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Certificação ABAP750

Luiz Jesus
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Question: 160: A data element is an example of A. Business Object B. Semantic Domain C. Physical Definition D. Technical Domain.
Question: 161 What is the effect of setting the line-size option in the following code? REPORT ZTEST LINE-SIZE 0. A. This will produce a synx check B. You will have to program scrolling C. No Lines are written to a report D. The system uses the width of the standard list.
Question: 162 Which is not an automatic check carried out by the screen processor? A. format Check B. Obligatory Field Check C. Fixed Values D. Foreign Key Check E. Parameter Id Validation.
Question: 163 Why is it a good idea to use a backup version of the OK_CODE i.e. SAVE_OK_CODE = OK_CIDE A. OK_CODE is a system reserved variable and cannot be accessed directly. B. Because the OK_CODE gets reset at the beginning of each execution of PAI processing. C. To prevent accidental setting of the OK_CODE in a different screen D. So the OK_CODE is freed up for sub screens.
Question: 164 What would be a reason for choosing to use asynchronous update in your ABAP program (More than one answer is correct) A. To improve user response time B. your updates need to run together as a logical unit C. Immediate updates to the Database are required D. your program need the updates completed in order to continue processing.
Question: 165 Which number range function would you use to determine if an external number lies in the specified number range interval? A. NUMBER_GET_INFO B. NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_LIST C. NUMBER_CHECK. D. NUMBER_RANGE_EXTERNAL_CHECK E. NUMBER_GET_NEXT.
Question: 166 How many At Exit-command Modules are allowed in the PBO? A. 0 B. 2 C. Unlimited D. 1.
Question: 167 Identify the synchronous update technique? (More than one answer is correct) A. Update table.. .. B. PERFORM.. .. ON COMMIT and WAIT C. COMMIT WORK AND WAIT D. CALL FUNCTION in Update task.
Question: 168 What type of memory is typically used as default values for screen fields? A. SAP memory B. ABAP/4 memory C. Shared Memory.
Question: 169 Which Update request runs asynchronously A. V2 B. Local C. V1 D. Transactional.
Question: 170 Which does not provide synchronous processing? A. An update-task function module triggered with COMMIT WORK AND WAIT B. An update-task function module triggered with COMMIT WORK C. Batch Input Programs D. PERFORM.. .. ON COMMIT.
Question: 171 What is true about the PHO/POV events? A. After these events are processed the screen is redisplayed but the PBO is not processed B. After these events are processed the PAI is processed then the PBO and then the screen is displayed C. After these events are processed the PBO module is processed and the screen is redisplayed D. None of the answers are correct.
Question: 172 Using screen painter, how do you logically relate radio buttons? A. Ensure the prefix name of the radio buttons is the same B. Encompass them in a Radio Button Group C. Define a Group box D. Make sure each one has the same Screen Group Name.
Question: 173 Mark the invalid flow logic statement (More than one answer is correct) A. 30 B. 100 C. 20 D. 40 E. 50.
Question: 174 Which statement would conclude a SAP LUW? (More than one answer is correct) A. ROLLBACK WORK B. CALL Transaction C. MESSAGE S101 D. COMMIT WORK.
Question: 175 Where should the CANCEL (RED x) button on the standard toolbar take the user? A. To where the transaction was called B. To the initial screen of the transaction C. To the previous screen D. To the Cancel area.
Question: 176 What message type does not implicitly trigger database commits for the table updates specified in your program? A. I type MESSAGE statement B. A type MESSAGE statement C. E type MESSAGE statement D. W type MESSAGE statement E. S type MESSAGE statement.
Question: 177 What statement allows you to generate a report from an online transaction A. LEAVE TO BASIC LIST B. LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING C. CALL REPORT report_name D. GENERATE list.
Question: 178 What is true about V2 updates within the same SAP LUW? A. An error in one V2 function module cause all other V2 functions to be rolled back B. Each V2 function module for a given COMMIT WORK always runs in its own (separate) DB LUW C. V2 errors cause V1 updates to be rolled back D. They are usually time critical updates.
Question: 179 What methods could be used to specify the next Screen to be displayed? (More than one answer is correct) A. Set Screen B. Use the Next Screen Option on the Screen Attributes C. Loop at Screen D. Submit Screen.
Question: 180 What is true about both synchronous and asynchronous remote function calls? (More than one answer is correct) A. The function module forms its own Database LUW B. The remote function will continue to execute even if the caller is no longer active C. All parameters must have a dictionary reference D. They are executed on another R/3 database server.
Question: 181 What is true about flow logic? (More than one answer is correct) A. The flow logic is contained in Modules B. Dialog Programs do not require a transaction to execute the module pool C. Screens are optional in a dialog program. D. Transactions are a vehicle to execute dialog programs E. Update and enqueue techniques are important.
