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Title of test:
Giulia Lessico

lessico scuola, lavoro, ecc

(Other tests from this author)

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Number of questions: 81
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scegli l'alternativa corretta: iscriversi all'università apply to university apply university subscribe to university go to university.
scegli l'alternativa corretta: prendersi un anno sabatico take a gap year have a gap year gap year do a gap year.
fare un apprendistato do an apprenticeship do an apprentiship do a apprenticeship do an apprenticeshipp.
proseguire con gli studi a tempo pieno Stay in full time education Study full time Apply in full time education Enroll in full time education.
scegli il giusto ordine: Nursery- primary- secondary Primary - nursery - secondary Secondary - nursery - primary Primary- secondary- nursery.
Abbandonare la scuola: Drop out of School Abandon school Leave School Go away from School.
Io imparo per diletto: I learn for pleasure I learn for personal interest I learn to pass a test I learn because i like it.
Ottenere una qualifica: Get a qualification Have a qualification Reach a qualification Do a qualification.
Nella scuola ci sono alcune materie obbligatorie: At school you have some compulsory subjects At school you have some compulsory subject In the school you have some compulsory subjects At school you have any compulsory subjects.
Ho alcune materie opzionali come ad esempio storia: I have some opzional subjects as for instance history I have some opzional subjects for instance history I have some opzional subjects like for instance history I have some opzional subjects as history.
Alcuni dei miei compagni di classe barano all'esame Some of my classmates cheat on the exam Some classmates cheat on the exam Some of my classmates fail on the exam Some of my classmates revise on the exam.
Luca è stato bocciato all'esame Luca has failed his exam Luca cheated his exam Luca revises his exam Luca has passed his exam .
Superare un esame go through an exam get through an exam through an exam get an exam .
Sostenere un esame Take an exam Give an exam Substain an exam Apply for an exam.
Sostenere un esame Sit an exam sit on exam give an exam Do an exam.
La tua scuola ha una mensa? Does your School have a canteen? Your School have a canteen? Does your School have a mensa? Does your School have a restaurant?.
Qual è il voto migliore che hai mai preso? What is the best mark you have ever got? What is the best vote you have ever got? Which is the best mark you have ever got? What is the best mark you got?.
Secondo te è difficile correggere una verifica? Do you think it's difficult to Mark a test? You think it's difficult to Mark a test? Do you think it's difficult to correct a test? Do you think is difficult to Mark a test?.
Quante ore di lezione hai ogni settimana? How many classes a week do you have? How much classes a week do you have? How many classes for week do you have? How many classes do you have in week?.
i tuoi genitori ti lasciano uscire di sera nei giorni in cui c'è scuola? Do your parents let you go out in the evening on School days? Does your parents let you go out in the evening on School days? Do your parents let you go out the evening on School days? Do your parents let you go out in the School days evening?.
la preside ti ha mai sgridato? Has the head teacher ever told you off? Has the head teacher ever said you off? Has the head teacher ever told you? Has the boss teacher ever told you off?.
fate mai motoria fuori dalla palestra? do you ever do PE outside the sports hall? do you do PE outside the sports hall? do you ever do PE outside sports hall? do you ever do PE outside the gym?.
quale quadrimestre è il più difficile secondo te? which semester is harder in your opinion? which semester is hard in your opinion? which semester is more hard in your opinion? which semester is harder for you?.
trimestre term semester trimester.
nella tua scuola gli studenti hanno il permesso di entrare nella sala insegnanti? Are students allowed to go into the staff room in your school? Are students permitted to go into the staff room in your school? Are students allowed to go into the teacher room in your school? Do students allowed to go into the staff room in your school?.
quali materie sono inutili? which subjects are pointless? which subjects are useful? which subjects are unuseful? which subjects are challenging?.
interessante enjoyable useful interested.
impegnativo challenging hard impegnative.
saltare le lezioni è sbagliato skipping school is wrong jumping school is wrong leaving school is wrong not going to school is wrong.
non ci ho mai pensato I've never thought about that I've never thought I never thought about that I've never think about that.
Mark ha lezione dalle 9 alle 15 Mark has class from 9 am to 3 pm Mark has lessons from 9 am to 3 pm Mark do classes from 9 am to 3 pm Mark have classes from 9 am to 3 pm.
devo ripassare per un compito I must revise for a test I might revise for a test I must repass for a test I must restudy for a test.
Possiamo trovare un alloggio per tutta la famiglia We can arrange accommodation for the whole family We can find a accommodation for the whole family We can also arrange accommodation for whole family We can also arrange accommodation for all family.
voglio prenotare un viaggio I want to book a trip I want to arrange a trip I must to book a trip I wanted to book a trip.
Sto cercando Lucia. I'm looking for Lucia I look Lucia I look to Lucia I search Lucia.
lavoro come costruttore I work as a builder I work like a builder I work as builder I work as a constructor.
lei lavora in un ufficio she works in an office she work in an office she works in a office she works in office.
lui lavora con gli anziani he works with the elderly he works with the old he works with elderly he works with the olderly.
lei lavora a tempo pieno, io part-time. she works full time, I work part-time she work full time, I work part-time she works a full time, I work part-time she works full time, I work a part-time.
fare domanda di impiego apply for a job apply for a work ask for a job question of job.
