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Selftests Law II

57 questions

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Creation Date: 05/12/2022

Category: University

Number of questions: 57
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1. Legal identify of the EU: a. was given by the founding Treaty of Rome (1957). b. was given by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. c. there is not legal identify of the UE, just the EC. d. was given by the founding Maastricht Treaty (1993).
2. Supranationality: a. means the same as the principle of equal sovreignty. b. is the leading principle for the functioning of the EU. c. is typical for all of the international organisations. d. means that there is no power superior to the power of a state.
3. Principle of the delegated power: a. is not used within the EU. b. means that group of the member states can join together for closer cooperation. c. means that de member states can not decide on the range of competencies. d. means that the EU shall act within the limits of the power conferred upon it by the treaty.
4. Principle of subsidiarity means: a. that group of the member states can join together for closer cooperation. b. that there is no remaining power for the member states in such area. c. that in questions of shared power measures can be taken by the EU only in cases, that the aims can not be achieved by the action of the member states. d. the same as the principle of supranationality.
5. Exclusive power of the EU: a. means that the member states can not decide on the range of competencies. b. can be adverse or parallel. c. is not used in the area of common trade policy. d. means that there is not remaining power for the member states in such area.
6. Principle of flexibility (enhanced cooperation): a. means that the member states can decide on the range of competencies. b. means that group of the member states can join together for closer cooperation. c. is not used within the monetary union. d. means, that the EU has no fixed organisational structure.
7. European constitution: a. contains only organisational rules for EU institutions. b. is called the Treaty of Nice from 2004. c. as a single written document does not exist, the attempt failed in 2004. d. consists of national constitutions of all member states.
8. Legal identity of the EU: a. is given by EU symbols (flag, anthem, EU Day). b. means, that EU is considered an international organisation and can conclude international treaties itself. c. is of the same range as the legal identity of European Communities. d. improves EU's ability to act only in internal affairs.
9. Supranationality: a. means, that the desisions are binding only on a supranational level (for the organisation), not for the member states. b. could not be seen in the legislative power of the EU. c. means that the EU and the member states has to decide unanimously on all cases. d. means, that an organisation is given a decision making power, by forsaking a part of member state's sovereignity.
10. Implied competencies of the EU: a. are meant non written ones, that are required to achieve an EU aim. b. are given by the treateis. c. are meant the exclusive ones. d. are shared with member states.
1. The most important bodies of the EU are being called: a. institutions. b. agencies. c. organisations. d. bodies.
2. The decision-making triangle consists of: a. the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commission. b. the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament. c. the European Parliment, the Council of the European Union, the European Court of Justice. d. the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission.
3. The European Parliament: a. is the only supranational institution whose members are elected by direct universal suffrage. b. is elected every four years. c. has its seat in Paris. d. represents the interests of the member states.
4. Members of the European Parliament: a. proportionately represent the population of each member state. b. are not grouped by political affinity. c. are grouped by nationality. d. are 27 from each member state.
5. Codecision (ordinary legislative procedure): a. means that the Council can still reject the proposed law by an absolute majority. b. confers more power upon the Council in decision making. c. gives almost the same weight to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. d. has been introduced as an ordinary procedure by the Amsterdam Treaty.
6. The UE budget: a. comprises taxes to be levied within the member states b. is finally adopted and signed by the President of the European Parliament. c. is adopted independently by the Council. d. is audited only by the European Parliament.
7. The Council of the EU: a. represents the people of the European Union. b. shares lawmaking and budgetary power with the European Parliament. c. is chaired by the President of European Parliament. d. is made up of 20 foreign ministers of the member states.
8. The European Council: a. consists of the heads of the member states and the President of the European Commission is the EU's legislative body. c. should take its decisions by the qualified majority. d. is chaired by the High Representative of the Union for CFSP.
9. The European Commission: a. represents and upholds the interests of Europe as a whole. b. organise its staff into so called “committees”. c. members are elected by the people of the EU. d. is politically independent of the European Parliament.
10. The European Court of Justice: a. consists of the Court of Justice and the First Court. b. is assisted by “Directorates-General”. c. ensures the same way of interpretation of EU law in all member states. d. has no power to solve legal disputes between EU member states and institutions.
11. To the proceedings before the Court do NOT belong: a. Actions for annulment b. Inquires c. References for preliminary ruling d. Actions for damages.
