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737 AQP Autoflight

737 AFLT

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Creation Date: 04/11/2020

Category: Others

Number of questions: 76
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The use of Aileron Trim with the Autopilot engaged is _______. allowed above FL250 allowed below FL250 prohibited.
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) is a dual system consisting of _____individual flight control computers (FCCs) and a single mode control panel. one two three.
All Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) modes can be disengaged either by selecting another command mode or _______________. by disengaging the A/P and turning the F/Ds off by disengaging the A/P by turning the F/Ds off.
Autopilot engagement in CMD or CWS is inhibited unless ________. No force is being applied to the control wheel. The STAB TRIM AUTOPILOT cutout switch is at NORMAL all answers are correct.
In single A/P operation, full automatic flare and touchdown capability and A/P go-around capability are ______. available not available.
What allows both A/Ps to be engaged at the same time? the Approach mode VNAV and VOR/LOC both flight directors on.
The A/P automatically disengages when any of the following occurs: Pushing either A/P disengage switch or pushing either Takeoff / Go-around (TO/GA) switch with a single A/P engaged in CWS or CMD below 2000 feet RA Activating either pilot’s control wheel trim switch or loss of respective hydraulic system pressure all answers are correct.
The F/Ds can be operated __________. only with the A/T only with the A/P and A/T with or without the A/P and A/T.
How is the master FCC indicated? by illumination of the respective master (MA) F/D indicator light by illumination of the respective master caution indicator light by illumination of CMD on respective FMA.
What following indications regarding AFDS status annunciations are displayed in the A/P status display located above the attitude indicator? CMD, FD, 1 CH CWS P, CWS R all answers are correct.
What does CMD in the autopilot status display of the AFDS indicate? one or both autopilots are engaged one or both autopilots are disengaged the flight director is ON and the autopilot is either OFF or engaged in CWS.
What does FD in the autopilot status display of the AFDS indicate? the flight director is ON and the autopilot is either OFF or engaged in CWS both flight directors are disengaged all answers are correct.
What does CWS P in the autopilot status display of the AFDS indicate? the autopilot is inoperative pitch mode engaged in CWS roll mode engaged in CWS.
What does CWS R in the autopilot status display of the AFDS indicate? the autopilot is inoperative pitch mode engaged in CWS roll mode engaged in CWS.
What does 1CH in the autopilot status display of the AFDS indicate? for a single A/P ILS approach, annunciates after localizer capture and remains on for entire approach for a single A/P ILS approach, indicates that the autoland system has completed all required test, and will function properly all answers are correct.
What does N1 on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? The autothrottle maintains thrust at reduced go-around setting or full go-around N1 limit. The autothrottle maintains speed commanded by the FMC. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display, including full go-around N1 setting.
What does GA on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? The autothrottle maintains thrust at reduced go-around setting. The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains speed commanded by the FMC. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display.
What does RETARD on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains speed commanded by the FMC. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display. Displayed while autothrottle moves thrust levers to the aft stop. RETARD mode is followed by ARM mode.
What does FMC SPD on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? The autothrottle maintains speed set in the MCP IAS/MACH display. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains speed commanded by the FMC. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display.
What does MCP SPD on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains speed commanded by the FMC. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display. The autothrottle maintains speed set in the MCP IAS/MACH display. The autothrottle is limited to the N1 value shown on the thrust mode display.
What does THR HLD on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? No autothrottle mode engaged. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited; the pilot can set thrust levers manually. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited; the pilot can set the thrust levers manually The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display.
What does ARM on the AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations Autothrottle Mode indicate? No autothrottle mode engaged. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited; the pilot can set thrust levers manually. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited; the pilot can set the thrust levers manually The autothrottle maintains thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display.
To engage TO/GA for takeoff ______________ and press either TO/GA switch one FD switch must be ON both FD switches must be ON either FD switch ON or OFF.
