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Sap Fi Certification Description: Source Sap TFIN52 PART 1 Author: Richard Gordou Other tests from this author Creation Date: 26/03/2015 Category: Computers Number of questions: 192 |
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_______________is the highest level in the SAP system hierarchy Company Code Client Country. Asset Accounting (FI-AA) works with the chart of accounts assigned to the company code in Financial Accounting (FI). True False. You can define your own depreciation areas in the chart of depreciation. True False. Each company code uses . one chart of accounts and one chart of depreciation one chart of accounts and many chart of depreciation None of above. One or several company codes can work with the same chart of accounts and the same chart of depreciation. True False. The depreciation areas are defined with. Two digit numeric key Two digit alphanumeric key Four digit numeric key Four digit alphanumeric key. Values and depreciation are posted to : The general ledger. Customer/Vendor Reconciliation Account. Depreciation area 01 is the leading depreciation area. Values and depreciation are posted to the general ledger. True False. Other depreciation areas may show: Country-specific valuation Values or depreciation that differ from area 01 Consolidated versions in company code or group currency Book depreciation in group currency Difference between book and country-specific tax-based depreciation. Different depreciation areas can have the same values and depreciation terms, but can be displayed in different currencies . False True. The company codes must be set up in Financial Accounting first. You then assign the chart of depreciation to the company code. The data required for asset accounting is added to the company code. Afterwards, the company code is available for use in asset accounting False True. In the master record, you can assign the following Cost Accounting objects to an asset: Cost center Activity type Business Area (Internal) order (real or statistical). You cannot post depreciation from each depreciation area in Cost Accounting False True. The asset class consists of a________________________________________________ A master data section and a depreciation area section A depreciation area and Company code section A company code section and Charts of Account section None of above. Asset classes are created at ___________________________________________ Company code Level Client Level Charts of account Level Non of above. The Asset classes are assigned to At least two chart of depreciation At least one chart of depreciation At least Four chart of depreciation. You can suppress individual depreciation areas in each asset class True False. Several charts of depreciation can be assigned to an asset class. True False. The asset class is the main criterion for classifying assets True False. Each asset is assigned to : Only one asset class Two Assets Class Many Assets Class All of above. With FI-AA, you cannot manage different values of fixed assets in depreciation areas False True. You can specify the attributes of each individual depreciation area. True False. A catalog of country-specific depreciation areas structured according to various business aspects is: Asset Class The chart of depreciation Depreciation area All of Above. SAP supplies charts of depreciation as references that are based on the requirements of each country True False. You cannot create a new chart of depreciation by copying one of the reference charts of depreciation False True. You assign your chart of depreciation to a________________________________ Business Area Company Code Profit center. It is possible to open depreciation areas after the production start of the system. False True. To determine whether and how the values from the depreciation areas are posted in the general ledger. You have the following options: Do not post any values Posts in realtime Posts APC and depreciation on periodic Basis Posts depreciation only None of Above Posts APC directly and depreciation Posts APC only Posts only APC directly. The system dictates that depreciation area 01 posts APC values to the G/L online __________ In real time daily basis Every Hours Monthly. You can define depreciation areas for reporting purposes only, which do not post any values to the general ledger True False. The sample chart of accounts provided by SAP cannot be adapted to meet your own requirements. False True. Various company codes can be assigned to the chart of depreciation. True False. The asset class definitions apply to all company codes in a client. True False. _______________ are the most important means of structuring fixed assets according to the requirements of your enterprise? Asset Classes Business Area Company code Profit Center. An asset class consists of two main sections A master data section with control data and default values for the administrative data in the asset master record A valuation section with control parameters and default values for valuation and depreciation terms Company code Section. Asset Class : check the correct answer The asset class is a selection criterion in all standard reports in FI-AA Before creating asset classes you should design your asset class catalog and ensure that the relevant G/L accounts exist in FI. An essential function of the asset class is to establish a link between the asset master records and the accounts to which the related values and depreciation are posted in the general ledger. If you have several similar asset classes, you can use different account