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Security-Final Sheet

Information Security Exam

Dr. Ahmed Hamza
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Creation Date: 25/01/2022

Category: Computers

Number of questions: 84
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In brute-force attack, the attacker tries every possible key on a piece of ciphertext until an intelligible translation into plaintext is obtained TRUE FALSE.
cipher encrypts diagrams (pairs of letters) of plaintext together as single …units and translates these units into ciphertext diagrams Vernam Playfair Hill Vigenère.
Homophones provide multiple substitutes for a single letter to strength the … cipher polyalphabetic monoalphabetic book template.
Hill cipher must use a square 5x5 matrix of key letters for its operation TRUE FALSE.
There are …. types of cryptanalytic attacks two three four five.
Transposition based ciphers are more complex than substitution based ciphers TRUE FALSE.
cipher shuffles (jumbles) the letters, of a certain alphabet, arbitrarily such that each plaintext letter maps to a different random ciphertext letter, hence the key is 26 letters long, giving now a total of 26! keys Caesar Polyalphabetic XOR Monoalphabetic.
is the state of information being hidden from unauthorized individuals or systems Authenticity Integrity Confidentiality Accuracy.
In public-key cipher, both sender and receiver use the same key TRUE FALSE.
Implementing the top-down approach for information security lacks participants’ supports TRUE FALSE.
Vigenère cipher uses 26 Caesar ciphers with shifts of 0 through 25 for its operation TRUE FALSE.
model of information security is defined by the Committee on National Security Systems Triad Quad Hexa Octa.
Route cipher is asymmetric transposition cipher TRUE FALSE.
SecSDLC is an abbreviation of the term “Security Systems Development ”Life Cycle TRUE FALSE.
There is no encryption algorithm is unconditionally secure, but is computationally secure TRUE FALSE.
layers of security should exist in any successful organization ..… Three Five Six Seven.
Attack is classified along …. dimensions into two classes in each dimension two three four five.
cipher use the tabula recta (square) to cipher the plaintext by finding the column based on the plaintext and finding the row based on the keyword, and if the keyword needs to be extended, it don’t repeat the keyword Vigenère Running Key Columnar Myszkowski.
cipher operation uses a matrix whose number of columns is determined by the key, which has to be a word whose its identical letters should have the same numbers assigned Myszkowski Hill Playfair Columnar.
Cryptogram is the unintelligible encoded message resulting from an enciphering TRUE FALSE.
Information security includes the broad areas of computer security, data security, and network security TRUE FALSE.
Availability of information means that it must be free from mistake or error and having the value that the end-user expects TRUE FALSE.
Accuracy of information means that it must be having value for some purpose or end. TRUE FALSE.
Exploit is the state of being exposed when a vulnerability is known to an attacker. TRUE FALSE.
Any event that has the potential to adversely affect operations and assets is named threat. TRUE FALSE.
It is impossible to obtain perfect information security because it is a process not a goal. TRUE FALSE.
Security should allow reasonable access and yet protect against threats. TRUE FALSE.
Implementing the bottom-up approach for information security lacks participants’ supports. TRUE FALSE.
SecSDLC is an abbreviation of the term “Secondary Symmetric Decryption of Linear Cipher”. TRUE FALSE.
Cryptography is the science of encryption and decryption. TRUE FALSE.
Cryptogram is the unintelligible encoded message resulting from an enciphering. TRUE FALSE.
Cryptovariable is the entire range of values that can be used to construct an individual key. TRUE FALSE.
In transposition-based cipher, each element in the plaintext (bit, letter, group of bits or letters) is mapped into another element. TRUE FALSE.
In public-key cipher, both sender and receiver use the same key. TRUE FALSE.
There is no encryption algorithm is unconditionally secure, but is computationally secure. TRUE FALSE.
In cryptanalytic attack, the attacker tries every possible key on a piece of ciphertext until an intelligible translation into plaintext is obtained. TRUE FALSE.
The two basic building blocks of all symmetric ciphers are substitution and transposition. TRUE FALSE.
Vernam cipher is symmetric monoalphabetic substitution cipher. TRUE FALSE.
Route cipher is asymmetric transposition cipher. TRUE FALSE.
Myszkowski cipher writes down plaintext as a sequence of diagonals (in a zigzag pattern). TRUE FALSE.
