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ccna hodge podge Description: just what it says Author: Noob Saibot Other tests from this author Creation Date: 11/11/2024 Category: Others Number of questions: 10 |
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IFMG is bidding for the acquisition of layer 2 switches for some campuses. In order to prepare the terms of reference, considering the OSI model, the following are features or functionalities of this equipment, except: VLAN support. Link aggregation support – LACP. ACL support – Access control lists. Spanning tree support. Support for static and dynamic routing protocols. Ein Analyst möchte LACP (IEEE 802.3ad) für Gigabit-Schnittstellen konfigurieren. Betrachten Sie als Beispiel den folgenden Konfigurationsausschnitt, der zeigt, wie Gigabit-Ethernet-2/0-Ports auf Portkanal 1 mit LACP-Parametern konfiguriert werden: Router> enable Router# configure terminal Router(config)# lacp ....I.... 65535 Router(config)# interface port-channel 1 Router(config-if)# lacp max-bundle 2 Router(config-if)# ....II.... Router(config)# interface g2/0/0 Router(config-if)# no ip address Router(config-if)# lacp port-priority 100 Router(config-if)# ....III.... 1 mode passive Router(config-if)# end Füllen Sie die Lücken I, II und III richtig aus: system-address-priority – port address – group port-link-priority – lacp ip address – group-port priority-system – frame ip address – group-channel priority-port – port-channel address – channel-port system-priority – ip address – channel-group. Knowing that communication between the switches is stabilized and fully operational, based on the LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) protocol and its characteristics, it can be concluded that: In total, the diagram presents two LAG (Link Aggregation Group): one between switches B and C; and one between switches C and D. There are two distinct LAG (Link Aggregation Group) between switches C and D. If one of the ports on switch B becomes unavailable, B and C lose communication between them. The LACP protocol allows the use of three operating modes: active, passive, and alternate. The LACP protocol blocks all ports, leaving only one active for each link, in order to avoid looping in the local network. Correct Answer. Regarding network assets, analyze the statements below and select the correct alternative. I. Using jumbo frames is a way to minimize the amount of headers transmitted. II. The IEEE 802.1x authentication protocol can be used in both wired and wireless networks. III. Redundancy of connectivity between two devices (manageable and standardized) can be implemented with both connection aggregation (Link Agregation – LACP) and the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). Only statement I is correct. None of the statements are correct. Only statements II and III are correct. All statements are correct. Only statements I and II are correct. LACP ist eine Funktion, die die Kopplung mehrerer physischer Ports zu einem einzigen logischen Hochverfügbarkeitskanal ermöglicht. Rechts Falsch. Regarding cabling standards and network protocols, analyze the following statements. I. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable minimizes the occurrence of electromagnetic interference because it is shielded. II. Link aggregation in switches is possible due to the advent of protocols such as Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). III. Link aggregation is present only in the link layer, being excluded in the physical layer and in the network layer. Select the CORRECT alternative. Only statements I and II are correct. Only statement II is correct. Only statement I is correct. Only statement III is correct. Statements I, II and III are correct. Which IEEE standard is related to WI-FI 6 technology? 802.11ac 802.11ax 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n. Network 1 - administrative: subnet must contain 50 available IP addresses • Network 2 - Students: subnet must contain 2000 available IP addresses • Network 3 - Visitors: subnet must contain 300 available IP addresses. Select the option in which the subnet masks are configured so that all users on each network can receive the IP configuration dynamically and with the least waste of IP addresses. Network 1 (, Network 2 (, Network 3 ( Network 1 (, Network 2 (, Network 3 ( Network 1 (, Network 2 (, Network 3 ( Network 1 (, Network 2 (, Network 3 ( Network 1 (, Network 2 (, Network 3 ( The IFMG network administrator has detected that students are using an external proxy server to bypass the network's firewall rules. It is known that the labs and students' wireless access are in the subnets, that the proxy server address is, that all lab and wireless network traffic passes through the firewall, and that the firewall has a default policy of allowing all packets to be forwarded. The rule to be added to the firewall, considering that the firewall has no rules, to block the use of the proxy is: iptables -A OUTPUT -s 192.168.32/20 -d -p http -j DROP iptables -A FORWARD -s 192.168.32/20 -d -p tcp -j DROP. Each customer must be described by a JSON object with exactly three name/value pairs, which must indicate the customer's name, a string, the customer's address, also just a string, and an array of strings representing the phone numbers. All objects representing customers must be sent in an object containing an array under the name "customers". Considering this context, to create a test file with two customers, what is the correct representation of the requested data? A {"clients": [ { "name": "John Smith", "address": "Street A, 123", "phones": ["1234-5678"]},{"name": "Maria Oliveira", "address": "Street B, 456", "phones": ["8765-4321"]}]} {"clients": [ { "name": "John Smith", "address": ["Street A, 123"], "phones": "1234-5678" },{ "name": "Maria Oliveira", "address": ["Street B, 456"], "phones": "8765-4321" }]} {"clients": [ { "name": "John Smith", "address": "Street A, 123", "phones": "1234-5678" }, { "name": "Maria Oliveira", "address": "Street B, 456", "phones": "8765-4321" }]} {"clients": [ { "name": "John Smith", "address": {"street": "Street A", "number": 123}, "phones": ["1234-5678"]},{"name": "Maria Oliveira", "address": {"street": "Street B", "number": 456}, "phones": ["8765-4321"]}]} { "clients": { "name": "John Smith", "address": "Street A, 123", "phones": ["1234-5678"] }, { "name": "Maria Oliveira", "address": "Street B, 456", "phones": ["8765-4321"] }}. |
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