
ERASED TEST, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED ON GBS Associates - SAP Business Tech Platform ver 2022 #0

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GBS Associates - SAP Business Tech Platform ver 2022 #0

MCQS provided in ebook (UX400, UX402, UX403, UX410, CLD200)

Shekhar Suman
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Creation Date: 02/01/2024

Category: Competitive Exam

Number of questions: 806
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An ODATA call, to get particular field value, you need to use query option? $select $option $reverse $order.
In JavaScript, "use strict" is used for It catches some common coding bloopers, throwing exceptions It provides asynchronous method It restricts asynchronous method It supports synchronous method.
What is the function of SAP Web Dispatcher in SAP Fiori architecture? It is an entry point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori architecture It is an exit point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori architecture It is an routing point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori architecture It is an stop point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori architecture.
What are the different types of Fiori apps available? Transactional App Fact sheet Analytical App Master Detail Page.
What Fiori application type is implemented to monitor KPIs in real time and react immediately on changes? Analytical Factsheet Transactional Object Page.
Which template will be used to display information about single business object? Object Page Floorplan Web Dynpro Floorplan Web ABAP Floorplan Dynpro.
Node.js is default? Synchronous Asynchronous.
In a node.js application having Express framework. Which function is used to bind and listen the connections on the specified host and port? app.listen() app.server() module.exports import listen from connections.
Which of the following identifiers of the communication scenario is used for accessing the Business Partner API in an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system? SAP_COM_0009 SAP_COM_0213 SAP_COM_0008 SAP_COM_0109.
Which service plan of the SAP BTP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility service do you choose when you want to use the Business Partner API of your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system? Cloud Foundry SAP_COM_0008 api-access.
In which of the following apps can you manage connected SAP BTP accounts in an SAP S/4HANA system? Maintain Integrations on SAP BTP Maintain Extensions on SAP BTP Manage Add-ons on SAP BTP.
What is required when registering an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system in your SAP BTP global account? A token A coin A voucher A developer.
In the Builds view of SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery, there is no new tile for your job. Which command do you run to trigger the job manually? Trigger run Trigger title Trigger build Trigger refresh.
Within SAP CI/CD jobs you can: Delete deployed applications directly from your Cloud Foundry environment space. Monitor the successful creation of your builds.
What kind of request does the webhook send? GET PUT POST.
What is the actual automation part of SAP CI/CD? Configure a job. Configure a branch in the GitHub repository.
What do you use to retrieve the information about a change on the repository? A change document A webhook A PUT request to GitHub.
What are the differences between continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD)? CI allows team members to add their changes to a main line. CD adds an aspect that changes have been tested successfully. CI allows developers to integrate their contributions any time. CD adds an aspect that changes are immediately ready for deployment.
A main line in a source control management system can contain feature branches. True False.
What is a "main line" in a source control management system used for? To automate deployment. To enable a reporting line for the project manager. To make developers' contributions transparent and avoid clashes.
What are some of the Continuous Integration principles? Use version control. Fix errors only when users complain. Run tests in the build. Run tests only in production. Fix errors immediately.
You can use the credentials created in the SAP CI/CD service to: Connect to a private GitHub repository. Access the service itself Deploy applications to the SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment.
Which of the following statements about SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) is correct? If you want to use SAP CI/CD in SAP BTP, you need to enable it with a service instance. If you want to use SAP CI/CD in SAP BTP, you need to subscribe to a service plan of SAP CI/CD.
What is the next step after you initialize a new local git repository (git init) and add files to it (git add)? Commit Fetch Pull.
After what period of time does GitHub remove unused personal access tokens? 28 days 100 days 1 month 1 year.
Which of the following statements about a GitHub Repository are correct? Anyone on the internet can see a public repository. Anyone on the internet can commit into a public repository. You choose who can see your private repository. You choose who can commit into your private repository.
Which of the following statements applies to Continuous Deployment? Software is ready for deployment to a productive system all the time. The trigger for deployment to a productive system is a human decision. Feedback from a productive system gets quickly integrated into teams’ backlog. Deployment to a productive system is triggered automatically.
Which of the following statements apply to Continuous Delivery? Software is ready for deployment to a productive system all the time. The trigger for deployment to a productive system is a human decision. Deployment to a productive system is triggered automatically. Code changes are pushed to a remote source code management system. Feedback from a productive system gets quickly integrated into teams’ backlog.
What does the source code management system use to trigger the CI server? Webhooks Web services HTTP PUT requests.
In the SAP BTP cockpit, where can you assign role collections to users? Security → Roles Security → Users.
Role collections of a global account are available in a subaccount of this global account? True False.
Role collections of a subaccount are available in the global account. True False.
What does the .env file provide? Values for your version-management-system Values into the runtime environment of a CAP service.
Which files do you modify to store project configurations? .cdsrc.json passport.js package.json.
How do you add authorization and trust management to your CAP project? cds add security cds add uaa cds add xsuaa.
Which file contains an app's "declaration of security"? xs-sec.json xs-app.json xs-security.json.
What does the Extended Services - User Account and Authentication (XSUAA) service enable your app to do? Store "real" users. Identify users by address and social security ID. Identify users by e-mail, user Id, first and last name. Check users' roles to allow or prohibit actions.
What is the default identity provider for SAP BTP platform users? SAP Cloud Identity Services SAP ID service SAML 2.0 XSUAA.
Which user types will work on and with SAP BTP? Professional users Platform users Trial users Business users.
Which statements about YAML files are correct? (Choose 2) YAML uses whitespace indentation for structuring purposes. YAML uses tab indentation for structuring purposes. YAML uses hyphens: - for comments. YAML uses hashes: # for comments.
What are yaml files used for? To describe documents To describe data.
What are the advantages of using an MTA file for deployment? It supports red - green deployment. It supports blue-green deployment. It provides workflows. It provides a build tool.
After you run the command cds add hana, which file is updated with the required configuration? package.js package.cds package.json package.mta.
Which tools can you use to manage the SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment? SAP Business Application Studio Eclipse CF CLI SAP BTP Cockpit.
What does the .env file provide? Values into the runtime environment of a CAP service Values for your version-management-system.
What do you need to connect a service to the Sandbox environment of the SAP API Business Hub for the Business Partner API that you want to use? An API key A personal token.
Which criticality value is assigned to Negative criticality? 1 2 3.
Why does CAP set the file risks-service.js automatically as a handler file for the respective service? Because the filename and the service definition filename are the same Because SAP Business Application Studio added a respective annotation.
In Node.js, which statement do you use to create an exception? throw try catch.
What can you do to provide meaningful error messages to users in your CAP application? Catch exceptions. Register an error handler. Hide the cause of errors. Register an event handler.
How many event handlers can you register for one event phase? Multiple Exactly one Exactly three.
In CAP, which keyword is used to send events? throw emit actions stream.
Which pattern do you use to register an event handler? event.() phase.() srv.().
You are asked to add a User Interface to your CAP project as quickly as possible and without any unique functionalities. Which option do you choose? SAPUI5 Freestyle SAP Fiori Elements SAP UI5 Elements.
What is SAP Fiori elements designed to do? Speed up development. Drive UX consistency. Drive full flexibility of development. Implement unique functionality.
What is the main idea behind SAP Fiori elements? Provide a showcase for the core principles of modern user interfaces (UI). Generate SAP Fiori apps at runtime from an existing OData service. Define a role-based user experience (UX). Provide a framework and development tool kit for HTML 5.
What are some SAP Fiori Elements floorplans? Analytical worklist page List Report Analytical List page Analytical Dashboard Page.
What is SAP Fiori? A collection of design guidelines. An SDK to develop multi-target applications. A design language.
What is the difference between entities and types? Types represent data elements, entities describe aspects of types. Entities represent data, types describe properties of entity elements.
In data models, are namespaces optional or mandatory? mandatory optional.
which command do you use to install dependencies in your project? cds yum bash npm.
Which of the following statements are correct? Each JSON file is a valid YAML file Each YAML file is a valid JSON file. JSON’s foremost design goal is support for serializing arbitrary native data structures. YAML’s foremost design goal is support for serializing arbitrary native data structures.
Which of the following supports non-hierarchical data? YAML JSON Neither YAML nor JSON.
What is the relationship between YAML and JSON? YAML and JSON are unrelated. JSON is a superset of YAML. YAML is a superset of JSON.
What are the two structures JSON is built on? Collections of name/value pairs Collections of value/value pairs Unordered list of strings Ordered list of values.
JSON is based on which programming language? Java Julia JCL Javascript.
Which document types are associated with an OData service? Service manifest document Service document Service description document Service metadata document.
Which of the following does OData use to address and access data feed resources? URL URN URI.
What is OData? A standard to access data through RESTful APIs A standard to create user interfaces (UI) for applications A standard to share data under a creative commons license.
Where can you find APIs provided by SAP and SAP partners? SAP Cloud Connector SAP Business Application Studio SAP API Business Hub.
What is an Application Programming Interface (API)? A software development kit (SDK) for mobile applications A way for applications to interact with other applications A way for applications to remotely modify other applications.
Which dev space type should you select to extend SAP S/4HANA with a CAP project? SAP Fiori SAP HANA Native Application Full Stack Cloud Application.
What is the default IDE for SAP's multi-cloud environment? Eclipse Oxygen SAP Business Application Studio Microsoft Visual Code.
What goals are achieved by a Lean Development Infrastructure? Allows for faster innovation through independently released and serial versions of components Either automates or provides self-service response Used to increase the development effort Used for ABAP development with Eclipse Oxygen.
What is the purpose of a build server? Used for code review Provides software that allows continuous integration. Used for version control Manages components, builds artifacts, and releases candidates in one central location.
What attribute is assigned to the @UI.fieldGroup to add an identifier? identify quantify qualifier identifier.
What annotation is used to show fields of the projection list in the general information section? @UI.headerInfo.field @UI.lineItem.ident @UI.identification @UI.ident.
What property is used in the manifest file, to configure how the selection and presentation variants display using a single variant management area? variantManagement smartVariantManagement allowSmartVariantManagement.
What annotations are required to declare that an ABAP Core Data System supports search capabilities? @Search.possible @Search.searchable @Search.allowed.
What are the main characteristics of a search field in SAP Fiori element-based applications? No value help dialog Supports fuzzy search Provides multiple search fields Finds a keyword in multiply fields.
What annotation is used to declare that a field of the projection list contains currency? @Semantics.currencyCode @UI.LineItem.currencyCode @UI.currencyCode @Semantics.currency.
What annotation is used to define the heading of list report? @UI.headerInfo.typeNamePlural @UI.LineItem.headerTitle @UI.headerInfo.typeName @UI.header.title.
What possible values can be used for the annotation @UI.LineItem.importance? LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERY_HIGH.
What is the goal of every developer? Increase efficiency Develop faster Increase development effort Less maintenance.
What ways are there, of extending or modifying a SAPUI5 view? View extension View enhancement View replacement View modification.
What UI control can be used to define a hook to extend an application? sap.m.Extend sap.ui.core.Extend sap.ui.core.ExtensionPoint sap.comp.ExtendControl.
When do you not use the overview page floorplan? A high-level or birds-eye view of an application content is sufficient. You want to display a collection of items and process them or delegate them to someone else. You want to show information about one object only. In this case, use the object page instead. You just represent one application and less than three cards.
What is the nature of the overview page floorplan? You want to display all the information of a simple or complex object with different facets, in a responsive way. You want to display a collection of items, and process them or delegate them to someone else You want to show all information that is needed by the user on a single page, based on a user specific domain or role. You want to display a large collection of items, and the user can take some action.
What problem is solved by the wizard floorplan? You want to display all the information of a simple or complex object, with different facets, in a responsive way. You want to display a collection of items and process them or delegate them to someone else. The user must process a long and unfamiliar task. You want to display a large collection of items, and the user can take some action.
What problem is solved by the worklist Report floorplan? You want to display all the information of a simple or complex object with different facets in a responsive way. You want to display a collection of items and process them or delegate them to someone else. The user must process a long and unfamiliar task. You want to display a large collection of items and the user can take some action.
What problem is solved by the object page floorplan? You want to display all the information of a simple or complex object with different facets in a responsive way You want to display a collection of items and process them or delegate them to someone else. The user must process a long and unfamiliar task. You want to display a large collection of items and the user can take some action.
What problem is solved by the list report floorplan? You want to display all the information of a simple or complex object with different facets in a responsive way. You want to display a collection of items and process them or delegate them to someone else. The user needs to process a long and unfamiliar task. You want to display a large collection of items and the user can take some action.
What SAPUI5 control is used as a starting point to implement the initial page? sap.m.Select sap.m.Input sap.m.Table sap.m.List.
When do you have to implement the SAP Fiori floorplan initial page? The Initial page floorplan is used when the user needs to select an item from a list. The Initial page floorplan is used when the user needs to navigate to a single object. The Initial page floorplan is used to show a single object The Initial page floorplan is used when the user needs to process a complex task.
What is a SAP Fiori floorplan? A floorplan is a layout control of SAPUI5. A floorplan is a UI pattern that provides consistent UX. A floorplan defines the overall layout of an application. A floorplan is a layout of the SAP Web-Dynpro layouts for SAP Fiori apps.
How many columns are supported by the flexible-column layout? 1 2 3 4 5.
When do you use the flexible-column layout? You want to open multiple instances of the same object type. You want to create a master-detail or master-detail-detail scenario in which the user can drill down or navigate. You want to split a single object into multiple columns, or display only a small amount of information. You want to embed the SAP Fiori launchpad, or overview page into one of the columns.
When should you not use the dynamic page layout? You are planning to use SAP Fiori elements, such as the list report, analytical list page, overview page, or object page, which already incorporates the dynamic page layout. You are building a freestyle application that uses the dynamic page header and footer toolbar features of SAP Fiori 2.0 (versions 1.40 and higher). You want to implement an initial page or object page floor plan. These floor plans already incorporate snapping header and footer toolbar features. The behavior is comparable to the dynamic page behavior, but the technical foundation is different. You are building an analytical application that is using the sap.viz API. You only need to display a small amount of information. In this case, use a dialog instead. If you cannot avoid using the dynamic page layout, use letterboxing to mitigate the issue.
Which types of application can use the dynamic page layout? The layout is deprecated, which means that you should not use the layout anymore. You can use the dynamic page layout for any kind of application. The layout is only used for master-detail scenarios. The dynamic page layout is only used for analytical applications.
What aspects should be considered in deciding which layout template to use? When deciding which template to use for your app, you need to consider what the user wants to achieve when working in the app. When deciding which template to use for your app, you need to analyse what end device the app is executed on. It is helpful to answer questions on the nature of the tasks. When deciding which template to use for your app, you need to consider what browser type is used. You need to analyze the capabilities of the users.
Which of the following layouts, are described in version 1.48 of the Guidelines? Dynamic Page Full-Screen Split-Screen Flexible Column Layout MobileDeviceLayout.
What application in the SAP Fiori launchpad helps the user to find applications that are available to the user? Tile Finder Application Finder Fiori Designer Fiori Appsearch.
What transaction is used to create an semantic object for customer configuration? /UI5/LPD_CUST /UI2/SEMOBJ /UI5/SEMOBJ pfcg su01.
Which of the following make up the configuration of a tile for launching an SAP Fiori app of type SAPUI5 in the SAP Fiori launchpad designer? Semantic object Launchpad creation via LPD_CUST Target Mapping Tile configuration Tile implementation.
Which types of services are known or supported by the SAP Fiori launchpad? Platform-specific services UI5 services Platform-independent services UI2 Services.
Which of the following components are part of the SAP Fiori launchpad? Shell services UI2 services Shell container Runtime container Runtime configuration.
What areas are mandatory in the tile layout? Subtitle Header Area Content Area Status Area KPI Area.
Which factors are key to the user experience with user assistance? Instant Context-sensitive confusing Seamless Error prone.
Which of the following should you avoid with regard to the golden rule “Every SAP Fiori app must run as a web app”? Absolute URLs generated in front or back-end. Using SAPUI5 Hard dependencies between apps Calling UI2 services directly instead of using APIs Use of platform-specific functionality without availability check.
Why is it advisable to not use a custom CSS file in your SAP UI5 applications? SAPUI5 has problems with custom CSS. Having one central design created with the theme designer is very efficient. When something needs to be changed at the client interface, it is easier to handle. Time spent designing modified CSS is expensive.
What is the idea behind the golden rule of having one common UX? Having a common UX reduces training costs and increases the quality of data. Having a common UX reduces the overall total cost of ownership. Having a common UX reduces development costs.
What main aspects does the developer have to configure for a sap.viz.ui5.controls.VizFrame control? Dataset Datacontainer DimensionDefinition MeasureDefinition Feed.
What aggregations are defined by the sap.suite.ui.commons.ChartContainer? content container dimensionSelector customicons legend.
