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Inglese B Ecampus Ing Info

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Creation Date: 03/07/2024

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 117
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01. Geotagging is _____. tagging people in various places. / telling people where a location is by tagging it. Basically you add the geographical identification of a place to socail media. tagging people and places for geographical use.
Priscilla and Hector got married in 1975. They _____ for over forty years. married have been married were married are married.
We've been working in this country _____ . for five years five years ago from five years since five years.
Some species of animals _____ endangered for many years have are are being have been.
I went to an Italian restaurant and had _____. a delicous meat some delicious meat some delicious meats. one delicious meat.
Endangered species and animals in extinction have the same meaning. Endangered species are animales that are at risk of extinction. Extinct animals and plants are at risk of extinction. Extinct animals and plants are still alive. Endangered species are't alive anywhere in the world.
I _____ embarassed when a lady spotted me looking at her beautiful sandals. fell fell felt feel.
Many countries _____ the Paris climate deal. Many big fashion companies _____ that they would choose better materials and reduce waste and emissions. have signed / have promised had signed / have promised signed / have promised have signed / promised.
Fred _____ for the bus for more than twenty minutes: he's getting upset. waits has waited has been waiting is waiting.
Correct the mistake: Henry has been studying music from when he was a child. Henry has been studying music from he was a child. Henry has been studying music since he has been a child. Henry has been studying music since he was a child. Henry has studying music since he was a child.
I _____ petrol. Is there a gasoline station nearby? have run up have ran out of have run out of have run out.
You'll never believe this: I _____ my first boyfriend right here in New York during my holiday ran into ran to ran towards ran in.
The major cities _____ a solution for urban traffic yet can't find haven't found aren't finding didn't find.
Priscilla and Hector got married in 1975. They _____ for over forty years are married married were married have been married.
How do you manage your time when you’re on holiday? What does ‘manage’ imply? Manipulate your time. Organize your time. Check your time. Order your time.
It’s the worst nightmare holiday I’ve ever had. Weather was bad, food was insipid, roads were closed for the floods, and everything was expensive! What does ‘nightmare’ imply? An unpleasant situation. A night out. A Halloween leisure holiday. An unpleasant treat.
Jenny was not a talkative child, she _____ very shy had been used to be use to be has been.
We were walking along the Thames River when we came _____ Nigel, an old classmate! about through into across.
She _____ German when she's with her parents. Unfortunately, her boyfriend doesn't understand it. is use to speaking is used to speak is using to speaking is used to speaking.
I called so many times Felicia. I needed to ask you a favour. What _____ when I _____ you? did you do / was calling did you do / called were you doing / called were you doing / was calling.
Ned _____ on holidays to Spain every summer when he was a child. had gone use to go used to go has gone.
_____ to bed early when you were a child? Did you use to go Did you used going Were you used to go Did you used to go.
Do you usually pick up souvenirs when travelling? What is the meaning of 'pick up something' in this sentence? To identify or recognize something. To collect something from the floor/ground. To go soewhere in your car and collect somebody. To collect something from a place.
Tourists usually get _____ when they are on holiday. ripped off ripped up ripped at ripped down.
_____ you _____ the US every year? You changed destination. Didn't / use to go to Didn't / use to go Didn't / go to Didn't / used to go to.
The flight I was supposed to catch has been _____. delayed deleted in late late.
The major cities _____ a solution for urban traffic yet didn't find can't find haven't found aren't finding.
Walter likes sports cars, but he hasn’t got _____ to buy one. too much money enough money the enough money money enough.
My teacher always says that when I usually don’t understand a word in a text, I _____ . should look after it. should look for it. should look it up. should look up to it.
_____ I open the door? It looks like there is no breeze coming through the window and it's stuffy! Should Shall Shouldn't Must.
____ you please help me with my homework? Could Must Shall Might.
Jack and Jill are _____ to buy cigarettes. too much young too young not enough young enough young.
I love shopping, however, I _____ new clothes … I’ve got so many! shouldn't take shouldn't to buy mustn't buy shouldn't buy.
It’s a beautiful jacket! The colour suits you too. It _____ a lot! will cost can cost must have cost must to cost.
Fred _____ for the bus for more than twenty minutes: he's getting upset. waits has been waiting has waited is waiting.
Correct the mistake: Henry has been studying music from when he was a child Henry has been studying music since he has been a child. Henry has been studying music from he was a child. Henry has been studying music since he was a child. Henry has studying music since he was a child.
Belinda is _____ to retire, she has been working for thirty-five years. too old enough old too young old enough.
I have to confess. I like buying! Even if I have a similar object at home, whether it’s clothes or furniture, I have to buy another one. Let’s face it: I’m a self-confessed shopaholic and I might have got this trait from my aunt Jill. What is the meaning of ‘shopaholic’? A person who enjoys shopping very much and does it a lot. A person who enjoys drinking alcohol and does it occasionally. A person who enjoys shopping and drinking. /.
My eldest son keeps on throwing money down the _____, buying useless stuff for his girlfriends! roof day ends drain.