determination keys Several asset classes can use the same account determination key if they use the same chart of accounts and post to the same G/L accounts None of Above. Several asset classes can use the same account determination key if They use the same chart of accounts and post to the same G/L accounts They use different chart of accounts and post to the same G/L accounts They use the same currency and the same G/L accounts. If you use different charts of accounts, You need only one account determination key to post asset values of all asset classes to different accounts in the different charts of accounts You did not need any account determination to post asset None of Above. To define acquisition/retirement accounts, you enter the necessary G/L accounts for acquisition, retirement, balance sheet revaluation, and cost amounts that are not capitalized True False. The number range controls the assignment of the number of the asset master record True False. You define number assignment ________ Internal External None of Above. When external number assignment is used, the number is assigned by the user or by another system. True False. You can assign each company code its own number range, or company codes can share number ranges. True False. The screen layout specifies which input fields are displayed in the asset master record True False. The maintenance level specifies the master data level at which each field can be maintained. Possible maintenance levels are: Asset Subnumber Main asset number Asset Class. The reference indicator controls which field contents of an asset area can be copied when that asset is used as a reference for creating a new asset master record False True. From SAP R/3 Enterprise, you must activate account assignment objects before they can be maintained in the master data. True False. you can post depreciation to the following objects CO internal order Cost Center Real estate object WBS element Various objects from the PSM (Public Sector Management) component, such as funds center, fund, or grant None of Above Profit Center. You can specify a layout for the master data of each asset class. The layout defines: The number of tab pages The names of the tab pages The field groups None of Above Document type. Assets under construction require a separate asset class and corresponding G/L account, because they have to be shown separately in the balance sheet True False. __________________ require a separate asset class and corresponding G/L account, because they have to be shown separately in the balance sheet Assets under construction Asset subnumber Main asset number All of Above. It is possible to post down payments on assets under construction True False. You can choose whether to manage low value assets using : Individual management Collective management. General management. For each type of management, you have to set up a separate asset class True False. If you choose collective management of LVAs, you have to enter a base unit of quantity in the asset class. True False. When you create an asset master record, you have two options: Enter the company code and the asset class to which the new master record is to belong. Use an existing asset master record as a reference. When you save your entries, you receive an asset number if the asset class is assigned to a number range that uses internal number assignment. This asset number is also the account number of the individual asset account. True False. You can still make separate entries for each individual asset in the following fields: Description of the asset Inventory number Business Area Evaluation groups 1-5 Cost Center. you can ensure integration between the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) and Plant Maintenance (PM) components by synchronously creating and changing equipment and asset. False True. A substitution rule consists of Conditions that identify the records to be selected Substitution rules that identify the replacement values Message. Acquisition of an asset from a business partner -- external acquisition: In Asset Accounting integrated with Accounts Payable (incoming invoice), but without reference to a purchase order In FI-AA with automatic offsetting entry, but without a link to a purchase order and without integration with Accounts Payable. This posting is normally used when the invoice has not yet been received, or when the invoice was posted by the Accounts Payable department beforehand in a separate step. The offsetting account also has to be cleared. In FI-AA with automatic clearing of the offsetting entry: The first posting usually is made in FI-AP. The clearing account is cleared at the same time as the asset posting is made. In Materials Management (MM): The asset is posted in MM. You can post to both the asset and the vendor in one document This is call External Acquisition With Vendor Internal Acquisition With Vendor Internal Acquisition. _____________ identifies the different transactions in the asset history sheet Account determination Reconciliation Account Transaction type. When you post to a vendor or an asset account, the relevant G/L accounts are automatically updated at the same time. False True. The Asset Explorer contains all of the functions of the asset value display True False. _________________can be directly display in the Asset Explorer: Planned values Book values Transactions. The following information is automatically set in the asset master record at the time of the first acquisition posting: Date of asset capitalization (derived from the asset value date) Date of initial acquisition in the relevant