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Creation Date: 24/11/2021

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 323
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I would like you _______at ease at my place. feel to feel feeling felt.
I ____________ I can't see as well as I used to. am admitting was admitting admit admits.
It was the ___________ thing to say. most ridiculous ridiculous most ridiculousest ridiculousest.
He was busy ________ his homework. that he was doing doing to do he was doing.
I was ______ to find that the film was quite _____________. surprised / frightened surprised / frightening surprising / frightening surprised / frightened.
Read the sentence below and choose the correct linking word. " I missed Mark _____ he left. until after before while.
When I went into the bathroom, I found that the bath ___________ . overflowed is overflowing had overflowed overflows.
I was sure that I _______ him before. meet had met 'm meeting met.
After Laura _____ the hospital, she had a long holiday. is leaving has left leaves left.
Ann ____ a few minutes ago. had left has left left leaves.
_____ to Spain every year for your holidays ? Do you go Are you going Have you gone Were you going.
the next train to Milan ________ at 7.45. [station announcement] leaves will leave is leaving is going to leave.
Mark was the first person I saw _______ the hospital. by leaving on to leave in leaving on leaving.
I ______ one of my special desserts for dinner, if you like. make 'll make 'm making 'm going to make.
After the operation you _________ any sport for a while. aren't doing won't to do won't be doing don't do.
_______ me to get you some water ? Will you like Should you like Would you like Shall you like.
It's the fourth time he's been skiing this week. He ______ really enjoy it. must ought to should had better.
A. "I'm seeing DR. JULIAN next Tuesday." B. " That ______ be right. He's on holiday then." mustn't hasn't got to can't hasn't to.
___________ to do in Shanghai at Christmas ? What there is What is there What are there What there are.
__________ at the party, we saw her husband standing alone. Arrived We were arriving Arriving We arrived.
_______ by the children's behaviour, he complained to the head teacher He was annoyed He annoyed Annoyed Annoying.
I'll be with you in ____________ . a quarter of hour a quarter of one hour a quarter of an hour one quarter of an hour.
Look at _________. It is very bright tonight! moon the moons a moon the moon.
_______ by the children's behaviour, he complained to the head teacher. Annoying Annoyed He annoyed He was annoyed.
________ at the party, we saw her husband standing alone Arrived We were arriving Arriving We arrived.
We should use _____ time we have available to discuss John's proposal the few the little little the little of.
I enjoy watching some of the television programmes on ________affairs. topical present actual current.
I __________ anything if I had known what her reaction was going to be. wouldn't have said wouldn’t said wouldn’t had said wouldn't have sad.
Ann and Kim_______for over an hour by the time Mark arrives. have talked will have been talking will have talked will have being talked.
I love this job because it involves ____________ in team. to work being worked work working.
s there anything here worth _________? buy for buying buying to buy.
What does "notice" mean ? avviso annotare notizia notevole.
What does "fabric" mean ? fabbricato tessuto fabbricare fabbrica.
What does "contest" mean ? gara contestare contenuto contesto.
What does "eventually" mean ? possibilmente infine finalmente eventualmente.
Choose the correct translation of the sentence given : "One could argue extensively " si potrebbe argomentare esaustivamente uno potrebbe arguire velocemente si potrebbe discutere a lungo si può arguire solo fino ad un certo punto.
What __________if you had missed the train ? would you done would you have done had you done would you had done.
Read the sentence below and choose the correct linking word. Tom was very tired and he fell asleep _________the lesson began. as soon as until while none is correct.
If you had studied you ___________the spelling test. wouldn't have failt wouldn't have failed wouldn't failed hadn't failed.
If you had met him, what __________ ? will you do would you have done would you done would you had done.
My husband asked me if _____________ how to get to Milan. I know I had known I knew I've known.
My daughter has_______ a great job of redecorating her own room. done managed made accomplished.
Arguing with her is very frustrating since she constantly _______ her ground. shifts moves flits varies.
What is the English for "intraprendere/occupare/impegnare"? take in take on take up take off.
I like _______ on my bed on Sunday mornings. to lie to lain to lye to lay to lain to lye.
The world is ___________ a serious environmental pollution problem. braving heading meeting facing.
Choose the American equivalent for the British word "cupboard" boardwalk closet broom closet storehouse.
Read the sentence below and choose the correct linking word We ddidn't realise how high up we were ______we looked down. while when until after.
Against his parents' wishes, he wants to be ________. general practitioners general practitioner a general practitioner the general practitioner.