To engage TO/GA for go-around, press either TO/GA switch when _______ Inflight below 2000 feet radio altitude not in takeoff mode and either F/D switch ON or OFF all answers are correct.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, VNAV SPD commands _______. pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude the AFDS to maintain FMC altitude or descent path with pitch commands the AFDS to maintain the FMC speed displayed on the airspeed indicator and/or the CDU CLIMB or DESCENT pages.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, VNAV PTH commands _______. pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude the AFDS to maintain FMC altitude or descent path with pitch commands the AFDS to maintain the FMC speed displayed on the airspeed indicator and/or the CDU CLIMB or DESCENT pages.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, V/S (engaged) commands _______. he AFDS to maintain the FMC speed displayed on the airspeed indicator and/or the CDU CLIMB or DESCENT pages pitch to hold selected vertical speed pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, ALT ACQ commands _______. the AFDS to maintain the IAS/MACH window airspeed or Mach pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude a transition maneuver entered automatically from a V/S, LVL CHG, or VNAV climb or descent to the selected MCP altitude.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, ALT HOLD commands _______. the AFDS to maintain the IAS/MACH window airspeed or Mach pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude at which ALT HOLD switch was pushed a transition maneuver entered automatically from a V/S, LVL CHG, or VNAV climb or descent to the selected MCP altitude.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, MCP SPD commands _______. the AFDS to maintain the IAS/MACH window airspeed or Mach pitch to hold MCP selected altitude or uncorrected barometric altitude at which ALT HOLD switch was pushed a transition maneuver entered automatically from a V/S, LVL CHG, or VNAV climb or descent to the selected MCP altitude.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, G/S (engaged) commands the AFDS to follow the ILS glideslope the AFDS to maintain the IAS/MACH window airspeed or Mach all answers are correct.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the pitch mode, FLARE (engaged) commands _______. During a dual A/P ILS approach, flare engages at 50 feet radio altitude. FLARE accomplishes the autoland flare maneuver. the AFDS to maintain the IAS/MACH window airspeed or Mach all answers are correct.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the roll mode, LNAV commands _______. the AFDS to intercept and track the active VOR radial the AFDS to intercept and track the active FMC route all answers are correct.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the roll mode, HDG SEL commands _______. AFDS to track selected VOR course or track selected localizer course along the inbound front course bearing. the aircraft to turn to, or remain on the heading selected in the MCP Heading Display all answers are correct.
The AFDS Flight Mode Annunciation, in the roll mode, VOR/LOC (engaged) commands _______. AFDS to track selected VOR course or track selected localizer course along the inbound front course bearing the aircraft to turn to, or remain on the heading selected in the MCP Heading Display all answers are correct.
The A/T system operates properly with the EECs ______. ON ALTN all answers are correct.
Which of the following actions or conditions will disengage the autothrottles? Thrust levers become separated more than 25 degrees during a dual channel approach after FLARE armed is annunciated Moving the A/T Arm switch to OFF, pushing either A/T Disengage switch, or two seconds have elapsed since landing touchdown Moving the A/T Arm switch to OFF, pushing either A/T Disengage switch, or a significant thrust difference along with control wheel roll input of 25 degrees or more, and flap position up through 15.
For a dual A/P approach, the second VHF NAV receiver must be tuned to the ILS frequency and the corresponding A/P engaged in CMD prior to _______. G/S intercept 1500 feet RA 800 feet RA.
If FLARE is not armed by approximately 350 feet RA, _______________. the master caution illuminates both A/Ps automatically disengage a go-around is automatically initiated.
During a single channel A/P approach operation, _________ . the autothrottles must be turned off by 500 feet AGL an A/P go-around is not available all answers are correct.
During an A/P go-around, the first push of either TO/GA switch commands the thrust to advance towards the reduced go-around N1 to producing 1000 to 2000 fpm rate of climb. The second push of either TO/GA switch after A/T reaches reduced goaround thrust ______________. commands the A/T to advance to the full go-around N1 limit commands the A/T to advance to the fire wall disengages the A/Ts.
The AFS provides speed, pitch and thrust commands to avoid exceeding the following limit speeds: Vmo/Mmo, and minimum speed only Vmo/Mmo, wing flap placards, landing gear placard only Vmo/Mmo, wing flap placards, landing gear placard and minimum speed.
The flashing character A on the IAS/MACH Display represents _______. an overspeed an underspeed an autothrottle commanded speed.
On the Mode Control Panel, pressing the Changeover (C/O) Switch _______. changes FMC speed to minimum safe speed changes FMC speed to maximum safe speed changes IAS/MACH display between IAS and MACH.
The IAS/MACH Display is blank when __________. V/S is engaged VNAV mode is engaged LVL CHG is engaged.
With the N1 light illuminated, pushing the N1 switch on the Mode Control Panel _______. Deselects the autopilot Deselects the autothrottles Deselects N1 mode and extinguishes switch light.
On the Mode Control Panel, Speed mode engages automatically when: ALT ACQ engages or ALT HOLD engages V/S engages or G/S capture occurs all answers are correct.
Rotating the speed selector knob on the Mode Control Panel _______. sets the speed in IAS/MACH display and positions airspeed cursor sets the speed in IAS/MACH display and does not position airspeed cursor does not set the speed in the IAS/MACH display but positions the airspeed cursor.
Pushing the Speed Intervention (SPD INTV) Switch on the Mode Control Panel when VNAV is engaged __________________. reveals the IAS/MACH display, activates FMC speed intervention, displays the FMC target speed, and allows the IAS/MACH selector to be used to set the desired speed blanks the IAS/MACH display, activates VNAV PATH, and disengages the A/Ts is prohibited.