Question: 182 The OK_CODE servers what purpose A. Contains screen field values B. Contains function codes C. Determines successful user action.
Question: 183 What is true about subscreen? (More than one answer is correct) A. Multiple subscreens are possible in a single screen. B. You can also specify the subscreens dynamically at runtime. C. Can set their own titlebar D. Can set their own GUI status have their own OK_CODE.
Question: 184 What happens when number range interval buffering is active for internal numbers? (More than one answer is correct) A. Duplicate numbers will never be encountered in the system B. perceived improved performance can be achieved C. A programmer can choose to ignore buffering on request D. The numbering sequence is contiguous.
Question: 185 After a user action is performed, what event is triggered in dialog program? A. Case OK_CODE B. PAI C. Module User_command D. PBO.
Question: 186 What statement will start a new internal session in the same external session? (More than one answer is correct) A. Leave to transaction B. Call Transaction C. Submit.. .. and Return D. Submit.
Question: 187 The following statement ‘Message S001 (AT)’ is issued in a PAI module of a Dynpro. Where does the message appear? A. On the same screen B. On the next screen C. After the AT-EXIT Module D. In the System Log.
Question: 188 Refer to the following code. Module check_FIELD_CD raises an Error Message. Mark the Field(s) that are open For A. c B. a, b, c C. c, d D. b, d.
Question: 189 Which statement will ensure processing returns to the calling point after the user presses F3 to exit the list? A. CALL report AND RETURN B. SUBMIT report C. LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING D. SUBMIT ZPGMA and Return E. SUBMIT ZPGMA with selection-set.. ..
Question: 190 Where would you typically see the code “Call Selection Screen” A. At Line-Selection B. Start-of-Selection C. Top-of-Page D. At Selection-Screen.
Question: 191 Program A makes a call to Program B with “Submit Program B and return”. How many SAP LUW’s are involved? A. 3 B. 2 C. 0 D. 1.
Question: 192 When would you use one of the F4_IF* functions? A. In the module that perform OKCODE processing B. In the PAI when Process on Value-Request dialog event is triggered C. In the PBO when Process on Value-Request dialog event is triggered D. In the PAI when Process on Help-Request dialog event is triggered.
Question: 193 If you want to Work with the standard number range functionality, you only need the function modules in the function group A. SNR3 B. SNR1 C. SNR2 D. SNR4.
Question: 194 What is difference between call screen and set screen? A. There is no difference B. Call Screen is used only for external screens. Set screen is only for screens in the same module pool C. Call screen executes and returns to the point of call. Set Screen does not D. Set screen executes and returns to the point of call. Call Screen does not.
Question: 195 Indicate the functions that are capable of transporting data to screen fields? (More than one answer is correct) A. DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE B. DYNP_VALUES_READ C. DYNPREAD D. F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST.
Question: 196 Indicate the functions that are capable of transporting data to screen fields (More than one answer is correct) A. ENQUEUE_EZMARA B. DEQUEUE_EZMARA C. ENQUEUE_EZ_MARA D. DEQUEUE_EZ_MARA.
Question: 197 If you are building a tabstrip to be handled at the presentation level. What function type should be assigned to the tab title? A. P B. T C. Blank D. F E. E.
Question: 198 What is true about context menu? (More than one answer is correct) A. A subordinate output field in a table control inherits the context menu of the table control B. They are a special GUI Status C. A subordinate input field in a subscreen causes the subscreen to inherit the context menu of the subordinate field D. Context Menus are assigned to input fields.
Question: 199 What includes are generated in module pool SAPMZABC if only DYNPRO 100 exists. Refer to the following Flow logic for Dynpro 100? (More than one answer is correct) A. MZABCTOP B. USER_COMMAND_0100 C. MZABCO01 D. MZABCI01.
Question: 200 What is required in the flow logic in order to process a table control? A. A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the PAI B. A loop .. endloop statement for the table control in both the PBO and the PAI C. A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the USER_COMMAND module D. A loop .. endloop statement for the table control only in the PBO.
Question: 201 What statement in Dialog Programming names screen fields available for input. A. Field B. Module C. Check D. Case.
Question: 202 If you do not SUPPRESS DIALOG in a dynpro before you LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING, the following Mill happen: (More than one answer is correct) A. The screen will be displayed with the report that was built, but the gui-stus will be the one from the previous screen B. The report will be displayed on the screen only after the user presses the enter key C. The previous screen (calling screen) will be redisplayed D. The screen will be displayed, and will be empty.