There is _______ evidence to support his claim. little of a few little few.
There isn't ______ traffic along the street where I live. much of many much many of.
He would look much better if he _______ his beard. cat cuts cat has cut.
Tanaka is ______ of our strikers, and so he is ____likely to score a goal. the best/ the more the best / the most the better/ too much as good as/ the more.
Nobody knows, _________? doesn't he ? does he ? do not they ? do they?.
Have you met the new neighbour ? He is that ____________guy. Japanese, young, tall young, tall, Japanese Japanese, tall, young tall, young, Japanese.
For the last three hours __________ my Bachelor Degree Thesis, so I'm tired. I wrote I'm writing I've been writing I write.
The concert is going to be broadcast __________ tomorrow evening. live alive living lively.
My cellular phone's ______________, can you help me ? crashed breaks doesn't work needs fixing.
I warn you ____________that ! not to say to not say to don't say not saying.
Help yourself to anything you want. You ______ask. mustn't have to don't have to must.
Is this horse yours? Are you going to take up ___________ again ? rid riding to ride rides.
Can you ____________________? make me favour do me a favour make me a favour do me favor.
Her elder sister is always ____________lies . saying talking telling speaking.
I get ____________ when he doesn't answer to my questions. irritating boring annoying annoyed.
I've had a really ____________ day. exhausting tyre exhausted tired.
There were ___________ people at Mary's party. lots plenty of few of a few of.
She is the girl _________ bike was stolen. whose that which whom.
So you're having a baby, ______? That's wonderful! Congratulations ! aren't you are you haven't you have you.
She'd better do it, ________ ? Didn't she Did she Hadn't she Had she.
Mark was the first person I saw ______ the hospital. on to leave by leaving in leaving on leaving.
Choose the correct present participle of the following verb: offer offerred offer offered offering.
She likes ____Japanese tea but she doesn't like _____ tea that comes from China . -/- the/the the/- -/the.
Read the sentence below and choose the preposition which best fits the empty space. My little daughter is afraid ____ the dark. with of about at.
_______ of my jewellery is missing. Some of Any Any of Some.
The valley _______ my town lies is heavily polluted. which in which in in that.
He is one of the kindest people ____________. who I know whose I know which I know I know.
My grandfather ___________ enjoys hill walking. ,that is in his seventies ,who is in his seventies ,who is in his seventies ,which is in his seventies.
_____ do elephants have long noses ? what which why how.
______ is a good time to meet you ? what how when where.
________ invented computer ? who where what which.
Read the sentence below and choose the preposition which best fits the empty space. I was very angry _____ my daughter because he borrowed my favourite hadbag. to on with of.
Read the sentence below and choose the preposition which best fits the empty space. I'm really excited __________ my holidays in Japan to of in about.
Read the sentence below and choose the preposition which best fits the empty space. It was nice ____you to lend me your computer. with from of by.
This is my friend Susan _____ aunt is my English teacher. who whose which whom.
That shop is owned by Mr. Joe _____ teaches at my university. who whose whom which.
I've got a new phone _______ is really small. which whose where who.
Choose the correct sentence. The views from the Alpes is amazing! The view from the Alpes is amazing ! The view from Alpes is amazing ! The views from the Alpes are amazing !.
Choose the correct sentence Could you give me some information about the town ? Could you give me some informations about the town ? Could you give me an information about the town ? Could you give me informations about the town ?.
Choose the correct present participle of the following verb: stop stop stopping stopped stoppen.
Choose the correct present participle of the following verb: build built building builden builded.
Choose the correct present participle of the following verb: argue arguing argues argued argue.
Choose the correct present participle of the following verb: lie lying lay laining lie.
Nothing came in the post, _______ ? did it doesn't it didn't they didn't it.
1. He ___________ very fast today. is driving drove drive drives.
Mark gave you a lift, ________? didn't he don't he d oesn't he isn't he.
I' m late ,________-? am not I aren't I do I do I.
________________________ ? I've got long dark hair and dark eyes. how is your look ? how are you ? what do you look like? how are you ?.
It's too late for you _________? isn't it isn't there are you aren't you.
_________ penicillin ? Who discovered Who has discover Who did discove r Did who discover.
__________ does it take ? It takes 3 hours how far how much how many how long.
____ are you waiting _____ ? Who/for Whom/for For whom /- For who/-.
He was respected by the people ____ he worked ____ because he was ____ honest man. with who/-/a with who/-/an -/with/an -/with/a.
