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This is a test about learning process describing different theories


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Bloom's taxonomy of learning lists ____ types of learning goals that teachers should in principal expect from students. (Write the correct answer in numeric form in the answer box).
Behaviorism Is a perspective on learning that focuses on learning that focuses on changes in individuals' observable knowledge. True False.
Constructivism and incidental learning are two types of educational learning theories. True False.
A valance between reliance on prior information on openness to new information is known as __________ equilibrium (choose one) Emotional Cognitive Social Physical.
Which psychologist famously researched operant conditioning in laboratory rats? (choose one) B.F. Skinner Jean Piaget Jerome Brunee Lev Vygotsky.
The main idea of social constructivism is that a person learn by mentally organizing and reorganizing new information or experiences True False.
What is educational redness? (Choose one) It is how real students prepared to cope with which or profit from the activities and expectations from school None of these answers Is the IQ of students when he or she enters initial education Is the level of reading that a student has when he or she enters initial education.
What do you call the type of learning that takes place alongside the explicit learning of the curriculum? (choose one) Operant learning Chance learning Preparatory Learning Incidental Learning Examinations.
What is constructivism? (Choose one) Constructivism is a perspective on learning that focuses on how students remember their experiences Constructivism is a perspective on learning that focuses on changes individuals' observable behaviors. Constructivism is a perspective on learning that focuses on how the consequences of behavior afect the behavior over time Constructivism is a perspective on learning that focuses on how the students actively create (or construct) knowledge out of experiences.
A _______ is a concept a complaint by an elaborated mixture of vocabulary, actions and experiences related to that concept. (Choose one) Strategy Schedule Scene Schema.
In operant conditioning, What is a cue? (choose one) A cue is a stimulus that happens just prior to the operant behavior and that signals that performing the behavior my lead to reinforcement A cue is a reward that is given to the student after he or she performs a particular behavior A cue is a stimulus that happens after the operant behavior and signal that performing the behavior my lead to the renforcement.
Who described learning is interplay between two mental activities are accommodation and assimilation John Dewey Jean Piaget Jean-Claude Van Damme.
What was the reinforcement in Skinner's experiment with laboratory rats? (Choose one) The electric shock The lever The pellets of food The light in the cage.
What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Match the headings on the left Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation.
Focusing on behaviour is merely looking at one form of learning: ________ learning. (Fill in the blank).
Open and conditioning focuses on how the consequences of behavior affect the behavior over time True False.
John Dewey is a well-known educational philosopher of the early 20th century associated with behaviorism. True False.
What are the two main types of constructivism? (choose two) Incidental constructivism Social constructivism Psychological constructivism Philosophical constructivism.
Lev vygotsky called the difference between sólo performance and artistic performance the zone of proximal ________. (fill in the blank).
In relation to constructivism what is assimilation and accommodation? click and match the healings on the left Assimilation Accommodation.
Learning can be physical, social, emotional or__________. (Fill in the blank).
Constructivism and Incidental learning are two types of educational Learning theories. True False.
Learning is generally defined as a relatively__________ changes in behavior, skills, knowledge or attitudes resulting from identifiable psychological or social experiences fill in the blank.
Generalization refers to the incidental conditioning of behavior similar to an original operant operant. True False.
Extinction refers to the __________ of an operant behavior because of lack of reinforcement. (Choose one) Revision Generalization Disappearance Increase.
Which of the following is an incorrect description of metacognition? (Choose one) Metacognition is a student's ability to think about how he or she learns best. Metacognition is self-assessment and self-direction of learning by students themselves. Metacognition is a student's ability to think about how others learn best Metacognition is an ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking.
What does each learning theory below emphasize? click and match the headings on the left Behaviorism emphasizes Constructivism emphasizes.
the main idea of social constructivism is that a person learns by mentally organizing and recognizing new information or experiences. True False.
instructional is the phrase that the American psychologist Bruner used to describe the support that Learners should be given as they learn. Scaffolding Conditioning Learning Assistance.
Social constructivism focuses on the relationship and interactions between a learner and other individuals who are more knowledgeable or experienced True False.
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