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Sheet Project Skills

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Creation Date: 16/01/2023

Category: Others

Number of questions: 118
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The Last chapter of the report is called………. Conclusion & Future Works Introduction Abstract References.
To reach a consensus concerning the project the team should use the ……. …… technique Questionnaire JAD Brainstorming Interview.
The ……………….. is used to record your gratitude to a person(s) or organization (s) that helped you Abstract Certification Acknowledgment Reference.
In your presentation you should add an ……………… to inform your audience about what you say and the order of how you say it Introduction Cover Agenda Image.
The organization of your report must be presented in the………… chapter Abstract Introduction Chapter Analysis Chapter Design Chapter.
The …………. Section in your proposal must be matched with the research plan section Previous Work Abstract Objective Introduction.
The ………….. Section in your report or proposal shows the uniqueness of your work and allows you to prevent previous mistakes Previous Work Abstract Introduction Research Plan.
The team should avoid ………… that leads to poor working environment and involve the ………….. Conflict, Team leader Mistakes , Supervisor Conflict, Supervisor Mistakes, Team leader.
The Abstract in your report or proposal should not contain…………. Background Conclusion Abbreviations Results.
All of the following are considered non-verbal communication skills except……… Speaking Eyes contact Hand Gestures Movement.
The supervisor is responsible for the lack of problem formulation or the slow pace of work True False.
References are included inside the report True False.
You should include page numbers in your report except title page True False.
Using hand gestures wisely when presenting make you appear more confident True False.
It is not necessarily to add visual aids in your presentation True False.
Presentation it is not just what you say, but how you say it True False.
The title is a way to cite your work True False.
Previous works are included in the report but not in the proposal True False.
You should use active voice in your report True False.
Your objectives should be SMART True False.
. A technique used to develop many ideas in a relatively short time between group members Questionnaire JAD Brainstorming Interview.
. In your presentation, you should add ……………… to inform your reader about the order of your talk Outline Table of Contents Introduction Appendix.
. The …………. Section in your proposal is like guidelines or checklists for your team Previous Work Abstract Objective Work Plan.
The ………….. Section shows how you prevent previous mistakes Previous Work Abstract Objective Research Plan.
A ………… is a situation resulting from opposing views Brainstorming Compromise Conflict Consensus.
The Abstract in your report or proposal contains …………. References Abbreviations Citations Conclusion and results Background, Conclusion and results .
Which of the following should describe the technical terms used in the document? Glossary Index User requirements System architecture.
When giving a presentation in front of the audience you should do all of the following except for……………… Speak loud and clear Provide handouts if needed Dress professionally Look at your screen and not the audience.
You should keep text to a minimum on slides why ? So the focus is on you as the speaker To help make your presentation longer So the pictures are easier to see So can the audience read everything you have to tell them.
Your presentation should consist of title slide, …………. body ,and ……….. Opinion and conclusion Opinion and paragraph Objectives and conclusion Options and objectives.
To create an effective presentation you have to……….. Organize your information Spell check your presentation Keep it simple Minimize text on slides.
Each meeting must have an ………… in order to be managed and ………… for all the thing that need to be prepared for the next meeting Outline , checklist Summary , checklist Outline, summary Summary , conclusion.
Which of the following is an effective technique for dealing with trouble making group members at first? Ignore his (her) behavior Social meeting to face and solve the problems Encourage his (her) behavior Exclusion from the group.
If something new or unknown occurs during the project you should return to which phase(s) ………………… Evaluation phase Problem formulation and planning phases Completion phase Presentation phase.
Project …………. identifies the aspects in the project that the group wants to investigate Deadline Scope Materials Methodology.
You should add in your report …………….. to position our work within the field Abstract Acknowledgment References and citations Conclusion and Future works.
You can add a list of figures and list of tables in your report True False.
Using hand gesture when presenting enhances your message and adds meaning to your words True False.
The quantity of ideas is the major concern during brainstorming True False.
People who like to control others are the most effective team leader True False.
Information in your presentation should meet the need of your audience True False.
It is better to read to your audience when presenting True False.
You should capitalize all words in your presentation because it is much easier to read True False.
When presenting, you should show enthusiasm for your topic True False.
Your appearance is considered as non-Verbal communication skills True False.
Resources include team members, hardware, software, Materials or even supervisor True False.
The project's schedule is an example of a time constraint True False.
The proposed methodology section in your proposal clusters activities by expected results True False.
Every project should have a well-defined objectives True False.
Team members should always set discrete goals instead of a range of objectives True False.
Risks are external factors to your project and are beyond of your control True False.
In your report and your proposal, you must add reference list and citations in order to avoid plagiarism True False.
In your report, the first chapter contains an introduction about the project, a body and a conclusion True False.