Question: 203 What is proper coding practice in the flow logic of a Dynpro when a subscreen is defined on the screen? A. Call Subscreen in the PAI and PBO B. The Call Subscreen statement is not required C. Call Subscreen in the PAI only D. Call Subscreen in the PBO only.
Question: 204 How would you define a lock object? A. Use the Da Browser B. Through a Function Call C. Create it as an object in the dictionary.
Question: 205 What takes step after each dialogue step? A. A Commit Work is executed B. System passes a Database commit to the database system C. The application gathers data for update processing D. The SAP LUW is concluded.
Question: 206 Where does the Modification GROUP assignment of fields get defined? A. Using the SET GROUP statement B. Do you really care C. In the Dynpro D. In the screen painter.
Question: 207 What is true about performing in commit? A. Parameter passing is allowed B. Multiple calls to a FORM result in single execution of the FORM C. Commit Work is allowed in the form D. RollBack Work is allowed in the FORM.
Question: 208 Refer to the following code, How could you program a generic lock on all rows of a table that have key values 'AA', '111' for the first 2 fields Call Function Enqueue_ESMYLOCK Exporting Field1 = … Field2 = … Field3 = … A. It is not possible in this case B. Field1 = Generic, Field2 = Generic, Field3 = Space C. Field 1 = ’AA’, FIELD2 = ’111’, Field3 = Initial D. Field 1 = ’AA’, FIELD2 = ’111’, Field3 = Space.
Question: 209 "Call Function Starting New task" is an example of what type of call A. Batch B. Asynchronous C. Synchronous D. Direct.
Question: 210 How many modification groups are allowed per screen field? A. 4 B. 1 C. 3 D. Unlimited E. 2.
Question: 211 What attribute in a table control must be defined in order to activate row selection functionality? A. TOP_LINE B. w/selcolumn C. LINE_SEL_MODE D. Function code.
Question: 212 What would trigger a rollback? A. An RFC Function Call that terminates normally B. A program that issues a MESSAGE type 'A'. C. A user cancels the transaction D. A program that issues a Commit Work statement.
Question: 213 What order is recommended when setting and releasing locks in your program? A. read data, lock data, update database, release locks B. lock data, read data, release locks, update database C. lock data, read data, update database, release locks.
Question: 214 Mark the Program Attribute that is used to define a Dialog Program? A. R B. D C. 1 D. M.
Question: 215 You have issued a Set Title bar in the PBO of your screen, How long will the title remain active? A. Until the Next screen change B. Until the next Set TitleBar statement C. Until the next DB Luw.
Question: 216 What is the order of transport in PBO when a table control is defined in your module pool? A. Screen fields followed by table control fields B. All fields regardless of table control definition are transported at the beginning of PBO C. table control fields followed by the remaining screen fields D. Dictionary Fields followed by Program Fields.
Question: 217 What transaction is used to handle termination updates? A. SM13 B. CCMS C. SM12 D. SE80.
Question: 218 Mark the valid name for a 'text field' in screen painter? A. _mytext B. !mytext C. ?mytext.
Question: 219 What table is used to store transaction codes? A. tstc B. txncodes C. tstct D. txn.
Question: 220 A commit work is issued in a transaction that employs asynchronous updating, what takes place. (More than one answer is correct) A. SAP LUW is concluded B. User is notified of updates C. Update requests are processed D. Database commit is triggered.
Question: 221 In what case are tabstrips good candidates? (More than one answer is correct) A. When users need the ability to navigate freely between components B. When Navigation between components is predetermined in a fixed manner C. When several components of an application need to be displayed on one screen.
Question: 222 What technique is used to ensure remote functions are still processed even if the partner computer is not active? A. Asynchronous RFC B. Synchronous RFC C. Transactional RFC.
Question: 223 If you trigger a lock object, and it is already locked by some other user, what exception would be raised?? A. 03 - Already_Locked B. 08 - General_Failure C. 01 - Foreign_Lock D. 02 - System Failure.
Question: 224 Mark the items that are true with the Asynchronous Update technique in a SAP LUM. (More than one answer is correct) A. Update task functions are logged in the SM12 log tables B. Requests are not passed directly to the DB C. You can combine update requests from consecutive dialog steps D. COMMIT concludes the SAP LUW E. All updates are performed or none at all.
Question: 225 The Scope Parameter for your lock object function module has been set to 2, What does this imply? (More than one answer is correct) A. You must release the locks programmatically B. Locks generated in the dialog program are passed on to the update program C. An update termination error holds the locks D. The locks are automatically released when the updates complete.
Question: 226 Where could you typically program dynamic screen changes. A. In a PBO module B. In a PAI Module C. PAI screen event in Flow logic D. PBO screen event in Flow logic.
