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II Año - Impar

Examen I Semestre

Eunices Aráuz
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Creation Date: 26/06/2014

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 28
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PRESENT CONTINUOUS Choose the correct sentence She is having dinner right now She having dinner right now She is have dinner right now.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS Choose the correct sentence Are you looking for that person? Is you looking for that person? Are you look for that person?.
Adverbs of Time. Select the best option to complete the sentence She was hungry, so she is eating _______ now tomorrow yesterday.
Adverbs of Place. Select the best option to complete the sentence We couldn't find you ___________ anywhere everywhere.
Countable or Uncountable? Milk Countable Uncountable.
Countable or Uncountable? Bathroom Countable Uncountable.
Much - Many Decide whether you have to use much or many. SUGAR Much Many.
Much - Many Decide whether you have to use much or many. EVENINGS Much Many.
Parts Of Speech. Read the following sentece: You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something what part of the speech is the word "yourself"? pronoun noun verb preposition.
Parts Of Speech. Read the following sentece: We first went to the store to buy a few things what part of the speech is the word "to"? preposition pronoun adjective interjection.
Parts Of Speech. Read the following sentece: I´m sure I have met your girlfriend before what part of the speech is the word "met"? verb adverb noun preposition.
Prepositions of Movement Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence. I ran ________ the beach and into the sea. across into out of through.
Prepositions of Movement Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence. I went ________ the kitchen to make a sandwich. into along past through.
Prepositions of Time. Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence. I always have dinner with my family ..... Christmas Day in at on.
Prepositions of Time. Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence. You must see Paris ..... the Spring in at on.
Prepositions of Time. Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence. I'll see you ..... ten o' clock in at on.
Comparatives and Superlatives Choose the best option to complete the sentence. It was ____ test I have ever done. the most hard the hardest Either could be used here.
Comparatives and Superlatives Choose the best option to complete the sentence. The plane would be _____ than the coach. more quickly quicker Either could be used here.
Comparatives and Superlatives Choose the best option to complete the sentence. The underground is ____ buses. more expensive most expensive the most expensive more expensive than.
PRESENT PERFECT. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. I .......... a holiday for ages didn't have haven't had.
PRESENT PERFECT. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. John's nervous because he .......... such a difficult test before has never taken never took.
PRESENT PERFECT. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. The newspaper ......... very successful lately hasn't been wasn't.
PRESENT PERFECT. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. They ........... the contract yet didn't sign haven't signed.
PRESENT PERFECT. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. I ....... them since my schooldays have known knew.
Agenda An agenda is a simple list of topics to be discussed (in order of listing), along with the names of individuals who have agreed to lead discussion of those topics. An agenda helps focus a meeting on a core of topics and allows you to control the pace and flow of a meeting and identify important items to be acted upon. Meetings without published agendas generally seem unfocused and unproductive. Does an Agenda help to have a more efficient meeting? True False.
Agenda An agenda is a simple list of topics to be discussed (in order of listing), along with the names of individuals who have agreed to lead discussion of those topics. An agenda helps focus a meeting on a core of topics and allows you to control the pace and flow of a meeting and identify important items to be acted upon. Meetings without published agendas generally seem unfocused and unproductive. Is it necessary to include the names of people who are going to lead discussion in a meeting? true false.
Memo As one of the most common forms of communication within an office environment, the memo or memorandum serves as a quick note to convey information from one section of the company to another. It may be drafted by management and addressed to other employees or from a department head to the company at large. Generally, a memo will include a few basic elements, such as the name of the originator of the document, the intended recipient or recipients, the date of issue, the general topic, and the body of the document that contains the information to be shared. Some of the elements included in a Memo are: the intended recipient or recipients, the date of issue, the general topic. the name of the originator of the document, the intended recipient or recipients, the date of issue, the agenda.
Memo As one of the most common forms of communication within an office environment, the memo or memorandum serves as a quick note to convey information from one section of the company to another. It may be drafted by management and addressed to other employees or from a department head to the company at large. Generally, a memo will include a few basic elements, such as the name of the originator of the document, the intended recipient or recipients, the date of issue, the general topic, and the body of the document that contains the information to be shared. Are memos wirtten by managers only? true false.
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