12. The European Court of Auditors: a. publishes annual reports to present the results of enterprises. b. as an EU's external auditor contributes to improving its financial management. c. has no influence on legislation with a financial impact. d. proposes the European budget.
13. The main task of the European Central Bank is: a. conduct of foreign exchange operations. b. to manage the day-to-day business of the Executive Board. c. the definition and implementation of monetary policy for the whole EU. d. to propose the draft of the European budget.
14. The European Investment Bank a. does not have single legal personality. b. contributes towards economic and social cohesion of the member states. c. is a short-term lending bank of the EU. d. funds its operations from the European budget.
1. Legal system of the EU: a. consists of primary and derivative legislation. b. can be divided according to the content to institutional and substantive law. c. is the same nature as international law. d. is based on the Community law, on which grounds the founding treaties were signed.
2. Primary legislation: a. do not comprise the accession treaties. b. do not need to be ratified by the member states. c. is created by the European institutions. d. is comparable to the constitutional law at national level.
3. Secondary legislation: a. lay down the fundamental of functioning of the EU. b. can be defined as a totality of instruments adopted by the EU institutions. c. consists of acts of member states d. is completely legally non-binding.
4. Regulation: a. takes immediate effect in all the member states b. is an individual measure with individually specified parties. c. is binding to the member states as to the results to be achieved. d. is a general measure addressed only to the member states.
5. Directive: a. is binding to the member states as to the results to be achieved. b. is an individual measure with individually specified parties. c. is directly applicable in the same way as national instrument d. is a general measure binding in all its parts.
6. Decision: a. takes immediate effect in all the member states. b. is an individual measure with individually specified parties. c. is binding to the member states as to the results to be achieved. d. is directly applicable in the same way as national instrument.
7. Substantine EU law: a. regulates the activities to implement different EU policies and relationships arising from EU functioning. b. regulates the organisational structure od the EU. c. is also known as the secondary legislation. d. is of the same complexity of national law (covers the same areas).
8. Which one does not belong to the primary legislation? a. Treaty on the European Union. b. Single European Act. c. The Lisbon Treaty. d. Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products. .
9. Which one is a directly aplicable instrument, binding generally in all its parts? a. Opinion. b. Decision. c. Regulation. d. Directive.
10. What is a conciliation within EU law? a. a most common legislative procedure. b. Special legislative procedure, when the Parliament is adopting legislation solemnly. c. A procedure that takes part in the ordinary legislative procedure, if the Parliament and the Council do not agree on a legislative proposla even in second reading. d. Another name for co-decision.
1. Principle of the Direct Effect: a. is admitted in the situations, when implementation is depending on further action of the state. b. means that the member states are directly forced to adopt a specific measure. c. is applicable unconditionally. d. is applicable only within valid self-executing rules of law.
2. The direct effect of a directive is subject to a three conditions. Which NOT? a. The rules has to be so detailed, that the individual rights can be determined. b. No specific measure is required to be taken. c. The Court has decided on the direct applicability. d. The time for implementation has expired in vain.
3. The breach of the EU law by a member state with a common impact: a. and its remedy is enforceable just with a political pressure. b. consists always in refrain to act. c. is administrated by the Commission, which is the supervisory body. d. is always brought before the European Court of Justice.
4. Within the administrative procedure of law enforcement the Commission: a. starts the procedure on a proposal of the Council. b. considers the States reasoning and if unsatisfied, it may bring the action to the Court. c. the Commission proposes the Council to bring the action before the Court. d. sends so called “threatening letter” to the member state.
5. The Court in the judicial procedure of law enforcement: a. takes a decision, but the member state is not obliged to harmonise its behaviour with the EU law. b. decides, whether it came or did not come to the breach of EU law. c. takes a decision of a constitutive character. d. has no power to fine the state with a financial penalty.
6. When the EU law is broken in a relationship to a concrete individual: a. it is typically in cases, where a national body takes a measure harmonising its national system with the EU law b. the individual may not claim its rights, if the EU regulation has not been implemented yet. c. the liability of the member state shall rise even if the regulation has not been implemented yet. d. the individual will bring an action for damages to the European Court of Justice.
7. The basic presumptions of coexistence of EU and national legal system are: a. The principle of direct effect and principle of indirect effect. b. Supremacy of EU law and equal sovreignty. c. The principle of direct effect and the supremacy of the EU law. d. Supremacy of EU law and division of powers between institutions.
