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SS Chapters 11 and 12 Test

Revolutionary War

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Creation Date: 11/01/2011

Category: History

Number of questions: 24
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What treaty officially ended the war and recognized the independence of the United States? Treaty of Paris 1783 Treaty of Paris 1993 Treaty of France 1683.
What petition was sent to King George III asking for the repeal of the Intolerable Acts? The Olive Branch Petition The Paris Petition The Declaration of Independence.
The leader of the Continental Army was George Washington George Weasley Curious George Sydni George.
Match the person to the quote. Mercy Otis Warren Benjamin Franklin Patrick Henry Nathan Hale.
Benedict Arnold fought along side the Patriots before he became an officer of the British army? true false.
The Declaration of Independence explained the reasons why the colonists wanted to break free from the British. true false.
In response to the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed laws known as The Intolerable Acts The Stupid Acts The Townshend Acts.
Where was the 1st battle of the American Revolution? Concord Lexington Bunker Hill.
What was "The shot heard round the world"? The first gun shot in the revolution The first gun shot at the Boston Massacre A gun shot that the whole world all heard.
Where was the 2nd battle of the American Revolution? Lexington Concord Yorktown.
Where did the last major battle of the American Revolution take place? Yorktown Lexington Concord Bunker Hill.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin George Washington Patrick Henry.
On what day was the Declaration of Independence approved? July 4, 1776 July 4, 1775 July 4, 1777 July 4, 1778.
What was taxed under the Stamp Act? tea, glass, paper, lead, paint newspapers, pamphlets, and legal documents.
What was taxed under the Townshend Act? tea, glass, paper, lead, paint newspapers, pamphlets, and legal documents.
A woman who dressed like a man and fought in the war was Deborah Sampson Dicey Langston Mary Ludwig Hays.
A woman who spied on the British was Dicey Langston Mrs. Neville Deborah Sampson Ida Spy.
The Revolutionary War lasted between what years? 1775-1783 1775-1780 1770-1780 1785-1793.
Crispus Attucks' shouting led to what event? The Boston Massacre The Boston Tea Party The shot heard round the world The Intolerable Acts.
What event resulted in the enforcement of the Intolerable Acts? The Boston Tea Party The Boston Massacre The Olive Branch Petition.
What was enforced in the Intolerable Acts? Boston's ports were closed, town meetings were banned, colonists were forced to house and feed soldiers every item was taxed, town meetings were banned, colonists were forced to house and feed soldiers Boston's ports were closed, town meetings were watched over by the British government, colonists were forced to house and feed soldiers.
Why did some colonists remain loyal to Britain? They had relatives in Britain, their major trading partner was Britain, Britain protected their ports They had relatives in Britain, they were brain washed, Britain protected their crops.
Mary Ludwig Hays is famous for carrying water to soldiers during battles disguising herself as a man and fighting spying on British troops.
Who was an enslaved African American who spied for the Patriots? James Armistead Benedict Arnold Nathanael Greene.
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