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Abdomen Exam -4.2

Abdomen Exam

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Creation Date: 25/07/2024

Category: Others

Number of questions: 12
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A thyroglossal duct cyst is most commonly found: On the midline neck, superior to the thyroid gland Posterior to the ear at the level of the thyroid gland Near the angle of the mandible Within the isthmus of the thyroid gland.
A pt presents for an abdominal US to evaluate a potential cystadenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head that was identified on a recent CT scan. The US demonstrates a complex mass in the pancreatic head. Also, demonstrated is a 12cm GB with no stones or wall thickening and the CBD is patent measuring 10mm. the pt has a negative murphy’s sign. Which term below can be used to describe the findings? Secondary biliary metastasis Courvoisier GB Mirizzi syndrome Caroli’s disease.
The renal arteries branch from the aorta just below the origin of the __________. IMA Gonadal arteries SMA Celiac axis.
Autoregulation of the systemic blood pressure refers to: The release of epinephrine to cause constriction of the convoluted tubules The renin-angiotensin system that controls the level of constriction of the convoluted tubules The release of aldosterone to cause vasoconstriction of the efferent arterioles The renin-angiotensin system that controls the glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys and systemic BP level.
All of the following are congenital anomalies of the spleen, except: Splenunculi Agenesis Splenomegaly Ectopic spleen.
All the following lab values will be increased with cirrhosis, except: AST ALT Alkaline phosphatase bilirubin alpha fetoprotein.
What term describes a GB that is filled with bile that is isoechoic to the liver and is difficult to identify on US? Mirizzi syndrome Charcot’s triad Courvoisier GB Hepatization.
A cyst within a cyst (daughter cyst) is a classic sign of: Polycystic liver disease Hydatid disease Echinococcal cyst or pyogenic abscess Hydatid cyst or Echinicoccal cyst.
Which of the following vessels does not drain into the IVC? Right gonadal vein Right renal vein Left hepatic vein Splenic vein Internal iliac vein.
Which of the following is false regarding pancreatic masses? The location of the mass in the head of the pancreas usually indicates a benign process The location of the mass in the head of the pancreas usually indicates a malignant process A pancreatic tail mass can be confused with splenic hilar pathology A mass with round smooth borders is usually a benign process.
The __________ is formed at the junction of the vas deferens and the seminal vessicals. Rete testes Ejaculatory duct Afferent ducts Efferent ducts.
All of the following correctly describes liver adenomas, except: Encapsulated mass that is more common in women Surgical intervention is usually recommended because of risk of internal hemorrhage Easily distinguished from a focal nodular hyperplasia due to hypervascularity Associated with glycogen storage disease.
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