"What time ________? " - "at 2:00 p.m." does begin the film begins the film does the film begin the film begins.
__________ dog is that? It's my neighbor's whose how what which.
There is a little we can do about it, ___? is it isn't there isn't it is it.
Mary _____ her holiday in Japan. told about said about told me about said me about.
Last night police said that they _______ the missing girl. had found find have found were finding.
John said " I'm writing a paper tomorrow" - John said _____________ that he was writing a paper tomorrow that he was writing a paper the following day that he was writing a paper the day before that he has been writing a paper the next day.
My cousins asked me, "How are you going"? . My cousins _______________ ask me how I was going asked me how you're going asked me how I'm going asked me how I was going.
Do you have any idea __________? where Ann live where does Ann live where Ann lives ? where Ann livs.
Last night police said that they _______ the missing girl. had found were finding have found find.
Before buying a computer, I_________to see if it works properly try it up try it on t ry it for try it out.
The lesson ___________ so I missed my train ran through ran out ran by ran over.
What's the English for "chiedere in giro "? ask out ask over ask around ask for.
When we changed the furniture ______ the room felt much bigger for down round over.
Mario is ___________ mayor again this year. running out running over running for running through.
Which is correct ? Ann and Mark broke up last week. both are correct none is correct Ann and Mark broke last week up.
Which is correct ? both are correct My boyfriend cut off me while I was in the middle of speaking My boyfriend cut me off while I was in the middle of speaking none is correct.
Which is correct ? both are correct John threw his worn shoes out. John threw out his worn shoes. none is correct.
There is no point in hankering ___________ your lost youth on at in after.
This rain is _________ on me. getting down keeping down pelting down knocking down.
You must _____________ salty foods and sweets cut down on cut back on cut off cut in.
I miss _________ with you. hanging up hanging on hanging out hanging in.
I _____ my father. We have both a very sweet tooth . take apart take after take back take off.
During the text you cannot _________ the wrong answers. cross in cross over cross cross out.
You can't rely on Helen. She's __________ so many times . dropped me off let me down cut me down came up with me.
My husband and I had a big fight yesterday but we ________ soon. made in made for made on made up.
I ran ________ my mother on the way to my office in into at on.
I think I'll __________my mother on the way home from work call in on call off call-out call by.
My daughter is ______ eating Japanese food keen at keen in keen on keen into.
Hey, Ann ________ the boy with the fair hair, he's quite handsome. check at check up check out check in check at check up check out check in.
I don't like my job so I'm_________ a better one looking for looking at looking after looking up.
Do you mind ________ me a hand ? giving give none of the above to give.
She daren't ________him she scratched his car tell telling tells to tell.
This year I can't afford _________ on holiday to go going to be going go.
I drunk a glass of wine before ___________ to sleep slept slept sleeping.
Mark decided _____________byology study studying studiing to study.
Oh my God! I forgot __________ my homework ! My teacher will be angry to do do none of the above doing.
If you've got the flu, try __________ an aspirin. taken taking take to take.
They walked out of the classroom without ___________ a word telling to tell saying to say.
Cross out the item which does not normally collocate with "make" an effort an offer a mistake evil.
Cross out the item which does not normally collocate with "do" a promise a favour one's best justice.
Cross out the item which does not normally collocate with "do" a business an exercise the cooking one's duty.
Cross out the item which does not normally collocate with "make" friends plans a translation a noise.
It's time you ________in bed were go 'll go are.
He ____ his job when the truth about his past ______known left/become left/became leaved/become leaved/became.
I wish _______ I buy a new car but I haven't enough money. could can may 'll be alble.
My cousins are always at our house. I wish they ________so near. didn't live wouldn't live don't live hadn't live.
My daughter began to cry and sob and _____ to me clung clunged clang clong.
He _______the wrong train by mistake. coughed catched caught cough.
What ________yesterday ? did you cook have you cooked you cooked did you cocked.
I wish I _____ this problem will solve can solving can solve could solve.
They _________ a beautiful concert this month 've seen seen saw were seeing 've seen seen saw were seeing.
They ______ arrows from behind a thick bush shoot shoted shot shoted.
Ann _____ the room. She said she ______to go leave/had lived/had leave/has left/had.
I wish I _______ an extra pay for working on holidays 'll get get got m getting.
Choose the correct past participle of the following verb: bite bitted bited bitten bit.
Choose the correct past participle of the following verb: fly flown flied flyed flew.
We ______ of petrol and we _______ to walk home ran/have run out/ had ran out/have ran out/ had.
