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SAP TFIN50 Part 1 Unit 3

Document Control

Sarilan Kokok
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Creation Date: 18/08/2013

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 27
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Which of the following statements is/are correct? SAP system generates at least one document for every business transaction. Controlling information may be included in doc header. A business transaction can create one or more documents. SAP records at least one doc for every business transaction and each doc recieves a unique document number.
Which of the following statements is/are correct? In document principle, the document remains as a complete unit in the system until it is archived. Documents in SAP ERP Financials contains a doc header and b/w 2 to 999 line items. When you post documents via the AC interface, it creates items in the accounting document that are identical in almost all of the fields. You can display detailed data for the line items but not for doc header.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? Document type controls the line items whereas posting key controls the document header. The system can generate document even without an accounting document. Related documents are linked in the system so that you have an overview of every business transaction in the system. You can create a compact document journal in the system using a report that contains table of the most important data for the selected documents from the doc headers and line items.
Which of the following statements is/are correct? Document type controls the document header and it is the key to differentiate and classify business transactions. Document types are defined at company code level. Document can be original document or data processing document. Accounting documents are a representation of the original document in the SAP System. All of the above. None of the above.
What are the most important control functions of the document type? Number ranges for document numbers. Account types permitted for posting. Whether invoices are posted with the net procedure. Field status of "Document Header Text" and "Reference Number" fields in the doc header.
Document type defines the following: Number ranges for document numbers. Account types permitted for postings. Field status of "Document Header Text" and "Reference Number" fields in the doc header. Whether invoices are posted with the net procedure. Account side whether debit or credit.
Which of the following statements is/are correct? You can copy the intervals of document number ranges from one company code to another or copy the intervals from one fiscal year to the other. System saves the last document used from number range in the field "Current number". Document number range must be defined for the year in which it is used whether upto a future fiscal year (no restart) or for each fiscal year (restarts). The internal range can be year specific or year independent. You cannot use different ledgers for different fiscal year variants.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? Every company codes can define its own doc types. One number range can be assigned to several doc types. Document number range must not overlap. Every company codes cannot define its own doc number ranges. At the beginning of the new fiscal year, the system always starts the document number assignment again at the start of the number range.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? Doc type AB allows postings to all account types. In external number assignment, the system transfers the billing document number to the accounting document only if this number has not already been assigned. The payment program uses mostly the doc type ZP for its automatic postings. All of the above None of the above.
If Ledger solution is mapped in new G/L Accounting, special settings is necessary to make in Customizing: Document number ranges are stored for the general ledger view. Document number ranges are stored for the entry view. Document number ranges are not assigned to the document types for the general ledger view. Document number ranges are not assigned to the document types for the entry view.
If the Ledger solution is used in new G/L Accounting, document types for pure posting in a non-leading ledger must assigned separate number ranges. True False.
Important standard document types. Match codes properly. DR DG DZ AB KR KG KZ KN SA.
What are the most important control functions of a posting key? Definition of account types that can be posted to. Account side (debit or credit). Field status of additional account assignment. Number ranges for document numbers.
Posting key defines the following: To which type of account the line item can be posted to. If the line item is posted as debit or credit. The field status of the additional details. Whether the line item is connected to a payment transaction. Whether the posting is sales-relevant and the sales figure of the account is to be updated by the transaction. Whether invoices are posted with the net procedure.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? Posting keys are defined at client level. Field status group controls the field display during document entry. In general rule, you define the account-dependent field status for customer/vendor data whereas, you define the posting key-dependent field status for G/L accounts in Customizing. The hide field status can be combined with the required entry field status. Each G/L account has a field status group.
Standard posting keys in SAP ERP system. Match codes properly. 50 01 31 40.
Field status with highest priority also applies for fields in document as with G/L accounts, except: Entries in tax fields are only possible if the general ledger account is relevant for tax. Only activated business area fields where you can only define status as required or optional. Posting expenses where cost center and tax data are specified. Posting cash accounts where segment field is mandatory/requried.
Which of the following statements with regard to field status group is/are correct? You have to define the status of every document entry field for each group of G/L accounts. You assign field status groups to the respective G/L accounts in the G/L master records. The field status groups are summarized in only one field status variant. You cannot assign different field status variant to several company codes. If a document is posted to a subledger account, the field status group of the reconciliation account is used.
Which of the following statements is/are correct? By changing the field status definitions of posting keys and field status group, the field status can be made transaction-dependent or account-dependent. There can be numerous posting keys required for subledger accounts or G/L accounts. Subledger accounts have field status group. Postings to G/L accounts are differentiated by means of different field status group. Mandatory fields are also controlled centrally for document splitting objects whenever document splitting is used.
Which of the following statements as regards posting period is/are correct? Posting periods are defined in the fiscal year variant. System usually proposes the current date as the posting date. To prevent the documents from being posted to an incorrect posting period, you can close certain posting period. You open a posting period by entering a range in the posting period variant that encompasses this period. No more than two periods can be open at the same time. You open defined special periods for closing postings only.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? Several company codes can use the same posting period variant. For all company codes assigned, the posting periods are opened and closed simultaneously to simplify the period maintenance. In defining posting period variant, it must contain at least the account type "+" i.e., valid for all account types. Posting periods cannot be handled differently for different account types. The system checks the account type of the posting keys to ensure that the period is open for the assigned account type at the doc header level. The account range in the posting period variant consists of G/L accounts.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? Posting period variant that contains the open periods has to be maintained manually. There are three period interval for the real-time integration of Controlling in Accounting with the new G/L Accounting. All three interval can use different account type. The authorization group in the posting period variant applies only to authorization for posting in special periods. The third interval is used to control whether FI postings triggered from CO really should be able to be posted in the periods. If interval 3 is not filled, entries in intervals 1 & 2 are also valid for FI postings triggered from CO. It is not possible that a user responsible for profit center 2000 once restricted to post anymore can still post to profit center 1000.
Which of the following statements is/are correct? The system automatically determines the posting period and the fiscal year based on the posting date entered. In the document overview, the posting date, posting period and fiscal year are displayed. The posting period determined is entered in the document and the transaction figures for this posting period is updated. If you display the balance of an account, the transaction figures for the posting periods are displayed - updated.
Which of the following statements as regards tolerance group is/are correct? The maximum amounts are defined per company code in tolerance groups. Tolerance groups controls processing of payment differences. When setting limits, the currency used is the local currency of the company code. You cannot create as many tolerance group as you like.
Which of the following statements as regards tolerance group is/are correct? Each employee must be assigned to one tolerance group. Tolerance group can be assigned to only one company code. If users are not assigned to any tolerance group, an error occurs. For any employees with especially high/low limits, a special tolerance group should be created and assigned to their logon ID's.
In tolerance groups, you can enter upper limits for the following: Total amount per document Amount per customer/vendor open item Day limit Cash discount per line item.
Which of the following statemets as regards ENJOY transactions is/are correct? You can select different fields or columns, change the size and sequence of the columns and fields and even copy line items in the Enjoy posting screen. At the top of the screen, you can select from Park, Post or Hold to complete the document entry only if the balance is zero. You can still use standard transaction for entering postings. You can return to initial screen from the complex posting transaction once you access it via the menu. You can enter explanatory text for the line item that can be used for internal purposes only.
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