What of the following are important technologies of the ABAP programming model of SAP Fiori? SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori Elements IABAP Core Data Service BAdi and RFC SAP HANA.
Which of the following artefacts are contained in the OData URL structure? Service Root URI Header data Resource Path Query Options.
What are the main configuration objects of the routing configuration? config routing routes targets.
SAPUI5 provides two different router implementations. What router class is used in SAP Fiori apps as a router or as a router base class, when you want to implement your own router? sap.m.routing.Router sap.ui.core.routing.Router sap.m.Router sap.routing.Router.
Which of the following statements are talking about the SAP Fiori app architecture? SAP Fiori apps are implemented using the component-based approach. SAP Fiori apps have a index.html file that is used for SAP Fiori launchpad integration. SAP Fiori apps need to have an app descriptor that describes the applications metadata. SAP Fiori apps should use the SAPUI5 core as a place to hold app data models.
What are the tasks of the controller in the Model-ViewController implementation? Updates using data binding Modifies the model Modifies the view via API Holds the business data Contains the UI implementation.
What are the main artefacts of an SAPUI5 application? CSS Views Controller Models Controls.
What is true of the SAP Business Technology Platform SAP Business Application Studio? It requires zero Installation. Provides only SAP Cloud Programming capabilities. Is updated on a regular basis. Does only provide one workspace for project organization.
Which of the following statements are correct with respect to the SAP Business Application Studio? SAP Business Application Studio is a development environment for SAP ABAP. SAP Business Application Studio is a browser-based development environment. SAP Business Application Studio provides application templates as a foundation of highly efficient app development.
Which technical application types are defined for SAP HANA? Transactional Secure Fact sheets Analytical Drill-down.
What content density is used for touch-enabled devices? Compact form factor Mobile form factor Cozy form factor Desktop form factor Small form factor.
The SAP Fiori Design Guidelines are available for various device types. For what device types are the design guidelines available? SAP Fiori for Windows SAP Fiori for Android SAP Fiori for Web SAP Fiori for iOS SAP Fiori for Blackberry.
What do you focus on when it comes to decomposition and recomposition? The building of mega transactions to support all needs of all people The person’s tasks that should be supported by the application The expensive of the implementation The data and functions that are already in the system.
What are common design thinking brainstorming rules? Be visual Discuss and judge every idea Go for quality Fail early and often.
What are the main spaces in the design thinking process? Problem Space Ideation Space Solution Space Test Space.
What three key aspects are important when talking about innovation? Feasibility Scalability Viability Desirability.
What is the preferred technology to implement SAP Fiori applications? Web Dynpro ABAP SAPUI5 Web Dynpro Java Dynpro.
For what platforms is SAP Fiori Design Language defined? Web Native Mobile Automotive Conversational UX.
What application type is implemented to analyze a huge amount of data with diagrams? Transactional Analytical Fact sheet.
Which of the following can be used for usability assessment? Heuristic evaluation User testing User observation Questionnaires.
What does effectiveness mean in the relation to the user interface? The resources expended in relation to the accuracy and completeness of goals achieved The accuracy and completeness with which specified users can achieve specified goals in specific environments The comfort and acceptability of the work system to its users and other people affected by its use.
What is described as the person's perceptions and response that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system, or service? User interface User experience Usability User acceptance.
Which different app types can be found in SAP Fiori? Conceptual Industrial Technical Infrastructural Mobile.
The combination of Term/Target is unique, that means for an Entity or a field, every term can be used only once True False.
Which of the following information about an OData service should be provided as an annotation? The entities of an OData service Properties of an Entity Set/Collection The position for each field in a list report Data type for each property in an Entity Set/ Connection.
What are the features of SAP Fiori elements? No JavaScript UI Coding. Metadata-driven approach of SAP Fiori development. A replacement for traditional free style SAPUI5 programming, can satisfy all customer needs in a brand new approach. Centrally Provided Templates covering Reporting, Analytic, and Transaction scenarios.
What steps are part of the design phase in the DLD? Test Validate Prototype Scope Ideate.
What steps are part of the discover phase in the DLD? Scope Test Implement Research Synthesize.
What are the SAP Fiori principles? Role-based Adaptive Creative Coherent Complex.
What goals does the SAPUI5 framework have? User Interface technology for building and adapting client applications User Interface technology for building and adapting server based applications Providing a lightweight programming model for desktop only applications Providing an extensible framework for building desktop and mobile applications.
What are the current UI Technologies of SAP? Business Server Pages SAPUI5 Java Server Pages Web Dynpro ABAP / Floorplan Manager Dynpro.
What are the current SAP UI Tools? SAPUI5 Application Development Tools SAP Screen Personas SAP NetWeaver Portal Flexible UI Designer SAP NetWeaver Gateway.
What impact does SAP Fiori have on Business? Digitalization Simplification Web & open standards User-centered Re-imagine processes.
What are the ideas behind the SAP UX strategy? Design Strategy New / Renew / Enablement New / Renew / Empower Architecture and Technology SAP Screen Personas.
What impact does UX have on monetary values? Increase user satisfaction Gain productivity and data quality Strengthen relationship between customers Save training costs Decrease change requests and user errors.
Which of the following statements are true about the merge functionality in GIT? A merge deletes the content of a branch. Allows the merging of two local branches into one local branch. Allows integration of a branch into another branch.
What is a GIT branch? A GIT branch represents a local working copy of the main development line. A GIT branch always represents the main development line. A GIT branch represents an independent line of development. A GIT branch is the SAP implementation of GIT.
What is the result of a GIT Clean? Undoes a committed snapshot Removes all untracked files from the working directory. Reverts back to the previous state of the project.
What is the result of a GIT Revert? Undoes a committed snapshot. Removes all untracked files from the working directory Reverts back to the previous state of the project.
What is the result of a GIT Reset? Undo a committed snapshot Removes all untracked files from the working directory Returns a project back to the previous state.
In which state are the files in GIT when a remote repository is cloned for the first time? Staged and modified Tracked and unmodified Tracked and staged Modified and tracked.
Which of the following are the main states of a file in GIT? Committed Changed Released Modified.
Which of the following best describes a commit? With every commit, GIT create a new branch. With every commit, GIT takes a snapshot of the current state of the underlying files. With every commit, a new local repository is created. A commit in GIT is a local operation.
How is the extension type called to hide UI controls? Control replacement Control modification View replacement Element modification.
When you implement a controller extension and you implement the onInit and onAfterRendering functions in the extension, when are they called? After the corresponding functions form the standard controller. Only the functions of the controller extensions are called. Before the corresponding functions from the standard controller.
What types of extensions/replacements are supported by SAPUI5? Component replacement View replacement View modification Replace service Implement UI Controller Hooks Manifest.json replacement.
To what namespace is the ExtensionPoint class assigned? sap.ui.extension sap.m sap.ui.core sap.ui.core.extension.
Is it possible to add an extension point in the component implementation? Yes No It depends on the type of component.
What is meant by the phrase “SAPUI5 supports modification free enhancements”? The developer must create a copy of the application that should be enhanced and the enhancement is done in the copy. The delivered standard application remains unchanged and hence the extension is considered to be modification free. SAP provides a service in the cloud to generate an enhanced application using aspect-oriented programming.
Which UI annotation is used to declare a field for the smart filter template? UI.searchField UI.selectionField UI.filterField UI.finderField.
Which UI annotation is used in the object page to display the object header? UI.headerObject UI.objectheader UI.headerInfo UI.header.
Which of the following SAP Fiori element based UIs are currently available? Wizard Form List Report Master-Detail Overview Pages Object Page.
Which of the following statements are true for SAP Fiori elements? Heavy UI coding is necessary when working with SAP Fiori Elements. SAP Fiori elements provide designs for UI patterns and predefined templates Apps are based on OData services and annotations.
Which aggregation is used to overwrite the standard behavior of a SmartField control. overwrite configure extension.
What is the namespace in which the smart controls are bundled? sap.ui.smart sap.ui.comp sap.m.
Which function do you call on the ODataModel to trigger a deep insert? create createDeep insertDeep updateDeep.
What method must be implemented on the back end to support deep inserts? INSERT_ENTITY_DEEP CREATE_ENTITY_DEEP CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY APPLY_DEEP_ENTITY.
When do you use deep insert? When working with aggregation binding to update / insert an entity in the bound complex structure. When adding a new entity to an entity set When working with hierarchical data where the data can only be stored in the full hierarchy.
What is returned by the function createEntry? The ID of the newly created entity A binding context object. A newly created object in JSON-format.
How does the OData Model handle XSRF tokens? The OData Model does not handle XSRF-tokens. The developer must implement token handling The OData Model fetches the token when reading the metadata and sends the token automatically in each write request header The OData Model fetches the token for each request and sends the token automatically with each request.
What type of concurrency control is offered by OData? Pessimistic concurrency control Exclusive concurrency control No concurrency control Optimistic concurrency control.
What parameter must you provide when calling the simulate function of the mock server? The full qualified path to the model and the URI for the service document. The full qualified path to the local metadata file and the folder where the model data are stored locally The autoRespondAfter parameter and the full qualified path to the local metadata file.
What query option is needed to access the data of an entity in the JSON format? $json $format=json format=json.
When do you need to work with local data? When working with static data. When performance is poor in the productive system. To perform a quick test without creating live entities on the backend server. When you want to reduce the complexity of your application.
Which of the following statements are true with regard to OPA5? Can be used for user interaction tests. Can be used for SAPUI5 integration tests. Is a view controller test framework. Provides the possibility to test navigation.
Does QUnit support SAPUI5 view tests? Yes, you can implement a test class to test UI aspects of SAPUI5. No, for UI tests you must use OPA5. You can use the QUnit-extensions, called Selenium, to test SAPUI5 controls.
Which of the following statements are true with respect to QUnit? Supports only synchronous testing out of the box. QUnit is a JavaScript unit and integration test framework. Supports asynchronous tests out-of-the-box. Is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code.
What method is called inside the library.js file? sap.ui.getCore().registerLibrary sap.ui.getCore().initLibrary sap.ui.getCore().loadLibrary sap.ui.getCore().runLibrary.
Which file contains the initialization code for the UI library? library.load.js library.js loadlibrary.js lib.dll.
How can a renderer access the associated elements? The developer must implement an appropriate function to access the elements. SAPUI5 provides functions to access all properties, associations, and aggregations. The developer must define a property method in the control metadata and declare the access control.
What is the base class for all UI controls in SAPUI5? sap.ui.Control sap.ui.core.Control sap.ui.base.Control sap.ui.Element.
Which of the following aspects are true for a SAPUI5 UI element? A UI element has an API. A UI element does not have a renderer A UI element has a renderer A UI element can have events.
Which of the following statements are true with regard to implementing your own renderer? Implement the render function inside the control. Implement a renderer class, derived from sap.ui.core.Renderer, in a separate file. Implement the renderer using AMD syntax. Assign a reference to the renderer property of the UI control.
Which function must be called inside a control renderer to add the control ID to the DOM tree and support eventing? writeClasses writeIcon writeControlData write.
You want to define a property with the name width to enhance a standard UI5 control. The property should hold the current width of the UI control. What is the best approach to defining the type of such a property? Define the property width of the type string. Define the property width of the type sap.ui.core.Integer. Define the property width of the type sap.ui.core.CSSSize. ) Define the property width of the type sap.ui.core.type.CSSSize.
What is the best approach to showing a UI control on a desktop only, and not on a mobile device? Use the Device API to check the environment and call setVisible on the UI control. Use the UI control from sap.ui.commons. These UI controls can handle this automatically. Use the standard CSS class sapUiVisibleOnlyOnDesktop.
What are the different content densities provided by SAPUI5? cozy large compact strict condensed.
What aspects of the runtime environment can be accessed by the Device API of SAPUI5? Operating system Screen size Orientation change Language Touch-specific features.
What layout control is used to achieve flexible and responsive layouts? VerticalLayout FlexBox Grid Splitter.
In what configuration area of the manifest.json file can you activate automatic message creation? sap.app sap.ui sap.ui5.
How do you access the MessageManager? It is a singleton and can be accessed by the getMessageManager function on the core object. You have to instantiate the MessageManager using the constructor function. Each UI control provides a function to access the MessageManager.
What message types are known to SAPUI5? Control message UI message Server message Log message.
What are the two aggregations provided by sap.m.SplitApp control to add page implementations? mainPages masterPages infoPages detailPages detail.
Which modes are provided by the sap.m.SplitAppMode enumeration? ShowHideMode HideShowMode StretchCompressMode PopoverMode ShrinkCozyMode.
When is the use of a master-detail pattern not recommended? You need to offer complex filters for the master list of items. You want to display a single object. When you want to display different facets of the same object, data, or both.
what is the name of the aggregation of the sap.m.App control, or more precisely the name of the sap.m.NavContainer control, in which UI controls are aggregated? fullPages pages masterpages detailPages.
Is it true to say that the sap.m.App control does not provide responsive behavior? That is true, the sap.m.App control does not provide responsive behavior. It depends on the SAPUI5 version. From version 1.30 and later, the sap.m.App control provides responsive behavior. No, that is not true. The sap.m.App control provides responsive behavior.
From which control does the sap.m.App control inherit navigation capabilities? sap.m.NavigationContainer sap.m.NavContainer sap.ui.core.NavContainer.
Why does it make sense to use the navigation API of SAPUI5 and concepts such as eventbus or the navcontainer functions of the base application? Using the navigation API, it is possible to use bookmarks. The eventbus concept is deprecated and should no longer be used. Using the navigation API, the configuration of routes and targets are clearly separated from the application implementation. The NavContainer of the App object is not accessible inside a component-based app.
What configuration steps are necessary to define a navigation route? Configure a route in the manifest.json file. Configure a target. Assign at least one target to the route. Activate routing in the sap.app.
Which control is used in the index.html file to support letterboxing if required? sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer sap.ui.core.Component sap.m.Shell sap.ui.core.View.
What approach gives you the most flexibility for your SAPUI5 app? Using a controller-based approach. Using a view-based approach. Implement complex UIs in the index.html file. Using a component-based approach.
In which base class implementation is the setModel function implemented? sap.ui.base.ManagedObject sap.ui.base.Object sap.ui.base.Interface sap.ui.model.base.BaseModel.
What is the principle of SAP UX strategy? Design Strategy New, Renew, Enablement New, Renew, Empower Architecture and Technology SAP Screen Personas.
What impact does UX have on monetary values? a) Increases user satisfaction. b) Provides productivity gains and increases data quality. c) Strengthens relationships with customers. d) Provides training cost savings. e) Reduces the number of change requests and user errors.
How do you catch invalid hashes in your routing configuration? Handle the invalid hashes during component initialization and forward them to a central routing target. Use the bypassed attribute inside the routing configuration. Register an event handler to handle invalid hashes, and navigate to the correct target when the invalidHashOccurs event is raised.
Which function invocation is necessary to set up the routing inside a Worklist app? this.getRouter().initialize(); this.getRouter().setup(); this.getRouter().init(); this.getRouter().registerRoutes();.
Which root element can be used when developing a worklist app? sap.m.App sap.m.FullScreenApp sap.m.BaseApp sap.m.SplitApp.
Which type of UI control is used to embed a component into a component consumer? sap.ui.core.ComponentGroup sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer sap.ui.core.ComponentPanel sap.ui.core.ComponentArea.
In which file is the Component controller implemented? Component.json Component.js UIComponent.js BaseComponenet.js.
Which types of components are provided by SAPUI5? Faceless Components UI Components Backend Components Agile Components.
What function can be used to check whether the OData model contains changes? hasUpdatedValues() hasPendingValues() hasPendingChanges() hasUpdatedChanges().
Does the invocation of the getProperty()method on an OData model object trigger a request to the back-end? Yes, for each getProperty() call, a synchronous request to the OData service is triggered to get the property value. No, a request is not triggered. The getProperty() method returns the current value from the OData model object at the client side. If the value is not available, undefined is returned. It depends on how the getProperty() method is parametrized by the developer. There is a property called bFetchFromServer. If this parameter is true, a request to the server-side is sent.
Which OData versions are currently supported by SAPUI5? OData Version 1.0 OData Version 2.0 OData Version 3.0 OData Version 4.0.
Which of the following return types are supported by service operations? Complex Types Primitive Types Aggregration Types Infinitive Types.
Which design pattern is used for resolving relationships between resources? Resource design pattern Hypermedia design pattern Metadata design pattern.
What does OData use for resource identification? Email address URI Harmonized WSDL paths.
Assuming the input language in a SAPUI5 application is de_CH. What is the locale fallback chain used by SAPUI5 to load the suitable resource bundle file (where "" stands for the raw file)? "de_CH" → "de" → "en" → " " "de_CH" → "de" → " " → "en" "de_CH" → "de" → " ".
(Duplicated question) (Duplicated question) (Duplicated question) (Duplicated question).
Which of the following are the two options provided by SAPUI5 for working with i18n texts? Module sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle Aggregation Binding Data Binding Resource Consumption.
