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Programming ABAP reports

Programming ABAP reports

kiran Angar
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Creation Date: 03/06/2018

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 20
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The first WRITE statement in an ABAP program triggers list generation and The output is sent to a list buffer TRUE FALSE.
In classic list, The system generates two header lines TRUE FALSE.
In classic ABAP list The first header line does not contains header line description from program attributes True False.
In classic ABAP list output, The first header line contains program title page number System date Username.
In classic ABAP list output, The second header line contains program title System date Page number List header.
In a WRITE statement for data objects of type P, the decimal places determined by the definition of the data type are ignored completely, when the addition CURRENCY is used. TRUE FALSE.
According WRITE Syntax, what are valid additions from the following NO-GAP USING EDIT-MASK DATE CURRENCY NO-ZERO.
In WRITE, Choose the correct data types where LEFT-JUSTIFIED addition is default for C N D T X I P F.
In Write Statement, Choose the correct statement of NO-GAP addition Suppresses the output spaces after the field <f> Suppresses the output spaces before the field <f>.
In WRITE, Choose the correct data types where RIGHT-JUSTIFIED addition is default for C N D T X I P F.
In WRITE statement for CURRENCY <currency_key> addition, the format rules defined in which table TCURX TCURR TCURU TCURV.
In WRITE statement, edit mask is used to generate output according to formatting template. what is the correct syntax EDIT-MASK mask_format EDIT MASK mask_format USING EDIT-MASK mask_format USING EDIT MASK mask_format.
IN WRITE statement UNIT addition, formats the quantity fields according to the rules defined in which table T006 T007 T005 T004.
in WRITE syntax, what action does 'UNDER <g>' addition will perform ? Starts the output at the column in which 'g' field was output Starts the output after the column in which 'g' field was output Starts the output before the column in which 'g' field was output.
The date output from WRITE statement is not determined from user's master data settings TRUE FALSE.
Which of the following can be used to implement teh customer-defined interactive functions? SAP List Viewer(ALV) Classic ABAP List Quick Viewer.
Choiose teh reporting tools made available by SAP SAP Query InfoSet Query ALV Query Quick Viewer.
Which of the following provides the common reporting requirements, and does not needed any development efforts Standard Report SAP Query InfoSet Query.
ALV query is a standard reporting tool provided by SAP TRUE FALSE.
Path for Appropriate Standard Reports SAP Menu->Information Systems->General Report Selection Tools->Information Systems->General Report Selection Tools->ABAP Workbench->General Report Selection Easy Access->Information Systems->General Report Selection.
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