Question: 227 To handle user requests in a dialog program, you must assign function codes to the relevant screen and window elements in the Screen Painter and menu Painter, mark the element that does not contain a function code. A. Screen Pushbuttons B. menu functions C. Container D. tool-bar pushbuttons.
Question: 228 Three locks have been set in a transaction, What are methods that would cause the release of all three. (More than one answer is correct) A. End the Transaction B. Reset Command C. CALL FUNCTION DEQUEUE_ALL D. Commit Work E. Program ends abnormally.
Question: 229 F4 is pressed for a screen field. What is the order of precedence that takes place resume that all "possible values" options have been defined for the screen field? a) The corresponding check table will be referenced and displayed b) Process on Value-Request is executed c) A search help is referenced and displayed d) The corresponding domain values will be displayed A. b, c, a, d B. a, b, c, d C. b, d, a, c D. d, a, c, b.
Question: 230 What table do you automatically get in a dynpro without having to declare it in your module pool? A. Subscreen B. Sy-table C. Screen D. Screen_IB.
Question: 231 What field is not mandatory when creating a transaction? A. Program B. Transaction Text C. Screen Number D. Authorization Object.
Question: 232 When does the dialog processor perform automatic checks? A. Before PBO Processing Begins B. After the User has pressed enter and before the PAI modules are processed C. After PAI Processing is complete D. After the User has pressed enter and before the PBO modules are processed.
Question: 233 Your dynpro has a table control. It also makes use of the field statement. What is the order of data transport in the PAI (from the screen to ABAP) A. All fields except table control and field statements, table control fields, Field statement fields B. Field statement fields, table control fields, remaining fields C. Dictionary Fields followed by Program Fields D. Table control fields, Field statement fields, All remaining fields.
Question: 234 When a COMMIT WORK is issued, in what order does processing occur. Refer to the following code? 1. Dialog task FORM routines logged with PERFORM…. ON COMMIT. 2. High-priority (V1) update-task function modules. 3. Low-priority (V2) update-task function modules. A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 2, 1 C. 2, 3, 1.
Question: 235 Screen 100 calls screen 200. Perform list processing with. Where does processing resume list Screen 200 makes a request to the suppress dialog option after returning from the list? (More than one answer is correct) A. To the next screen defined in the screen attributes of screen 100 B. There is no return if the statement LEAVE TO LISTPROCESSING is used C. To the beginning of the transaction D. If LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING AND RETURN TO SCREEN xxx is used, return will go to screen xxx E. To the next screen defined in the screen attributes of screen 200.
Question: 236 A complex data object must be declared in your Top Include for a table control. What is its TYPE? A. CXB B. TableView C. TableControl D. Table.
Question: 237 What makes up a dialogue step? A. All PBO and PAI modules in the Module pool B. One sequence of a PBO followed by a PAI C. One sequence of a PAI followed by a PBO D. All ABAP Modules of a screen.
Question: 238 What happens when a user presses F1 on a Screen Field? A. The system will display the documentation of the field to which a screen field refers B. The system will display the documentation of the data element to which a screen field refers C. The system will display the documentation of the domain to which a screen field refers D. The system will display the technical information of the field to which a screen field refers.
Question: 239 What attribute on an update task function module determines how update requests are processed A. Function Type B. Application C. Processing type D. Function Group.
Question: 240 How are locks removed from lock tables? A. The database breaks B. The update task removes them at the end of the SAP LUW C. The update task removes them at the beginning of the SAP LUW D. Commit Work statement is issued.
Question: 241 SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL is issued in the dialog program. What effect does this have on updating? (More than one answer is correct) A. Update requests do not use the VBLOG table B. Cluster tables are used to processing the update request C. Update requests use shared memory D. A new dialog work process is used for the update process.
Question: 242 Mark the invalid program text element? A. Titles/Headers B. Parameter Texts C. Selection Texts D. Text Symbols.
Question: 243 Which function could you use to retrieve a number from an internal number range? A. NUMBER_GET_INFO B. NUMBER_GET_NEXT C. NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_LIST D. NUMBER_RANGE_EXTERNAL_CHECK.
Question: 244 What will cause the system to implicitly trigger the database commits? (More than one answer is correct) A. CALL SUBSCREEN B. At User-Command C. Message I001. D. Exit the Transaction E. CALL TRANSACTION.
Question: 245 Which of the following will change the contents of the data cluster that corresponds with memory id ‘MYID’? (More than one answer is correct) A. CLEAR MEMORY ID 'MYID' B. FREE MEMORY ID 'MYID' C. IMPORT ABC TO MEMORY ID 'MYID' D. EXPORT ABC TO MEMORY ID 'MYID'.
