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Abdomen Exam -3

Abdomen Exam -3

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Creation Date: 25/07/2024

Category: Others

Number of questions: 12
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The major branches of the celiac axis are: left gastric, splenic, common hepatic artery left gastric, SMA, GDA hepatic, GDA, splenic left gastric, common hepatic, GDA.
The US exam of a patient’s liver demonstrates a patent umbilical vein. The most common cause for this recanalization is: hepatitis abscess portal HTN ascites.
You are scanning the liver of an average sized patient with known cirrhosis. You complete the exam using a 3.5MHz curvilinear transducer but the doctor would like a better evaluation of the liver surface nodularity. Which of the following transducers would provide the best evaluation of the liver surface? 3.5MHz linear 8MHz curvilinear 12MHz linear 5MHz linear.
A female patient presents with 8 days of abdominal pain, fever and nausea. The symptoms started 2 days after returning from a business trip to Hong Kong. Recent lab values demonstrate increased levels of direct serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and WBC’s. Which of the following biliary abnormalities will most likely be identified on the exam? cholangitis primary GB carcinoma Klatskin’s tumor Pneumobilia.
When evaluating intratesticular flow, which vessel is sampled by doppler? cremasteric gonadal deferential centripetal.
A patient presents for a post-biopsy scan of the right kidney. A lymphocele is suspected. What will be the appearance of this abnormality on the image? fluid collection with debris and septations located adjacent to the kidney cystic formation with debris levels found within the renal sinus cystic formation with debris levels found within the renal sinus heterogeneous mass within the renal parenchyma.
Which imaging plane can demonstrate the IVC and the aorta on the same image in a normal patient? coronal only transverse only mid sagittal only coronal and transverse.
Which of the following liver abnormalities can be related to the use of oral contraceptives? hydatid disease and schistosomiasis focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatic adenoma hepatic adenoma and Budd Chiari syndrome Budd Chiari syndrome and hydatid disease.
Which type of transducer would be used evaluate a patient with increased LFT’s and height 5’3” and weight of 275lbs? 3MHz curvilinear phased array 10MHz vector array 5MHz linear 5MHz sector phased array.
A patient presents with an order for a renal US due to increased BUN and creatinine levels in the blood and bilateral decreased renal size seen on CT. What will be the expected findings on the US exam? nephrocalcinosis medical renal disease multicystic kidney disease medullary sponge kidney.
What system control can reduce the appearance of color ghosting? increasing persistence increasing color threshold decreasing color priority decreasing PRF.
All of the following are true regarding Couinad’s liver segmentation except: Allows for liver resection/surgery without negatively affecting other segments right and left lobes are divided by the branches of the main hepatic vein each of the 8 segments has its own branch of the hepatic vein, portal vein and bile duct divides liver into 8 functional segments.
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