8. Conditions of applicability of a direct effect are: a. The rule comes from primary law and was incorporated into national legal order. b. The rule has to be self-executing and considered as valid within national legal order. c. The court decided on direct applicability. d. The rule was incorporated into national legal order and the constitutional court decided on its applicability. .
9. The supremacy of EU law: a. is explicitly codified as a leading principle in the TFEU. b. solves the problem, which area is to be regulated on a national level and which on the EU level. c. results from the supranational character of the EU and the restriction of national powers. d. results from the dependancy of EU law on international law. .
10. EU bodies are empowered to apply EU law against an individual: a. in any case connected to exclusive powers. b. They are never empowered towards an individual. c. if asked to do so by a national body. d. only in cases concerning the protection of competition.
1. The Common Foreign and Security Policy does not include: a. conflict prevention. b. peacekeeping operations. c. civilian crisis management. d. judicial cooperation.
2. The Common Foreign and Security Policy: a. is implemented by the military capabilities given available by the member states. b. is not funded from the European budget. c. is regulated with the Community law. d. is undertaking missions only inside the EU's territory.
3. The Common Foreign and Security Policy: a. is conducted by the European Council deciding by a qualified majority. b. is framed by the Council of the EU, which takes the necessary decisions or implementing the CFSP on the general guidelines defined by the European Council. c. is based on the strategic interests and objectives identified by the Council of the EU. d. is subject to the European Court of Justice jurisdiction.
4. The High Representative of the EU for Common Foreign and Security Policy: a. is assisted by EU's standing army. b. shall conduct political dialogue within the member states. c. was established to chair the European Council. d. shall express Union's position in international organisations and at international conferences.
5. The Common Security and Defence Policy: a. is conducted by the President of European Parliament as the Head of European Defence Agency. b. is an integral part of the common foreign and security policy which shall provide the EU with an operational capacity. c. may be inconsistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty. d. is implemented using the capabilities of the European Army.
6. The European and Defence Agency: a. has no single legal personality. b. was established under the Amsterdam Treaty in 1999. c. is led by the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. d. shall develop offensive capabilities in the field of the peacekeeping operations.
7. Funding of Common Foreign and Security Policy: a. Operating expenditure to which the implementation of CFSP gives rise for the institutions shall be charged to the member states. b. Administrative expenditure shall be charged to the member states, except where the Council acting unanimously decides otherwise. c. Administrative expenditure to which the implementation of CFSP gives rise for the institutions shall be charged to the member states. d. Operating expenditure shall be charged to the Union budget, except for such expenditure arising from operations having military or defence implications and cases where the Council acting unanimously decides otherwise.
1. Judicial cooperation in criminal matters: a. was simplified by the Lisbon Treaty, the roles of the European Parliament and the Court of Justice were strengthen. b. needs common approach in all the member states, no exceptions for different legal systems are allowed. c. is implemented just on the base of international agreements, there is no legislative power for the EU bodies. d. marked the latest development in 2004 when the Hague Programme was adopted by the Council.
2. Eurojust: a. is a European body to coordinate the investigation and prosecution of serious cross/border crime. b. shall support the mutual cooperation of member states police authorities. c. has a legal authority to launch and carry out investigation itself. d. is a team of legal experts, who are employed by the EU and can not continue as members of their national organisations.
3. Europol: a. has autonomous investigative and coercive power. b. shall support and strengthen action by the member states’ police authorities in preventing and combating cross/border crime. c. is a European body to coordinate the investigation and prosecution of serious cross/border crime. d. is accountable to the European Commission, which funds its functioning.
4. Mutual assistance in criminal matters: a. is a new principle in common foreign and security policy. b. is relied on when a European body requires the member state to adopt a specific measure. c. may be requested for example to hand over to the competent authorities objects that have been stolen and are found in another member state. d. is a procedure of recognition of judicial decisions taken by authority of another member state.
5. European Arrest Warrant: a. is more complicated than traditional extradition procedure, because the final decision is a political decision of the member state. b. is a procedure of recognition of judicial decisions taken by authority of another member state. c. can be used also in relations with the third countries, not only within the EU territory. d. may be issued by a national authority if the person whose return is sought is accused of an offence for which the penalty is at least a year in prison.
6. Mutual recognition of judicial decisions: a. is a key principle of common security and defence policy. b. is a key feature for extradition procedure. c. is a procedure of recognition of judicial decisions taken by authority of another member state. d. is relied on when a member state needs help with investigation from another member state.
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