

Title of test:
INGLESE Economia Ecampus

Test Vecchiato Set 2024

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Creation Date: 23/09/2024

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 212
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'___ happy?' 'Yes, ___' Do you be/i do Are you/I am You are/ am I Are you/ I'm.
Donald ___ the cooking on Sundays doesn't do not do doesn't not does.
___ my bike in the park when it ___ raining had ridden/had started rode/started rode/was starting was riding/started.
'What ___ to you?' 'I ___ off the ladder while I ___ the windows was happening/was falling/was cleaning happened/was falling/cleaned did it happen/have fallen/cleaned happened/fell/was cleaning.
Who ___ that bunch of roses? did it buy did buy was buying bought.
Mum ___ to me to clean my room spoken spoke told said.
Last night, Ted ___ the table lain laid lies lay.
When we were on holiday, we ___ for two hours every day was walking walked walk have walked.
I have ____ an e-mail to Mr Johnson writed write written wrote.
She is ___ babyish as such so sucha a.
They sat for two hours without talking to ___ their own themselves them each other.
___ is she going out ___? With who/X Whom/X Who/with Who with/X.
I'm sorry, I've got really ___ time to talk to you! Can we meet tomorrow few less a least little.
It isn't ___ to go for a picnic warmer enough warm much warm warm enough.
I'm sorry, I've got really ___ time to talk to you! Can we meet tomorrow? little less few a least.
Apples cost eighty cents ___. each each other some every.
wouldn't do what they say: in my opinion it's a bad ___. pieces of advice advice piece of advice piece of advices.
___ is keen on foreign languages Student Children Charles Teachers.
Where can I leave my ___? luggage two items of luggages two pieces of luggage two piece of luggage.
I hope you had a good ___. travel voyage journey trips.
The Aurora Borealis ___ in the Southern Hemisphere, is not an entirely understood phenomenon. which cannot be seen , which is never seen , which it is never seen that it cannot be seen.
Janet studies the same subjects ___ Tom than as like of.
___ order to stay ___ business, you must do better than your competitors In/in On/on On/in In/on.
What is the phonetic transcription of 'conversation'? /ˌ cɒn.vərˈ seɪ.ʃon/ /ˌ kɒn.vəˈ seɪ.ʃən/ /ˌ kɒn.vərˈ se.ʃion/ /ˌ cɒn.vəˈ se.ʃən/.
'___' and 'right' are homophones wait with write white.
What is the phonetic transcription of 'morning'? /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ/ /ˈmɔːr.nɪng/ /ˈmɔː.nɪng/ /ˈmɔːr.nɪŋg/.
___ is someone employed by an insurance company to value losses and to settle claims. Loss adjuster Third party Policy holder Insurance broker.
___ refers to legal obligations arising out of a professional's errors, negligent acts, or omissions during the course of the practice of his or her craft. personal liability employer's liability professional liability public liability policy.
IKEA is a multinational corporation with ___ and offices across the globe, but its corporate ___ is located in Sweden shares/headquarters shops/headquarter stores/headquarters stocks/headmasters.
A bank ____ is an arrangement with a bank where the customer puts in and ____ money from counter/gives back account/withdraws accounter/rethrow loan/lets.
The ___ increases will ___ into effect in June wages/enter wage/come prize/come price/enter.
____ is paid in relation to how much you earn Inheritance tax Indirect tax Inverted tax Income tax.
He sings ___ his mother did. as such as so like.
I prefer tea ___ coffee. than to over more.
She is disappointed ___ her current job. for with from ok.
It is very kind ___ you ___ me tonight of/inviting from/inviting of/to invite to/to invite.
We can't go ___ because it is raining ___. everywhere/hardly anywhere/hard nowhere/hard somewhere/hardly.
I ___ an e-mail by Jane. have been sending have not be sent have not sent have not been sent.
I'll be back tomorrow unless ___ a plane strike there is there will be there will not be be there isn't.
___ in this office? How many people work How much persons work How much do people work How many does people work.
Unless a public official ___ with the regulations, he can be removed from office at any time. doesn't comply will not comply will comply complies.
I wouldn't do what they say: in my opinion it's a bad ___. advice pieces of advice piece of advice piece of advices.
A country's national/public is the total amount of money that is owed by its government debt profit health wealth.
There is only one ___ of some value. The rest is all junk pieces of furniture furniture piece of furniture furnitures.
I only need two more ___. informations pieces of informations pieces of information piece of information.
They have made ___ in this country since last time I was here. an incredible progress incredible progresses incredible progress some incredible progresses.
It is ___ that I can't understand. behaviours a behaviour a type of behaviour a kind of behaviours.
You speak ___ English a very good well very good very well.