Question: 246 What methods could initialize a screen field that is defined with parameter id CAR? (More than one answer is correct) A. Set the screen painter attribute GET Parameter and fill in the Parameter ID field with CAR B. Use the GET Parameter in the PBO of the DYNPRO C. Use the SET Parameter in the PBO of the DYNPRO D. Use the GET Parameter in the PAI of the DYNPRO.
Question: 247 How does a Perform on Commit differ from a Perform statement? (More than one answer is correct) A. Subroutines called using on commit have no interface B. Subroutines called using on commit pass parameters by reference only C. Subroutines called using on commit pass parameters by value only D. Subroutines called using on commit use global data only.
Question: 248 What makes up a tabstrip? (More than one answer is correct) A. tab Title B. Function Keys C. tabstrip Menu Bar D. Subscreens E. Subscreen Area.
Question: 249 Mark the one component that is not the part of dynpro A. Module Pool B. Flow logic C. Screen attributes D. Element List E. Screen Layout.
Question: 250 How do you determine the parameter ID for a screen field? A. F1, Technical Info on the screen field B. Check users default C. Check table TPARA D. Check the Value statement in the Top Include.
Question: 251 What are the minimum requirements for Processing User requests in a Dynpro? (More than one answer is correct) A. OK_CODE Checking is performed in the Screen Flow Logic B. The last field of the element list of the screen has the name OK_CODE C. OK_CODE is Defined in the TOP Include D. Define a GUI Status.
Question: 252 The standard function key used for displaying a list of possible values is: A. F2 B. F3 C. F1 D. F4.
Question: 253 Defining a Lock Object as Exclusive would specify what kind of locking A. Prevents a single user with read-write access from attaining further locks to the same set of table rows. This is useful when you are using recursive routines to make updates. B. Gives a single user read and writes access to the specified table rows. No other users may access the rows. C. Allows multiple users to access the specified table rows, but with read-access only. No write accesses are allowed at any time.
Question: 254 What must be assigned to a module pool in order for it to be executed? A. Event B. Program Type C. Module D. Transaction.
Question: 255 Refer to the following Code, fin E(rror) or W(arning) message is issued in the PHI of a dynpro. What does not take place? A. Field MYB-RESERVATION Module B. Validate_Reservation C. The field is ready for input again D. PBO is reprocessed E. The system places the cursor in the error field F. Screen is Redisplayed G. The Message is displayed.
Question: 256 Transaction ‘ZABC’ contains mandatory fields on the first screen. A Dialog program issues the statement CALL Transaction ZABC and Skip First Screen. What is required in the first screen of transaction ZABC for the call to function properly? A. Export the screen fields to memory B. The mandatory fields must be filled in with "Get Parameter" statement or default values in Transaction ZABC C. The mandatory fields must be filled in with "Set Parameter" statement or default values in Transaction ZABC D. The first screen in transaction ZABC can indicate that mandatory fields do not need to be filled in if called by another transaction.
Question: 257 Which of the following corresponds to the command entry/ ntcod? A. SUBMIT TRANSACTION tcod B. LEAVE PROGRAM C. LEAVE TO TRANSACTION tcod D. CALL TRANSACTION tcod.
Question: 258 In a dialog program, what coding technique allows passing of all the rows of the internal table T_BOOKING to the program named RSPGM101? A. SUBMIT RSPGM101 WITH BOOKING =T_BOOKING. B. SET PARAMETER ID ‘BOK’ FIELD T_BOOKING. SUBMIT RSPGM101. C. IMPORT T_BOOKING TO MEMORY ID ‘MYID’. SUBMIT RSPGM101. D. EXPORT T_BOOKING TO MEMORY ID ‘MYID’. SUBMIT RSPGM101.
Question: 259 In PBO, what field contains the total number of lines in table control tc_flight A. TC_FLIGHT-LINES B. SY-DYNNR C. SY-STEPL D. TC_FLIGHT-TOL_LINES.
Question: 260 What is true about a number line assignment? A. A number range can be character only B. The range consists only of numerics C. A number range can be defined as both internal and external. D. A number range is used only for transactional documents.
Question: 261 What needs to be coded if you want to branch to report program ABC from a dialog program, but you do not want the user to see the selection screen A. SUBMIT ABC WITH CARRID = W_CARRID B. CALL ABC WITH CARRID = W_CARRID C. SUBMIT ABC AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN. D. SUBMIT ABC VIA SELECTION-SCREEN.
Question: 262 What code is required in order to return immediately to the calling screen? (More than one answer is correct) A. Leave Program B. Leave to Screen 0 C. Set Screen 0 D. Set Screen 0. Leave Screen.
