM customers INTO TABLE lt_customers GROUP BY country city HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3. SELECT country city cust_name FROM customers INTO TABLE lt_customers GROUP BY country city cust_name HAVING COUNT(*) GE 3. SELECT country city cust_name COUNT(*) AS number FROM customers INTO TABLE lt_customers GROUP BY country city HAVING number >= 3. SELECT country city COUNT(*) AS number FROM customers INTO TABLE lt_customers GROUP BY country city HAVING number GE 3.
When does SAP recommend that you use a full buffering type for a database table? When the Table is very small and seldom written When the table is very large and seldom written. When the table is very large and frequently written. When the table is very small and frequently written.
When are changes to the VB* tables transferred to the database? When the enqueue work process is executed When the main program is executed. When an update function module is executed. When the update work process is executed.
When of the following types of SQL statements always the SAP table buffers? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. SELECT … INNER JOIN … SELECT SUM( sales ) SELECT … UP TO 1 ROWS SELECT SINGLE. .
A transport company track of its available capacity in two tables, table VEHICLE and table TRANSPORT. To accept a new transport of a certain. A vehicle with sufficient capacity must be found in table VEHICLES. If a record is found, a new record is create in table TRANSPORT and VEHICLES. You have four modules at your disposal. · UPD_VEHI_A and UPD_VEHI_B update a matching record in table VEHICLES. If an error occurs both insure a message of type X. if no error occurs only UPD_VEHI_A and UPD_VEHI_B. · UPD_TRAN_A and UPD_TRAN_B create record in table TRANSPORT. If an error occurs both issue a message of type X, If no error occurs only UPD_TRAN_A and UPD_TRAN_B. Which of the following function module calls ensure a single logical unit of work? 1. UPD_TRAN_B 2. UPD_VEHI_B. 1. UPD_VEHI_A 2. UPD_TRAN_A. 1. UPD_ TRAN _A 2. UPD_ VEHI _B. 1. UPD_ VEHI _A 2. UPD_ TRAN _B. .
Which of the following items are used in a Web Dynpro application to transport database data to the user interface? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Supply function Inbound Plug Context node Interface controller.
You want to include an element of type ‘Table’ in your Web Dynpro. Which action adds the corresponding columns to the table automatically? Right click the table and select the ‘CREATE BINDING’ option. Include the method ‘BIND_TABLE’ of IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE. Bind the table attributes ‘DATA_SOURCE’ to the cotext node. Generate a ‘BIND_TABLE’ method using the Web Dynpro method wizard.
In which controller type can you embed a services call? Component controller Interface controller View controller Configuration controller.
You want to translate dynamic text in a web Dynpro. From which abstract class should you inherit? CL_WD_COMPONENT_SERVICES. CL_WD_COMPONENT_ASSISTANCE. CL_WD_CONTEXT_SERVICES. CL_WD_CONFIGURATION_MODEL.
What can be exposed in the component interface of a Web dynpro component? Custom method of the component controller Standard hook method of the component controller. Public attributes of WINDOW controllers Context nodes of WINDOW controllers.
The component interface of a Web Dynpro component contains three interface views. Which of the following controllers must also exist? Three component controllers. Three window controllers. One configuration controller One custom controller.
You have two Web dynpro component controllers A and B. A uses B for display functions. Which of the following describe the external context mapping between A and B? The ‘Interface Node’ property is set on context nodes of A. The ‘Interface Node’ property is set on context nodes of B. The mapping origin is defined on the context node of A. The mapping target is defined on the context node of A. .
Which controller types can exist within a Web Dynpro component? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. Windows controller User controller Component controller View controller Applicationcontroller.
To which context object is the attribute LEAD_SELECTION_INDEX related? Node Element Supply function Attribute.
Which hook method exists for all controller types? wddoonopen() wddoonclose() wddoinit() wddobeforenavigation().
You are establishing the business logic layer for a Web Dynpro Component. Which service types are available in the Service Call wizard? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Function group Function module Web service proxy Class method Transactioncode.
Which of the following can you do with the ABAP debugger? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. Compare data objects. Analyze SQL traces. Analyze memory usuge. Analyze internal tables. Change source code.
Which of the following transactions are integrated in the ABAP Workbench tools? Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question. Process Overview (SM50). Overview of Job Selection (SM37). ABAP Editor (SE38). Class Builder (SE24). .
Which of the following values are replaceable in debugger mode? Variables Constants Field names Tables names.
Which of the following can you do with the SAP Code Inspector? Perform static code checks. Monitor background tasks. Analyze runtime data. Monitor runtime behavior.
Which of the following statements can you use to set up checkpoints in an ABAP program? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question. BREAK ASSERT CHECK BREAK-POINT LOG-POINT.
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