When we say that a person is stingy we mean that they are _____ not generous. generous. loaded. have enough money to spend on things you need.
Do you like browsing the shops and going from one place to another to find your perfect deal? You probably would like to buy that latest cell phone that has been recently advertised on TV, but that costs an arm and a leg at your local shop. What does ‘cost an arm and a leg’ mean? A lot of money (for me). It's expensive for everyone! The price is reasonable. The cost is reasonably high.
I _____ a birthday cake for your girlfriend, if you want am making make will make am going to make.
If you need a helping hand, call me and_____ over I am I come I'll come I'm coming.
The uncontrolled expansion of urban areas is a modern problem that is _____ the environment. threatening dying deathening treating.
Many countries _____ the Paris climate deal. Many big fashion companies _____ that they would choose better materials and reduce waste and emissions. had signed / have promised signed / have promised have signed / promised have signed / have promised.
It is said that diners are more willing to tip more generously when it's a lovely sunny day and when romance is in the air. What is the meaning of 'diners'? A person who has a meal at a restaurant. A meal. A restaurant. A restaurant car.
What does it mean when we say that 'it’s raining cats and dogs'? It's a silly expression and doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything. There are a lot of cats and dogs out in the rain. It's raining heavily.
A: Shall we have a barbecue next Saturday? B: I don't think so. I heard the weather forecast today and they said that it _____. is going to rain is raining will go rain rains.
Mid term exams are not as difficult as the final ones, _____? are they aren't they they are they aren't.
I can't go to my friend's party because I _____ to Scotland. travelling can travel am travelling travel.
_____ with rain. Let's close the windows It's pouring It is pour It has pour It pours.
They're going home tomorrow, _____? they aren't they are aren't they are they.
Don't worry about your brother, he _____ fine. He's always wanted to go live abroad. will be will being will is will have.
You can trust me: I _____ a soul won't to tell won't told won't tell won't say.
The exam _____ next Saturday. will being is be is being will be.
I realized that I _____ my schoolbag on the bus only when I got to school. forgot had forgotten forgotten have forgotten.
The train _____ when we got to the station left had just left had leave has just left.
You shouldn't eat _____ cream and cheese: they're _____. many of / fattening much / fattening much / fats many / fats.
I drink coffee eveyday: I think I'm addicted to it. I should cut down on eating ready-prepared food, but I hardly have the time to prepare it. My husband and I both work until late hours, so it's convenient for us. We put it in the microwave and voilà: dinner is served in no time at all. What does 'cut down on' mean? To get rid of something. To use it in pieces. To use less of something. To get it cut into slices.
How to get the very first vitamins of the day? By drinking a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice. What is the meaning of 'freshly-squeezed orange juice'? It's juice that has been pressed out of a frozen fuit (oranges). It's frozen juice that has been pressed out of a fresh fruit (oranges). It's juice that has been recently pressed out of a fresh fruit (oranges). It's juice (oranges) that is fresh from the fridge.
We have _____ time: hurry up! much few not little.
I'm coming down with the flu: could you give me _____? some advives a piece advice an adivce some advice.
When I came back home I realized that I _____ the windows open all day have left had left did leave left.
I was watching a movie in German but didn't catch _____ of what they were saying. Perhaps only the most common phrases! lots of many any much.
I _____ back from the supermarket when I remembered that I _____ any wine for dinner had only come / hadn't bought had just come / didn't buy have just come / hadn't bought had just come / hadn't bought.
Ned _____ on holidays to Spain every summer when he was a child. used to go had gone has gone use to go.
I called Felicia so many times. I needed to ask you a favour. What _____ when I _____ you? did you do / called were you doing / called were you doing / was calling did you do / was calling.
While I _____ the train I realized I _____ the wrong bag with me was getting / took got on / was taking was getting on / was taking was getting on / took.
What is the meaning of this sentence: Stefy was disappointed with the people working at the tourist office because they gave her little information? Stefy didn't give enough information. Stefy couldn't give enough information because she didn't work at the tourist office. Stefy was expecting more information than what she actually got. The people waiting at the tourist office received less than expected.
_____ to bed early when you were a child? Were you used to go Did you use to go Did you used going Did you used to go.
We were walking along the Thames River when we came _____ Nigel, an old classmate! about into through across.
She _____ German when she's with her parents. Unfortunately, her boyfriend doesn't understand it. is used to speaking is use to speaking is using to speaking is used to speak.
How do you manage your time when you’re on holiday? What does ‘manage’ imply? Check your time. Manipulate your time. Organize your time. Order your time.
Jenny was not a talkative child, she _____ very shy. use to be has been used to be had been.
The flight I was supposed to catch has been _____. deleted late delayed in late.
Do you usually pick up souvenirs when travelling? What is the meaning of 'pick up something' in this sentence? To identify or recognize something. To collect something from a place. To collect something from the floor/ground. To go soewhere in your car and collect somebody.
Tourists usually get _____ when they are on holiday. ripped at ripped down ripped up ripped off.
_____ you _____ the US every year? You changed destination. Didn't / use to go Didn't / use to go to Didn't / used to go to Didn't / go to.