Question: 263 Which line of code is valid for the use of table control BOOKING_TC in screen 200? A. LOOP AT BOOKING_TC.ENDLOOP. "In the PBO. B. Controls: booking_tc type tableview using screen 200. "IN THE TOP INCLUDE C. LOOP AT BOOKING_B WITH CONTROL D. BOOKING_TC CURSOR BOOKING_TC-CURRENTLINE. ENDLOOP. "IN THE PAI E. Controls: booking_tc using screen 200. " IN THE TOP INCLUDE.
Question: 264 What is true about the following code? A. The Module Validate is processed if both FLIGHT and CARRID are other than the initial value B. The Module Validate is processed if at least one of the fields FLIGHT or CARRID are other than the initial value C. The Module Validate is processed only if both FLIGHT and CARRID are initial values D. The Module Validate is never processed.
Question: 265 What is required for a Radio button defined on a screen to work in a module pool? A. You should declare a corresponding one character variable in your TOP include B. You should declare a corresponding one character variable in the Screen Flow C. Ensure the radio button is selected in the screen D. Nothing else is required.
Question: 266 The user cans customize the look of various table control values? Which of the following can the user adjust? (More than one answer is correct) A. The Column heading B. The width of a column, C. The horizontal grid can be set off/on D. The order of the columns.
Question: 267 A screen field has been dynamically changed in a dialog program. When does it get re-initialized? A. At the end of the transaction B. Only when the program encounters more code to modify the field attributes C. At PAI execution D. At PBO execution.
Question: 268 What is true about LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING statement? (More than one answer is correct) A. Enables execution of interactive reporting events B. Data available in the dialog program must be passed to the list C. Enables processing of ok_code functions D. The CALL SCREEN xxx statement is possible E. The invoking module pool still reins control of execution.
Question: 269 Which statement interrupts processing of current screen? A. Leave to Transaction B. Leave Screen C. Call Screen 100 D. Set Screen 100.
Question: 270 What is true about using memory to pass data? (More than one answer is correct) A. ABAP memory is local to each external session B. Each external session has its own ABAP memory C. SAP Memory can be accessed by all external sessions D. ABAP memory can be accessed by SAP memory E. ABAP memory is used to pass data between the external sessions of an internal session.
Question: 271 What is context menu? A. Shortcuts for frequently used functions B. Functions that are relevant for the current Screen Group C. Context Sensitive Pushbuttons D. A special menu for subscreens.
Question: 272 How could you run the program context of your program? (More than one answer is correct) A. Issue a COMMIT WORK statement B. Issue a ROLLBACK WORK statement in the program C. End the dialog program D. Issue a termination message (type A).
Question: 273 What type of memory is reined for the duration of an external session? A. Extended memory B. SAP memory C. ABAP/4 memory.
Question: 274 When activating a lick object, what is subsequently generated? A. Function Modules B. Generic Lock Keys C. A Dictionary table.
Question: 275 Mark the valid asynchronous update bundling technique. A. UPDATE B. CALL FUNCTION.. .. IN UPDATE TASK C. PERFORM ASYNCHRONOUS D. PERFORM.. .. ON COMMIT.
Question: 276 What steps would be required to define a tabstrip in your dialog program? (More than one answer is correct) A. Place a tabstrip object on your screen using Screen Painter B. Define Pushbuttons on the subscreen area C. Name your tabstrip object D. Declare a tabstrip control in your global top include.
Question: 277 What table fields are required as lock arguments in a lock object? A. Any Primary Key Fields B. Any Primary Key Fields and Any Secondary Key Fields C. The Primary Key Fields D. The Foreign Key Dependencies.
Question: 278 Refer to the following code. Module CHECK_FIELD_CD raises an Error Message. When the user changes the entry in response to the error, where in the PHI event does processing resume A. 30 B. 20 C. 40 D. 10 E. 50.
Question: 279 What makes up a ABAP transaction? (More than one answer is correct) A. Dictionary Objects B. Txn Code C. Function Modules D. GUI E. User Dialogs F. ABAP Program.
Question: 280 What is needed in your tabstrip to have scrolling take place on the application server A. Assign Function Type = Space B. Assign Function Code = P C. Assign Function Code = Space D. Assign Function Type = P.
Question: 281 CALL TRANSACTION has been issued in an ABAP. What code in the called transaction will return to the point of call? A. Leave to Transaction B. Exit. C. Leave Program D. Stop Program.
Question: 282 Your screen has a table control defined to it. In the PAI, what does the SY-LOOPC system variable contain? A. Number of table control lines B. Loop Counter C. Number of filled lines.
Question: 283 How many times would the form 'calculate_sales' be executed ? A. Infinitely B. 1 C. Not at all D. 5.
Question: 284 What is true about calling a screen (More than one answer is correct) A. A screen can be called from within a function module B. Screens should be called from PBO modules C. Screens can be called from PAI modules D. A screen can be called from a report program.
