ERASED TEST, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED ON inglese fuori paniere corretto prof

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inglese fuori paniere corretto prof Description: domande inglese Author: me Other tests from this author Creation Date: 29/11/2021 Category: Others Number of questions: 13 |
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1)Paul is very friendly and nice, he ___ with all his colleagues
Gets on well Gets in well Gets off. 2)I spoke to my best friend and she gave me ___ Some good advice A goodadvice A verygoodadvice Some goodadvices. 3)We were all too afraid to speak. Nobody ____ say anything Dared to Didn’t dare to Dare Didn’t dare. 4)The report is very critical and is clearly _____ Intended to be Intended to Intended Intend to be. 5)If my husband had locked his car properly, his car ___ stolen Would have never been Wouldn’thadstolen Wouldnot Won’t be. 6)Mark _____ my cellular phone Admitted him stealing Admitted stealing Admitted to steal Admitted steal. 7)The _____ faulty Equipments are Equipment were Equipment was Equipments were. 8)The view from her house was wonderful! If I _____ a camera with me, I would have taken some pictures Hadhad Wouldhave Had Wouldhavehad. 9) You ___ make two copies, one will go Must Needn’t Will notneed Don’tneed TO. 10) I used _____ my mother a lot of lie To say To tell Saying Telling. 11)Marcus couldn’t ____ having been at the scene of crime Deny Refuse Reject Object . 12)You don’t object ____ late tonight, do you? To work Working To working ?. 13) Can I take two days _____next week to visit my family? Away Out Off Up. |
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