Which parameter do you need to provide to the ResourceModel() to specify the SAPUI5 module name of the .properties file? bundleName resourceBundleName resourceName bundlePath.
Which enumeration defines the various binding modes provided by SAP? sap.ui.model.BindingMode sap.ui.binding.BindingMode sap.ui.bindingmode.Mode sap.ui.model.binding.Mode.
Which of the following are the binding types supported in SAPUI5? Property binding Default binding Aggregration binding Elementary binding Element binding.
Which of the following model types are supported by SAPUI5? XML JSON OData SOAP.
When you implement a dialog using a fragment, you should bind the fragment to the lifecyle management of the consuming view. Which function do you need to call on the consuming view to connect the dialog to the lifecyle management of the view? addDependent() connectToView() addFragment() assignDependent().
Which of the following statements are true with respect to fragments? Fragments are defined in a manner similar to views. A fragment itself has a HTML representation. Fragments are light-weight UI parts. Fragments need a controller, similar to views.
Which fragment type is not available in SAPUI5? XML fragment JSON fragment HTML fragment Javascript fragment.
Which measurement unit is used for the property hSpacing? em rem px percentage.
What is the preferred way, when you have the requirement, to hide certain UI controls on a specific form factor? Get the form factor using the device and call the setVisible() function of the UI control. Assign a standard CSS class, such as sapUiVisibleOnlyOnDesktop of SAPUI5, to the UI control. Bind the formFactor property of the device model to the visible property of the UI control.
Which layout control can help you group UI controls? sap.ui.layout.Panel sap.m.Panel sap.ui.layout.Group sap.m.GridGroup.
Which of the following lifecycle hook methods can be implemented by the developer in a view controller? onInit onRender onAfterRendering onExit onBeforeRndering.
Which class is normally used as the base class when implementing a SAPUI5 view controller? sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller sap.ui.view.Controller sap.m.Controller sap.ui.layout.Controller.
Which function is provided to register a URL prefix for a module name prefix? jQuery.sap.mapModulePath() jQuery.sap.registerModulePath() sap.ui.registerModulePath() jQuery.sap.declareModulePath().
What view type does SAP recommend? JSON XML HTML JavaScript.
Which JavaScript function is used to load a module asynchronously? jQuery.sap.require sap.ui.require sap.ui.define sap.ui.loadModule.
Which JavaScript function is called to define a module? jQuery.sap.require jQuery.sap.define sap.ui.define sap.ui.declare.
Which of the following features can be used to describe a module? Name Association Definition Scope Dependencies.
What is the prefix of the HTML custom attributes of SAPUI5? data-sap-ui5 data-sap-ui data-sap-uiconfig data-sap-config-ui.
What is the name of the event that is fired after a successful SAPUI5 initialization? init startupDone loadDone bootDone.
What is the initial starting phase of SAPUI5 called? Bootstrapping Autostart ConfigurationLoad Startup-phase.
Which of the following parameters must you provide when you create an initial Cloud Connector configuration? Region Display Name Subaccount Password LocationId Description.
What tool is used to connect the SAP Business Technology Platform to an on-premise system? Destination Connector Cloud Connector Connector App Cloud Manager.
Which of the following statements are true with respect to the SAP Business Application Studio? SAP Business Application Studio is a browser-based integrated development environment SAP Business Application Studio is only available as on-premise edition SAP Business Application Studio is integrated in the SAP GUI SAP Business Application Studio is based on an open source IDE SAP Business Application Studio provides WYSIWYG tooling.
Which of the following statements are true for OpenUI5? OpenUI5 includes all of the main features of SAPUI5. OpenUI5 contains sap.viz and sap.ui.comp. OpenUI5 is free for use. OpenUI5 implements its own Core-Component. OpenUI5 encompasses the complete SAPUI5 Core, plus many frontend controls that are also included in SAPUI5.
What is the key concept of SAPUI5 that enables the separation of information representation from user interaction? Model View Controller Drag-and-drop Slideshow A forgiving format.
Which of the following are key features of SAPUI5? Full translation support Web Dynpro extensibility Responsive across browsers and devices Less open for custom development Based on open standards such as, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5.
Which of the following SAP Key UI technologies are currently recommended by SAP? Web Dynpro Java Web Dynpro ABAP with Screen Personas Classical Screen with Screen Personas Java Dynpro SAPUI5.
What is the vision of SAP when considering SAP’s UX direction? Deliver attractive applications that make people successful at work Provide the leading user experience for business applications Provide UX as service to gain productivity Deliver SAP modules in an SaaS manner.
Which of the following statements are true when talking about SAP Fiori? SAP Fiori is SAP’s user experience that applies modern user-centric design principles SAP Fiori is SAP’s product for implementing SAP Enterprise Portal components SAP Fiori is SAP’s UI technology for implementing applications for mobile devices SAP Fiori can be personalized, is simple, and runs on any device SAP Fiori provides a consistent and role-specific experience across all tasks, for all lines of business.
Which entities are part of processes of a business scenario? Events Phases States Correlation Context.
Which of these scenarios delivers instant time to value? Visibility on a Custom Scenario. Visibility on SAP Applications with pre-delivered scenarios. Visibility on workflows and process templates from the SAP Workflow Service.
What are the core values gained through Process Visibility? Process Fragility Process Flexibility Process Excellence Process Transparency Process Transformation.
What is used to define the interface of a rule project to the outside? Rule Project Rule Set Rule Service.
What are available Rule Types? Decision Table Rules Text Rules Language Rules Coding Rules Graph Rules.
What are the main capabilities gained with SAP Business Rules? Agility Reusability Transparency Rigidity Inseparability.
Where does the SAP Workflow Service store data at runtime, which is required for the workflow to run? Workflow Container Workflow Box Workflow Context Workflow Directory.
Which are existing event types in the SAP Workflow Service? End Events Stop Events Terminate End Events Intermediate Mail Events Intermediate Timer Events Intermediate Message Events.
How can you call external systems, applications and services from your SAP Workflow Service? Using Script Tasks Using System Tasks Using User Tasks Using Service Tasks Using Application Tasks.
How can custom-build applications integrate with the SAP Workflow Service? Using OData APIs Using RESTful APIs Using SOAP APIs.
Which are the main tools used by workflow developers in SAP BTP? Eclipse IDE Microsoft Visual Studio Code SAP Business Application Studio Workflow Editor.
You want different process steps executed depending on a value you have in your workflow context. Which of the following elements do you use to control the flow? Message Flow User Task Start Event Parallel Gateway Exclusive Gateway.
What is used to call an external system? Parallel Gateway Intermediate Message Event Script Task Service Task.
Which of the following elements of BPMN are available in the SAP Workflow Service? Inclusive Gateway Message Flow User Task Parallel Gateway Intermediate Message Event.
.What effect can performance indicators within Process Visibility configurations have? They can inform involved persons about the process status via Email. They can lead to the termination of inefficient process instances. They can show up as tiles in the Live Process Dashboard. They can show up as process variants in the Manage Process Variants app.
Which constraints can process steps within Process Variants have? Approver Position within process Number of occurrences Possible processor.
It is possible to use more than one version at a time of a Decisions project for a given Live Process. True False.
What is the main target group of Live Process Content? Business Experts Business Managers Developers.
Using the SAP API Business Hub is the only way to explore and activate Live Process Content. True False.
Which are the SAP Workflow Management components where Live Process Content can be used? Process Visibility Service Business Rules Service My Inbox Workflow Service.
What is the benefit of Live Processes and Live Process Content? Live Processes offer the possibility to develop custom business processes from scratch in an easy to operate environment. Live Processes offer discovery of pre-defined content, real-time authoring and launch of non-complex business processes without coding. You “Go Live” and stay flexible in production. Live Processes offer insight into productive Business Processes of competitors and make it possible to clone them into your own account.
Which of the following are components of SAP Workflow Management? My Inbox Workflow Service Conversational AI Business Rule Service Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Process Visibility Service.
Which of the following statements is correct? SAP Workflow Management is part of the SAP Extension Suite SAP Workflow Management is part of the SAP Integration Suite. SAP Workflow Management is part of SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation (iRPA).
In what case is it recommended to choose SAP Workflow Management? When implementing a standard local business process When implementing a business process spanning across systems, where on-premise deployment is required. When implementing a business process spanning across Cloud and or on-premise systems.
.BTP stands for Best Technology Platform Business Technology Performance Business Technology Platform.
In an Analytic List Page, the user can filter data by selecting some points in the chart. True False.
Which areas are part of an Analytic List Page? Title Area Visual Filters Selection Fields Content Area.
Which of the following types are types of cards in an Overview Page? List Cards Link List Cards Analytic Cards Table Cards Stack Cards.
SAP Fiori elements support write operations, if the back end service is written by CDS working with BOPF. True False.
What are the differences between analytical entity set and normal entity set from an OData consumer perspective? The Analytical entity set generates a new field for primary key. The Analytical entity set returns all data needed to analyze the client The Analytical entity set returns summarized results according to the $select parameter. The Analytical entity set analyzes the use of the database and runs faster when SAP HANA is used as database compared to a normal entity set.
What steps are used to display a field as a rating indicator? Set type of line item to #AS_DATAPOINT. Add a @UI.datapoint to the field and set visualization to #RATING Add a @UI.chart annotation to the field and set visualization to #RATING Set the visualization of line item to #RATING.
The field indicate criticality should be hidden because it means nothing to end user. True False.
What can you do by editing manifest.json? Disable object page. Add object pages as sub page under an object page. Define facets on Object Page. Disable List Report.
What are the options for external navigation? Navigation to URL (As a link). Navigation to URL (As a button). Navigation to Intent (As a Link). Navigation to Intent (As a button).
If your back end system is based on ABAP 7.50, which are available ways of using facets? Declare both: field groups and facets in CDS view. Declare both: field group and facet as local annotation using BAS. Declare field group in CDS view, declare facets as local annotation using BAS. It is not possible to use facets in ABAP 7.50.
Which of the following properties are relevant to the type of facet? purpose targetQualifier parentId type.
The CDS annotation @UI.facet is used to: Create a Header Facet. Create a collection facet, which is displayed as section. Create a reference under collection facet. Create content, like field groups, or charts for a Facet.
To add a header facet, you should use @UI.HeaderFacet annotation and put it before the define statement of your CDS view. True False.
Which types are supported as header facets for an object page? Field Group Facet Plan Text Facet Smart Chart Facet Rating Indicator Facet.
How do you set a field as the title for a business entity? Add @UI.title annotation for that field. Add @UI.headerInfo.title annotation for that field. Add @UI.headerInfo.title.value for the CDS view and reference it to the field Add @UI.headerInfo.title for the CDS view and reference it to the field.
What steps needs to be done in manifest.json if you need to hide variant function in a list report? Add setting to enable smart Variant Management. Add setting to disable smart Variant Management. Set setting variantManagementHidden to true. Set setting showVariantManagement to false.
When running a list report, users can only filter data using fields provided as selection fields by developer. True False.
Choose available options for creating a value help for a selection field. By adding a foreign key annotation. By adding a value help annotation. If the domain which associates to the field, has a fixed value, the value help will be generated automatically By adding annotations to list all possible in source code of CDS.
Which of following description about search field is NOT true? The search field is searching on more than one data field. There is only one search field per list report The search field searches for only one data field. Search field support fuzzy search.
What is the use of the annotation @UI.hidden? Prevent a column from display on the UI. Not expose these fields as a property of OData service. Prevent a column selected by user when customizing table settings Create a invisible column to save the value in a hidden control of HTML.
How can you hide some columns when the list report is accessed by a mobile phone? Put all fields, which are not important at the end of the report. When the screen gets smaller, the fields will hide automatically. Add @UI.hidden for fields; not import. Prepare a different version of @UI.lineItem and assign them as a different qualifier. Set UI.lineItem.importance for those fields as #LOW or @Medium.
For a list report, which annotation is used to describe the name of business entity displayed on the report? @UI.lineItem.title @UI.headerInfo.type @UI.headerInfo.typeName @UI.headerInfo.typeNamePlural.
In which cases, is a local annotation better than a CDS annotation? UI with data intensive. Annotations is for 1 field. Complex UI relevant annotations. You want to use annotations which are not support by your current ABAP version.
What are the limitations of publishing CDS as OData service by adding a @OData.publish:true? Cannot expose associations Cannot change names of entity sets. Only 1 level is taken into consideration when exposing associations. No customized ABAP code in SAP Gateway.
Which of following steps are needed to create an association in CDS and expose it? Declare an association using “association to” statement. Declare an association using “left outer join” statement. Expose the association by writing its name in projection list Expose fields in the association by writing each field in projection list.
When creating a CDS view, the SQL view name and view name for CDS must be identical. True False.
Which info will be used for creating a destination in SAP BTP for SAP Fiori elements development? Virtual name in SAP Cloud Connector Internal name in SAP Could Connector External name in SAP Cloud Connector Internal address of SAP Backend Server.
Using SAP S/4HANA 1610 with ABAP 7.51, which of following templates can you use for SAP Fiori elements? List Report Object Page Overview Page Analytic List Page.
Which of following templates display only one business entity? List Report Object Page Overview Page Analytic List Page.
Which one of the following uses Blockchain? SAP Leonardo SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model SAP API Management SAP Cloud Platform Integration.
What are some restrictions of the free plan of SAP Business Application Studio? A user can only have up to 2 dev spaces in the RUNNING state at a time. A user can only have 1 dev space in the RUNNING state at a time. A user can only have up to 2 dev spaces The maximum size limit of a dev space is 10 GB.
Which of the following are the available content providers in the SAP Content Hub? Integration Business services Workflow Analytics APIs.
Which of the mobile services is the server counterpart of the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS? Mobile service for Fiori Mobile Mobile service for SMS messaging Mobile service for development and operations Mobile service for app and device management.
What are some SAP recommendations for deploying large apps to Cloud Foundry? The CF_STARTUP_TIMEOUT is set to 15 minutes. The total size of environment variables does not exceed 250KB. The maximum app size is set in the manifest file. The network speed exceeds 874 KB/s.
After what period of time are process metrics no longer available in the SAP Cloud Platform cockpit? 7 days 14 days 1 month 2 months.
Your company wants to set up an account model in the SAP BTP that includes a Cloud Foundry environment and subaccounts. What must you consider? A subaccount can contain only one Cloud Foundry org. Each Cloud Foundry org can contain only one space. A subaccount can contain more than one Cloud Foundry org. Each Cloud Foundry org can contain multiple spaces.
In your SAP BTP subaccount, what can you select at the environment level? Infrastructure Services Data Runtime.
Which of the following dev space types does NOT contain MTA Tools by default? Full Stack Cloud Application SAP Fiori SAP HANA Native Application Basic.
Which of the following are features of a managed cloud deployment model? Dedicated resources for an individual customer Limited customizing access Extensive customizing access Dedicated resources for multiple customers.
Your customer presents you with the following UI requirements: The same visualizations for all users. Extraction of key information to identify a root cause. Searching, filtering, and sorting of items . Which SAP Fiori elements floorplan do you recommend they use? Worklist Object Page Analytical List page List Report.
How can you bring your company's user base into your SAP BTP subaccount? Create the users manually in the security section of your subaccount Establish a trust relationship with your corporate identity provider. Import the users via .csv file upload in the SAP BTP cockpit. Establish a trust relationship with the default identity provider.
Which event phases can you use with CAP event handlers by default? Note: There are 3 to choose. on while after before between.
Which of the following are capabilities of the SAP Cloud Connector? Note: There are 2 to choose Providing control over cloud to on-premise connections Providing control over cloud to cloud connections Connect an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system with the SAP BTP Connecting an SAP S/4HANA system with the SAP BTP.
What are some characteristics of YAML files? Note: There are 2 to choose YAML files can be used as configuration files. YAML files are based on XML YAML files rely on correct indentation. YAML files are also valid JSON files.
When deploying applications on SAP BTP, what is the maximum application package size? 2 GB 1 GB 2.5 GB 1.5 GB.
Your customer presents you with the following UI requirements: Users work on different kinds of items. Different visualizations without interactions between the visualizations. No drilldown. Which SAP Fiori elements floorplan do you recommend they use? Object page Analytical List Page Worklist List Report.
You want to connect an SAP backend system to the SAP BTP using the SAP Cloud Connector . Which additional SAP BTP services are required for the connection? Note: There are 2 to choose. SAP Destination service SAP Keystore service SAP Connectivity service SAP Cloud Transport Management service.
Which of the following are characteristics of the SAP Business Technology Platform, ABAP Environment? Note: There are 2 to choose Runs within the Kyma environment is based on the latest ABAP platform cloud release Runs within the Cloud Foundry environment Is based on the latest SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP release.
Which of the following can be used as a management tool for SAP Business Technology Platform? Note: There are 2 to choose. SAP Solution Manager SAP BTP CLI SAP Business Application Studio Cloud Foundry CLI.