master record (derived from the asset value date) Acquisition year and acquisition period (derived from the posting date). When you post the acquisition integrated with Accounts Payable (FI-AP), the system automatically enters the vendor in the origin data field of the asset master record False True. ___________________determines the depreciation start date of the asset? The asset value date ( → capitalization date) The Acquisition year and acquisition period The Posting Date. If you do not want the numbers defined as year-dependent, then enter a future year under Year (such as 9999). False True. The document type: check the correct answer The document type is a two character, alphanumeric entry that determines how documents are stored You assign exactly one number range to each document type. You specify account types that are allowed when making entries with a particular document type. have only internal Number. Transaction types are used with every posting. check the correct answer Acquisitions Retirements Transfers. The transaction type specifies which of the following are updated: Asset balance sheet accounts Depreciation areas Profit Center Value fields. The transaction type groups are fixed and cannot be changed True False. If asset acquisition postings are not integrated, you would normally use___________________ Clearing account Reconciliation Account Account determination. Reasons for not making integrated postings: The asset has already been delivered but the invoice has not The invoice arrived before the asset. Postings to the vendor account can also be made from AA(Asset Accounting) True False. It is possible to make non-integrated acquisition postings for several assets at once. True False. There are different ways of posting retirements: As retirement of several assets (within the manually posted retirement transaction) As mass retirement (with worklist) As full or partial retirement With or without customer (non-integrated) With or without revenue (scrapping) With or without G/L Account. Mass retirement, with or without revenue, is defined as a standard task in the system False True. To carry out a mass retirement, follow these steps: Create a worklist. Use an asset report to create a list of the assets to be retired. Process the worklist, or edit the worklist before releasing it. Enter the revenue distribution. Select a purpose for the worklist:(Retirement sale (with revenue or without revenue)). Asset Accounting distinguishes between different types of transfers, depending on circumstances: Transfers within a company code (intracompany transfer) Transfers between different company codes (intercompany transfer). Intracompany transfer is Transfers within a company code Transfers between different company codes. Intercompany transfer Transfers within a company code Transfers between different company codes. Possible reasons for intracompany code transfers: A master record has been created and posted to in the wrong class. The asset has changed location. The asset needs to be split. Stock material needs to be transferred to an asset. Changing Asset administrator. In the case of an intercompany transfer, you must differentiate between the following: Whether it is a transfer between legally independent organizational units (company codes), each belonging to a different company. Whether it is a transfer within a legal, independent unit (within a company). Wheter it's a transfer within two departement. Assets you produce yourself have two phases that are relevant to Asset Accounting: The under construction phase The useful life phase The middle life Phase. After you have manually planned depreciation, the system does not create an FI document immediately. This document is not generated until the depreciation posting program is run. False True. Periodic processing comprises the tasks in Asset Accounting that must be performed _______ At Periodic intervals Daily Monthly Daily Basis. You can use the Schedule Manager in FI-AA to define, schedule, process, and control periodically recurring processes True False. Depreciation area. check the correct anwser Depreciation areas are identified in the system by a two-character alphanumeric key. You define per depreciation area how to post the asset balance sheet values and depreciation to the general ledger accounts. You can calculate different values in a depreciation area for a specific purpose You define per depreciation area which values have to be managed You define for each depreciation area how posting values and depreciation terms should be transferred to other areas For each area, you have to enter information (frequency, procedure, and CO account assignment) for depreciation posting. The system supports the following direct types of depreciation: Ordinary depreciation special depreciation Unplanned depreciation Annual depreciation. Individual calculation methods: Base methods Declining-balance methods Maximum amount methods Multi-level methods Period control methods Minimum amount methods. Advantages of using calculation methods: Country-specific requirements are represented by methods specific to a particular chart of accounts. They allow you to avoid the use of an ever-increasing number of internal calculation keys. You cannot enter depreciation keys as default values for a particular company code or depreciation area. The detail list of the calculation methods assigned to a depreciation key can be called directly from transaction AFAMA, from the asset master record and from the Asset Explorer. False True. The following Parameters can be changed on a Time-Dependent basis Depreciation