The tornado caused ___. damages great damages great damage a great damage.
___ nine o'clock. ___ only ten minutes to departure Is/X it is/it is they are/they are it is/there are.
We must buy some new ___ for our flat piece of furnitures furniture furnitures piece of furniture.
___ ravioli ___ really delicious he/is X/is hese/are this/is.
There ___ a lot of people standing outside the cinema was is are aren't.
The staff in this office ___ very helpful seem are is seems to be.
All my family ___ skiing enjoy enjoys loves likes.
___ a very difficult subject Economic is Economics are Economic are Economics is.
What was ___ weather like in Spain? the some a X.
___ plants don't grow easily here: ___ soil is too dry. X/X the/the X/the The/X.
My uncle lives in___ New York in ___ USA. His flat is near ___ Empire State Building X/the/the X/X/the X/X/X X/the/X.
___Sri Lanka is ___ island that lies in___ Indian Ocean X/the/X the/an/the the/an/X X/an/the.
___ give us ___. the cows/the milk cows/milk the cow/the milk a cow/milk.
___ Great Britain includes ___ England, ___ Scotland and ___ Wales X/X/X/X he/X/X/X The/the/the/the X/the/the/the.
That house has ___ stone roof some X a the.
You need ___ permit to park here. the a X any.
Jane is wearing ___ black dress and is carrying ___ black bag in ___ hand and ___ big suitcase a/a/a/a X/a/one/a X/X/a/a a/a/one/a.
Last week, we had ___awful weather. a an X some.
___ day, I will buy ___ house in London. A/X one/a one/an a/a.
Look! It is getting dark. There are lots of clouds in ___ sky. to X the a.
We went out for ___ meal yesterday. We had ___ Mexican food the/some a/a a/X the/a.
Can you imagine ___ life in a big town without ___ electricity? the/the the/X X/X X/the.
Last month, I went to ___ Morocco in ___ North Africa the/X the/the X/X X/the.
___ Sicily is ___ island in ___ Mediterranean Sea. he/an/the The/the/the X/an/the X/an/X.
___ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in ___ Asia X/the X/X The/the the/X.
Do you like ___ ice cream? an a the X.
___ day, I will buy ___ house in London. one/a one/an A/X A/a.
Jack is in ___ hospital. He had ___ temperature and __ cough. the/X/X the/the/the X/a/a X/the/the.
___ chess is ___ game that requires ___ great concentration X/a/a X/a/X X/a/the The/the/the.
John plays ___ piano. the to the at X.
I have ___ terrible headache. I'm not going to ___ school today. X/X the/the a/X a/the.
James has applied for ___ scholarship at ___ Harvard University the/the a/the a/X X/the.
___ are animals that can talk. parrot A parrots parrots The parrots.
___ is on strike at present. one secretary of Mr Taylors one of Mr Taylor's secretaries one of Mr Taylor's secretary one of Mr Taylor secretary.
___ is Turkish one friend of my father one of my father friends one of my father's friends one friends of my father's.
Your ___ eyes are beautiful. mothers's mother mother's mother'.
The police are questioning the ___. thievs thieves thiefs thiefes.
___ house is near the football stadium. They got married last week John and Helen's John' and Helen's John's and Helen John's and Helen's.
There are ___ on the ___ of the tree birds/branchs birds/branches the birds/branch bird/branchs.
Are you going to the ___? Please, buy some bread. baker' baker's baker bakery's.
John isn't ___ honest man. a an the some.
They have ___ Spain on holiday five times. gone in been in been to gone to.
Julie ___ Rome twice this year has been to has been in went to has gone to.
John and Mary ___ for six months. got married have got married have married married.
He hasn't been to his grandparents' house ___ last summer ago for just since.
The Robinsons don't live here anymore. They ___ to Liverpool two years ago. moved were moved have moved was moving.
Oliver isn't here at the moment. He ___ to the bank. has been at has been has gone has arrived.
I ___ that book, yet haven't red haven't read read haven't readed.
Jack ___ football for a big team when he ___ younger. played/has been is playing/was played/was has played/was.
You can't see Herman before Friday, because he ___ on a business trip has been to has gone to went has gone.
I ___ letters all the morning have already type have been typing have been typed have been type.
Peter ___ sleepy. He ___ a nap. is/hasn't had isn't/hasn't had has/hasn't done has/hasn't.
___ if ___ the cake? Have you checked/has Sally baked You know/has Sally baked You checked/has Sally baked Have you checked/Sally has baked.
Harry ___ to the sports centre and won't be back until 5 o'clock has gone went is gone has been.
When ___? did you born were you born did you be born you were born.
I ___ my wallet on the train. loose lost losed lose.