Your customer presents you with the following UIrequirements: Users need to work through a comparatively small set of items, one by one. Multiple views of the same content. One kind of data visualization . Which SAP Fiori elements floorplan do you recommend they use? Analytical list page Worklist Object Page List Report.
What does SAP Fiori elements use to generate the UI? Note: There are 2 to choose SQL Core Data Services Query Language (CQL) Core Data Services Definition Language (CDL) ABAP.
Which of the following benefits best describe the SAP BTP, Cloud foundry environment? Note: There are 3 to choose. Automatic application routing, load balancing, health checks, and multilevel self-healing Integration of the SAP NetWeaver platform Platform-managed application security patching and updates. Orchestration of microservices and serverless functions Simplified developer experience for business application development.
You want to create a new service definition in your CAPproject. In which folder do you place the service definition .cds file? /app /db /srv /root.
What kind of offering is Cloud Foundry? Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS) Functions as a Service (FaaS).
What are tasksof the approuter? Note: There are 3 to choose. Routing requests from the web browser to the CAP service Authorizing users for the CAP service and the provider of the UI service. Routing requests from the web browser to the provider of the UI service Routing requests from the application to the SAP Launchpad service Forwarding user requests to the XSUAA service for authentication and authorization.
You have implemented a simple bookshop CAP application for the purpose of selling books. You want to implement an event handler in the bookshop-service, that calculates a discount of 10 % on the price of books written in English ("en"). In all other cases, you want to calculate a discount of 5 %. The price should be calculated after books are read from the service. Drag the code snippets from below into the correct parts of the event handler implementation. ‘bookshop-service’, after, ‘READ’, forEach, ‘book.language == ‘en’, ‘book.price = book.price * 0.95, book.price= book.price * 0.9.
What are some principles of continuous integration? Note: There are 2 to choose. Automated tests Automated deployment to the productive system Automated builds Automated code change pushes.
What is one of the required steps to enable authentication support in CAP? Install a package.json module called passport. Install a CDS module called passport. Install a Node.js module called passport. Install a YAML module called passport.
What are valid actions using subaccounts in SAP BTP? Note: There are 2 to choose Creating Cloud Foundry orgs explicitly Disabling the Cloud Foundry environment once you have enabled it. Creating many subaccounts assigned to the Cloud Foundry environment Deleting a subaccount with service subscriptions.
Which of the following can be used as identity providers for SAP BTP applications? Note: There are 2 to choose. SAP Authorization and Trust Management Service Identity authentication tenant SAP S/4HANA Cloud SAP S/4HANA on-premise.
Which of the following are benefits of SAP Business Application Studio? Note: There are 3 to choose. Access to Visual Studio Code-compatible extensions Browser-based access Maintenance of all development projects in one central dev space Central administration.
Which of the following dev space types contains the Java extension by default? Note: There are 2 to choose. SAP Fiori SAP HANA Native Application Full Stack Cloud Application SAP Mobile Application.
In SAP Business Application Studio, what is a dev space? A pre-configured private virtual machine A pre-configured shared development environment A pre-configured shared virtual machine A pre-configured private development environment.
By default, which file describes scopes and role-templates of an application for the instantiation of an XSUAA service instance? xs-security.json package.json manifest.yml services-manifest.yml.
Which language do you use to create a data model in a CAP project? SQL Core Data Services Query Language (CQL) Core Data Services Definition Language (CDL) ABAP.
Using a terminal in SAP Business Application Studio, you want to enable authentication support via XSUAA in CAP for SAP BTP. Which command must you run in the terminal? npm i --save @sap/xssec @sap/xsenv cds compile srv --to xsuaa >@sap/xssec @sap/xsenv cds compile srv --to xsuaa >xs-security.json npm i --save xs-security.json.
You have set up a pipeline in the SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery service with automated deployment. A build was initiated and failed. What do you check to find out which step of the pipeline failed? The webhook of your version control system The webhook event receiver The stages of the failed job run The stages in the config.yml in the .pipeline folder.
Which of the following SAP Fiori pages areas are mandatory? Note: There are 2 to choose. Header Content Toolbars Footer.
You use SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery for your CAP project. Where can you access the Webhook Event Receiver? On the Repositories tab On the Jobs tab On the Credentials tab.
.Which of the following are characteristics of the SAP Business Technology Platform, ABAP Environment? Note: There are 2 to choose Runs within the Kyma environment Is based on the latest ABAP platform cloud release Runs within the Cloud Foundry environment Is based on the latest SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP release.
You use the Cloud MTA Build Tool to create an MTA archive (.mtar) from your project source. What command must you run to do this in one step? mbt build mbt init mbt make.
What are some characteristics of CAP event handling? Note: There are 2 to choose. You can register only one event handler for a specific event. You must use the handler registration API srv.emit(<event>) to de-register event handlers. You can register event handlers with instances of cds.service to add custom logic. You can register multiple event handlers for each event phase.
what are the relations? Correct answers User, Role collection, Scope, Role.
What are some characteristics of YAML files? Note: There are 2 to choose. YAML files can be used as configuration files. YAML files are based on XML YAML files rely on correct indentation YAML files are also valid JSON files.
Your customer presents you with the following UI requirements: Users work on different kinds of items. Different visualizations without interactions between the visualizations. No drilldown. Which SAP Fiori elements floorplan do you recommend they use? Object page Analytical list page Worklist List report.
At which of the following levels can you assign entitlements? Note: There are 2 to choose Global account Environment Cloud Foundry org Directory.
In SAP Business Application Studio, what is a dev space? A pre-configured private virtual machine A pre-configured shared development environment A pre-configured shared virtual machine A pre-configured private development environment.
Which of the following are benefits of SAP Business Application Studio? Note: There are 3 to choose. Access to Visual Studio Code-compatible extensions Browser-based access Maintenance of all development projects in one central dev space Central administration Desktop client-based access.
You have created an SAP BTP subaccount and want to use Cloud Foundry. What is the correct order of next steps? Create quota plan. Enable Cloud Foundry. Create space. Create org Create quota plan. Create org. Create space. Enable Cloud Foundry Enable Cloud Foundry. Create space . Create org. Create quota plan Enable Cloud Foundry. Create org. Create space. Create quota plan.
Which basic user types exist on the SAP Business Technology Platform? Note: There are 2 to choose. Platform users Application users Technical users Business users.
What are valid actions using subaccounts in SAP BTP? Note: There are 2 to choose Creating Cloud Foundry orgs explicitly Disabling the Cloud Foundry environment once you have enabled it Creating many subaccounts assigned to the Cloud Foundry environment. Deleting a subaccount with service subscriptions.
You want to connect an SAP backend system to the SAP BTP using the SAP Cloud Connector. Which additional SAP BTP services are required for the connection? Note: There are 2 to choose. SAP Destination service SAP Keystore service SAP Connectivity service SAP Cloud Transport Management service.
You initialize a new CAP project with initial project structure using a generator in SAP Business Application Studio. What are some of the default elements being created? Note: There are 2 to choose. file package.json file manifest.yml folder /approuter folder /app.
You have configured an approuter by creating the xs-app.json file in the approuter folder with the following content: { ... "authenticationMethod": "route", ... }, "routes": [ { "source": "^/app/(.*)$", "target": "$1", "localDir": "resources", "authenticationType": "xsuaa" }, { "source": "^/service/(.*)$", "destination": "srv-binding", "authenticationType": "xsuaa" } ] } What does this routes array tell the approuter? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. The files in the resources folder will be served for all requests to /app. The files requested for /app will be put to the resources folder All requests starting with /service will be forwarded to the CAP service. All requests starting with /service will be targeted to the folder resources.
What are some characteristics of JSON files? Note: There are 2 to choose. JSON files contain human-readable data JSON files are based on XML. JSON files are also valid YAML files. JSON files contain JavaScript commands.
What are some advantages of building an account model based on functional areas such as Sales or IT? Note: There are 2 to choose. It reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) it reduces maintenance and governance effort It increases scalability of the solution it increases the number of concurrent users.
In a standard SAPUI5 project, which file is the Application Descriptor that contains the metadata description of the application? Index.html Neo-app.json Component.js Manifest.json.
You are developing SAP Fiori Elements applications Which of the following actions are available in SAP Web IDE? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Create an annotation file associated with the OData service and add annotations Add catalog to user menu in a PFCG role and grant the role to user Create a catalog, target mapping, and tiles Choose the OData service as data provider for the project.
Which features of the SAP Business Application Studio help you extend a standard SAP Fiori app? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question A wizard to generate the files for each extension possibility The Extensibility Pane to choose extension points An editor to modify the data model in the extended project The Descriptor Editor to choose elements for extension.
Which of the following are features of the SAPUI5 SDK? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Responsiveness across browsers on non-mobile devices only Interface for Web Dynpro Full translation support Feature-rich UI controls for handling complex UI patterns.
What are catalog types in SAP Fiori? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Tile Standard System Replicable None-typed.
What can you connect with the SAP Cloud Connector? SAP BTP services to on-premise systems in a customer's network SAP BTP services to SAP Business Application Studio SAP Business Application Studio to a Cordova development environment SAP API Business Hub to client devices.
Which of the following can you use to extend an SAP Fiori Elements application? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question App extension Adaption extensions ABAP extension CDS extension.
Which OData versions are currently supported by SAPUI5? OData V2 OData V7 OData V4 OData V5.
Which control is used in the index.html file to support letterboxing if required?(Duplicated question) sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer sap.ui.core.Component sap.m.Shell sap.ui.core.View.
What query option is needed to access the data of an entity in the JSON format? format=json $format=json $json.
What aspects of the runtime environment can be accessed by the Device API of SAPUI5? Language Screen Size Touch-specific features Operating System orientation change.
Which tool can you use to generate SAPUI5 coding that is based on prototypes? OUI Theme Designer SAP Build Adobe Flash SAP WEB IDE.
Which tool do you use to deploy SAP Fiori app developments? Eclipse (SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio) Process Modeler Object Navigator SAP WEB IDE.
Your customer wants to extend an SAP Fiori app through a Controller Extension. When can a controller extension lead to a crash? If the extension code exists in the extended app but the controller name is changed by an app update. If the extension code exists and is NOT referenced in the original view. If the extension code accesses parts of the original application that were removed. If the original code required to run the application is overwritten.
Which element in the SAPUI5 architecture holds the data in JSON or XML? Component Model View Controller.
Which tool do you use to deploy SAP Fiori app developments? Process Modeler Object Navigator Eclipse (SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio) SAP WEB IDE.
Where are the themes saved for the SAP Fiori launchpad? In the UI theme designer tool In the bootstrap In the theme repository In the theme data center.
In which attribute do you specify the themes for an SAP Fiori app? sap-ui-theme of <body> tag data-sap-ui-theme of the <head> tag data-sap-ui-theme of <script> tag sap-ui-theme of a <title> tag.
Where are the themes saved for the SAP Fiori Launchpad? In the theme repository In the bootstrap In the theme data center In the UI theme designer tool.
In the code on the screenshot, what is the absolute path of the property to retrieve the City value for the company Acme Inc? /regions/0/companies/0/city /regions/1/companies/1/city /regions/companies/1/city /regions/companies/0/city.
Your customer asks you for the advantages of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. Which of the following answers do you provide? There are 2 correct answers to this question MVC is easy to implement for the project team members and supports quick coding The project team members that have extensive UI skills can concentrate in that area MVC artifacts can be transported and debugged separately The data that the models work with can be reused by several different applications.
To generate SAPUI5 coding that is based on prototypes, which tool do you use? UI Theme Designer SAP WEB IDE SAP BUILD SPLASH.
Which dependent plugin must you enable to include the Push plugin when you create a hybrid mobile app? Logon Manager App Update Dialog Notification Network Connection.
For which app type in SAP Fiori do you install the KPI framework? Factsheet app Analytical app Legacy app Transactional app.
You need to implement an SAP Fiori transactional app for your customer. What benefits are available in the completed app? It allows access to the back end to edit document details It allows UI changes without development privileges in the back-end It allows fast iterations for the UI apps It allows drill-down details to be presented in the UI.
Which elements are part of the UX? There are 2 correct answers to this question User effectiveness User interaction User emotion User response.
What happens if you execute an app that contains the following bootstrap file? <script src=”resources/sap-ui-core.js” id=”sap-ui-bootsrap” data-sap-ui-libs=”sap.m” data-sap-ui-xx-bindingSyntax=”complex” data-sap-ui-resourceroots=’{“sales.reporting”:”/”}’ The bootstrap will load and the SAP default theme will be used The bootstrap will load and the customer-defined default theme will be used The bootstrap will NOT load and the application will produce an error message that the theme is missing The bootstrap will load and the application will run successfully but without a theme.
Why do you use the Cordova and SAP Kapsel plug-ins when using the SAP Web IDE, SAP HAT add-on? There are 2 correct answers to this question To integrate device APIs To use X.509 client certificates To use offline OData To enable multiple SAPUI5 apps.
Your customer needs an app that can perform data modifications. Which ODataModel binding-mode do you select? Three-way Two-way One-way One-time.
You need to bind data from a model to a SAPUI5 view control. Which of the following models are valid? There are 3 correct answers to this question Three-way binding One-time binding Resource-model binding one-way binding Two-way binding.
In the design thinking phase of your customer project, one design is accepted as viable. What other attributes need to be valid for this design to be considered? There are 2 correct answers to this question Usable Achievable Feasible Desirable.
When SAP Web IDE deploys an SAPUI5 app to the ABAP server, which type of app is it deployed as? HTML5 ABAP OpenUI5 BSP.
Why do you explore the Problem Space in detail during a Design Thinking workshop? To save costs in the evaluation phase To create desirable solutions To validate solution ideas To understand user needs.
You develop a SAPUI5 app and implement a FacetFilter. What events are triggered when the user interacts with the FactFilter control? There are 2 correct answers to this question onInit confirm listFilter reset.
For which operations will the SAP Gateway server compute and return a new ETag in a response header? There are 2 correct answers to this question GET POST PUT DELETE.
What is a prerequisite for configuring the SAP Fiori HAT Connector? Set the path for custom plug-ins Generate a service certificate Create an SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) Web IDE account Create a local Cordova project.
What are the basic guidelines of the Extension Point concept of SAPUI5? There are 2 correct answers to this question The custom app remains modification free The custom app is located in a separate project The custom app and the parent app contain a component.js file The parent app contains all modifications.
Why does SAP Fiori use intent-based navigation? Apps can be developed and deployed in parallel The concrete app targets can be deployed separately App implementation makes the app deployment easier Apps targets can be deployed separately.
Which features of the SAP Web IDE help you extend a standard SAP Fiori app? There are 2 correct answers to this question A wizard to generate the files for each extension possibility The Descriptor Editor to choose elements for extension The Extensibility Pane to extend the control An editor to modify the data model in the extended project.
Which properties are part of the design phase when you develop SAP Fiori apps? Scoping, 360-degree research, and Synthesis Requirement gathering, Research, and Documentation Ideation, Prototyping, and Validation Developing, Testing, and Deploying.
Your customer requires that the SAPUI5 design of all apps reference a specific and consistent look and feel. What do you create? Create a theme using the Theme Designer implementing the specific look and feel and reference this theme in the bootstrap of all apps Create a css file using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this css in the bootstrap of all apps Create a global JavaScript file using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this file in the bootstrap of all apps Create a model using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this model in the bootstrap of all apps Create a module using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this module in the bootstrap of all apps.
When do you select the custom plugins to build and package a hybrid app using the SAP HAT? During the Build the Hybrid Companion App step of installing the SAP HAT While creating a new project using the Hybrid Mobile Enablement feature While configuring the app properties on the Hybrid App Configuration tab of the Web IDE Plugin During the Configure Path for Custom Plugins step of installing the SAP HAT.
You finalized your app development in the SAP Web IDE and need to deploy it. Which deployment targets are offered? There are 3 correct answers to this question SAPUI5 ABAP Repository SAPUI5 Java Repository SAP HANA Cloud Platform Deploy to SAP Fiori launchpad Register to SAP Fiori launchpad.
In the screenshot, which element of the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern corresponds to the Act in a QUnit test? QUnit.module QUnit.test teardown : function() {} this.calculator.press(“1”).
You need to strengthen the connection security between the Web IDE and the Hybrid App Toolkit Connector. Which of the following activities do you perform? Run the connector with administrator rights Install an X.509 certificate Replace the default API key Change the default port number.
What are the limitations of the OPA5 test? There are 2 correct answers to this question End-to-End tests are NOT recommended The developer needs to create the test during development It never causes a test to fail Testing across more than one page is NOT possible.
Your customer asks you to demonstrate their app with localization changes. Which activity do you perform? Show the i18n.properties file translations Configure the run configuration file in the app Configure the Supported Languages settings in the Project.json file Enable the preview frame in the run configuration.
