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grammars, FA and regexes Description: grammars galore Author: noob saibot Other tests from this author Creation Date: 29/08/2024 Category: Computers Number of questions: 5 |
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Considere os tipos de gramáticas para análise sintática a seguir.
I. Gramática de precedência simples.
II. Gramática LL(1).
III. Gramática de operadores.
Qual alternativa indica o método correto de análise sintática para cada uma das gramáticas apresentadas? a) I - Análise Descendente, II - Análise Descendente, III - Análise Ascendente. b) I - Análise Ascendente, II - Análise Ascendente, III - Análise Descendente. c) I - Análise Descendente, II - Análise Ascendente, III - Análise Descendente. d) I - Análise Ascendente, II - Análise Descendente, III - Análise Ascendente. e) I - Análise Ascendente, II - Análise Ascendente, III - Análise Ascendente. Based on your knowledge of Artificial Neural Networks, consider the following statements. I. The Boolean exclusive or (XOR) function can be implemented using a single-layer perceptron network. II. Artificial Neural Networks of the MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) type are capable of classifying non-linearly separable input patterns. III. Backpropagation is a supervised learning algorithm. IV. Artificial Neural Networks are suitable for automatic theorem proving. Select the correct alternative. a) Only statements I and IV are correct. b) Only statements II and III are correct. c) Only statements III and IV are correct. d) Only statements I, II and III are correct. e) Only statements I, II and IV are correct. Considering the languages L1 = {alcmbn; l ≥ 0,m ≥ 0, n ≥ 0} and L2 = {alcmbn; l ≥ 0,m ≥ 0, n = l + m} over the alphabet Σ = {a, b, c}, consider the following statements. I. L1 is a regular language. II. L2 is a regular language. III. There is a deterministic pushdown automaton that recognizes L1. IV. The language L2 can be generated by G = ({X, Y }, {a, b, c}, {X → aXb,X → Y, Y → cY b, Y → λ},X), where λ is the empty word. Select the correct alternative. a) Only statements I and II are correct. b) Only statements II and IV are correct. c) Only statements III and IV are correct. d) Only statements I, II and III are correct. e) Only statements I, III and IV are correct. The z-buffer technique uses primitive ordering to determine visible pixels. true false. In the process of synthesizing the image of a three-dimensional scene, also called the graphics pipeline, several operations are executed in sequence. The objective of these operations is to convert the geometric primitives that describe the objects in the scene at a high level, together with the specification of the synthetic camera, into a collection of pixels on the screen. Select the alternative that presents the correct sequence of these operations. a) Projection/Cutout/Rasterization/Visibility b) Cutout/Projection/Visibility/Rasterization c) Projection/Cutout/Visibility/Rasterization d) Projection/Rasterization/Cutout/Visibility e) Cutout/Projection/Rasterization/Visibility. |
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