It’s a beautiful jacket! The colour suits you too. It _____ a lot! will cost must have cost can cost must to cost.
Jack and Jill are _____ to buy cigarettes. enough young too young too much young not enough young.
_____ I open the door? It looks like there is no breeze coming through the window and it's stuffy! Shall Must Shouldn't Should.
My teacher always says that when I usually don’t understand a word in a text, I _____ . should look for it. should look after it. should look it up. should look up to it.
Belinda is _____ to retire, she has been working for thirty-five years. old enough too young enough old too old.
I love shopping, however, I _____ new clothes … I’ve got so many! shouldn't buy mustn't buy shouldn't take shouldn't to buy.
When we say that a person is stingy we mean that they are _____ not generous. loaded. have enough money to spend on things you need. generous.
____ you please help me with my homework? Could Must Might Shall.
Walter likes sports cars, but he hasn’t got _____ to buy one. enough money the enough money too much money money enough.
I have to confess. I like buying! Even if I have a similar object at home, whether it’s clothes or furniture, I have to buy another one. Let’s face it: I’m a self-confessed shopaholic and I might have got this trait from my aunt Jill. What is the meaning of ‘shopaholic’? A person who enjoys drinking alcohol and does it occasionally. / A person who enjoys shopping very much and does it a lot. A person who enjoys shopping and drinking.
Do you like browsing the shops and going from one place to another to find your perfect deal? You probably would like to buy that latest cell phone that has been recently advertised on TV, but that costs an arm and a leg at your local shop. What does ‘cost an arm and a leg’ mean? The price is reasonable. It's expensive for everyone! A lot of money (for me). The cost is reasonably high.
My eldest son keeps on throwing money down the _____, buying useless stuff for his girlfriends! roof ends day drain.
Don't worry about your brother, he _____ fine. He's always wanted to go live abroad will is will be will have will being.
You can trust me: I _____ a soul. won't tell won't told won't to tell won't say.
The exam _____ next Saturday. will being is be will be is being.
_____ with rain. Let's close the windows. It's pouring It pours It is pour It has pour.
They're going home tomorrow, _____? aren't they are they they aren't they are.
I can't go to my friend's party because I _____ to Scotland travelling can travel travel am travelling.
Shall we have a barbecue next Saturday? B: I don't think so. I heard the weather forecast today and they said that it _____. will go rain is going to rain is raining rains.
Mid term exams are not as difficult as the final ones, _____? they aren't are they aren't they they are.
If you need a helping hand, call me and_____ over. I'll come I come I am I'm coming.
It is said that diners are more willing to tip more generously when it's a lovely sunny day and when romance is in the air. What is the meaning of 'diners'? A meal. A restaurant car. A restaurant. A person who has a meal at a restaurant.
I _____ a birthday cake for your girlfriend, if you want. am going to make will make make am making.
The train _____ when we got to the station. had leave left has just left had just left.
I couldn't get _____ done yesterday. I had _____ time to do my homework much / much many / much much / little many / little.
I drink coffee everyday: I think I'm addicted to it. I should cut down on eating ready-prepared food, but I hardly have the time to prepare it. My husband and I both work until late hours, so it's convenient for us. We put it in the microwave and voilà: dinner is served in no time at all. What does 'cut down on' mean? To get rid of something. To get it cut into slices. To use less of something. To use it in pieces.
You _____ any weight unless you _____ some regular exercises. will lose any / do won't lose / will do won't lose / do will lose some / d.
When I come back from my holidays _____much more relaxed. I'll feel I feel I'll feel like I'll like.
I studied hard in these last months _____ I passed the Maths exam if since so because.
They built new facilities for children in the area. New facilities _____ for children in the area. are being built are built were built were being built.
They hadn't told the referee that the game was put off. The referee _____ that the game was put off wasn't been told hadn't been told wasn't told hadn't told.
_____ you study, you won't pass final term. If not Unless Unless you don't If.
Alice _____ to school unless her mom allows her to wear her new white boots doesn't want to go will be will go won't go.
I met Casia yesterday at the mall and asked her if she _____ to the party. was coming came comes coming.
If you heat ice, it _____ . would melt is melting melts will melt.
Although she _____ very well, Rose won the match in three sets wasn't playing isn't playing doesn't play didn't play.
A typical morning workout consists of a 12-kilometer paddle, a 10k run, and weight training. What is the meaning of 'workout'? / A period of apprenticeship. A period of physical exercise. A period of work in a gym.
Unusual news: This news is about a stunt. Two wingsuit flyers do the stunt. They jump from a mountain in Switzerland. A plane flies around the mountain. Its door is open. The two men fly into the plane. What is a 'wingsuit flyer'? A wingsuit flyer flies being pulled by an aircraft. A wingsuit flyer is a person who puts on particular wings and flies. A wingsuit flyer is a person who launches from a veicle and falls onto the ground using a parachute. A wingsuit flyer is a person who 'flies' wearing a particular suit made of nylon.
Liverpool managed to _____ Manchester in the last minute of the match. beat beating win winning.
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