When it _________to rain, our dog _________ to come inside. started/wanted was starting/was wanting starts/wanted start/wanted started/wanted was starting/was wanting starts/wanted start/wanted.
Kim ____ her hand when she__________ her daughter's clothes. burning/was ironed burnt/was ironing burned/ironed was burning/ironed.
Choose the correct past participle of the following verb: sell sold sellen selled solden.
Choose the correct past participle of the following verb: fight fighten fighted foughten fought.
Choose the correct past participle of the following verb: bring bringen bringt broughten brought.
Choose the correct past participle of the following verb: flee fleewen fled fleed flow.
If you _____ punctual, we could start on time was were 'll be had being.
If you want to lose weight, you _____ eat less bread would 'd better wouldn't 'd better to.
If I ________ a higher salary, I probably would have stayed with the company had been offered were offered was offered were being offered.
If I _____ they were honest, I ___ gladly lend them some money knew/ 'd knew/would have 'd known/'d knew/ 'll.
If I _____ this match, I ________happy 'll win/ am win /am win/ 'll be 'll will/ 'll be.
If I ___ you, I ______ plant some more flowers around the house was/ 'd was/ 'd have were/will were/ 'd.
If I didn't like flying , I _____be a pilot wouldn't shan't won't didn't.
If I had known you were coming I ___________ had bought would bought would have bought would had bought.
If he ______the opportunity, he could have gone has had had have had had had.
This is the 15th time I ______to China 've been had been went was.
We have to use the stairs: the lift __________ broke down has broken down broken down has been breaking down.
Mary has lost her passport again. It's the second time it ________ is happened happened happens has happened.
Ann ________ to England four times already was going went had gone has gone.
After he _______painting, he _________________a shower finished/had had had finished/had had finished/had had finished /had.
We ____________ _______ to this holiday for ages. looked forward 've looked forward look forward 're looking forward.
I ____________ glasses for 30 years wear 've worn 'd worn wore.
This is the worst book I ______ read red 've ever read ever read.
I _________________ her since she was three years old I've been knowing 'm knowing know 've known.
____you ____each other long ? are/knowing have/know have been knowing do/know.
My daughter _____________ the piano since she was five. plays has plaied is playing has been playing.
Your eyes are red, _________ ? do you cry have you been crying have you cried have you cried.
Your eyes are red, _________ ? have you cried do you cry did you cry have you been crying ? have you cried do you cry did you cry have you been crying ?.
There ___________ be a post office here. use to 's used used to was used.
When Yukiko went to live in Germany, she _____there quickly. got used to living is getting used to live used to living used to live.
If you go to live in Australia you __________ on the left. 'll have to get used to driving 'd have to get used to 'll have to get used to drive ' d have had to get used to.
My friend Jill, from Thailand, usually finds our food tasteless because she _____spicy food is used to eating used to ate is used to eat used to eaten.
I ___________stay up, but now I always go to bed early used to get used to am used to would use.
I ___________ to eat raw fish but I do now. use didn't use was used didn't used.
We were sure that Kim and Trevor _______by the time we arrived. would leave would be leaving would have left left.
Peter was almost sure he _________his exam. would pass past was to pass pass.
Ann is writing a book. => A book _____________ by Ann. has been written is being written was written has being written.
Read the following active sentence: "Did anyone answer your question ?" Choose the correct passive sentence Has your question been answered ? Was your question answered? Is your question being answered ? Is your question answered ?.
Read the following active sentence:"They told the children to leave the classroom " Choose the passive one. The children were told to leave the classroom. The children are told to leave the classroom. None of the above The children were been told to leave the classroom.
Read the following active sentence:"Someone is teaching her Chinese" Choose the passive one. He is been taught English He is taught English None of the above He is being taught English.
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the passive voice. Mary would have told you. => You ____________ by Mary. would be told would have been told would told were being told.
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the passive voice. Mary would have told you. => You ____________ by Mary would have been told were being told would told would be told.
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the passive voice. Ann is writing a book. => A book _____________ by Ann has being written is being written was written has been written.
The best way __________. will be found will find will be found will be finded.
This movie ________ by millions of people were watched watched was watched has watched.
He ________________ by the professor not to talk in class. is told was being told told was told.
Do you know where Mary is ? She _____ be out: her bag is on the chair must could can't might.
You _______take insect repellant if you're coming near a lake. 'd better 'rather would better better better.
That's the second house they have bought this year. They _______ be very rich might must could can.
