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ERASED TEST, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED ONAssosiate Outsystems Reactive

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Assosiate Outsystems Reactive

Created for Certification Training

Ayushi Sahu & amp; Kundan Chauhan
(Other tests from this author)

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Number of questions: 50
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1. What is required to create a many-to-many (N-N) relationship between the Entities in the picture? A. Create a third Entity that contains two attributes of types Person Identifier and PersonRole Identifier. B. Create a third Entity with a primary key of type Person Identifier and an attribute of type PersonRole Identifier C. Create an attribute of type Person Identifier in the PersonRole Entity and an attribute of type PersonRole Identifier in the Person Entity D. Create an attribute of type PersonRole Identifier in the Person Entity.
2. Which of the following statements is true? A. An Entity Identifier must have its Data Type set to Long Integer B. An Entity Identifier must be set to Auto Number C. An Entity Identifier can only be a single attribute. D. An Entity Identifier is created automatically and cannot be modified.
3. Using the Debugger, what is one of the possible solution if you want to analyze an exceptionflow in your code when it raises on browser?browser? Add a breakpoint on the Raise Exceptionnode present in your code flow, beforeyou start the Debugger process. Then onbrowser execture the procedure that willraise the exception. After the code stops,inspect the Exception flow on ServiceStudio Add a breakpoint on the Start Node ofyour Screen Action responsible forexecuting the code that will raise thatspecific exception before you start theDebugger. Then test your app on browser,once the code stops working go to theService Studio and inspect your code flowuntil it reaches the Exception Flow. Add a breakpint directly on Screen Actionrepsonsible for executing the code thatwill raise the specific exception before youstart the Debugger. then test your app onbrowser once the code stops, go throughyour code flow inside Service Studio untilyou reach the Exception flow. All options are valid.
4. Which of the following sentences about the On Initialize lifecycle event is true? A. The On Initialize event is triggered before the Screen or Block is rendered and before fetching any data. B. The On Initialize event is triggered after the Screen or Block has been rendered, so you can use it to manipulate its structure. C. The On Initialize event is triggered after an Aggregate finishes fetching data and can be used to act upon the retrieved data before it's used in the Screen. D. The On Initialize event is triggered after the input parameter of a Block changes.
5. Fetching data from the database to show on a screen list... If done in a Client Action is synchronous Is always asynchronous and must be donewith a Data Action. Is always synchronous, and must be donein an Aggregate inside a Data Action. If done with an Aggregate on the screen isasynchronous.
6. Considering a Button in a Screen, which of the following options cannot be set as its On Click property? A. Screen. B. Client Action C. Block. D. External Site.
7. The Absolute Action returns an absolute value (abs) of a number N passed as Input Parameter. When does the Action return 0 ? A. Never B. When the input parameter (N) is less than zero. C. When the input parameter (N) is zero D When the input parameter (N) is greater than zero.
8. After you create an action in one module to be consumed by other modules, what'srequired to guarantee that you will not have any issues finding the action, when managingthe dependencies in the consumer modules? A. Publish the Producer module with the newAction, before opening the ManagementDependencies on the Consumer module. B. All the options are valid. C. If the output of the Action is a Structurethat is defined within the same modulethat the Action, that Structure needs to bePublic as well. D. The new Action must be set as Public onthe Producer module, beofre consummingit in other modules.
9. Michael is a user of the Orders application and only has the OrdersAdmin Role assigned to him. Which of the following options is correct? A. Michael has access to Screens with the Registered Role checked. B. Michael does not have access to Screens with the Anonymous Role checked. C. Michael has access to Screens that have the OrdersAdmin Role checked, but not to Screens with the Registered Role checked. D. Michael only has access to Screens that have the OrdersAdmin Role checked.
10.Regarding updating a record of a Databse Entity, it is correct to say: A.Can be done from a Client Action, but notfrom a Screen Client Action. B. It generates a Web Service Call to theServer, if done inside a Client Action flow. C.When done from a Client Action, connectsthe Device directly to the Database Server. D.Can only be done from a Server Action.
11. Regarding Client Actions, select the correct answer: A Client Action can execute other ClientActions only if the last ones are bound to aScreen, A Client Action can define Aggregatesusing server database Entities. A Client Action can execute Server Actions. A Client Action can execute Server Actionsonly if they are defined in the sameModule.
12. What is true about ‘CreateorUpdate’ entity action? Throws error when the record already exists. Updates the record when the record identifier is NullIdentifier(). Returns only the id of the created or updated record. Returns the id and the created or updated record.
13.When, in an Aggregate, you hide some of its columns, what happens? The hidden attribtues will be discardedfrom the output result of the Query. The columns will be protected, so they willnot be saved on the browser cache. The other Team Developers stop havingaccess to that attributes. Nothing happens at runtime.
14. About fetching data, How screen fetch data.? There is no order of aggregates and DataAction execution. We need to call aggregates and DataAction explicitly on screen. DataAction executes after the aggregates. Aggregates and DataAction executes in order as they defined in screen.