You need to consume the OData Service from the Gateway to create a new SAP Fiori app in the SAP Web IDE. What value do you configure in the WebIDEUsage property for the destination in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform? dev_abap odata_gen odata_xs odata_abap.
Your customer extends an SAP Fiori app with View Replacement. Which activities do you perform? There are 2 correct answers to this question Create a SAPUI5 view that replaces the complete view Identify a specific SAPUI5 control to be replaced Verify that adding custom content in the Extension Points will NOT suffice Create a SAPUI5 control that replaces the original control.
What can your customer use a custom SAP Fiori client for? There are 3 correct answers to this question To add additional plugins to the application To create non-Cordova hybrid application containers To apply custom branding To build the SAP Fiori Client with a customized communication protocol To wrap the application with SAP Mobile Secure.
You need to explain the core functions of OPA5 for testing SAPUI5 apps. Which test options are offered by OPA5? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. User interaction tests Development tests Navigation tests Load tests.
To perform a QUnit test, what do you include in a test page under your webapp folder? Mock code Stub code SAPUI5 bootstrap code OPA function.
You need to maintain the mapping between an app URL and a destination in the SAPUI5 app. Which file do you maintain? user-project.json project.json neo-app.json path.json.
Which application types can you develop and deploy on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Objective-C apps HTML apps HANA XS apps Java apps ABAP apps.
In the Git source code management system, what is executed initially to create the local Git repository in SAP Web IDE? Push fetch Pull Clone.
What result do you expect from the decomposition and re-composition phases? There are 3 correct answers to this question An adaptive and coherent app A purpose-built app to support personas A responsive de-composed design The break-down of a large transaction The prevention of irrelevant data being shown to the user.
Which information is included in the SAPUI5 app’s manifest.json file? There are 3 correct answers to this question App ID, Name, and Version Client-side data-models SAPUI5 dependencies Localization keys Referenced data sources.
Which technologies are used to create Hybrid apps and SAPUI5 apps? HTML5, JavaScript and CSS XML, JavaScript and CSS3 HTML, JSON and CSS3 XML, JSON and CSS.
Which of the following activities allow you to store your changes in a local Git repository? Push Commit Save Clone.
What is the purpose of the Logon Plugin Data Vault of the SAP Fiori Client? Allow a client policy that can be defined on the mobility platform Enable secure and seamless handling of attachments Prevent the access to all nonessential plugins Provide a reusable component for storing sensitive information on the device.
Your customer requests a special create method to enable the creation of the full OData hierarchy. Which OData service method can you use? CREATE_STREAM CREATE_BATCH_ENTITY CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY EXECUTE_DEEP_INSERT.
Your customer wants to enable the SAP Fiori app to be accessed in multiple languages. Which of the following activities do you perform? There are 3 correct answers to this question Create a resource file containing key/value pairs Create a resource file for each language Create a resource file with a .props extension HTML -enable the special characters in the resource file Create a view file and a controller file for each language.
Which information is included in the SAPUI5 app’s manifest.json file? There are 3 correct answers to this question Client-side data-models SAPUI5 dependencies Localization keys App ID, Name and Version Referenced data sources.
You perform a QUnit test with the following syntactical options. Which call returns true when you execute it? Assert.strictEqual(0,null,”true”); Assert.strictEqual(0,-0,”true”); Assert.strictEqual(0,””,”true”); Assert.strictEqual(0,”0”,”true”).
Which of the following sequences is the correct sequence for the Problem Space phase in a Design Thinking workshop? Scoping, 360’ Research, Ideation Scoping, Synthesis, Ideation Scoping, 360’ Research, Synthesis 360’ Research, Scoping, Synthesis.
Which SAP Fiori personalization elements hold all of the technical information needed to start an app? User Preferences Catalog Tile Group.
What is the purpose of the SAP HANA Cloud connector? It connects the services of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and on-premise system in the customer’s network It allows the SAP Web IDE to connect to the on-premise system’s Cordova development environment It lists the search components and corresponding search models needed for the app It connects the services of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and SAP Web IDE.
You develop a SAPUI5 app that updates data on the SAP back-end system. What activities are required when you implement an XSRF token? There are 2 correct answers to this question Generate a token on each read and write request Execute the Refresh method for an expired token Retrieve the token and send it with each service request Include the token in the HTTP request body of each write request.
Which deployment options do you have for SAP Fiori UIs and OData Services regarding the software components? There are 2 correct answers to this question Two different deployment packages on a different forms the business packages Two different deployment packages on the same system as the business system One deployment package on the same system as the business system One deployment package on a different system from the business system.
What happens when you use the SAP Web IDE console during a deployment? There are 2 correct answers to this question You can archive the success messages in the console You can view error messages when a deployment is NOT successful You can debug the error messages in the console You can view error messages when a deployment is a successful.
What are the advantages of the Sinon.JS framework? There are 2 correct answers to this question It can be used with any JavaScript unit test framework It provides support for Spies, stubs and mocks It supplies higher-level test doubles for timers and AJAX requests It enables test-driven development.
You need the server to sort and filter the data used in your customer’s app. Which SAPUI5- supported data model must you use? ODataModel XMLModel ResourceModel JSONModel.
Why do you explore the Problem Space in detail during a Design Thinking workshop? To understand user needs To create desirable solutions To validate solution ideas To save costs in the evaluation phase.
When do you select the custom plugins to build and package a hybrid app using the SAP HAT? During the Build the Hybrid Companion App step of installing the SAP HAT During the Configure Path for Custom Plugins step of installing the SAP HAT While creating a new project using the Hybrid Mobile Enablement feature While configuring the app properties on the Hybrid App Configuration tab of the Web IDE Plugin.
While testing an SAP Fiori app you discover that a button on the page delivers no response. Which of the following agile pyramid options do you use? QUnit Mock server Sinon OPA.
Which dependent plugin must you enable to include the Push plugin when you create a hybrid mobile app? Logon Manager App Update Network Connection Dialog Notification.
You need to implement an SAP Fiori transactional app for your customer. What benefits are available in the completed app? There are 2 correct answers to this question It allows drill-down details to be presented in the UI It allows UI changes without development privileges in the back-end It allows access to the back end to edit document details It allows fast iterations for the UI apps.
Which methods can you use to bind data to the controls in SAPUI5? There are 3 correct answers to this question Combination Structure Property Aggregation Element.
Which of the following pattern sequences are the QUnit tests based on? Given, When, and Then Given, Then, and When Arrange, Act, and Assert Assert, Act, and Arrange.
Your customer needs an app that can perform data modifications. Which OData Model binding-mode do you select? One-way Three-way One-time Two-way.
Which activities does the OData Model Editor support? There are 3 correct answers to this question Deploy ODataModels Test ODataModels Define Odata models Edit ODataModels Create ODataModels.
Your customer requests a special create method to enable the creation of the full OData hierarchy. Which OData service method can you use? CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY CREATE_BATCH_ENTITY CREATE_STREAM EXECUTE_DEEP_INSERT.
Which of the following components are part of the SAP Web IDE, hybrid app toolkit add-on? Hybrid App Project Templates, Device Configuration, Hybrid App Toolkit Connector Hybrid Companion App, Config.json, Package.json, SAP Web IDE Plugin Kapsel Plugins, SAP Web IDE Plugin, Hybrid App Toolkit Connector SAP Web IDE Plugin, Hybrid Companion App, Hybrid App Toolkit Connector.
What result do you expect from the decomposition and re-composition phases? There are 3 correct answers to this question The break-down of a large transaction An adaptive and coherent app The prevention of irrelevant data being shown to the user A responsive de-composed design A purpose-built app to support personas.
For which app type in SAP Fiori do you install the KPI framework? Legacy app Transactional app Analytical app Factsheet app.
Your customer asks you to demonstrate their app with localization changes. Which activity do you perform? Configure the run configuration file in the app Show the i18n.properties file translations Enable the preview frame in the run configuration Configure the Supported Languages settings in the Project.json file.
What are the limitations of OPA5 test? There are 2 correct answers to this question End-to-End tests are NOT recommended It never causes a test to fail Testing across more than one page is NOT possible The developer needs to create the test during development.
You develop an SAP Fiori sales app to display sales order information from the backend system. Which of the following model types do you use? XML Model Resource Model JSON Model OData Model.
Which properties do you need to configure when you use the Mock server? There are 2 correct answers to this question Destination Module path Service Url Binding type.
What is the purpose of the Logon Plugin Data Vault of the SAP Fiori Client? Prevent the access to all nonessential plugins Provide a reusable component for storing sensitive information on the device Enable secure and seamless handling of attachments Allow a client policy that can be defined on the mobility platform.
What does coherence refer to in the SAP Fiori design principles? There are 2 correct answers to this question Consistent interaction and visual design language The way in which the data is handled internally The same intuitive experience across the whole enterprise A description of the technological foundation.
You need to explain the core functions of OPA5 for testing SAPUI5 apps. Which test options are offered by OPA5? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Load tests Navigation tests User interaction tests Development tests.
You develop a SAPUI5 app and implement a FacetFilter. What events are triggered when the user interacts with the FactFilter control? There are 2 correct answers to this question reset confirm listFilter oninit.
What is a prerequisite for configuring the SAP Fiori HAT Connector? Create an SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) Web IDE account Set the path for custom plug-ins Create a local Cordova project Generate a service certificate.
What activity does the QUnit Stub functionality perform? Provides parameters and return values for method calls Returns values for method calls Verifies that expected methods are called correctly Supplies parameter for method calls.
Which file is referred to as the App Descriptor and what is its function? The configure.xml file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to configure web apps and turn on plug-ins The manifest.json file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to instantiate the model The config-json file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to configure ports and turn on plug-ins The neo.json file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to capture data from objects.
What is the required content of the Component.js file of an extension project? There are 2 correct answers to this question The customizing section The controller IDs The link to the parent app The namespace of the parent app.
Your customer asks you to add text for a new language to an app. Which file do you provide in the translator? Components.js Master.view.xml Manifest.json i18n.properties.
Which of the following activities allow you to store your changes in a local Git repository? Push Commit Clone Save.
Your customer wants to extend an SAP Fiori app through a Controller Extension. When can a controller extension lead to a crash? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. If the original code required to run the application is overwritten If the extension code exists and is NOT referenced in the original view. If the extension code exists in the extended app but the controller name is changed by an app update. If the extension code accesses parts of the original application that were removed.
Why does SAP Fiori use an intent-based navigation? App implementation make the app deployment easier The concrete app targets can be deployed separately Apps targets can be deployed separately Apps can be developed and deployed in parallel.
What do you configure to import the BUILD prototype in the SAP Web IDE for development? The API key in the SAP Web IDE plugin The connection in the SAP HANA Cloud Connector The connection in the SAP HANA Cloud Integration The destination in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
How do you integrate SAPUI5 in a Kapsel/Hybrid app? Create a new Kapsel plugin using SAPUI5 Add the sap-mobile-hybrid.js file to the Hybrid app Add the SAPUI5 bootstrap code into index.html Configure the SAPUI5 resources in the config.xml file of the Hybrid app.
In the design thinking phase of your customer project, one design is accepted as viable. What other attributes need to be valid for this design to be considered? There are 2 correct answers to this question Usable Achievable Desirable Feasible.
Your customer requires an app to display flight information on a mobile device. Please see the screenshot for details. Which options can you use to display the same data in a readable format on a mobile device? column : <Column demandPopin=”true” minScreenWidth=”tablet”> column: <Column demandPopin=”true” maxScreenWidth=”mobile” popinDisplay=”Inline”> column<Column:demandPopin=”true” maxScreenWidth=”mobile”> column: <Column demandPopin=”true” minScreenWidth=”tablet” popinDisplay=”Inline”>.
Which model type in SAPUI5 does NOT support one-way and two-way binding from model to view? JSON model Resource model OData model XML model.
What can your customer use a custom SAP Fiori client for? There are 3 correct answers to this question To create non-Cordova hybrid application containers To build the SAP Fiori Client with a customized communication protocol To apply custom branding To wrap the application with SAP Mobile Secure To add additional plugins to the application.
In the screenshot, which element of the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern corresponds to theAct in a QUnit test? QUnit.test QUnit.module teardown : function() {} this.calculator.press(“1”).
Which SAP Fiori application is launched by using the search functionality instead of using a tile? Analytical Transactional Factsheet Legacy.
Your customer extends an SAP Fiori app with View Replacement. Which activities do you perform? There are 2 correct answers to this question Identify a specific SAPUI5 control to be replaced Create a SAPUI5 view that replaces the complete view Verify that adding custom content in the Extension Points will NOT suffice Create a SAPUI5 control that replaces the original control.
You need to bind data from a model to a SAPUI5 view control. Which of the following models are valid? There are 3 correct answers to this question One-way binding One-time binding Three-way binding Two-way binding Resource-model binding.
You develop a SAPUI5 app that updates data for sales orders and sales order items on the back-end system. What do you create to implement a deep insert? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Create individual structures for both Sales Order and Sales Order Items, and then batch them Create a flat structure with Sales Order and Sales Order Items, and then add an expand command Create an object structure that defines the hierarchy Create a nested structure for Sales Order and Sales Order Items.
In the source code below, which of the following locations must reference the extension point? <code:Viewxmlns:core=”sap.ui.core” xmlns:mvc=”sap.ui.core.mvc” xmlns=”sap.m” controllerName=”appextension.EmployeeData” xmlns:html=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> <Page title=”Title”> <content> <Label text = “First name:”/> <Input/> <core:ExtensionPoint name=”forMiddleName:”/> <<Label text = “Last name:”/> <Input/> <Button text=”Get Info” press=”doGetInfo”/> </content> </Page> </core:View> EmployeeDate.controller.js Component.js EmployeeData.view.xml Neo-app.json.
Which tile types can you use to display real-time data values read from an OData service? There are 2 correct answers to this question News tile App Launcher – Dynamic tile KPI based tile App Launcher – Static tile.
Which UI5 theme is replacing SAP Blue Crystal as the base Fiori theme? SAP Corbu SAP High Contrast Black SAP Belize SAP Tradeshow.
How can you extend an SAP Fiori app? There are 3 correct answers to this question Modify the data model to merge data at runtime Modify the properties of the view control Add customer view content in a predefined extension point Modify the runtime libraries that are to be loaded Enable merging of the standard and the custom controller at runtime.
What happens if you execute an app that contains the following bootstrap file? <script src=”resources/sap-ui-core.js” id=”sap-ui-bootsrap” data-sap-ui-libs=”sap.m” data-sap-ui-xx-bindingSyntax=”complex”data-sap-ui-resourceroots=’{“sales.reporting”:”/”}’ The bootstrap will NOT load and the application will produce an error message that the theme is missing The bootstrap will load and the customer-defined default theme will be used The bootstrap will load and the SAP default theme will be used The bootstrap will load and the application will run successfully but without a theme.
Which element in the SAPUI5 architecture holds the data in JSON or XML? Model view Component Controller.
You develop a SAPUI5 app that can be extended. To allow your customer notifications, you set up a hook method. What activities are required to implement a hook method? Modify the bootstrap option to allow multi-layer extensions of the custom code Define a new function name ensuring it is reserved for the extension Create a .js file in the Util folder to allow the customer to add custom code Add a code snippet to check if the method exists and execute it Identify a strategic location in the controller for the customized code.
Which file of the SAP HAT Connector stores the WebIDEHosts URL and can be used for troubleshooting? Assistmsg.json Config.json Package.json appConfig.js.
Which SAP Fiori app types require the SAP HANA database? There are 2 correct answers to this question Transactional Analytical Legacy Factsheet.
In the data in the screenshot, you need to display the List of Companies in the Americas region. Which binding option do you use for the values X, Y, and Z in the view? X: /region/0/companies Y: companies/0/name Z: companies/0/city X: /region/companies Y: companies/name Z: companies/city X: /region/0/companies Y: name Z: city X: /region/companies Y: name Z: city .
You are extending an SAP Fiori app. Which of the extension properties are defined in the manifest.json? There are 2 correct answers to this question sap.ui.model modifications sap.ui.viewModifications sap.ui.i18nModifications sap.ui.controllerExtensions.
You need to maintain the mapping between an app URL and a destination in the SAPUI5 app. Which file do you maintain? neo-app.json path.json user-project.json project.json.
What are the Lifecycle events of a SAPUI5 view controller? There are 2 correct answers to this question on execution onExit onEntry onBeforeRendering.
You extend an SAP Fiori app. The visibility value of a View Button control needs to be modified. Which extension point do you use? View Replacement View Visibility View Extension View Modification.
Which properties are part of the design phase when you develop SAP Fiori apps? Developing, Testing, and Deploying Scoping, 360-degree research, and Synthesis Requirement gathering, Research, and Documentation Ideation, Prototyping, and Validation.
You need to configure an SAP Web IDE destination to extend an existing SAP Fiori app. Which configuration setting for the WebIDEUsage property is required? dev_abap odata_fiori ui5_execute_abap extend_fiori.
