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SAP FI Certification Practice set 1

SAP FI Certification

F Khan
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Creation Date: 04/04/2013

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 24
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Correct order of Product Sales Ex-Stock PR-PO-Transport=Delivery-Billing-Dunning & Pmt Incoming Order-transport-delivery-billing-dunning&Pmt Incoming order-delivery-Transport-Invoice-Billing-Dunning & Pmt Incoming Order-Transport-Billing-Payment.
People,Information,Process & Application are the integrated parts of wich of the below notes SAP Netweaver SAP Solution Manager SAP Web AS.
Which of the below are the fields on an SAP Screen Arrows Folders input checkbx Radiobutton.
The command which ends the current transaction & start a new session that will open with the easy access screen /n with t-code /o with t-code /n without t-code /o without t-code.
In Solution Manager--Missing scenario is-Implementation,Upgrade,service desk Change request Management Devlopment System Quality Assurance System Sloution Monitoring.
How many session can you Open at a time in SAP screen.
Features of Business Blueprint Business Process Group Associated Items Global Templates Blue Print Documents Solution Management.
Benefits of SAP Solution Manager Reduced Cost of operation Reduced cost of implementation More leverage from IT Investment More reliable IT Soution Follows ITIL Standards Faster ROI Reduced ROI.
Which of the following component of SAP Netweaver would support Information in heterogeneous in IT environment MDM Integration Broker Enterprise Portal WEB AS.
Life Cycle Scenarion in SAP Solution Manager Scoping Implementation Retirement Operation Optimization.
Choose the Correct Answer in regard of Solution Manager(SM) SM is installed as a part of each of your existing Landscape SM is Standalone System the communicates with the systems on your various landscapes SM is only used for implementation of your solution SM is add on Industry solution.
Advantage of SAP SM(solution Manager) Faster Implementation Faster Issue Resolution Optimal support for Operation faster Internet access Optimal access to support.
Four main types of Roadmaps reviewed Global Template Roadmap Download Roadmap Implementation Roadmap Upgrade Roadmap Solution Management Roadmap Solution Roadmap.
Issue Management Plan,Scope Management Plan,Organisational change Management Plan are part of the project Management features of the SAP SM TRUE FALSE.
Three Main areas of Implementation Roadmaps Accelerator Area Viewing Text Area IMG ARea Roadmap Structure Attachment area.
Which is not the features of configuration Project Documentation Generate Bluprint Test Case Assignment Configure IMG Object Transport change request.
Features of Service desk Message Handling Process Managing SAP Notes SAP Help Customer solution database Solution Manager diagnostics Error Handling.
Change request management provides a central streamlines approach to managing changes in your system Landscape True False.
Which one of the following statements best defines SAP Standard Tree? The SAP standard tree displays the menu bar & standard tool bar The SAP standard tree displays the name of the function that you are currently using The SAP standard tree displays a hierarchy of the menus available to you in the SAP system The SAP standard Tree displays available icons for the application the you are currently using.
Types of the Status Message Error message Warning message Navigation message Information message.
You can access the Transaction using the following MS DOS Command Menu Path ABAP query Transaction code.
A__________________ denotes a group of selection criteria that has been saved Report Variant Reporting Tool Default Report.
Which of the following are true about list display report Executing the report displays a list of documents Double click on a line item on the report displays an individual document Launching a document from the report allows authorised users to make changes directly in the document entering a specific data range value from a document or range of documents.
Enterprise portal can ensure a central point of access to information,applications,& Services in the company True False.
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