15.What could be a possible sequence of events when requesting a screen: Initialize, Ready, Destroy (of the old screen), After Fetch, Render Initialize, Ready, Render, Destroy (of the old screen), After Fetch, Render Initialize, Destroy (of the old screen),Ready, Render Initialize, Ready, Render, After Fetch, Render, Destroy (of the old screen).
16. In which of the following situations, do you need to refresh the dependency of a consumemodule: When the producer module does not exist in the Outsystems environment that you are connected to. In all these situations you need to check the Management Dependencies. When the element is no longer set as Public on the producer module When the element was deleted from the producer module.
17. Considering the Function property 'NO' in Client Actions, which of options is correct? Setting the Function property to No ensures the Action can only be used in the module where it is defined. Setting the Function property to Yes restricts the Action to have only one Output Parameter. Setting the Function property to No ensures the Action can only be used in Screen Expressions. Setting the Function property to Yes is not possible, if the Action is exposed to other modules as Public.
18. Jhon is a user of the Movie application and only has the MovirAdmin Role assigned to him. Which of the following options is correct? Jhon access all the Role. Jhon only has access to Screens that have the MovieAdmin Role checked. Jhon has access to Screens with the Registered Role checked. Jhon has access to Screens that have the MovieAdmin Role checked, but not to Screens with the Registered Role checked.
19. The Action in the image calculates the square root (sqrt) of a positive decimal number (N). Knowing that the function was called with N = 0, and that the debugger is stopped at the Start node, what will happen when the developer selects the Continue (F9) option highlighted in the picture? The Action will end, with sqrt = 0. The Action will throw an exception and sqrt value is garbage. The debugger will stop in the N > 0 If node. The debugger will stop at the breakpoint in the End node.
20. In a screen, you need to show some information that is stored in an Entity. But you only want to show it when the user request it explicitly by clicking a link on the screen. In this scenario, choose the right option. Set the Fetch property of the Aggregate to Only on demand' to avoid executing the Aggregate after the page is initialized and use a Data Refresh node to execute the Aggregate when the information is required. For this scenario, it is not possible to use an Aggregate. Use a Data Action with an Input Parameter of type Boolean, that will be used to identify when to return the data. Call the action passing true to it when the user requests the data. Aggregates and Data Actions run asynchronously immediately after the Screen initialization happens, so use a Local Variable to store the information and use a Server Action to fetch the data when the user requests it. Use the System IsPageLoad() action on the Aggregate's On After Fetch event to identify if the page is loading and remove the data in case it returns True. Later, use a Server Action with a Data Refresh to fetch the data when the user requests it.
21. In the below image what should be the Source Variable data type? Structure. Boolean. Entity. List.
22. While using bootstrap to add data to the entity, which of the following are correct with respect to the given scenario All attributes are matched, bootstrap complete. Name and Address will be part of the bootstrap while Email and PhoneNumber would be ignored. Name, Email, Phone number will be part of the bootstrap, only Address would be ignored. No attribute is match.
23.Regarding Event Handlers of Block's Instance Events, select the correct option. If an Event is not Mandatory, it is not necessary to define an Event Handler for this Event on a Block's Instance. You can set, as an Event Handler, both screen actions as well as General Client Actions not bound to a Screen. An Event Handler may or may not be mandatory, but its Input Parameters arealways mandatory if a Handler is set on the Block's Instance. All other options are correct.
24. To restrict the access of a portion of screen to certain roles, which of the following is true? Access can’t be restricted for a portion of a screen alone. That portion of the screen can be made a block and we can provide access to certain roles accordingly to that block. Either A or B can be done. Enclose the portion inside an ‘If’. Check the role in the If condition.
25. How can you make that the end-user Sally, who is a StoreManager, can perform not onlyher management-specific functions but also everything a regular StoreClerk can do? Create a compound roleStoreManagerAndClerk that inherits fromboth the StoreManager role and theStoreClerk role and assign it to Sally. Make the StoreManager role extends formthe StoreClerk role. Add an IsStoreClerk boolean attribute tothe StoreManager role, and make sure it isset to Yes when you assign theStoreManager role to Sally. Add the StoreClerk role to Sally.
26. There are 2 modules. ‘ABCD’ and ‘ABCD Core’. ABCD is referencing one of the entities in ‘ABCD Core’. This entity has been changed and it’s published in ‘ABCD Core’. But that change doesn’t reflect in ‘ABCD’. What should be done to fix this? Publish ‘ABCD’ module. Refresh the dependencies in the ‘ABCD’ module. Refresh dependencies in ‘ABCD Core’ module. Publish the ‘ABCD Core’ module.
27. Given the following Aggregate, how would you modify it to return, for each product, the highest quantity purchased in any single order, and the average price of the product? Add a new computed attribute calledAveragePrice, with its Formulat set toAvg(Price, GroupBy: ProductId), and sorththe results by Quantity. Group the results by ProductId, and thenapply the Max function to Qunatity andthe Avg function to Price. Create a new Filter with Max(Quantity) =OrderItem.Quantity, and then group byProductId and apply the Avg function toPrice. Group the results by OrderId, apply theMax function to Quantity, and the Avgfunction to Price.