A successful organization should have ………. layers of security in place. 4 5 6 7.
The state of information being original rather than a reproduction or fabrication defines the …….. characteristic of it. confidentiality integrity accuracy authenticity.
The C.I.A. triad has expanded into a list of ……… critical characteristics of information. 4 5 6 7.
……… is the organizational resource that is being protected. Control Risk Asset Subject.
There are ………. approaches for information security implementation. two three four five.
………. is the amount of effort required to perform cryptanalysis on an encoded message. Decipher algorithm Link encryption Work factor Cipher method.
………. is the process of hiding messages within the digital encoding of a picture or a graphic. Cryptography Cryptanalysis Cryptology Steganography.
Cryptographic systems are characterized along ………. independent dimensions. two three four five.
There are ……… types of encryption operations. two three four five.
Based on the number of used keys, the ciphering methods are categorized into ……….. classes. two three four five.
The general types of cryptography attacks are ………. two three four five.
In this course, you have learned ………. main symmetric substitution ciphers. six seven nine twelve.
The book-based ciphers are ………. two three four five.
.......... cipher exchanges a letter in the alphabet with the letter at the n-shift order value to the right for all plaintext letter. Caesar Monoalphabetic Polyalphabetic XOR.
……… cipher uses of a larger matrix that hides more frequency information of plaintext. Playfair Vigenère Vernam Hill.
Integrity can be lost from a stream of messages, a single message, or selected fields within a message. TRUE FALSE.
All integrity attacks are passive attacks. TRUE FALSE.
Fabrication attack occurs when the attacker impersonates somebody else. TRUE FALSE.
Data integrity service is designed to protect data from modification and replaying by an adversary. TRUE FALSE.
Connection integrity means the integrity of a data block or selected field(s) of it that is sent between two users. TRUE FALSE.
Data-origin authentication service does not provide protection against modification or replay attacks. TRUE FALSE.
Enciphering mechanism hides data to provide the confidentiality security service using only cryptography. TRUE FALSE.
One-way property of hash function means that at least no two data objects map to the same hash result. TRUE FALSE.
MAC is a small fixed-sized block that is generated by an algorithm, depending on both message and some key, and appended to message as a signature. TRUE FALSE.
Fesitel’s cipher is a stream cipher. TRUE FALSE.
Confusion can be achieved by repeatedly performing some permutation on the data followed by applying a function to that permutation. TRUE FALSE.
The two fundamental operations of cryptography are substitution and transposition. TRUE FALSE.
Before each round in DES, the input plaintext is splitted into two 28-bit in length halves: the left half (LH) and right half (RH). TRUE FALSE.
DES function applies a generated 48-bit round key only to the rightmost 32-bit to produce a 32-bit output. TRUE FALSE.
Each round of DES is a Feistel cipher. TRUE FALSE.
The number of integrity attacks are …... three four five six.
The number of modification attacks are …... three four five six.
…….. attack performed by one of the two parties in the communication. Modification Spoofing Fabrication Repudiation.
Data integrity service is provided in one of ……… modes. three four five six.
Access control service defines ……… main rules to protect against unauthorized access to data. three four five six.
ITU-T (X.800) recommends ……… mechanisms to provide the integrity related security services. three four five six.
In …….. mechanism, two entities exchange some messages to prove their identity to each other. digital signature access control data integrity authentication exchange.
……… alternative functions are used to provide authentication. three four five six.
MAC usage need to satisfy ………. main requirements. three four five six.
The approaches of authenticated encryption are ……… three four five six.
Each round in DES uses different ……..-bit key. 48 56 64 128.
The second step in the DES algorithm is selecting an input 56-bit subkey from the 64-bit full key using the ………. initial permutation (IP) permutation choice-1 (PC-1) final permutation (FP) permutation choice-2 (PC-2).
In each round, the DES function compresses the combined 48-bit into 32-bit using the predefined …….. substitution S-boxes that have different structures. two four eight sixteen.
For each S-box, the 48-bit input block is divided into ……. sub-blocks, and each such sub-block is given to an S-box. 4 6 8 12.
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