ERASED TEST, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED ON sexually transmitted diseases
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sexually transmitted diseases

ccri microbiology test practical

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Creation Date: 12/05/2010

Category: Others

Number of questions: 68
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stds represent a major health problem true false.
stds are among the commonest causes of illness, and death, in the world and have far reaching health, social and economic consequences true false.
failure to diagnose and treat traditional nifections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphyllis can have an effect on pregnancy and the new born such as miscarriage , prematurity , congenital and neonatal infections and blindness. true false.
other complications ,partcicullary in women , such a spelvic inflamitory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility and cervical cancer are large health and social problems. true false.
the age of sexually maturity has inceased true false.
the age of sexual intercourse has lowered for the first encounter true false.
more people are having pre-mrital sex than before true false.
increasing the use of oral contraceptives pills and intrauterine devices have removed the protective effect of barrier techniques of the condoms. true false.
less poeple are seeking std treament in std clinics true false.
mobile populations at higher risk to getting infected true false.
there is evidence that drug resistance to std is great and widespread true false.
howdo they present? std prensent in theses common manners but not exclusively in order urethral discharge genital ulcerations vaginal discharge +/- vulva irritation flu-like sypmtoms, rash, swollen, lymph nodes all of the above.
proper sexual management includes sexual history physical examination microbiology serology tracing sexual contacts education reassurance follow-up all of the above.
proper sexual management includes sexual history true false.
proper sexual management includes serology true false.
proper sexual management includes tracing sexual contacts true false.
proper sexual management includes follow-up true false.
proper sexual management includes education true false.
proper sexual management includes physical examination true false.
sexual history includes heterosexual or homosexual number of partners syptoms of partners overseas contacts sites of contacts all of the above.
sexual history includes sites of contacts true false.
sexual history includes overseas contacts true false.
sexual history includes heterosexual or homosexual true false.
sexual history includes number of partners true false.
there are cinq areas of sexully transmittable micro-organisms fungi bacterial agents viruses parasites protozoans true false.
chlamydyia trachomatis is a bacterial agent true false.
chlamydyia trachomatis is a viral agent true false.
chlamydyia trachomatis is a protozoan agent true false.
chlamydyia trachomatis is a parasite agent true false.
chlamydyia trachomatis is a fungi agent true false.
neisseria gonorrhease is bacterial agent true false.
neisseria gonorrhease is fungi agent true false.
neisseria gonorrhease is viral agent true false.
neisseria gonorrhease is parasite agent true false.
trepaneumum pallidum is a bacterial agent true false.
trepaneumum pallidum is a viral agent true false.
trepaneumum pallidum is a parasite agent true false.
trepaneumum pallidum is a fungi agent true false.
gardnerella vaginalis is from what agent catagory? bacterial viral fungi parasite protozoans.
group B streptococcus is from what catagory bacterial fungi protozoan viral parasites.
calymmatabacterium parasites bacteria fungi viral protozoan.
sarcptes scabieri is from what catagory? bacterial fungi viral parasites protozoas.
phthirus pubis is what catagory? viral bacteria protozoans fungi parasites.
herpes simples 1,2 are in what catagory? bacterial viral protozoan parasites fungi.
paiploomavirus warts are in what catagory bacterial viral parasites protozoans fungi.
HIV type 1,2 are what catagory? viral bacterial fungi parasites protozoans.
molluscum contagiosum is fom catagory viral bacterial fungo parasites proozoan.
cytomegliovirus is from the catagory bacterial viral fungi parasites protozoan.
hepatittis b,c are from the catagory viral bacteria fungi parasites protozoan.
entamoeba hystolytica is from the catagory fungi viral parasites protozoan bacterial.
trichomonas vaginalis is the catagory viral bacterial fungi protozoan parasites.
candida pubis is from the catagory fungi bacteria parasites protozoan virs.
syphylis is also known as the... the great imitator becuase it's symptoms mimic many diseases that are difficult to clarify at first attempt to diagnose. the great immigrator because the disease travels rapidly from organ to organ in the first stage only. the great ignite because patients always complain from the very very painful burning from the sores.
what parasite is responsible for the syphilis disease?.
is passed fom person to person through direct contact with a sore syphylis chlamydia trachomatis.
sores ccur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum syphilis neiseria ginorrheae group b streptococcus HIV 1,2.
pregnant woman with the disease can pass it on to thier unborn child, they are carrying HIV, syphilis herpes, all of the above.
syphylis can not be spread through the toilet seat, door knobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, shared cloting, eating utesils true false.
a single chancre that is painless appears in 21 days, after te incubation period of 10-90 days. herpes syphylis vaginalis Goup B streptococcus.
incubation period from 10-90 days, average 21 days, marked by the appearence of 1 or more canchr sores. herpes gonnorrheae syphilis.
the canchre last 3-6 weks and dissapears on its on if untreated and then progress to the second stage. herpes gonnorrehea syphylis.
many people with syphilis do not have smptoms for years, the primary stage for syphilis is the following... 10-90 days of incubation avergae 21 days followed by 1 or more sores that are painful 24-48 hours of incubations average 21 days followed by 1 or more sores that are painles at the point of contact. 13-21 days of incubation average 21 days followed by 1 or more sores that are painful 5 days of incubations average 21 days followed by 1 or more sores that are painles at the point of contact. 10-90 days of incubation average 21 days followed by 1 or more sores that are painless at the point of contact. .
the first and second stage of syphilis are infectious but not th third stage. true false.
the first and second stage are infectious, but the latent stage is the most virilent infectious stage of syphlilis true false.
the latent stage of syphilis can cause blindness, dementi, neurological irreversable damage, bone damage, blood vessels damage true false.
the second stage of syphilis is filled with rash, in 1 or more areas of the body, but the rash does not cause itching- swollen lymphs but these will dissapear with or without treatment. true false.
the second stage of syphilis can cause alopecia true false.
the latent stagedoes not have haves or symptoms for a period-- the infection remans internal in the body, damage occurs to internal organs, brain, nerves, heart, blood vessels, liver and bones. paralysis, and dementia can occur. what diesease is this? herpes syphilis.
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