Each figure must have a caption at the bottom and each table must have a caption at the top True False.
Team members have to work with each other toward common goals True False.
The advisor is considered one of group member True False.
Evaluation of the project includes assessment of the report as well as the presentation True False.
Previous works are included in the report but not in the proposal True False.
You should use passive voice in your report True False.
Citations are included at the end of the report True False.
You should include page numbers in you report including title page True False.
You should not include reference or abbreviations in your abstract True False.
The purpose of a project is to measure student's performance within the framework of a group True False.
To reach a consensus among problem formulation, the team should Not use the brainstorming technique True False.
The team should avoid conflict that leads to poor working environment and involve the Team Member True False.
The purposes of a project proposal are it allows the team members to clarify what they want to do, why and how they want to do it within a time frame, and also serves as a contract between student and supervisor True False.
The reference list exists at the end of the proposal and report, and it includes reference to Book, paper and websites True False.
The act of copying something that is not yours without citation is called Plagiarism True False.
The first chapter in your final report is called Introduction while the last chapter is called Conclusion and future work True False.
The Certificate is used to record your gratitude for the organization (s) or the person(s) who helped you True False.
The Table of content it is a table in name only, meaning that it does not need a caption and should not have a border True False.
In your presentation, you should add an Agenda to inform your audience about what you say and the order of how you say it True False.
The structure of the sentence in agenda is subject, action, procedure and Object True False.
Passive voice is the subject that acted upon True False.
The Active Voice is more important when it does not matter who performed the action True False.
Neither the hospital nor the physicians were responsible True False.
The program included sessions on time management study skills and oral presentations and writing papers True False.
Problem Statement Describe the scope and size of the problem True False.
Proposal introduction Should be short True False.
In the proposal, writing Use Past tenses True False.
Proposal is a guideline for Completing the Project True False.
Presentation should summarize main points of the project and points into the problem which students would like to discuss in detail True False.
Team Leader, He is a mediator in a conflict between students True False.
Table of contents It gives the reader a view of the detailed structure of the report by writing section and sub section heading and its associated page numbers True False.
Table of contents should have a border True False.
The formulation should be as precise as it can be True False.
Planning Phase Methodology adapted True False.
If something new or unknown occurs, return to problem formulation and planning True False.
A good report is characterized by the logical coherence of the text, using examples, graphs, tables and using references True False.
The group achieved its goal through a Report True False.
Brainstorming It means that the group write down all ideas and thoughts which might be relevant to the topic according to a specific time. True False.
Problem Formulation mean what is the problem and how to solve it True False.
Advantages of Meetings .is" All members know at which point the project is and where it is going". True False.
To reach a consensus among problem formulation the team should use the brainstorming technique True False.
The reference list exists at the Top of the proposal and report, and it includes reference to Book, paper and websites True False.
The Acknowledgement is used to record your gratitude for the organization (s) or the person(s) who helped you True False.
In your presentation, you should add an Outline to inform your audience about what you say and the order of how you say it True False.
The Project measures the student’s performance within the framework of the group True False.
Student’s work is evaluated to his or her contribution to the project work True False.
Choosing a problem (Scope) is Identifies the aspects of the project that the group wants to investigate and name the project True False.
The formulation should Not be as precise as it can be True False.
Project is presented through a report True False.
A good report is characterized by the logical coherence of the text, using examples, graphs, tables and using references (citation and reference lists) True False.
To overcome this situation, the group member should use Brainstorming True False.
Brainstorming is means that group write down all ideas and thoughts spontaneously which might be relevant to the topic according to a specific time True False.
Dedicate a meeting to solve social tensions True False.
Advisor is a member of a group and he is expert True False.
Advisor is not responsible for the lack of project specification or the slow pace of work True False.
Advisor is Not a mediator in a conflict between students True False.
A good project process is crucial to a good report True False.
Students and supervisors should refer to the proposal as Guidelines for Completing the Project True False.
Attractive Proposal Use headers and footers ,Use clear titles and paragraphs and Print on standard format paper True False.
Avoid unexplained abbreviation when Writing Proposal True False.
Risks are external factors that could potentially jeopardise your project and are beyond your control True False.
Assumptions are not the things you are expecting to be in a certain way True False.
Work plan is a List of all the paths that you will follow in order to reach your objectives True False.
Citations are Inside the report, we refer to the number in the reference list True False.
Plagiarism is The act of Cheating True False.
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