Which security features do the SAP Fiori provide to restrict the access to native device capabilities? There are 2 correct answers to this question Bridge for non-Fiori content Restricted device functionality using a client policy Encrypted storage of data on the device Privacy screen.
For which operations will the SAP Gateway server compute and return a new ETag in a response header? There are 2 correct answers to this question GET PUT POST DELETE.
Which features of the SAP Web IDE help you extend a standard SAP Fiori app? There are 2 correct answers to this question An editor to modify the data model in the extended project The Extensibility Pane to extend the control The Descriptor Editor to choose elements for extension A wizard to generate the files for each extension possibility.
You need to strengthen the connection security between the Web IDE and the Hybrid App Toolkit Connector. Which of the following activities do you perform? Run the connector with administrator rights Replace the default API key Change the default port number Install an X.509 certificate.
In a typical SAP Fiori landscape, which server instance stores the SAP Fiori SAPUI5 application code for a transactional app? SAP Front-End Server (FES) SAP Back-End Server (BES) SAP Web Dispatcher SAP HANA XS Engine.
Your customer needs to securely connect the SAP HANA Cloud Connector to the Web IDE of an on-premise system.How does the SAP HANA cloud connector help do this? There are 2 correct answers to this question It initiates a cloud-based reverse-invoke process It creates connectivity by a reverse-invoke process on the on-premise system It supports custom destination API configuration and certificate inspection It secures an SSL tunnel between the SAP Hana Cloud and the on-premise system.
In the Git source code management system, what is executed initially to create the local Git repository in SAP Web IDE? Pull Fetch Clone Push.
You need to consume the OData Service from the Gateway to create a new SAP Fiori app in the SAP Web IDE. What value do you configure in the WebIDEUsage property for the destination in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform? odata_abap odata_gen dev_abap odata_xs.
Which command do you use to install dependencies in your project? npm cds.
Which file contains an app’s “declaration of security”? xs-security.json xs-app.json.
What can you install to add authentication to your CAP application? passport.js xsuaa.
What does the .env file provide? Values into the runtime environment of a CAP service Values into the project manifest of a CAP service.
What can you do to provide meaningful error messages to user in your CAP application? Register an error handler Register an console handle.
Which modules must you install to enable authentication support in CAP for BTP? xssec & xsenv xsuaa & passport.js.
The managed approuter is a service in SAP BTP. False True.
JSON is based on which programming language? Javascript Julia.
What are directories? Groups of subaccounts Group of users.
In CAP, which keyword is used to send events? emit queues.
Which services does SAP BTP Connectivity consist of? SAP Destination service SAP Connectivity service SAP ABAP service.
What encryption type does the SAP Cloud Connector use? HTTP flp tls smb.
What do you use to access the SAP Cloud Connector? subaccount directory.
Which environment would you use to develop small to medium extensions? cloud foundry kyma ABAP.
What are standard events that CAP handles by default? UPDATE READ CREATE DELETE.
Which files are added to your CAP project when you run the “cds add pipline” command in an SAP Business Application Studio terminal? A pipeline folder with a config.yml file A file named Jenkinsfile A file named mta.yaml A file named manifest.json.
You have developed a CAP project and added the XSUAA security configuration. What information is stored in the xs-security.json file? roles scope role-templates users.
What are some core principles of the design philosophy of SAP Fiori? Role-based Coherent Adaptive Factsheet.
Which dev space type in SAP Business Application Studio do you need when you want to create a CAP project? Full Stack Cloud Application Basic SAP Fiori Deprecated templates.
Before you can use SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery in your CAP project, what must you do in your SAP BTP account? Assign an appropriate role collection to your user Subscribe to an SAP CI/CD service plan.
Which basic user types exist on the SAP Business Technology Platform Platform users Business Users.
What are the tasks of the app router? Forwarding user requests to the XSUAA service for authentication and authorization Routing requests from the web browser to the provider of the UI service.
What is recommended by SAP when you publish an API? Provide good API documentation Use meaningful, clear, and self-explanatory API names.
By default, which file describes scopes and role-templates of an application for the instantiation of an XSUAA service instance? xs-security.json xs-app.json.
An event Topic can be subscribed to, using Queues Stack.
In SAP CAI Chatbot design, what represents a goal that the end user has in mind while conversing with the bot Intent Extent.
Which command adds a file called Jenkinfile to your CAPm project? cds add pipeline cds add hana.
Consider the following statement in respect of Publishing API recommendationby SAP 1. Usemeaningful, clear and self-explanatoryAPI names 2. Remove obsolete APIs without notice. 3. Provide good API documentation. option 1 and 3 option 1 and 2.
You have developed a CAPm project and added the XSUAA security configuration, the information stored in the xs-security.json file? Roles Users Scopes Role-template All of the above.
.EntityRisks: managed{ key ID:UUID @(Core.Computed:true); title:String(100); owner:String; prio:String(5); descr:String; impact: Integer; criticality:Integer; } If the following CDS is exposed as service, then service will activate: key ID, title, owner, prio, descr, impact, criticality, modifiedBy, modifiedAt, createdBy, createdAt key ID, title, owner, prio, descr, impact, criticality, modifiedBy, modifiedAt.
What are some characteristics of YAML files? Select the correct YAML files can be used as configurations files YAML files rely on correct indentation. YAML files are valid JSON files. YAML files are based on XML.
In CAPm, @(Core.Computed:true) annotation is used for used to indicate that a property is a computed property used to indicate that a property is a pre-defined property.
Which environment would you use for an Managed build-on approach? Cloud Foundary KYMA ABAP SAP BTP CLI.
The reason Node.js uses event callback is(B and C) concurrency asynchronous.
What is the default scope in the Node.js application? local cloud.
Which annotation type will be used if the backend is not ABAP Local Annotation SADL Local Annotation & SADL None.
Which control is recommended to be used for table in mobile? sap.m.Table sap.m.Pages.
What value will be printed on the console? Var a={name=”XYZ”}, var b=a, name=”ABC” console.log(a.name); ABC BCA.
“rem” stands for Repetitive Manufacturing root emphasis.
What kind of relationship does a subaccount and a Cloud Foundry org have? 1:1 1:n.
Does Fiori Elements support variant management? Yes, It is supported No.
What Fiori application type is implemented to monitor KPIs in real time and react immediately on changes? Analytical Factsheet Transactional.
What are the recommended form factors for Fiori applications cozy compact medium big.
Absolute binding in SAPUI5 starts with / binding path / and binding path None.
What is the function of SAP Web Dispatcher in SAP Fiori architecture? It is an entry point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori Architecture. It can accept or reject connections as per user request. It is an exit point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori Architecture.
What is the default binding of OData model? Two-way One-way One-time Three-way.
In JavaScript, “use strict” is used for All of the above None of the above.
What does the $inlinecount query option do? It is line count of OData response It is absolute inline count of OData response.
Considerthe following filtering techniques: i) New sap.ui.model.Filter(“type”,sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ,”Group1”) ii) New sap.ui.model.Filter(“type”,”EQ”,”Group1”) What will the output be? Option 2 will have the correct output but option 1 will throw runtime error Option 1 will have the correct output but option 2 will throw runtime error Both Option 1 and Option 2 will have the correct output .
How can we add an object in a router? Edit manifest.json Add targets.
What are the core values gainedthrough Process Visibility? 1. Process Fragility 2. Process Flexibility 3. Process Excellence 4. Process Transparency 5. Process Transformation 1,2 and 3 3,4 and 5 2,4 and 5 All of the above.
Why should we use sap.m.Table? Provides a set of sophisticated and convinced functions for responsive table design None.
Which one is NOT a part of Fiori design principle? Dynamic and A.......d None.
Can we open object page directly without opening list page in Fiori List Report application? Yes No.
You want to display a large collection of items and the user can take some action? List Object Overview.
What is one of the required steps to enable authentication support in CAP? Install a Node.js module called passport Install a CDS module called passport.
In CI/CD scenario, what kind of request does the webhook send? Post Put.
What can you do to provide meaningful error messages to users in your CAPm application? Register an error handler Register an exit handler.
What are the main capabilities gained with SAP Business rules? Agility Reusability Transparency Transformation.
Why do you need an app router for your application? To add routing properties To define default view upon webpage load.
What is a design-Time destination in remote content federation? Defines the location from which to fetch the content that was exposed by the content provider None.
A event can be consumed from event mesh using Event Consumption Model Queues.
You want different process steps executed depending on a value you have in your workflow context? Which of the following elements do you use to control the flow? Exclusive gateway Inclusive gateway.
Choose the correct statement: SAP Cloud connector servers as a secured link between SAP BTP application on-premise systems SAP cloud connector runs on-premise in a secured network SAP Cloud connector provides fine-grained control over on-premises system resources that can be accessed by cloud applications Only A and C All of the above.
Which BAS dev space type should you select to extend SAP S/4HANA with a CAP project? Full stack cloud application SAP Fiori.
To connect an SAP backend system to SAP BTP Cloud Connector, which additional SAPBTP services are required? SAP Destination service SAP Connectivity service SAP Management service SAP ABAP Service.
All annotations must have a target script.
Choose the correct statement: Configuration of Site Alias required for exposing GUI app in BTP Launchpad Configuration of Site Alias required for exposing Web Dynpro app in BTP Launchpad Configuration of Site Alias required for exposing Design Studio app in BTP Launchpad Administrator can specify meaningful alias for a site, which will replace the site’s ID in the URL.
Which environment would you use to write robust, transactional cloud application? ABAP Kyma.
Which dev space type in SAP Business Application Studio do you need when you want to create a CAPm project? Full Stack Cloud Application SAP Fiori.
An event Topic can be subscribed to, using Queues Stacks.
In SAP CAI Chatbot design, what represents a goal that the end user has in mind while conversing with the bot Intent Extent.
Which command adds a file called Jenkinfile to your CAPm project? Choose the correct answer cds add pipeline cds add xsuaa.
Consider the following statement in respect of Publishing API recommendation by SAP 1. Use meaningful, clear and self-explanatory API names 2. Remove obsolete APIs without notice. 3. Provide good API documentation. 1 and 3 2 and 3 1,2 and 3.
You have developed a CAPmproject and added the XSUAA security configuration, the information stored in the xs-security.json file? 1. Roles 2. Users 3. Scopes 4. Role-template Scopes and role-template Roles and role-users.
Which environment would you use for an Managed build-on approach? Cloud foundry Kyma.
Which of the following properties should be used to disable a button? disable=true disbale=false.
Which SAP Fiori application types require the SAP HANA database? Analytical Factsheet.
Which is the Fiori elements template having multiple cards? List Report Object Page.
Visual filters are supported in which SAP Provided template? Analytical List Page Overview Page.
What is the benefit of Live Processes and Live Process Content? Live processes offer discovery of pre-defined content, real-time authoring and launch of non-complex business processes without coding. You “Go Live” and stay flexible in production None.
Can we remove object page in Fiori List Report application? Yes, can be done by changing configuration in manifest.json No.
In an Odata call to fetch customers data based on name (‘Alfreds’). We need todo use /Customers?$filter=name eq ‘Alfreds’ /Customers?$filter=name===‘Alfreds’.
To generate xs-security.json in your CAPm project by which command you will execute in BAS terminal? cds compile srv/ --to xsuaa > xs-security.json cds compile srv/ --to hana > xs-security.json.
What are available Rule Types? Decision Table Text Language Coding Graph.
At which of the following levels can you assign entitlements? Choose the correct statement Global Account Environment Cloud Foundry org Directory.
What is the reason to add UI annotations to your project? Choose the correct answer To display columns and forms fields To add tooltip to the header fields of table.
To initialize local git repository following command need to be executed git init git push.
You use SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery for your CAPm project. Where can you access the Webhook Event Receiver? On repositories tab On directory tab.
Where does the SAP Workflow Service store data at runtime, which is required for the workflow to run? Workflow Container Workflow context.
What is used to call an external system in SAP BTP Workflow? Service Task Script Task.
Ina Node.js application having Express framework, which function is used to bind and listen the connection on the specified host and port? app.listen app.server.
In Odata V2.0 the SAP specified annotations start with sap data.
Can we use JSON model to build Smart Table? Yes, using bind items, we can Integrate. No.
What is the function of SAP Web Dispatcher in SAP Fiori architecture? It is an entry point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori Architecture. It can accept connections as per user request. It is an exit point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori Architecture. It can accept connections as per user request.
What are the different types of KPI representation chart available in SAP BTP Process Visibility? Bar chart Column chart Line chart Donut chart.
InCAPm project, API keys are maintain in file .env file .cdsrc.json.
What is principle propagation? The connectivity service provides a secure way of forwarding the identity of a cloud user to the cloud connector and from there to an on-premise system. This is called principle propagation None.
Please choose the correct statement BTP Launchpad supports federation of composite roles BTP Launchpad supports federation of derived roles BTP Launchpad supports federation of single roles none of the above.
Which files are added to your CAP project when you run the “cds add pipeline” command in an SAP Business Application Studio terminal? A file named Jenkinsfile and a pipeline folder with a config.yml file None.
In your CAPm project, in which folder do you place the service definition .cds file /srv /db.
Which of the following is a wrong statement about SAP Event Mesh service Can be used to publish SAP system events only None.
Which basic user types exist on the SAP Business Technology Platform? Platform users Business Users.
A metadata extension separates annotation from Business Logic Extended logic.
Which tool do you use to deploy SAP Fiori app developments ? Process Modeler Object Navigator Eclipse (SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio) SAP WEB IDE.
Where are the themes saved for the SAP Fiori launchpad ? In the UI theme designer tool In the bootstrap In the theme repository In the theme data center.
In which attribute do you specify the themes for an SAP Fiori app? sap-ui-them e of <body> tag data-sap -ui-theme of the <head> tag data-sap -ui-theme of <script> tag sap-ui-them e of a <title> tag.
In the code on the screenshot, what is the absolute path of the property to retrieve the City value for the company Acme Inc? /regions/0/companies/0/city /regions/1/companies/1/city /regions/companies/1/city /regions/companies/0/city.
Your customer asks you for the advantages of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. Which of the following answers do you provide? MVC is easy to implement for the project team members and supports quick coding The project team members that have extensive UI skills can concentrate in that area MVC artifacts can be transported and debugged separately The data that the models work with can be reused by several different applications.
To generate SAPUI5 coding that is based on prototypes, which tool do you use? UI Theme Designer SAP WEB IDE SAP BUILD SPLASH.
Which dependent plugin must you enable to include the Push plugin when you create a hybrid mobile app? Logon Manager App Update Dialog Notification Network Connection.
For which app type in SAP Fiori do you install the KPI framework ? Factsheet app Analytical app Legacy app Transactional app.
You need to implement an SAP Fiori transactional app for your customer. What benefits are available in the completed app? There are 2 correct answers to this question It allows access to the back end to edit document details It allows UI changes without development privileges in the back-end It allows fast iterations for the UI apps It allows drill-down details to be presented in the UI.
Which elements are part of the UX? There are 2 correct answers to this question User effectiveness User interaction User emotion User response.
Question #:115 What happens if you execute an app that contains the following bootstrap file? <script src=”reso urc es /s ap -ui-co re.js ” id=”sap-ui-boots rap ” data-sap -ui-libs= ”s ap.m ” data-sap-ui-xx-bindingSyntax=”complex” data-sap-ui-resourceroots=’{“sales.reporting”:”/”}’ The bootstrap will load and the SAP default theme will be used The bootstrap will load and the customer-defi ned default theme will be used The bootstrap will NOT load and the application will produce an error message that the theme is missing The bootstrap will load and the application will run successfully but without a theme.
When SAP Web IDE deploys an SAPUI5 app to the ABAP server, which type of app is it deployed as? HTML5 ABAP OpenUI5 BSP.
Why do you explore the Problem Space in detail during a Design Thinking workshop? To save costs in the evaluation phase To create desirable solutions To validate solution ideas To understand user needs.
What is a prerequisite for configuring the SAP Fiori HAT Connecto r? Set the path for custom plug-ins Generate a service certificate Create an SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) Web IDE account Create a local Cordova project.
What are the basic guidelines of the Extension Point concept of SAPUI5? There are 2 correct answers to this question The custom app remains modification free The custom app is located in a separate project The custom app and the parent app contain a component.js file The parent app contains all modifications.
Why does SAP Fiori use intent-bas ed navigation? Apps can be developed and deployed in parallel The concrete app targets can be deployed separately App implementation makes the app deployment easier Apps targets can be deployed separately.
Which features of the SAP Web IDE help you extend a standard SAP Fiori app? There are 2 correct answers to this question A wizard to generate the files for each extension possibility The Descriptor Editor to choose elements for extension The Extensibility Pane to extend the control An editor to modify the data model in the extended project.
Which properties are part of the design phase when you develop SAP Fiori apps? Scoping, 360-degree researc h, and Synthesis Requirement gathering, Research, and Documentation Ideation, Prototyping, and Validation Developing, Testing, and Deploying.