sono disoccupato I'm out of work I'm out of job I out of work I'm out work.
lei è mal pagata she is badly paid she is well paid she is bad paid she is worse paid.
a volte luca fa gli straordinari sometimes luca do overtime sometimes luca do the overtime anytime luca do overtime sometimes luca do overtimes.
la compagnia ha assunto 5 persone the company hired 5 people the company had hire 5 people the company assumpted 5 people the company employ 5 people .
suo zio è andato in pensione His uncle has retired His uncle retired His uncle retires His uncle has revised .
lei ha deciso di prendere alcuni giorni di ferie she decided to take some days off she decide to take some days off she decided to take days off she decided to take few days off .
pescatore, operaio, camionista fisherman, labourer, truck driver fisher, labourer, truck driver fisherman, labour, truck driver fisherman, labourer, trucks driver.
avvocato, infermiere, idraulico lawyer, nurse, plumber advocate, nurse, hydraulic lawyer, doctor, lorry lawyer, nurse, plamber.
chirurgo, parrucchiere, pompiere, elettricista surgeon, hairdresser, firefighter, electrician surgery, hairdresser, firefighter, electrician surgeon, hairdressing, firefighter, electricians surgeon, hairdresser, firefighting, electrician.
affidabile reliable affordable affidable adaptable.
Quali sono i tuoi compiti? what are your typical duties? what are your works? what are your typical duty? what is your typical duties?.
Di quali qualità hai bisogno nel tuo lavoro? what personal qualities do you need in your job? what personal qualities do you need in your work? what qualities you need in your job? what personal qualities do you need in job?.
lui guadagna molti soldi he earns a lot of money he ear a lot of money he earns lot of money he takes a lot of money .
premuroso, intelligente, gentile caring, clever, kind carring, clever, kind caring, cliver, kind charing, clever, kind.
la tata ha detto che loro vanno d'accordo con i cani The childminder said they get on well with dogs The babysitter said they get well with dogs The childminder said they get on with dogs The childminder said they go on well with dogs.
domani mattina devo fare un colloquio I have an interview tomorrow morning I have to do an interview tomorrow morning I have a colloque tomorrow morning I have a interview tomorrow morning .
domani andrò al centro commerciale per chiedere un risarcimento tomorrow I’ll go to the shopping center to get a refund tomorrow I go to the shopping center to get a refund tomorrow I’ll go to the shopping mall to get a refund tomorrow I’ll go to the shopping center to ask a refund .
Non posso permettermelo, dovrò mettere i soldi da parte. I can’t afford it, I’ll have to collect money I can’t permit it, I’ll have to collect money I can’t permit it, I’ll have to save money I can’t afford it, I have to collect money .
perché ti lamenti? ti sta davvero bene Why do you complain? It suits you Why do you complain? It's suits you Why you complain? It suits you Why do you complaint? It suits you.
puoi dirlo educatamente you can say it politely you can say it polite you can tell it more politely you can said it more politely .
il ladro l'ha fatta franca the thief got away with it the thief get away with it the thief got away with the plumber got away with it .
dirottare un aereo hijack an airplane dirot an airplane kidnap an airplane hack an airplane.
rapimento kidnapping pickpoketing theft mugging.
aggressione a scopo di rapina mugging theft burlary hacking.
telecamera a circuito chiuso CCT camera closed circuit camera camera closed circuit television camera.
impronte digitali Fingerprints Fingersprints Fingerprint Fingersprint.
Autopattuglia patrol car petrol car on patrol car.
Se stai colpevole e la polizia ha le prove vai in tribunale If you’re guilty and the police have evidence, you go to court If you’re guilty and the police has evidence, you go to court If you're guilt and the police have evidence, you go to court If you’re guilty and the police have evidence, you go court.
Questi pantaloni sono larghi these trousers are baggy these trousers are tight these trousers are large these trousers are lorry.
scarpe eleganti smart shoes elegants shoes elegants shoe.
Non mi va bene it doesn't fit me it don't fit me it doesn't fits me it does fits me.
È il modello sbagliato it's the wrong design it's the wrong model it's the right design it's the wrong designes.
Do un'occhiata alla merce I have a look around the store I have a look around the shops I take a look around the store I have a look in the store.
La commessa aiuta il cliente the shop assistant helps the customer the shop assistant help the customer the shop assistant helps the clients the shop assistant helps the client.
Lei vuole acquistare un articolo she wants to take an item she wants to take an article she wants to shop an item she wants to buy an item.
Ho cambiato idea sulle scarpe I changed my mind about shoes I changed my mind about the shoes I change my mind about the shoes I changed my mind on the shoes.
Maria mostra al cliente dove sono i camerini Maria shows the costumer where the changing rooms are Maria shows the costumer where are the changing rooms Maria show the costumer where the changing rooms are Maria shows the costumers where are the changing rooms.
Riporre gli articoli sugli scaffali put items back on the shelves put item back on the shelves put items back on the armoires put items back on the shelve.
Informare il cliente sulle offerte speciali tell the customer about special offers tell the customer about special offer say the customer about special offers tell the customer the special offers.
Pagare in contanti o pagare con carta pay in cash or pay by card pay cash pay with card pay with cash pay with card pay by cash pay by card.
ricordati di chiedere lo scontrino di cortesia e avere una confezione regalo Remind to ask for a gift recept and have an item gift wrapped Remind to ask a gift recept and have an item gift wrapped Remind to ask for a gift recepts and have an item gift wrapped Remind to ask for a gift recept and have item gift wrap.
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