28. When the drag and drop action in the image below is complete, the MovieGenre Static Entity is added to the Aggregate. Which of the following statements is correct? An With or without join is created, if the MovieGenreId attribute in the Movie Entity is mandatory. A With join is created, if the MovieGenreId attribute in the Movie Entity is non-mandatory. The Join must be created manually, if the MovieGenreId attribute in the Movie Entity is non-mandatory. A With or Without join is created, if the MovieGenreId attribute in the Movie Entity is non mandatory.
29. Considering the static entities which of the following is true? Possible to add attribute with mandatory property set to yes. Cannot add more than one reference attribute in static entity. Possible to update the static entities in the SQL query. Cannot modify the default created attributes in static entity.
30.Related with Automatic Exceptions, select the correct option: Not Is Manager, Is Manager and otherUser Exceptions are automatic exceptions All exceptions need to be definedmanually inside the Actions flow. Database, Communication and SecurityExceptions are automatically thrown bythe platform All exceptions are automatcially thrown bythe platform.
31. What could be a possible sequence of events when requesting a screen. Initialize, Ready, Destroy (of the old screen), After Fetch, Render Initialize, Ready, Render, After Fetch, Render, Destroy (of the old screen) Initialize, Destroy (of the old screen), Ready, Render Initialize, Ready, Render, Destroy (of the old screen), After Fetch, Render.
32. When is the Render event triggered? Every time there's a change in anaggregate that affects the screen. Once, after all the structure of the screenis complete. Every time an aggregate's data is ready tobe used. Once, after all the data is on screen.
33. Based on the image below, if Count starts in 2, what will be the value returned by the action through the Result Output Parameter? 28 61 0 The application will timeout due to infinite looping.
34. Which of the following is not a step to define Pagination in a List widget? In the properties of the Aggregate thatfetches the data, set StartIndex toMyStartIndex, and the MaxRecords toMyMaxRecords In the properties of the Pagination Widget,select New client Action to set the handler Define the Aggregate that fetches the datato be requested only on demand. Create MyStartIndex and MyMaxRecordsLocal Variables with integer data type onthe Screen. Set the default variables ofthese variables.
35. Which item triggers the loading of page? Data Action Aggregate Server Action SQL Query on the screen level.
36. What is the ouput of CreateOrUpdate action? Id Reference Attribute Entity Record .
37. When is the Render Event triggered? Whenever there is a change in aggregatethat impacts the screen. Whenever an aggregate data is ready tobe used. After all the structure is complete. After all the data is in the screen.
38. If the screen being accessed has only the Manager role ticked in its properties.... Anyone with Registered Role can access the screen. Lily can access the screen as long as she has Manage role. Lily can access the screen as long as she has a username and password. Lily can access the screen as long as she has Manager role and no other role.
39. What is the correct statement regarding Automatic Exceptions? Security, Communication and Database are automatically thrown by the platform. All exceptions are automatically thrown by the platform. All exceptions need to be defined manually in the Action Flow. None of the options. .
40. Given that a List has an aggregate as its source and another list is bound to a Data Actionwhich among the options most likely will happen? Aggregates are fetched first before DataActions. Impossible to know Depending on what is defined as Fetch Data on Demand will be the first to have its list. Data Actions are fetched first before Aggregates.
41. Regarding sorting Lists, which of the following options is correct? Sort clauses cannot be changed dynamically at runtime when using Lists Lists have a built-in On Sort event Other Widgets should be used to allow the end-user to define the sort criteria None of the options.
42. Which of the following would be a good use case for a Client Variable? Id. Entity Identifier. Adhar card number. User Name.
43. Regarding non-SELECT queries, which of the following options is correct? It is mandatory to specify all Attributes inan INSERT query. It is not possible to execute DELETEqueries with the SQL Tool It is mandatory to set the Output Entity orStructure. It is not possible to use Query Parametersin Non-SELECT queries.
44. In which of the following situations is it necessary to define a handler for a Block Event? When the Event is set to mandatory. When the event has Output Parameters. When the Block has Placeholders and containers. When the event Input Parameters are all mandatory.
45. In OutSystems, a Block is a reusable UI component. Which of the following is NOT correct? A Block can only be reused once A Block encapsulates its own logic. A Block improves maintainability, i.e., change the design or functionality, affect all usages. A Block promotes reusability, i.e. develop once, reuse many times.
46. Which of the following is the correct syntax for Entities and Attributes? Entity.Attribute {Entity}.[Attribute] [Entity].{Attribute} (Entity).{Attribute}.
47. Which is not true about the relationship of block into another element? A block can be initialized by itself. A block can be initialized by another screen and block. A block can be initialized by another block only. All of the options.
48. Which of the following elements can’t be used to create calculated attributes in anAggregate? Variables Value of the attributes of the SourceEntities. Built-in Functions that can be translated toSQL (e.g. Length(), Power()) Server Actions using Entity Attributes.
49. The Checkbox or Switch Widgets are bound to a variable of which type? Boolean. Entity Identifier. Integer. Text.
50. Regarding the Delete Rule property, which of the following options does not guarantee referential integrity? Ignore. After Fetch. Protect. Delete.
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