By engaging VNAV, the FMC command the AFDS pitch and ______________ to fly vertical profile selected on the ____________. LNAV; G/S autothrottle; G/S autothrottle; FMC CDUs.
In a VNAV SPD descent, the autothrottle holds ______ and the AFDS _________. idle; holds IAS/MACH window idle; holds FMC target speed idle but can command FMC SPD mode if ground speed becomes too low to maintain FMC vertical path; tracks FMC descent path.
In a VNAV PTH descent, the autothrottle holds ______ and the AFDS _________. idle; holds IAS/MACH window idle; holds FMC target speed idle but can command FMC SPD mode if ground speed becomes too low to maintain FMC vertical path; tracks FMC descent path.
The ALTITUDE Display on the Mode Control Panel is set by the Altitude Selector and displays selected altitude from 0 to 50,000 feet in ______ foot increments. 100 50 25.
The Vertical Speed (VERT SPEED) Display window _____ when V/S is ______. blanks; not active displays; not active blanks; active.
The Vertical Speed Thumbwheel sets ___________. vertical speed in VERT SPEED display vertical speed on the FMC all answers are correct.
Pushing the Level Change (LVL CHG) switch in a climb commands the autothrottles to hold ______ thrust and the AFDS to hold selected airspeed. limit idle 1,000 feet per minute.
Pushing the Level Change (LVL CHG) switch in a descent commands the autothrottles to hold ______ thrust and the AFDS to hold selected airspeed. limit idle 1,000 feet per minute.
While in Altitude Hold, if the Altitude Selector on the Mode Control Panel is rotated the ______ mode is armed. V/S VNAV LVL CHG.
When descending or climbing with VNAV engaged, if the ALT INTV switch is pushed, the next altitude restriction in the FMC will be _________. increased by 1,000 feet changed to correspond with the altitude in the MCP altitude window eliminated.
Pushing the Altitude Hold (ALT HLD) switch commands pitch to hold ___________________. uncorrected barometric altitude at which the switch was pressed corrected barometric altitude to the nearest 1,000 feet at which the switch was pressed uncorrected barometric altitude to the nearest 1,000 feet at which the switch was pressed.
On the Mode Control Panel, the COURSE display shows the course set by the _______. FMC ADF course selector.
On the Mode Control Panel, rotating the heading selector sets the heading in the_______. FMC heading display course display.
On the Mode Control Panel, pushing the LNAV Switch commands the AFDS roll to intercept and track the active _______. VOR radial LOC FMC route.
On the Mode Control Panel, pushing the VOR localizer (LOC) Switch commands the AFDS roll to capture and track the selective _______. VOR LOC all answers are correct.
The bank angle selector sets the maximum bank angle for the AFDS operation in _______ mode(s). LNAV HDG SEL or VOR all answers are correct.
Initially, pushing the Heading Select (HDG SEL) switch commands a turn in the shortest direction towards the heading bug. True False.
Pushing the Approach (APP) Switch arms the AFDS for ___________. localizer and glideslope capture any LNAV and VNAV capture LNAV and VNAV capture only if an RNAV approach is selected in the FMC.
The Command Engage (CMD ENGAGE) switch (A or B) ________. engages the A/P, and displays CMD in the A/P status display enables all command modes all answers are correct.
The Control Wheel Steering Engage (CWS ENGAGE) switch (A or B) ________. engages the A/P, and displays CWS P and CWS R in the A/P status display engages pitch and roll modes in CWS all answers are correct.
Pulling down on the Autopilot Disengage (DISENGAGE) bar_______. disengages the CMD mode and reverts to CWS disengages both A/Ps disengages the A/Ts and the A/Ps.
The Autopilot Disengage Switch on the Control Wheel, ________. disengages the A/P, and a warning tone sounds illuminates the flashing A/P disengage lights all answers are correct.
The Autothrottle Disengage Switch on the Control Stand, ________. disengages the autothrottle, and trips the A/T ARM switch to OFF illuminates the flashing A/T disengage lights all answers are correct.
The Stabilizer Out Of Trim (STAB OUT OF TRIM) light operates ________. only with the autopilot engaged only with the autopilot disengaged all answers are correct.
On the UPPER DISPLAY, N1 limit is shown, this number is normally calculated by the________. First Officer Captain FMC.
On the Thrust Mode Display, an annunciation of - - - would indicate ________. TO/GA is active the FMC is not computing thrust limit the EEC is inoperative.
What does an illuminated Autothrottle Limit (A/T LIM) Indication mean? The A/T is using a degraded N1 thrust limit from the related EEC. The A/T is using a degraded N1 thrust limit from the related FMC The A/T system is inoperative.
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