key Useful life absolute scrap value percentage scrap amount variable depreciation value. You can post the following using the depreciation posting program RAPOST2000: Imputed amount Ordinary depreciation Tax depreciation, or allocation and write-off of reserves due to special tax depreciation Unplanned depreciation Imputed interest Revaluation of APC or of accumulated depreciation. The program RAPOST2000 directly posts to the G/L accounts and additional account assignment objects. True False. The fiscal year change program opens new annual value fields for each asset. The earliest you can start this program is in the last posting period of the current year. You have to run the fiscal year change program for your whole company code. You can only process a fiscal year change in a subsequent year if the previous year has already been closed for business. You cannot run the fiscal year change program for your whole company code. The earliest you can start this program is in the first posting period of the current year. Preparation for year-end closing: After the depreciation lists and asset history sheet have been checked, depreciation is posted. If an area posts APC values to the general ledger periodically, you will need to run report RAPERP00 for periodic posting. If the final result is not satisfactory, you can carry out depreciation simulation or (bulk) changes, or make adjustment postings. If you change any depreciation values, you must run depreciation posting again. Once depreciation has been posted in FI-AA and FI, a balance sheet and profit and loss statement can be created. Important List Viewer functions: Deleting and inserting columns Arranging the values in columns in ascending or descending order Calculating totals or subtotals across one or more columns within a list Using layouts to save an individual report structure so that you can use it again later Setting filters: It is possible to display only those line items that have some connection with a particular criterion. A sort version which are determined via ABAP Dictionary fields consists of a maximum how many sort levels? 1 3 5 4 2. You can define your own history sheet versions: Size: Up to 8 rows / 8 columns Size: Up to 10 rows / 8 columns Store the headers of the history sheet items Define how the values are supplied to the history sheet items. _______is the quickest way to look at the changes in value of an asset for the next five years? Asset Explorer Asset history. The validation and substitution tools can be used to validate and substitute data immediately upon entry True False. Three callup points have been provided for FI Document header Document line item Complete document Document Type. The validation/substitution for the correct callup point must be activated. The following degrees of activation exist for the organizational unit 0-Inactive 1-Active for dialog and batch 2-Active except for batch input 0-Active. How many validation/substitution can be activated for one company code for a callup point. 1 2 3 Many. Validation consists of several steps (up to 999 are possible), each with 3 parts: Prerequisite Check Message Error. You can use a predefined message or create a new message for validation. False True. A message can contain up to 4 fields. Messages can have different meanings: I = Information M=Message W = Warning E = Error (requires that the entry be corrected) A = Cancel. Substitution consists of several steps (up to 999 are possible), each with two parts: Prerequisite Replacement Message. Substitution : If the prerequisite is satisfied (TRUE) substitution is performed. Message is display Warning is display. The field must be released for substitution. For each of the fields you selected, a dialog box appears in which you can define the substitution method. You can choose between: Field-field assignment Constant value Exit Net Value. Validations/Substitution - Rules Check the correct answer A rule is a logical statement that you can use in a prerequisite statement, a check, or another rule. A rule permits complex logic to be summarized; it can be re-used. Technically, a rule is nothing more than, for example, a prerequisite or check of a validation. If a Boolean statement is used often or if it contains complex logic, you can create a rule for this statement. Example: a validation contains an extensive prerequisite that is also to be used in a substitution. You can also use rules within a statement that uses mathematical processing. _____________Is a specification of which accounts to post to from a business transaction. Account assignment Account Determination. ______________is an automatic system function that determines the accounts for posting amounts in Financial Accounting. Account Determination Account assignment. _____________is a fiscal year in which the asset acquisition took place is . Acquisition year Fiscal Year. Asset Accounting is a subsidiary ledger accounting module in Financial Accounting. All business activities for fixed assets are recorded in Asset Accounting. True False. _________ is the total value of all fixed assets intended for permanent use within a company Asset portfolio Asset history sheet Asset class. ____________is a list displaying the progress of a fixed assets history from its opening balance through to the closing balance by means of acquisitions, retirements, transfers, and accumulated depreciation. Asset history sheet Asset class Asset explorer. _______________ is an account on which the debit and credit entries resulting from business transactions are recorded Balance sheet account Asset account G/L account. ____________is