I want o sell these three ___. some item of forniture item of furniture items of furniture items of furnitures.
____ is a small amount of money kept in the company's office for buying cheap items. Pretty cash Petty money Petty cash Pretty money.
The ___ increases will ___ into effect in June. wages/enter wage/come price/enter prize/come.
___ is the insured person who pays the premiums and has the right to claim under a policy a policy holder a loss adjuster an underwriter an insurance broker.
___ refers to a company reorganized by a specialist from outside the company, because of serious financial difficulties Liquidation Administration Bankruptcy Receivership.
He has a degree in ___. Economic Economics economy Economy.
Sixty percent of the perfume price is ___ for the retailer operating profit windfall profit gross profit pure profit.
Hard ___ is money of a type that has a value in other countries than its own currency cash money note.
A person's purchasing ___ is their ability to buy goods. skill ability power opportunity.
What is the English for 'detrazione d'imposta'? tax allowance tax permission taxation permission tax detraction.
They have taken ___ a 30-year mortgage. in on out off.
It is an attractive home and I think it is a real ___. business affaire bargain fare.
___ is the money given by the government for education, welfare, and so on. grant mortgage credit card loan/lets.
European negotiators have asked Greek debt holders to accept a 60 per cent cut in the ___ of their bonds face value sureable valurìe current value actual value.
__ provides cover in case a member of the public has an accident professional liability employer's liability personal liability public liability policy.
If your account is ___, you can be said to be in the red. refund overdrawn withdrawn overthrown.
____is a person skilled in the insurance business who has the power to accept risks for the company and to fix rates and conditions of insurance contracts. a loss adjuster a policy holder an underwriter an insurance broker.
___ is a person or company to whom a legal liability for compensation is owed for loss or injury resulting from a negligent act of someone who is insured Insurance broker Underwriter Third party Policy holder.
How do you spell '98,765'? ninety-eight hundred, seven thousand and sixty-five ninety-eight, seventy-six and five ninety-eight point seven hundred sixty-five ninety-eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty-five.
___ is the state of a company having no money and controlled by an official receiver. This state offers virtually no advantages from the company directors' standpoint. Administration Bankruptcy Receivership Liquidation.
What is the spelling of /naɪf/? knife knight knit night.
What is the phonetic transcription of 'economy'? /ɪˈ cɒnomy/ /ɪˈ cɒnəmi/ /ɪˈ kɒnəmi/ /eˈ kɒnomi/.
Liz ___home and then____ dinner get/cook got/cooked gotten/cooked got/cookt.
My team ____the match last night. has won won winned went.
Susan____ to work when she____ a flat tyre was riving/was getting was riving/was getting drove/was getting was driving/got.
Yesterday, it_____ to rain at 7 a.m. was beginning beginned begun began.
Where_____ your holiday this summer? you went did you spend did you go did you spent.
She _____to buy the tickets, because the admittance was free had didn't have didn't had not had.
Tim and Lucy___ two years___ . married/later married/after married/ago got married/ago.
Mum ____ to me to clean my room. spoken told spoke said.
Tom____ . have just arrived just has arrived has just arrived has arrived just.
This is the best film I ____ . have never watched have ever watched watched ever watched.
I____ your cousin for ages didn't met not met didn't meet haven't met.
John____ house has already moved have already moved moved already has moved already.
We _____Madrid twice so far this year been in gone to have been to went at.
She has ____ to the hairdresser's twice a week. been gone get got.
John ____ Mary six months ago. got married has married has got married married.
The Robinsons don't live here anymore. They____ to Liverpool two years ago moved were moved have moved was moving.
The Robinsons don't live here anymore. They____ to Liverpool for two years were moved have moved moved were moving.
James and Lynn ____ New York for a few days. They are coming back tomorrow has gone has been to have gone to have been to.
Last Sunday, Tony ___ to spend the day at the seaside decided has decided was deciding had decided.
After she _____ the washing, it started raining. has hanged out hung out had hung out hung out.
The children ____ their homework by the time their mum came home finished have finished finish had finished.
She ____ her room before John came back. had tidied has tidied tidied tidies.
I have been waiting for you for ____ hour any an a some.
The ____ stop near the police station buses busses buss bus.
Put those ____ into the washing machine. handkerchievs handkerchiefs handkerchieves handkerchiefes.
I've got toothache. I need to go to the ____ . dentists dentist dentist's dentist'.
Did you read ____ ? yesterday newspaper the newspaper of yesterday yesterday' newspaper yesterday's newspaper.
I read ten____ in my book page pages papers pags.
___are___where you learn. theschools/a place schools/place school/a place schools/places.
Please, help me wash ____ after lunch dishes the dishs the dishes dishs.