Question: 285 What is the sequence of events and order of data transported in the following code? Select the correct order A. 20, 30, 10 B. 10, 20, 30 C. 20, 10, 30.
Question: 286 When defining a new Dialog Program, what is the first thing you are prompted for? A. Application B. Screens C. Top Include D. Logical Database.
Question: 287 What ABAP statement discards update task requests. (More than one answer is correct) A. Message A101 B. ROLLBACK WORK C. UPDATE D. Call Function in Update task.
Question: 288 What are some essential steps for logging changes made to SRP data? (More than one answer is correct) A. Define a change document object B. Mark the change document flag on the domain of the field where logging is required C. Call the generated change doc function (i.e. obj_write_document) in an ABAP program D. Create a function to update tables CDHDR and CDPOS.
Question: 289 What class is used for method load_gui_status in a context menu? A. cl_context_clas B. cl_ctmenu C. cl_menu D. menu_class.
Question: 290 Where is the current active tab page stored for a tabstrip? A. tabstrip B. ACTIVE TAB C. Function Code D. OK_Code.
Question: 291 After changing a field attributes in a dynpro, what statement is used to activate the change? A. COMMIT B. MODIFY C. SET D. ACTIVATE.
Question: 292 When are V2 updates processed? A. After all V1's are complete B. After each related V1 C. Before V1's are started D. Parallel to relative V1's.
Question: 293 Screen 200 follows screen 100; Screen 100 is displayed with GUI Status 'BASE'. Screen 200 is then displayed without issuing the SET PF-STATUS what will take place A. Run Time Error B. Status 'BASE' is displayed C. Standard List Status D. Screen 200 is displayed without a status.
Question: 294 Which statements are true about table controls? (More than one answer is correct) A. Page scrolling using the standard toolbar is automatic and can be controlled by the user B. Column sizing is adjustable and can be controlled by the user C. The sort option is automatic and can be controlled by the user D. Table control rows are scrollable.
Question: 295 What transaction should be used to change keywords and short texts for SAP data elements? A. CMOD B. SE30 C. SE12 D. SMOD.
Question: 296 What is true about append structure? (More than one answer is correct) A. An append-structure can be assigned to more than one table B. A table can have only one append structure C. An append-structure can only be assigned to one specific table D. A table can have more than one append structure.
Question: 297 What is SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR) used for? A. To register SAP modifications made by a developer B. To register enhancements made by a developer C. To register Customizing made by a developer D. To register custom developed modifications made by a developer.
Question: 298 What definitions are recommended to be client specific? (More than one answer is correct) A. Repository B. Application C. Customizing D. Dictionary.
Question: 299 Which is not considered a way to ilor on R/3 system? A. Modification B. Enhancement C. Interfacing D. Personalization E. Customizing.
Question: 300 Which screen object is needed on a tabstrip? A. box B. screen C. subscreen area D. pushbutton.
Question: 301 Where in a function exit does the customer code get inserted? A. In the function module itself that corresponds to the enhancement component B. In the include program that can be found in the function module that corresponds to the enhancement component C. In the include of the calling program that calls the function D. In the program that calls the function module that corresponds to the enhancement component.
Question: 302 Which of the following methods require higher Maintenance when new releases of SAP are installed? A. Enhancements to the SAP Standard B. Append Structures C. Customizing D. Modifications to the SAP Standard.
Question: 303 Identify the situation Where Append Structures are not allowed. (More than one answer is correct) A. If the last field has a domain of data type curr B. If the last field is already an Append Structure C. If the table contains a field of data type LCHR or LRAW D. If the table is a pooled or cluster table.
Question: 304 What is characteristic of a modification to SAP? A. Modified objects lose their connection to the standard B. Adjustment is automatic during an upgrade C. Changes are lost during an upgrade to a new release D. New versions may need to be adjusted to include the modification.
Question: 305 In the case of a screen exit, how is global data accessed by the subscreen A. Use the MOVE statement to move the screen data to the TOP include of the subscreen B. Global data is available to subscreens so no special programming is required C. The developer uses preplanned function module exits.
Question: 306 What object is not supported by the Modification assistant? A. User exits B. Text Elements C. Functions D. Menus.
Question: 307 A customer defined enhancement project uses function group XG99, identify the invalid include generated for the enhancement project. A. ZXG99L01 B. ZXG99F01 C. ZXG99U01 D. ZXG99E01.
Question: 308 What is the term used when a change is made to a customer object in a system other than the original system? A. Repair B. Correction C. Change D. Modification.
Question: 309 What is the value of sy-subrc when the user presses cancel after a screen has been displayed using the Call Selection-Screen statement? A. -1 B. 4 C. 8 D. 0.