the value used as the basis for the calculation of depreciation, as specified by a given calculation method. Base value Book depreciation Capitalization. ___________ is a posting procedure used to enter values as belonging to fixed assets. Capitalization Fiscal Year. ____________ is an account on which postings are temporarily recorded is. Clearing account Reconciliation account General ledger account. __________ is the Reduction of the asset book value due to decline in economic usefulness or due to legal requirements for taxes. Depreciation Asset Value. Depreciation areas contain depreciation terms, which are stored in the assets themselves or in the asset class. True False. _______________ is a key for calculating depreciation amounts. Depreciation key Depreciation method. __________ is a label for classifying depreciation based on the reason for depreciation. Depreciation type Depreciation method Depreciation key. Scrap value is a part of an asset value that is not depreciated. True False. The following objects can be settlement senders: Order Maintenance order CO production order Sales Order Production order Cost object Network Project G/L Account. The following objects can be settlement receivers: Asset Internal order Profitability segment Cost center Sales order Material Network G/L Account Project. The settlement profile is a requirement for creating a settlement rule True False. The document is not generated until the depreciation posting program is run True False. Your customer wants all items that are posted to their customer account to be transferred to their headquarters automatically. which function do you have to use to fulfill this requirement? Head office and branch account receivables reclassification Alternative payer/payee. The closing cockpit can be used to perform periodically recurring activities True False. Which posting are created by depreciation posting run Book and cost accounting depreciation to assets Posting to the depreciation account in the G/L Transfer of depreciation to cost center planning. How do you setup the document split? Define splitting rules Assign all G/L accounts to item categories Assign the splitting method to the transaction variant define a non-leading ledger for the split documents. A company is an independent accounting entity True False. what are the benefits of using the accrual engine The accrual engine calculated the accrual amount automatically The accrual engine supports parallel accounting The accrual engine is client independent The accrual engine can simulate planned future accruals. Which of the following regarding the G/L balance carry forward program are correct? The system creates the balance carry forward for every balance sheet account for new year fiscal year Posting during the balance carry forward program is possible The balance carry forward program can be run at any time during the fiscal year It can only be run after clearing all the open items in subledger accounts The balances in the accrual engine are carried forward simultaneously Posting during the balance carry forward program is not possible. Where do you determine the valuation method for evaluation of exchange rate difference for open items In the parameters of the foreign exchange valuation program In the master record of exchange rate table In the global currency settings. The productive indicator in the company code controls the following It de-activates the delete documents and delete master data programs It block the implementation guide menu path It prevents the fiscal year variant change. Which of the following are true about posting of bank guarantees The accounts are cleared immediately They are posted manually They are statistical postings. You need only one __________________________ key to post asset values of all asset classes to different accounts in the different charts of accounts if you use the different charts of accounts Account determination G/L account Asset account. Different depreciation areas can have the same values and depreciation terms, but can be displayed in different currencies True False. Different valuation approaches may be used for: Financial statements according to local requirements Balance sheets for tax purposes Internal accounting (cost accounting) Parallel financial reporting Currency type. Asset portfolios and transactions are often valued differently for different purposes True False. There are separate transaction figures for: Each asset and depreciation area Individual value components, such as asset values, depreciation, and net book values Chart of depreciation. Steps availables for use Company code in Asset accounting 1 2 3. Not only CO objects but also objects from other applications can be assigned in the asset master record, False True. Fixed assets are classified into Asset classes G/L accounting Depreciation area. For each depreciation area, you can propose the depreciation attributes for the assets, you can choose that they be specified by the system. True False. Assets that are to appear in different places have to be assigned to different asset classes. True False. FI + data for AA = __________ FI-AA FI-GL FI-AM. With FI-AA, you cannot manage different values of fixed assets in depreciation areas. False True. It is possible to open depreciation areas after the production start of the system. True False. Depreciation is always posted on a periodic basis. True False. Other depreciation areas can receive their values from depreciation area 01, but calculate and post different depreciation values to the general ledger. False True. If you use different financial statement versions, you have to post more than one depreciation area to the general ledger. True False. