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绒 E Description: EFB electronics flight bag Author: 湖长绒 Other tests from this author Creation Date: 24/11/2024 Category: Personal Number of questions: 30 |
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Tower report braking action 2, which means: a. DRY b. GOOD c. MEDIUM TO POOR . Cabin Crew Manual can be found in FS+ OLB. a. True b. False. Route Info section in Jeppesen FD PRO contains all information related to operating route. a. True b. False. Weather enroute is available in Jeppesen FD PRO. True False. MEL/CDL can be chosen directly in Take-off application or from OLB application. True False. Pilot can use "Ownship display" function for navigating the aircraft. True False. Annual Line Check form can be downloaded in Jeppsen FD PRO. True False . OPT CONF" must be used for take-off performance. True False . Tower report braking action 6, which means: Dry Good Medium to poor. In Jeppesen FD Pro, flight crew can switch the "App Theme" in the setting. True False . Landing performance is not available on Landing application when pilot doing Autoland. True False. How to clear the parameters in eQRH? a. Clear parameter from My Aircraft in eQRH page b. Clear parameter from AIB manager page c. Both A and B. When can pilots find "OMC contact details" in case of diversion to enroute alternates? . eQRH-COM-GSE Not available on FLySmart OLB. When flying to "Cold Weather" area, pilot can calculated "Altitude corrected to Temperature" by which application? a. Take-off application b. Loadsheet application c. Landing application d. In-Flight application (ATMO. If the OPF Performance Factor is 02%, the FMS Performance factor will be a. 00% b. 01% c. 02% d. 03%. The FCOM Layer 3 is organized as follow:P a. Need to know b. Nice to know c. Detailed information. Missed approach climb gradient must be manually selected by pilot in Landing application. True False. Can pilot know the "engine out LRC ceiling" by using In-Flight application? True False. Fuel density can be manually adjusted by pilot True False . Dangerous Goods Manual can be found in FS+ OLB. True False. Computation Type " FLIGHT PLAN" function is used to crosscheck with OFP. True False. The use of expired navigational chart is prohibited in Jeppesen FD Pro is prohibited. True False. Refer MEL on A320F, is it allow to dispatch an aircraft on intended RNP10 route with 01 MCDU INOP? True False. Which step should be performed for all eQRH devices when securing the aircraft? a. Stop the eQRH application and switch off the devices b. Stop the eQRH application c. Switch on the devices. Landing performance with failure can be calculated by Landing application True False. Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3 can be manually chosen by EFB user. False True. Green Operating Procedure recommends for landing: a. Autobrake LOW + Flap 3 + Reverse IDLE b. Autobrake MED + Flap 3 + Reverse IDLE c. Autobrake LOW + Flap 3 + Reverse MAX. How to install the eQRH in ipad? a. Open apple store, download " Airbus eQRH" then open AIB manager to update EFB new version b. Open apple store, download "Pilatus eQRH" then open AIB manager to update EFB new version c. Open apple store, download "eQRH" then open AIB manager to update EFB new versio. Refer to MEL on A320F, how many EFB is required to dispacth an aircraft? 1 2 3. During the initial setup for the flight, the correct flight ID should be: a. VJC*** b. VJA*** c. VJAA*** d. VJ***. |
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