Question: 310 What is true about programming true Exit? A. The screen type must be subscreen B. You can set your own gui-status C. You can branch to another screen by coding SET SCREEN xxx.
Question: 311 What type of object are recorded in customizing change requests? A. System Wide B. Client independent C. Versions D. Client specific.
Question: 312 What is true about the enhancement concept? (More than one answer is correct) A. They are preplanned by SAP B. Enhancement Projects use CI includes C. A specific enhancement can only be used in one customer project D. A specific enhancement may be used in more than one customer project E. A component can be contained in more than one enhancement.
Question: 313 If you noticed a function code in a menu that began with + (plus sign), what type of exit could you be observing: A. a text exit B. a program exit C. a menu exit D. a screen exit.
Question: 314 What type of requests are used to transport repository objects? A. Workbench B. Object Browser C. Customizing D. Repository.
Question: 315 How does a customer benefit by using SSCR? A. To log enhancements made by a development user B. To log Customizing made by a development user C. To log modifications made by a development user.
Question: 316 What is the customer name range for fields in an append structure? A. Z_ or Y_ B. Z or Y C. ZZ or YY D. ZZ_ or YY_.
Question: 317 What type of function will trigger the modification assistant to insert a modifiable line range? (More than one answer is correct) A. Replace B. Delete C. Insert D. Add E. Change.
Question: 318 Would you transport the contents of a field in a field exit back to the screen? A. Assign the field value to the import parameter B. Assign the field value to the INPUT parameter C. Assign the field value to the OUTPUT parameter D. Assign the field value to the changing parameter.
Question: 319 What keyword could you look for in order to determine if a screen exit has been provided by SAP? A. CALL SCREEN CUSTOMER B. CALL CUSTOMER-SCREEN C. CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREEN D. CALL SCREEN-EXIT.
Question: 320 What is an SD User Exit technically considered? A. Customizing B. Modification C. Enhancement D. User Include.
Question: 321 Which of the following types of enhancements do not need to be assigned to an enhancement project? (More than one answer is correct) A. Keyword B. Field exit C. Menu exit D. Screen E. Program exit.
Question: 322 Where in a function nodule XAAA would global data of an enhancement be declared? A. In the TOP include LxaaaTOP B. In the Include with your other code changes C. In the TOP include ZxaaaTOP D. In the P include LxaaaP.
Question: 323 What relationship can be established in watchpoints? A. any boolean operators B. combination of OR or AND conditions C. OR conditions only D. AND conditions only.
Question: 324 How many modification logs are available in your system? A. Determined by Basis group - this is a configurable item B. 1 for every release C. maximum of 1 D. minimum of 1.
Question: 325 Identify the valid statement when coding a field exit? A. MESSAGE I101. B. BREAK-POINT. C. MESSAGE E101. D. SUBMIT RSCA101X.
Question: 326 What tern is used when a developer makes a change to an SOP object? A. User Exit B. Modification C. Custom development D. Copy.
Question: 327 Identify the key word that determines if a CMOD function exit has been provided A. CALL PROGRAM-EXIT B. CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION C. CALL USER-EXIT D. CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREEN.
Question: 328 A user has made a modification to a SAP subroutine. A new upgrade release is to be applied, and SRP has made modifications to the same subroutine that the user has modified. What will happen during upgrade using the modification assistant. A. The modification assistant will prompt you for a change request to reapply the change B. The user modifications are automatically inserted into the new subroutine release C. The user modifications must be reapplied manually D. Options 'replace' and 'insert' is made available for you to decide on how to handle the upgrade.
Question: 329 In what case will an automatic upgrade take place using the modification assistant, assuming no name or layout conflict exist? (More than one answer is correct) A. New tabstrip added to a screen B. Menu function id modified C. New Function Module is added to a function group D. Deletion of a collective search help.
Question: 330 Which transaction is used to make dictionary adjustments when upgrading versions of SAP? A. SPAU B. SP01 C. SPDD D. CMOD.
Question: 331 How are customizing includes created? A. Project Enhancement B. ABAP Workbench C. In the ABAP Dictionary D. Customizing transactions.
Question: 332 If you want to make a change to the standard delivered SAP system to fit your business needs. What is the first thing you should do? A. Log on to OSS and ask SAP to apply the change B. Change the relevant SAP repository object C. Check configuration to see if the proposed change is feasible D. Create a custom object within the customer name range.
Question: 333 If you are using a screen exit provided by a SAP application, when typically does the data get exported to the subscreen A. In a PBO module of the main screen B. In a PAI module of the main screen C. In a PBO module of the subscreen D. In a PBO module of the subcreen.
Question: 334 Match the definition in group 1 with the exit type in group 2 A. B-1, A-4, C-3, D-2 B. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 C. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1.
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