Which is the most defective verb ? It is ___________________ shall can will must .
If I had gone to the University of Tokyo, I _________ participated in their Japanese immersion program. will could have might can.
________we move in the dining room ? Lunch is served ! don't must will shall.
John __________hear the teacher because the students were talking so loudly might not can't shouldn't couldn't.
We ________not have bought enough biscuits for everyone may must need can.
You ______ worry, it'll be done no need don't need need not to need not.
You ___ eat or drink in the library. It is not allowed. needn't shouldn't mustn't didn't need.
I knew that we had enough bread and that I ______ any. needn't have got needn't need to got didn't need to buy needn't have bought .
I ______ my umbrella. It's turned out very sunny. didn't need to bring didn't need to buy didn't need to get needn't have brought.
You _________to pay to go into the museum. It was free. ought needn't should didn't need.
Unless you ______ over 18, she ___________ any cigarettes. aren't/ will sell are/ won't sell aren't / won't sell are/ will sell.
Unless the weather ______better, I __________ . got/ won't arrive doesn't get/ won't arrive gets/will arrive gets/ won't arrive.
It's about time you _______studying if you want to pass the exam. were started start would start started.
If only I _____ it before, I called him an egoist have known know known had known.
I am sorry I made you cry. I wish I ______remprimanded you. didn't couldn't hadn't wouldn't.
Do you wish you _____ taller and skinny ? were seem can be are.
t's time you _______ home. went were going gone go.
I refuse to go ______ you come with me if as long providing unless.
She is a very well-mannered person ________that you don't contradict her providing whether unless as long.
____ you're late, I'll leave without you. whether weather unless if.
I won't be able to do it ____ you help me. whether unless if in case.
Your friend talks a lot and you don't like it. What could you say ? If only he had been quiet! If only he is quiet! If only he will be quiet ! If only he would be quiet !.
If you want to catch the last bus, it's time you ________ left have left leave had left.
I wish you _____________ . [=you are being very slow] hurry up 'll hurry up would hurry up hurryed up.
It's time people _____ their attitude towards immigration. will change change have changed changed.
I live ____ 38, Salterton Road at in on by.
Please fill in the form _____pen with by in of.
What you do ______next Monday ? at of on x.
I live ____ Salterton Road in at on by.
He has a pain ___his chest into of on.
It was a chance ______a million and I got it by on of in.
Do you want to meet me ___ the park ___ lunchtime? at/at on/at in/at in/on.
I'm very good ____making speech in on with at.
He will go _____ London in a couple of months in at x to.
Mary argued ____ her brother _____ their property with/about with/on against/for at/for.
That house has been ___the market for three years of in on at.
There were numerous mistakes ________________ the test throughout beneath alongside among.
It's very sensible ______you not telling him your sister's secret of with on for.
Why do people talk to pets ______that stupid voice ? in at on for.
I am leaving ___ the afternoon.I am coming back_____Sunday evening. I'll be there ___ the whole weekend. in/on/for x/x/x in/on/- at/on/for.
Is she Chinese ? For some reason I was _______ the impression that she was Korean over by on under.
We drove ________ the coastline of Italy next at along in.
Have you read anything ___ Ernest Hemingway ? on from of by.
My house is ____________ the school. over near next in front.
The main road will take you straight ____________ the city center into onto in at.
My grandparents lived in that same house ___ages. by for since from.
What's the English for "essere soddisfatto/compiaciuto di"? to be pleased upon to be pleased of to be pleased on to be pleased with.
What's the English for "essere colpito (favorevolmente) da qualcosa/qualcuno" ? to be impressed on/of to be impressed with/by to be impressed upon/on to be impressed of /on.
What's the English for "essere dispiaciuti di " to be sorry for to be sorry of to be sorry on to be sorry at.
My grandmother suffered ____ arthritis from in with on.
I was thinking _______ becoming a singer. of to for on.
Are you still fond ____ romantic films of on for in.
My sister wasn't very keen _____ going to the theatre in with for on.
We enjoyed our holiday but we were disappointed ___our hotel with in on of.
I'd like to be in charge ____ managing a company of in about on.
My classmate was very kind ____ me when I lost my cellular phone. of from to about.
I apologised _________ being late. of to on for.
It was really nice ____ you to lend me your suitcase. in from of with.
You ______that book. It is very boring. want like 're liking won't like shan't like.
It's so cold in here. I ____ the window 'm closing close 'll close 'm going to close.