This pair of ____ is new. nylon's socks nylon' socks nylon socks socks of nylon.
Let's go to ____ country by ____ bicycle tomorrow! X/the the/X X/X the/the.
I have to go _____ hospital to visit my aunt. to a to to the X.
I like to spend my holidays in ____ mountains in ____ summer the/X X/X X/the the/the.
I always do some jogging after ____ work: it's relaxing much the X a.
I like travelling by ____ sea, particularly when ____ sea is a little tough. the/the X/the the/X X/X.
It is very dangerous to travel ____ Sahara. across across the in in the.
I am looking for ____ new house with ____ garden. X/X X/a a/X a/a.
My house have ____ garden, so I can keep ____ pet. X/a a/a X/X a/X.
We spent ____ day in Athens before going to Sepses a one some an.
Last week, we had ____ awful weather a an X some.
____ courage is not one of my virtues Some X The A.
I haven't got ____ courage to speak to him. the a X no.
My mother loves ____ apples with ____ cheese X/X X/the the/X the/the.
Jane knows that ____ my favourite subject. the Maths are Maths is Math is the maths is.
I'm afraid ____ dogs of X about the of the.
Let's not wait for the coach. ____ two miles to the village. there is They are it is there are.
How many people ____ queuing outside the cinema? are is has been was.
The team ____ confident of winning the match seems to be seems is are.
The staff in this office ___ very helpful is seems to be are seem.
The Taylors' ____ on the train. luggage are baggages are baggage are baggage is.
Six months ____ not a long time. were is are won't be.
Seventy miles ____ a long distance when there were no cars. is was were arw.
Where ___ your ____ ? is/luggage are/luggage are/luggages is/luggages.
If your ____ weak, new hopes are opening up for you. hairs has been hair is hairs are hair are.
She is ____ a baby. so such as such as.
He was respected by the people ___ he worked ___ . with/to x/with with who/X with/X.
Oil ___ if you ____ it on water. will float/ will pour floats/will pour floats/pour will float/pour.
I___ the morning with you, if you ____ . would spend/like will spend/like spend/like spend/will like.
That dolphins were once land animals ____ by examinig their skeletal structure. were seen can be seen can see are seen.
Have you got ____ cheaper than this ____ a present? anything / as anything/like something / as something /such as.
____angry with John Nobody were Every body were Everybody was Everybody were.
I don't know ____ about what ____ yesterday. anything/has happened anything/happened anything/to happen something/happened.
It was _____ afternoon that we stopped playing a very cold so cold very cold such a cold.
Markets include mechanisms or means for determining ____ of the traded item. prize costs valor price.
As an investor in Ford, I received a ___ of $0.25 a share at the end of April after Ford drastically exceeded its ___estimates. profit/assets revenue/liability venue/earnings dividend/earnings.
Free ____ is an economic system in which private businesses compete with each other. exchangeì over-the-counter stock market.
An organization which is ___ does not make profit intentionally. (usually charity) non-profit not-profit no profit no-profit.
How do you write in English figure 'Ten thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven'? 10900870 10,900,87 10987 10,987.
How do you spell '18,098'? eighteen thousands and ninety eight eighteen thousand and ninety-eight eighteen thousand ninety eight eighty hundred, nineteen eight.
A system of exchanging goods for other goods rather than for money is called ___ . barrister bartender barter barnship.
____ covers a range of possibilities if your business is your livelihood. professional liability employer's liability personal liability public liability policy.
____ means that when an employee has an accident at work, he can claim compensation. professional liability employer's liability public liability policy personal liability.
What is the phonetic transcription of 'first'? /ˈ fəːr:st/ /ˈ fəː st/ /ˈ fɜː st/ /ˈ fiː st/.
Have you ___ come in? just for yet since.
Anna ___ that from now on she will recycle paper and plastic decides has decided was deciding decided .
A bad attack of flu often ____ people up longer than we think lay lays lain lies .
I am doing ___ unit in my exercise book an some the a.
I always do some jogging after ___ work: it's relaxing much the X a.
I enjoyed very much the____ from Genoa to Haifa travel trip voyage piece of travels.
Public transportation vehicles are what ____ as a chief cause of the deterioration of the ozone. have identified many ecologists many ecologists have identified have many ecologists identified identified many ecologists .
He was respected by the people ____ he worked ____ . with/to x/with with who/X with/X.
I ___ the morning with you, if you ____ . would spend/like will spend/like spend/like spend/will like.
There is ___ soup in the pot. little any few small.
I don't know ___ about what ____ yesterday. anything/has happened anything/happened anything/to happen something/happened.
What is a synonym of tariff? fine revenue fare fee.
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