Your customer requires that the SAPUI5 design of all apps referenc e a specific and consistent look and feel. What do you create? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Note: Answers to this question are not verified by our experts, please study yourself and select the appropriate answers. Contribute: Please send the correct answers with referenc e text/link on feedback@erpp rep.co m to get up to 50% cashback. Create a theme using the Theme Designer implementing the specific look and feel and reference this theme in the bootstrap of all apps Create a css file using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this css in the bootstrap of all apps Create a global JavaScript file using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this file in the bootstrap of all apps Create a model using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this model in the bootstrap of all apps Create a module using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this module in the bootstrap of all apps.
When do you select the custom plugins to build and package a hybrid app using the SAP HAT? During the Build the Hybrid Companion App step of installing the SAP HAT While creating a new project using the Hybrid Mobile Enablement feature While configuring the app properties on the Hybrid App Configuration tab of the Web IDE Plugin During the Configure Path for Custom Plugins step of installing the SAP HAT.
You finalized your app development in the SAP Web IDE and need to deploy it. Which deployment targets are offered? There are 3 correct answers to this question SAPUI5 ABAP Repository SAPUI5 Java Repository SAP HANA Cloud Platform Deploy to SAP Fiori launchpad Register to SAP Fiori launchpad.
In the screens hot, which element of the Arrange-A ct-Assert pattern corresponds to the Act in a QUnit test? QUnit.module QUnit.test teardown : function() {} this.calculator.press(“1”).
You need to strengthen the connection security between the Web IDE and the Hybrid App Toolkit Connector. Which of the following activities do you perform? Run the connector with administrator rights Install an X.509 certificate Replace the default API key Change the default port number.
What are the limitations of the OPA5 test? There are 2 correct answers to this question End-to-End tests are NOT recommended The developer needs to create the test during development It never causes a test to fail Testing across more than one page is NOT possible.
Your customer asks you to demonstrate their app with localization changes. Which activity do you perform? Show the i18n.properties file translations Configure the run configuration file in the app Configure the Supported Languages settings in the Project.json file Enable the preview frame in the run configuration.
You need to consume the OData Service from the Gateway to create a new SAP Fiori app in the SAP Web IDE. What value do you configure in the WebIDEUs ag e property for the destination intheSAP HANA Cloud Platform? dev_abap odata_abap odata_xs odata_abap.
Your customer extends an SAP Fiori app with View Replacement. Which activities do you perform? There are 2 correct answers to this question Create a SAPUI5 view that replaces the complete view Identify a specific SAPUI5 control to be replaced Verify that adding custom content in the Extension Points will NOT suffice Create a SAPUI5 control that replaces the original control.
What can your customer use a custom SAP Fiori client for? There are 3 correct answers to this question To add additional plugins to the application To create non-Cordova hybrid application containers To apply custom branding To build the SAP Fiori Client with a customized communication protocol To wrap the application with SAP Mobile Secure.
You need to explain the core functions of OPA5 for testing SAPUI5 apps. Which test options are offered by OPA5? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question User interaction tests Development tests Navigation tests Load tests.
To perform a QUnit test, what do you include in a test page under your webapp folder? Mock code Stub code SAPUI5 bootstrap code OPA function.
You need to maintain the mapping between an app URL and a destination in the SAPUI5 app. Which file do you maintain? user-project.json project.json neo-app.json path.json.
Which application types can you develop and deploy on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Objective-C apps HTML apps HANA XS apps Java apps ABAP apps.
7 In the Git source code management system, what is executed initially to create the local Git repository in SAP Web IDE? Push Fetch Pull Clone.
Which of the following activities allow you to store your changes in a local Git repository? Push Commit Save Clone.
What is the purpose of the Logon Plugin Data Vault of the SAP Fiori Client? Allow a client policy that can be defined on the mobility platform Enable secure and seamless handling of attachments Prevent the access to all nonessential plugins Provide a reusable component for storing sensitive information on the device.
Your customer requests a special create method to enable the creation of the full OData hierarchy. Which OData service method can you use? CREATE_STREAM CREATE_BATCH_ENTITY CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY EXECUTE_DEEP_INSERT.
Your customer wants to enable the SAP Fiori app to be accessed in multiple languages. Which of the following activities do you perform? There are 3 correct answers to this question Create a resource file containing key/value pairs Create a resource file for each language Create a resource file with a .props extension HTML -enable the special characters in the resource file Create a view file and a controller file for each language.
Which information is included in the SAPUI5 app’s manifest.json file? There are 3 correct answers to this question Client-side data-models SAPUI5 dependencies Localization keys App ID, Name and Version Referenced data sources.
You perform a QUnit test with the following syntactical options. Which call returns true when you execute it? Assert.strictEqual(0,null,”true”) Assert.strictEqual(0,-0,”true”) Assert.strictEqual(0,"",”true”) Assert.strictEqual(0,"0",”true”).
Which of the following sequences is the correct sequence for the Problem Space phase in a Design Thinking workshop? Scoping, 360’ Research, Ideation Scoping,Synthesis,Ideation Scoping, 360’ Research, Synthesis 360, Research, Scoping, Synthesis .
Which SAP Fiori personalization elements hold all of the technical information needed to start an app? User preference Catalog Tile Group.
What is the purpose of the SAP HANA Cloud connector? It connects the services of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and on-premise system in the customer’s network It allows the SAP Web IDE to connect to the on-premise system’s Cordova development environment It lists the search components and corresponding search models needed for the app It connects the services of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and SAP Web IDE.
You develop a SAPUI5 app that updates data on the SAP back-end system. What activities are required when you implement an XSRF token? There are 2 correct answers to this question Generate a token on each read and write request Execute the Refresh method for an expired token Retrieve the token and send it with each service request Include the token in the HTTP request body of each write request.
Which deployment options do you have for SAP Fiori UIs and OData Services regarding the software components? There are 2 correct answers to this question Two different deployment packages on a different forms the business packages Two different deployment packages on the same system as the business system One deployment package on the same system as the business system One deployment package on a different system from the business system.
What happens when you use the SAP Web IDE console during a deployment? There are 2 correct answers to this question You can archive the success messages in the console You can view error messages when a deployment is NOT successful You can debug the error messages in the console You can view error messages when a deployment is a successful.
What are the advantages of the Sinon.JS framework ? There are 2 correct answers to this question It can be used with any JavaScript unit test framework It provides support for Spies, stubs and mocks It supplies higher-level test doubles for timers and AJAX requests It enables test-driven development.
You need the server to sort and filter the data used in your customer’s app. Which SAPUI5- supported data model must you use? ODataModel XMLModel ResourceModel JSONModel.
When do you select the custom plugins to build and package a hybrid app using the SAP HAT? During the Build the Hybrid Companion App step of installing the SAP HAT During the Configure Path for Custom Plugins step of installing the SAP HAT While creating a new project using the Hybrid Mobile Enablement feature While configuring the app properties on the Hybrid App Configuration tab of the Web IDE Plugin.
While testing an SAP Fiori app you discover that a button on the page delivers no response. Which of the following agile pyramid options do you use? QUnit Mock server Sinon OPA.
Which dependent plugin must you enable to include the Push plugin when you create a hybrid mobile app? Logon Manager App Update Network Connection Dialog Notification.
You need to implement an SAP Fiori transactio nal app for your customer. What benefits are available in the completed app? There are 2 correct answers to this question It allows drill-down details to be presented in the UI It allows UI changes without development privileges in the back-end It allows access to the back end to edit document details It allows fast iterations for the UI apps.
Which methods can you use to bind data to the controls in SAPUI5? There are 3 correct answers to this question Combination Structure Property Aggregration Element.
Which of the following pattern sequences are the QUnit tests based on? Given, When, and Then Given, Then, and When Arrange, Act, and Assert Assert, Act, and Arrange.
Your customer needs an app that can perform data modifications. Which OData Model binding-mode do you select? One-way Three-way One-time Two-way.
Which activities does the OData Model Editor support? There are 3 correct answers to this question Deploy ODataModels Test ODataModels Define ODataModels Edit ODataModels Create ODataModels.
Your customer requests a special create method to enable the creation of the full OData hierarchy. Which OData service method can you use? CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY CREATE_BATCH_ENTITY CREATE_STREAM EXECUTE_DEEP_INSERT.
Your customer requires that the SAPUI5 design of all apps reference a specific and consistent look and feel. What do you create? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Note: Answers to this question are not verified by our experts, please study yourself and select the appropriate answers. Contribute: Please send the correct answers with reference text/link on feedback@erpprep.co m to get up to 50% cashback. Create a css file using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this css in the bootstrap of all apps Create a global JavaScript file using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this file in the bootstrap of all apps Create a module using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this module in the bootstrap of all apps Create a theme using the Theme Designer implementing the specific look and feel and reference this theme in the bootstrap of all apps Create a model using the Web IDE implementing the specific look and feel and reference this model in the bootstrap of all apps.
Which of the following components are part of the SAP Web IDE, hybrid app toolkit add-on? Hybrid App Project Templates , Device Configuration, Hybrid App Toolkit Connector Hybrid Companion App, Config.json, Package.json, SAP Web IDE Plugin Kapsel Plugins, SAP Web IDE Plugin, Hybrid App Toolkit Connector SAP Web IDE Plugin, Hybrid Companion App, Hybrid App Toolkit Connector.
What result do you expect from the decomposition and re-composition phases? There are 3 correct answers to this question The break-down of a large transaction An adaptive and coherent app The prevention of irrelevant data being shown to the user A responsive de-composed design A purpose-built app to support personas.
For which app type in SAP Fiori do you install the KPI framework ? Legacy app Transactional app Analytical app Factsheet app.
Your customer asks you to demonstrate their app with localization changes. Which activity do you perform? Configure the run configuration file in the app Show the i18n.properti es file translations Enable the preview frame in the run configuration Configure the Supported Languages settings in the Project.json file.
What are the limitations of OPA5 test? There are 2 correct answers to this question End-to-End tests are NOT recommended It never causes a test to fail Testing across more than one page is NOT possible The developer needs to create the test during development.
You develop an SAP Fiori sales app to display sales order information from the backend system. Which of the following model types do you use? XML model Resiurce model JSON model OData model.
Which properties do you need to configure when you use the Mock server? There are correct answers to this question Destination Module path Service URL Binding type.
What is the purpose of the Logon Plugin Data Vault of the SAP Fiori Client? Prevent the access to all nonessential plugins Provide a reusable component for storing sensitive information on the device Enable secure and seamless handling of attachments Allow a client policy that can be defined on the mobility platform.
What does coherence refer to in the SAP Fiori design principles? There are 2 correct answers to this question Consistent interaction and visual design language The way in which the data is handled internally The same intuitive experience across the whole enterprise A description of the technological foundation.
You need to explain the core functions of OPA5 for testing SAPUI5 apps. Which test options are offered by OPA5? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question Load tests Navigation tests User interaction tests Development tests.
What is a prerequisite for configuring the SAP Fiori HAT Connector? Create an SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) Web IDE account Set the path for custom plug-ins Create a local Cordova project Generate a service certificate.
What activity does the QUnit Stub functionality perform? Provides parameters and return values for method calls Returns values for method calls Verifies that expected methods are called correctly Supplies parameter for method calls.
Which file is referred to as the App Descriptor and what is its function? The configure.xml file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to configure web apps and turn on plug-ins The manifest.json file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to instantiate the model The config-json file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to configure ports and turn onplug-ins The neo.json file is referred to as App Descriptor Its function is to capture data from objects.
What is the required content of the Component.js file of an extension project? There are 2 correct answers to this question The customizing section The controller IDs The link to the parent app The namespace of the parent app.
Your customer asks you to add text for a new language to an app. Which file do you provide in the translator? Components.js Master.view.xml Manifest.json i18n.properties.
Which of the following activities allow you to store your changes in a local Git repository? Push Commit Clone Save.
Your customer wants to extend an SAP Fiori app through a Controller Extension. When can a controller extension lead to a crash? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. If the original code required to run the application is overwritten. If the extension code exists and is NOT referenced in the original view. If the extension code exists in the extended app but the controller name is changed by an app update. If the extension code accesses parts of the original application that were removed.
What do you configure to import the BUILD prototype in the SAP Web IDE for development? The API key in the SAP Web IDE plugin The connection in the SAP HANA Cloud Connector The connection in the SAP HANA Cloud Integration The destination in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
How do you integrate SAPUI5 in a Kapsel/Hybrid app?(Duplicated question) Create a new Kapsel plugin using SAPUI5 Add the sap-mobile-hybrid.js file to the Hybrid app Add the SAPUI5 bootstrap code into index.html Configure the SAPUI5 resources in the config.xml file of the Hybrid app.
In the design thinking phase of your customer project, one design is accepted as viable. What other attributes need to be valid for this design to be considered? There are 2 correct answers to this question Usable Achievable Desirable Feasible.
Your customer requires an app to display flight information on a mobile device. Please see the screensho t for details. Which options can you use to display the same data in a readable format on a mobile device? There are 2 correct answers to this question column : <Column demandPopin= ”true” minScreenWidth= ”tablet”> column: <Column demandPopin= ”true” maxScreenWidth= ”mobile” popinDisplay=”Inline”> column<Column:d emandPopi n= ”true” maxScreenWidth= ”mobile”> column: <Column demandPopin= ”true” minScreenWidth= ”tablet” popinDisplay=”Inline”>.
Which model type in SAPUI5 does NOT support one-way and two-way binding from model to view? JSON model Resource model OData model XML model.
What can your customer use a custom SAP Fiori client for? There are 3 correct answers to this question To create non-Cordova hybrid application containers To build the SAP Fiori Client with a customized communication protocol To apply custom branding To wrap the application with SAP Mobile Secure To add additional plugins to the application.
In the screenshot, which element of the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern corresponds to the Act in a QUnit test? QUnit.test QUnit.module teardown : function() {} this.calculator.press(“1”).
Which SAP Fiori application is launched by using the search functionality instead of using a tile? Analytical Transactional Factsheet Legacy.
Your customer extends an SAP Fiori app with View Replacement. Which activities do you perform? There are 2 correct answers to this question Identify a specific SAPUI5 control to be replaced Create a SAPUI5 view that replaces the complete view Verify that adding custom content in the Extension Points will NOT suffice Create a SAPUI5 control that replaces the original control.
You need to bind data from a model to a SAPUI5 view control. Which of the following models are valid? There are 3 correct answers to this question One-way binding One-time binding Three-way binding Two-way binding Resource-model binding.
You develop a SAPUI5 app that updates data for sales orders and sales order items on the back-end system. What do you create to implement a deep insert? There are 2 correct answers to this question Create individual structures for both Sales Order and Sales Order Items, and then batch them Create a flat structure with Sales Order and Sales Order Items, and then add an expand command Create an object structure that defines the hierarchy Create a nested structure for Sales Order and Sales Order Items.
In the source code below, which of the following locations must reference the extension point? <code:View xmlns:core= ”sap.ui.core” xmlns:mvc= ”sap.ui.core.mvc ” xmlns=”sap.m” controllerName= ”app extension.EmployeeData” xmlns:html= http://www.w3.org /1999/x html> <Page title=”Title”> <content> <Label text = “First name:”/> <Input/> <core:ExtensionPoint name=”forMiddleName:”/> <<Label text = “Last name:”/> <Input/> <Button text=”Get Info” press=”doGetInfo”/> </content> </Page> </core:View> EmployeeDate.controller.js Component.js EmployeeData.view.xml Neo-app.json.
Which tile types can you use to display real-ti me data values read from an OData service? There are 2 correct answers to this question News tile App Launcher – Dynamic tile KPI based tile App Launcher – Static tile.
Which UI5 theme is replacing SAP Blue Crystal as the base Fiori theme? SAP Corbu SAP High Contrast Black SAP Belize SAP Tradeshow.
How can you extend an SAP Fiori app? There are 3 correct answers to this question Modify the data model to merge data at runtime Modify the properties of the view control Add customer view content in a predefined extension point Modify the runtime libraries that are to be loaded Enable merging of the standard and the custom controller at runtime.
Which element in the SAPUI5 architecture holds the data in JSON or XML? Model View Component Controller.
Which elements are parts of the UX? There are 2 correct answers to this question User interaction User response User effectiveness User emotion.
You develop a SAPUI5 app that can be extended. To allow your customer notifications, you set up a hook method. What activities are required to implement a hook method? There are 3 correct answers to this question Modify the bootstrap option to allow multi-lay er extensions of the custom code Create a .js file in the Util folder to allow the customer to add custom code Define a new function name ensuring it is reserved for the extension Add a code snippet to check if the method exists and execute it Identify a strategic location in the controller for the customized code.
Which file of the SAP HAT Connector stores the WebIDEHosts URL and can be used for troubleshooting? Assistmsg.json Config.json Package.json appConfig.js.
Which SAP Fiori app types require the SAP HANA database? There are 2 correct answers to this question Transactional Analytical Legacy Factsheet.