Perhaps we _____ much traffic at this time are finding are not going to find will not find are not finidng.
I suppose they ________the house sell will sell 're going to sell are selling.
It's my mother's birthday next Tuesday, __________ her some flowers I buy I' m buying I'll buy I'm going to buy.
Jim called me yesterday and I ___________him this afternoon at 6 PM meet 'll meet am meeting would meet.
Do you have a minute ? I'm sorry _______in a couple of minutes I leave leaving 'll leave I'm about to leave.
I would like to finish my paper before it ______ dark. gets will get is getting get.
We're going to relax on the beach while we ________on holiday are shall be are being will be.
We 'll stay here until dad _______ returns is returning return will return.
George _____ is a pilot, flew To Amsterdam last week that x ,who who.
What is the name of the girl ______ dictionary I used last week ? which that who whose.
hat is the girl ____ sister is in my English class ,who whose that who.
My brother has a friend ___________ has met the President of the Italian Republic. whose which who where.
Choose the American equivalent for the British word "queue" linen line lain lane.
Choose the American equivalent for the British word "motorway" highroad highway motoroad highstreet.
I've got a new purse _______ is very small. whom who which whose.
Jim is the guy _______ helped me the day I got lost whose who's that wich.
My brother is _______ me elder then older than older then elder than.
Maria is the youngest girl ______her family on by of in.
I've decided to fire Mario Rossi. He arrived _____ for the meeting again late lately later more late.
It's late ! It's getting _______ more and dark more and more dark darker and darker most dark.
This hotel is quite cheap but that one is _____ . cheaper cheap cheapest more cheap.
This is __________expensive sweater in the store the least the lees the last the less.
My next-door neighbour has a beautiful car but my brother has the ______ one in the world. more beautiful beautiful beautifullest most beautiful.
Choose the correct prefix to make the following adjective negative in meaning: regular dis un ir in.
Choose the correct prefix to make the following adjective negative in meaning: rilevant in dis ir un.
Choose the correct prefix to build a new word: " ______shore" up dis off down up dis off down.
Choose the correct prefix to make the following adjective negative in meaning: agreeable non dis un in.
Choose the correct prefix to make the following adjective negative in meaning: honest des dis un in.
Choose the correct prefix to make the following adjective negative in meaning: pratical dis un im in.
Choose the word that can be placed after the word given hereinafter : "time" side light line ground.
Choose the word that can be placed after the word given hereinafter : "world" cube wide way ball.
Choose the correct prefix to build a new word: "______structure" side super over off.
Choose the correct prefix to build a new word: "______affected" dis under an up.
Choose the word that can be placed after the word given hereinafter : "back" type pack stream task.
"To smell a rat " means: to misunderstand to see a hidden meaning to suspect a trick to have an odor.
"jump out of the skin" means to be worried to be happy to be scared to be exultant.
What's the English for "perle ai porci" ? To cast pearls to pigs To cast pearls before swine To give pearls to swine To give pearls to an unworthy person.
What's the English for "avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca" ? Have your wife completely drunk Have your cake and eat it Have your barrel and hit it Have your wife as tight as a drum.
"make up your mind" means: avere nuove idee truccarsi farsi perdonare decidersi .
"make noise" means: fare rumore dare fastidio rendere noioso annoiare.
What's the English for "il silenzio è d'oro'" the silence is goldish silence is gold the silence is gold silence is golden.
"ring a bell" means it looks odd it sounds familiar someone is calling it plays a nice tune.
What's the English for " ride bene chi ride ultimo ?" have the last laugh have the last smile have the last grin have the latest laugh.
" A piece of cake" means something very sweet something very easy to eat something very easy to do something very soft.
"A red letter day" means: a formidable day a dangerous day an eventful day an important day.
What's the English for "il dado è tratto"? the die is cast the die is pulled the dice is cast the dice is drawn.
" to be on the ball" means to be fit to be in shape to be alert to be confused.
What is the Italian for "gentle" ? gente soffice delicato gentile.
What is the Italian for "firm" firma fabbrica firmatario azienda.
What is the Italian for "ape" approssimativo gorilla aperitivo ape.
What does "pace" mean ? passo piccolo pezzo pece.
What does "barracks" mean ? capanna caserma rifugio baracca.
I'd rather _______ in the eighteenth century than in the twentieth century. had lived lived would lived have lived.
What does "convenient" mean ? economico chi conviene convenienza utile.
What does "attic" mean ? appartamento di lusso soffitta appartamento all'ultimo piano attico.
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