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, you enter the financial statement versions to be used for those depreciation areas for which financial statements are to be created. True False. When creating asset master records, you can create multiple similar assets. True False. Asset transactions can be entered in both the FI-AA user department and Accounts Payable True False. Every transaction in customer and vendor accounts in AP and AR and in the AA has a direct effect on the corresponding accounts of the G/L True False. Transaction types are used with every posting. They identify acquisitions, retirements and transfers. True False. The transaction type specifies which of the following are updated: Asset balance sheet accounts Depreciation areas Value fields Vendor fields. There are standard reports that allow you to display an asset portfolio divided into separate transaction types. False True. You need to process a worklist using FI-AA standard functions in order to be able to carry out mass changes. False True. Steps of Mass Changes Using Worklists 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. You can post to both the asset and the vendor in one document, if you choose: External acquisition with vendor. Retirement with Customer. When you post to a vendor or an asset account, the relevant general ledger accounts are automatically updated at the same time. True False. The posting date and the asset value date must always be in the same fiscal year. True False. Mass retirement, with or without revenue, is defined as a standard task in the system. To carry out a mass retirement, follow these steps: 1 2 3 4 5. The standard settings for the SAP transfer variants (combination of transaction types and transfer methods) cover 80 percent of transfers. True False. Unplanned Depreciation Check the correct answer In addition to the automatic calculation of depreciation using depreciation keys, you can plan manual depreciation for individual assets in FI-AA. When you enter the transaction type, the system recognizes that you want to perform manual depreciation. In a dialog box, you can select the depreciation areas for which you want to enter depreciation. The depreciation could be current-value depreciation After you have manually planned depreciation, the system does not create an FI document immediately. This document is not generated until the depreciation posting program is run. Advantages of using calculation methods: Country-specific requirements are represented by methods specific to a particular chart of accounts. They allow you to avoid the use of an ever-increasing number of internal calculation keys. You can enter depreciation keys as default values for a particular company code or depreciation area. The system calculates the annual depreciation using the depreciation key and the useful life. True False. The system calculates the annual depreciation using________________________________ The depreciation key The useful life. The document date. One of the main tasks of Asset Accounting is to represent the asset portfolio in the detailed form of an asset history sheet. True False. All line items are evaluated by the ABAP List Viewer: This tool has been used to standardize and simplify using reports in the SAP System as of Release 4.6. True False. A sort version consists of a maximum of _________sort levels which are determined via ABAP Dictionary fields. 5 9 12 20. Simulation versions allow you to simulate a change in depreciation method for asset value/depreciation reports. True False. The validation function helps you to check the entered values and value intervals. True False. The following measures are required to execute validation/substitution: You must decide for which area of application validation/substitution should apply. The correct callup point for the validation/substitution must be selected. You must assign your validation/substitution to an appropriate organizational unit The validation/substitution must be defined. And activate it. Create profit center. The following measures are required to execute validation/substitution: 1 2 3 4 5. _____________ is a logical statement that you can use in a prerequisite statement, a check, or another rule. A rule A validation A substitution. Rule definition. check the correct anwser A rule is a logical statement that you can use in a prerequisite statement, a check, or another rule. Technically, a rule is nothing more than, for example, a prerequisite or check of a validation. A rule permits complex logic to be summarized; it can be re-used. The standard system uses transfer _____________ for intracompany transfers variant 4 variant 5 variant 9. The system determines the planned annual depreciation and planned interest based on ____________________ The depreciation start date and the depreciation terms. The value date and the depreciation terms. The capitalization date and the depreciation terms. The system determines the start date for ordinary depreciation using ___________________ The asset value date of the acquisition posting and the period control method The capitalization date The fiscal year. The depreciation area settings specify whether________________ No posting are made Asset balances and depreciation are posted Only asset balances are posted Only depreciation is posted Only vendor invoice is posted. The FI-AA application component can portray parallel accounting using depreciation areas. True False. |
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