In the data in the screens hot, you need to display the List of Companies in the Americas region. Which binding option do you use for the values X, Y, and Z in the view? X: /region/0/companies Y: companies/0/name Z: companies/0/city X: /region/companies Y: companies/name Z: companies/city X: /region/0/companies Y: name Z: city X: /region/companies Y: name Z: city.
You are extending an SAP Fiori app. Which of the extension properties are defined in the manifest.json? There are 2 correct answers to this question sap.ui.model modifications sap.ui.viewModifications sap.ui.i18nModifications sap.ui.controllerExtensions.
To perform a QUnit test, what do you include in a test page under your web app folder? Stub code Mock code OPA function SAPUI5 bootstrap code.
You need to maintain the mapping between an app URL and a destination in the SAPUI5 app. Which file do you maintain? neo-app.json path.json user-project.json project.json.
What are the Lifecycle events of a SAPUI5 view controller? There are 2 correct answers to this question(Duplicated question) on execution onExit onEntry onBeforeRendering.
You extend an SAP Fiori app. The visibility value of a View Button control needs to be modified. Which extension point do you use? View Replacement View Visibility View Extension View Modification.
Which properties are part of the design phase when you develop SAP Fiori apps? Developing, Testing, and Deploying Scoping, 360-degree research, and Synthesis Requirement gathering, Research, and Documentation Ideation, Prototyping, and Validation.
You need to configure an SAP Web IDE destination to extend an existing SAP Fiori app. Which configuration setting for the WebIDE Us ag e property is required? dev_abap odata_fiori ui5_execute_abap extend_fiori.
Which security features do the SAP Fiori provide to restrict the access to native device capabilities? There are 2 correct answers to this question Bridge for non-Fiori content Restricted device functionality using a client policy Encrypted storage of data on the device Privacy screen.
For which operations will the SAP Gateway server compute and return a new ETag in a response header? There are 2 correct answers to this question GET PUT POST DELETE.
Which features of the SAP Web IDE help you extend a standard SAP Fiori app? There are 2 correct answers to this question An editor to modify the data model in the extended project The Extensibility Pane to extend the control The Descriptor Editor to choose elements for extension A wizard to generate the files for each extension possibility.
You need to strengthen the connection security between the Web IDE and the Hybrid App Toolkit Connector. Which of the following activities do you perform? Run the connector with administrator rights Replace the default API key Change the default port number Install an X.509 certificate.
In a typical SAP Fiori landscape, which server instance stores the SAP Fiori SAPUI5 application code for a transactional app? SAP Front-End Server (FES) SAP Back-End Server (BES) SAP Web Dispatcher SAP HANA XS Engine.
Your customer needs to securely connect the SAP HANA Cloud Connector to the Web IDE of an on-premise system. How does the SAP HANA cloud connector help do this? There are 2 correct answers to this question It initiates a cloud-based reverse-invoke process It creates connectivity by a reverse-invoke process on the on-premise system It supports custom destination API configuration and certificate inspection It secures an SSL tunnel between the SAP Hana Cloud and the on-premise system.
In the Git source code management system, what is executed initially to create the local Git repository in SAP Web IDE? Pull Fetch Clone Push.
You need to consume the OData Service from the Gateway to create a new SAP Fiori app in the SAP Web IDE. What value do you configure in the WebIDEUsage property for the destination in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform? odata_abap odata_gen dev_abap odata_xs.
What does the $inlinecount query option do?(only B and C) Use the $inlinecount query option to specify the number of Entries to return from the collection specified by the resource path of the URI. Only the following values are valid: allpages returns a count of the number of entities in the collection. none returns a response without a count. Only A and B.
In JavaScript, “use strict” is used for None All the above options are correct.
In an ODATA call to fetch customers data based on name (‘Alfreds’),we need to do use /Customers?$filter=name eq ‘Alfreds’ /Customers?$filter=name equals ‘Alfreds’.
CDS Annotations can be applied on Entity Set Exit Set.
6.What are the main capabilities gained with SAP Business Rules ? 1)Agility 2)Reusability 3)Transparency 4)Rigidity 5)Inseparability Only 1,2 and 3 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
How can custom-build application integrate with the SAP workflow service ? Using RESTful APIs Using OData APIs.
Which are existing event types in the SAP BTP Workflow Service ? End events Stop Events Terminate end events Intermediate Mail Events Intermediate timer Events Intermediate message events.
What is used to call an external system in SAP BTP Workflow? User Task Service Task Script task DataTask.
What are available Rule Types ? Decision Table Rule Text Rules Language Rules Coding Rules Graph rules.
In SAP CAI Chatbot design, what represents a goal that the end user has in mind while conversing with the bot Extent Intent.
Which of the following is a wrong statement about SAP Event Mesh Service? Can be used to publish SAP system events only Can be used to extend SAP system events only.
What is Design-Time Destination in remote content federation? defines the location from which to fetch the content that was exposed by the content provider maps the location from which to fetch the content that was exposed by the content provider.
You use SAP continuous integration and delivery for your CAPm project. Where can you access the Webhook Event Receiver? On Repositories Tab On Publishing Tab.
Which command adds a file called Jenkinsfile to your CAPm project? Choose the correct answer cds add pipeline cds add xsuaa cds add hana.
To connect an SAP backend system to SAP BTP using SAP Cloud Connector, which additional SAP BTP services are required? Select the correct options. SAP Destination service SAP Keystore service SAP Connectivity service SAP Cloud Transport Management service.
Please choose the correct statement All of the above (HINT: sap cloud connector based question) None.
What is SAP API Business Hub? The SAP API Business Hub is a web application hosted by SAP to discover, explore and test SAP and partner APIs that are required to build extensions or process integrations. None of the above.
What are some characteristics of YAML files ? Select the correct statements YAML files can be used as configuration files YAML files are based on XML YAML files rely on correct indentation YAML files are also valid JSON files.
Which environment would you use to develop small to medium extensions Kyma ABAP Cloud foundry SAB BTP CLI.
By default which file describes scopes and role-templates of an application for the instantiation of an XSUAA Service instance? xs-security.json xs-app.json.
Which identifier is used by XSUAA service to distinguish applications and scopes? xsappname xsapp.
Please choose the correct statement A Global account can contain multiple subaccounts of different region A Global account can contain only one sub account of one region A Global account can contain only multiple sub accounts of same region A Global account can contain only one sub account of multiple region.
What is xs-security.json in CAPm? Both B & C None of the above.
Which pattern do you use to register an event handler? srv.() extend.().
In CAPm project , “cds watch” commands use for Installing dependencies Watching all files Checking all models All of the above.
Which event phases can you use with CAPm event handlers by default? Select the correct statement on while after before between.
While working with Subaccounts in SAP BTP Consider the following statement select the correct statement A service must be entitled to the subaccount before you can subscribe to it. The subdomain of a subaccount must be unique within a region.
Out of the following which would best describe SAP Fiori? A design language A formatting language.
Which environment would you use for an Managed build-on approach Kyma ABAP Cloud foundry SAP BTP CLI.
In how many regions and environments can one subaccount run Exactly one region and one environment Exactly one region and two environment.
Which is not a Fiori Elements Template? Analytical Page Overview Page Master detail Basic.
A metadata extension separates annotation from Business Logic Platform Logic.
What are the advantages of SADL Syntax is simple Annotation Data stay together Reusable All of the above.
Visual filters are supported in which SAP Provided template Analytic List Page (if multiple answers are selectable click all) None.
What Fiori application type is implemented to monitor KPIs in real time and react immediately on changes? Analytical None.
What is the function of SAP Web Dispatcher in SAP Fiori Architecture ? It is an entry point for HTTP(s) request in SAP Fiori Architecture. It can accept Connections asper user request. None.
Your customer asks you for the advantages of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. Which of the following answers do you provide? The data that the models work with can be reused by several different applications. MVC artifacts can be transported and debugged separately The project team members that have extensive Ul skills can concentrate in that area MVC is easy to implement for the project team members and supports quick coding.
You need to bind data from a model to an SAPUI5 view control. Which of the following models are valid Two-way binding One-way binding Three-way binding Resource-model binding One-time binding.
Which technologies are used to create Hybrid apps and SAPUI5 apps? XML, JSON and CSS HTML5, JavaScript and CSS HTML, JSON and CSS3 XML, JavaScript and CSS3.
You need to maintain the mapping between an app URL and a destination in the SAPUI5 app. Which file do you maintain? path.json project.json neo-app.json user-project.json.
While testing an SAP Fiori app you discover that a button on the page delivers no response. Which of the following agile pyramid options do you use? Sinon OPA Mock Server QUnit.
When SAP Web IDE deploys an SAPUI5 app to the ABAP server, which type of app is it deployed as? ABAP HTML5 OpenUI5 BSP.
Your customer wants to enable the SAP Fiori app to be accessed in multiple languages. Which of the following activities do you perform? HTML -enable the special characters in the resource file Create a view file and a controller file for each language Create a resource file with a .props extension Create a resource file for each language Create a resource file containing key/value pairs.
You are extending an SAP Fiori app. Which of the extension properties are defined in the manifest.json? sap.ui.viewModifications sap.ui.modelModification sap.ui.i18nModifications sap.ui.controllerExtensions.
What activity does the QUnit Stub functionality perform? Verifies that expected methods are called correctly Provides parameters and return values for method calls Supplies parameter for method calls Returns values for method calls.
You need to consume the ODATA service from the gateway to create a new SAP Fiori App in the SAP WEB IDE. What value do you configure in the WeblDEUsage property by the destination in the SAP? odata_xs odata_gen dev_abap odata_abap.
What is the purpose of the SAP HANA Cloud connector? It lists the search components and corresponding search models needed for the app It connects the services of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and on-premise system in the customer’s network It allows the SAP Web IDE to connect to the on-premise system’s Cordova development environment It connects the services of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and SAP Web IDE.
What does coherence refer to in the SAP Fiori design principles? The way in which the data is handled internally A description of the technological foundation The same intuitive experience across the whole enterprise A consistent interaction and visual design language .
You need to implement an SAP Fiori transactional app for your customer. What benefits are available in the completed app? It allows access to the back end to edit document de tails It allows drill-down details to be presented in the Ul It allows Ul changes without development privileges in the back-end It allows fast iterations for the Ul apps.
To generate SAPUI5 coding that is based on prototypes, which tool do you use? Ul Theme Designer SAP WEB IDE SAP BUILD SPLASH.
What are the basic guidelines of the Extension Point concept of SAPUI5? The custom app remains modification free The custom app is located in a separate project The custom app and the parent app contain a component.js file The parent app contains all modifications Both B and C.
In a typical SAP Fiori landscape, which server instance stores the SAP Fiori SAPUI5 application code for a transactional app? SAP HANAXS Engine SAP Back-End Server (BES) SAP Front-End Server (FES) SAP Web Dispatcher.
Your customer asks you to demonstrate their app with localization changes. Which activity do you perform? Configure the run configuration file in the app Show the i18n.properties file translations Enable the preview frame in the run configuration Configure the Supported Languages settings in the Project.json file.
In the code on the screenshot, what is the absolute path of the property to retrieve the City value for the company Acme Inc? /regions/0/companies/O/city /regions/companies/O/city /regions/1/companies/1/city /regions/companies/1/city.
Which of the following sequences is the correct sequence for the Problem Space phase in a Design Thinking workshop? 360. Research, Scoping, Synthesis Scoping, Synthesis, Ideation Scoping, 360. Research, Synthesis Scoping, 360. Research, Ideation.
You develop an SAPUI5 app that can be extended. To allow your customer notifications, you set up a hook method. What activities are required to implement a hook method? Create a js file in the Util folder to allow the customer to add custom code Define a new function name ensuring it is reserved for the extension Identify a strategic location in the controller for the customized code Add a code snippet to check if the method exists and execute it Modify the bootstrap option to allow multi-layer extensions ofthe customcode.
You need to strengthen the connection security between the Web IDE and the Hybrid App Toolkit Connector. Which of the following activities do you perform? Install an X.509 certificate Replace the default API key Run the connector with administrator rights Change the default port number.
What happens when you use the SAP Web IDE console during a deployment? You can archive the success messages in the console You can view error messages when a deployment is successful You can view error messages when a deployment is NOT successful You can debug the error messages in the console.
What is the purpose of the Logon Plugin Data Vault of the SAP Fiori Client? Prevent the access to all nonessential plugins Provide a reusable component for storing sensitive information on the device Allow a client policy that can be defined on the mobility platform Enable secure and seamless handling of attachment.
Where are the themes saved for the SAP Fiori launchpad? In the theme repository In the theme data center In the bootstrap In the Ul theme designer tool.
You develop an SAP Fiori sales app to display sales order information from the backend system. Which of the following model types do you use? Resource model JSON model OData model XML model.
What do you configure to import the BUILD prototype in the SAP Web IDE for development? The connection in the SAP HANA Cloud Integration The connection in the SAP HANA Cloud Connector The API key in the SAP Web IDE plugin The destination in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
Which information is included in the SAPUI5 app’s manifest.json file? App ID, Name and Version Referenced data sources Client side data-models Localization keys SAPUI5 dependencies.
Which model type in SAPUI5 does NOT support one-way and two-way binding from model to view? Resource model XML model JSON model OData model.
In which attribute do you specify the themes for an SAP Fiori app? sap-ui-theme of <title> tag sap-ui-theme of <body> tag data-sap-ui-theme of the <head> tag data-sap-ui-theme of <script> tag.
You need to explain the core functions of OPA5 for testing SAPUI5 apps. Which test options are offered by OPA5? User interaction tests Development test Load tests Navigation tests.
What is the required content of the Components file of an extension project? The controller IDs The namespace of the parent app The link to the parent app The customizing section.
Which properties do you need to configure when you use the Mock server? There are 2 correct answers to this question Service Url Destination Binding type Module path.
Which dependent plugin must you enable to include the Push plugin when you create a hybrid mobile app? Logon Manager Network Connection Dialog Notification App Update.
Which elements are part of the UX? User interaction User response User effectiveness User emotion.
Which SAP Fiori app types require the SAP HANA database? Legacy Transactional Analytical Factsheet.
Which properties are part of the design phase when you develop SAP Fiori apps? Scoping, 360-degree research and Synthesis Developing, Testing and Deploying Requirement gathering, Research and Documentation Ideation, Prototyping and Validation.
What are the Core values gained through process Visibility? Process Fragility Process flexibility Process excellence Process transparency Process Transformation.
What are the different types of KPI representation chart available in SAPBTP Process visibility? Bar chart Donut chart Line chart Column chart.
You want different process steps executed depending on a value you have in your workflow Which of the following elements do you use to control the flow? Exclusive gateway Inclusive gateway.
An event topic can be subscribed to, using Queues Webhook SAPUI5 application Node.js service.
Before you can use SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery in your CAP project, what must you do in your SAP BTP account? Note: There are 2 to choose. Subscribe to an SAP CI/CD service plan. Assign an appropriate role collection to your user. Create an SAP CI/CD service instance. Assign an appropriate role template to your user.
To grant a user to an application in an SAP BTP subaccount, what must you assign to this user? you must assign a role to the user you must assign a role-collection to the user.
Which identifier is used by the XSUAA service to distinguish applications and scopes? xsappname xsapp.
Which of the following are characteristics of the SAPBTP, BTP, ABAP Environment? Runs won the Kima environment is based on the latest ABAP platform cloud release Runs within the Cloud Foundry environment is based on the latest SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP release.
In CAPm project you need to create Data model Service definition.
Does Fiori Elements support variant management? Yes, it is supported No.
What is the function of SAP Web Dispatcher in SAP Fiori architecture? It is an entry point for HTTP(S) request in SAP Fiori Architecture It can accept of connections as per user request.
What does the $inlinecount query option do? Query option $inlinecount is used to get the overall count of with the entity set collection data None.
What is reason to add UI annotations to your project? Choose the correct answer To display columns Form fields both A and B.
Which environment would you use to write robust, transactional cloud applications? Cloud foundry Kyma ABAP SAP BTP CLI.
In CAPm, which keyword is used to send events? emit exit escape.
(Duplicated question) (Duplicated question) (Duplicated question).
Which model supports deep inserts? OData model JSON model Resource model XML model.
You need the backend server to sort and filter the data used in your customer's app. Which SAPUI5-supported data model must you use? ODataModel ResourceModel JSONModel XMLModel.
Which of the following are features of the SAPUI5 SDK? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question Is a subset of OpenUI5 Allows the usage of the jQuery library Keyboard interaction support and accessibility features Provides an interface to Web Dynpro.
What type of navigation is used in SAP Fiori Launchpad applications? Action-based navigation Target-based navigation Scope-based navigation.
Which of the following are features of the SAPUI5 SDK?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Responsiveness across browsers on non-mobile devices only Interface for Web Dynpro Full translation support Feature-rich UI controls for handling complex UI patterns.
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