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FCOM14 Description: B767 landing gear Author: DAB Study Other tests from this author Creation Date: 16/01/2025 Category: Others Number of questions: 43 |
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Tailskid light (amber) means Tailskid position disagrees with the gear lever position Tailskid is in the wrong position The system has detected a Tailskid fault The Tailskid is not down. Doors light (Amber) means A door is not closed The doors are not closed The doors do not agree with the gear lever position The gear doors have failed. GEAR light (Amber) means The gear position disagrees with the gear lever position The gear is not down The gear us in the wrong position The gear system has developed a fault. NOSE, LEFT, RIGHT (Green) means The associated landing gear is down and locked The gear is in the correct position The gear position agrees with the gear lever position The gear position sensor is working properly . Setting the ALTN GEAR EXTEND switch to DN causes the gear to ______ by the ______ system (___,___). When the landing gear lever is in the OFF position, the system is Pressurised Depressurised. The landing gear is powered by the ________ hydraulic system Centre Left Right All. The normal brake system is powered by the _________ Hydraulic system Right Left Centre All. The alternate brake system is powered by the _________ Hydraulic system Right Left Centre All. Antiskid is available with Normal and alternate systems Normal brakes Alternate brakes Reserve brakes. Autobrakes are available with _______ brakes Normal Alternate Reserve All. How many brake systems does autobrake work with 1 2 3 None . How many Air/Ground sensing systems are there? 0 1 2 3. The air/ground system receives air/ground logic signals from Tilt sensors on each main gear, used to configure the airplane systems for air or ground operation Tilt sensors on the nose gear, used to configure the airplane systems for air or ground operation Strut compression sensors on each main gear, used for stall warning and other caution and warning systems Strut compression sensors on the nose gear, used to configure the airplane systems for air or ground operation. The nose air/ground system receives air/ground logic signals from Tilt sensors on each main gear, used to configure the airplane systems for air or ground operation Tilt sensors on the nose gear, used to configure the airplane systems for air or ground operation Strut compression sensors on the nose gear, used for stall warning and other caution and warning systems Strut compression sensors on the nose gear, used to configure the airplane systems for air or ground operation. On the ground the landing gear lever normally ______ go into the UP position. The gear lever _____ be overridden Cannot, can Cannot, cannot Can, can Can, cannot. When airborne, the landing gear lock override ____ through the air/ground sensing of the _____ gear sensor Unlocks, main Unlocks, nose Locks, main Locks, nose. The main gear uses _____ and the nose gear uses ______ sensors Tilt, strut compression Tilt, tilt Strut compression, tilt Strut compression, strut compression. After gear retraction, GEAR and DOORs lights illuminate temporarily because they ____ moving and _____ in the commanded position Are, are not Are, are Are not, are not Are not, are. After retraction, nose gear is held in place by _______ and main gear is held in place by ______ Uplocks, gear doors Uplocks, uplocks Gear doors, gear doors Gear doors, uplocks. Using normal landing gear extension Gear are hydraulically powered to the down and locked position and main gear trucks hydraulically tilt to the flight position Gear are lowered into the down and locked position by gravity and main gear trucks hydraulically tilt to the flight position Gear are hydraulically powered to the down and locked position and main gear trucks tilt automatically to the flight position Gear are lowered into the down and locked position by gravity and main gear trucks tilt automatically to the flight position. During alternate gear extension Gear doors are opened and landing gear is powered hydraulically to the down and locked position Gear doors and uplocks are released and landing gear is powered hydraulically to the down and locked position Gear doors are opened and landing gear freefalls to the down and locked position Gear doors and uplocks are released and landing gear is freefalls to the down and locked position. Nosewheel steering is powered by the __________ Centre hydraulic system Left hydraulic system Right hydraulic system Alternate bleed air system. Each main gear wheel has ______ disc brakes, nose gear has ______ disc brakes Multiple, no Multiple, one Two, no Four, two . The brake system includes Normal, alternate, park, accumulator, antiskid, autobrake Normal, alternate, parking, reservoir, autobrake Normal, alternate, reserve, parking, accumulator, antiskid Autobrake, antiskid, accumulator, normal, park, reverse. Normal brakes are supplied by the ______ system(s) Left Right Centre Alternate. Alternate brake system is ______selected by the ______ Automatically, system Automatically, pilot Manually, alternate brakes button Manually, reserve brakes button. If the right hydraulic pressure is _____, the centre hydraulic system automatically supplies pressure to the Low, alternate brake system High, alternate brake system Low, reserve brake system High, standby brake system. If the ______ hydraulic pressure is low, the ______ hydraulic system automatically supplies pressure to the __________ brakes Right, centre, alternate Right, centre, reserve Centre, right, alternate Centre, right, reserve. BRAKE SOURCE EICAS indicates that Normal brake system pressure is low Alternate brake system pressure is low Reserve brake system pressure is low Both normal and alternate brake system pressures are low . Pressing RESV BRAKES & STRG button provides fluid to the C1 hydraulic pump, pressure is supplied to the alternate brake system and nosewheel steering C2 hydraulic pump, pressure is supplied to the alternate brake system and nosewheel steering C1 hydraulic pump, pressure is supplied to the reserve brake system and nosewheel steering C2 hydraulic pump, pressure is supplied to the reserve brake system and nosewheel steering. Brake accumulator can provide Several braking applications if both normal and alternate braking sysyems are lost, or set the park brake Alternate braking if the normal system is lost Normal braking if the alternate system is lost Several braking applications through the reserve brakes and steering system . Antiskid is provided with Normal and Alternate brakes Alternate brakes only Normal brakes only Reserve brakes only. Normal brake system supplies _____ antiskid protection. Alternate brakes supplies ______ antiskid protection Individual, laterally paired Individual, Individual Laterally paired, Individual Laterally paired, Laterally paired. Autobrake system functions with Normal brakes only Normal and Alternate brakes only All brake systems Normal and reserve braking only. RTO function supplies maximum braking pressure when the airplane is ________, groundspeed is ______ and _________ On the ground, above 85kts, both thrust levers are retarded to idle On the ground, above 85kts, either thrust lever is retarded to idle On the ground, above 80kts, both thrust levers are retarded to idle On the ground, below 85kts, both thrust levers are retarded to idle. RTO autobrake function only operates if the RTO is initiated above 85kts groundspeed 80kts groundspeed 85kts airspeed 80kts airspeed. On landing, autobrake application starts when Both thrust levers are at idle and the wheels have spun up Both thrust levers are at idle and the wheels have contacted the ground Either thrust levers is at idle and the wheels have spun up Either thrust levers is at idle and the main wheels have made contact . Autobrake deceleration occurs Immediately on touchdown. Deceleration level can be adjusted by rotating the selector Once main gear untilt has ocurred. Deceleration level can be adjusted by rotating the selector Immediately on touchdown. Deceleration level cannot be adjusted by rotating the selector Once main gear untilt has ocurred. Deceleration level cannot be adjusted by rotating the selector. Autobrakes can be disarmed by Manual braking Retarding thrust lever Advancing thrust lever Moving speedbrake lever from up position Selecting disarm or off Autobrake or antiskid system fault. The brake accumulator is pressurised by the _________ Hydraulic system Right Left Centre Alternate. The tail skid system extends during takeoff and landing and retracts during flight It uses the main gear actuation system. It uses the nose gear strut sensor It uses an independent sensor It uses the main gear tilt sensors. Antiskid is available with (check all that apply) Normal Alternate Reserve Standby. |
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