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Micro integrator


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In which scenario can asynchronous messaging be used? Delegate the request to some external system for processing Ensure delivery of a message to an external system Throttle message rates between two systems All of the above.
2. Which of these is a tool used to do administrative tasks in Micro Integrator? a. Micro Integrator Dashboard b. Micro Integrator CLI c. Both d. None of the above.
3. What is NOT a key feature of the Micro Integrator? a. Message Routing b. Message Transformation c. Service Orchestration d. Identity management.
4. Select an appropriate answer to complete the sentence: Micro Integrator can take an incoming message via HTTP and send it out to a JMS queue. This is an example scenario of __________ a. Protocol switching b. Data integration c. File processing d. Message routing.
5. What is the correct way to parameterize an API context path in Micro Integrator? a. /customers/{customerId} b. /customers/$customerId c. /customers/_customerId d. /customers/{$customerId}.
6. The following details have been given about an API. Name: PetStore; API Context: /store; Resources: a) GET /pet/{petId} b) POST /pets c) GET /pets; Which sentence is correct? a. A GET request to the /store/pet/123 path will be received by the Resource A b. A GET request to the /pet/123 path will be received by the Resource A c. A POST request to the /store/pet/123 path will be received by the Resource A d. A GET request to the /store/pets/123 path will be received by the Resource C.
7. Which collection contains the mediators that are available in the Micro Integrator? a. Call mediator, Log mediator, Respond mediator, Drop mediator b. Call mediator, Envelope mediator, Drop mediator, Fall mediator c. Call mediator, Send mediator, Transport mediator, Data mediator d. Post mediator, Get mediator, Put mediator, Delete mediator.
8. Select an appropriate answer to complete the sentence: A ______ evaluates message content against regular expressions and invokes the corresponding mediator in Micro Integrator. a. Log mediator b. Call mediator c. Switch mediator d. Respond mediator.
9. Which is a protocol switching example in Micro Integrator? a. HTTP to JMS b. AMQP to HTTP c. TCP to HTTP All of the above.
10. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “A connector is self contained and independent.” a. TRUE b. FALSE.
11. What are the module types you need to create inside an integration project when using connectors in Integration Studio? a. ESB Config Project, Connector Exporter Project, Composite Exporter Project b. ESB Config Project, Connector Exporter Project, Docker Exporter Project c. Connector Exporter Project, Docker Exporter Project, Registry Resource project d. Connector Exporter Project, Kubernetes Exporter project, Registry Resource project.
12. Which format is NOT supported when mapping SQL query results in Data Services in Micro Integrator? a. JSON b. PDF c. RDF d. XML.
13. Which data source is supported in Micro Integrator Data services? a. RDMS b. MongoDB c. CSV files All of the above.
14. Select an appropriate answer to complete the sentence: With the ______, you can add breakpoints or skip points on the mediators where debugging is required in Integration Studio/Micro Integrator. a. Mediation debugger b. Wire logs c. HTTP client d. Log mediator.
15. What is NOT an endpoint state? a. Active b. Timeout c. Suspended d. Terminated.
16. What are the fields you have to fill when creating a mock service in Unit Test Suite? a. Response Status Code b. Header Name c. Header Value All of the above.
17. What are the artifacts that are NOT supported by Unit Testing Framework? a. Scheduled Task b. Mediation Sequences c. Proxy Services d. API.
18. Which of these is NOT a valid command when using Command Line Tool to manage a Micro Integrator instance? Login Logout Activate Download.
19. Which of these artifacts CANNOT be activated from the Micro Integrator dashboard? a. Proxy Services b. Message Processors c. Endpoints d. REST API.
20. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “You can manage users in the external user store using Micro Integrator Dashboard.” True False.
21. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “Integration artifacts stored in your ESB Config module and supporting modules (Connector Exporter and/or Registry Resources) should be packaged in a Connector Exporter Project for deployment.” True False.
22. Which is the WSO2 recommended way to do Micro Integrator deployment in containers? a. Using Helm charts b. Using API (EI) operator c. Using Docker compose All of the above.
23. Which observability capability is available in Micro Integrator? a. Metrics b. Logs c. Tracing All of the above.
24. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “EI Analytics is a Metrics monitoring tool used in Classic Observability Solution in Micro Integrator.” True False.
25. Which is NOT a best practice regarding endpoints? a. Include environment details/versions when referencing an endpoint b. Use HTTP endpoint for RESTful service invocations c. Configure Timeout settings appropriately before moving to productions d. Always use named endpoints.
26. When creating artifacts in Integration Studio, what is the recommended naming convention that we should use? a. <ProjectName&gt;_<FileName&gt;_<ArtifactType&gt;.<Extension&gt; b. <ArtifactType&gt;_<ProjectName&gt;_<FileName&gt;.<Extension&gt; c. <FileName&gt;_<ArtifactType&gt;_<ProjectName&gt;.<Extension&gt; d. <FileName&gt;_<ProjectName&gt;_<ArtifactType&gt;.<Extension&gt;.
27. Which Message Builder can be used to pass messages without building or processing unless specifically requested? a. BinaryRelayBuilder b. JsonStreamBuilder c. PlainTextBuilder d. ApplicationXMLBuilder.
28. Which statement is correct regarding Message Formatters in Micro Integrator? a. They convert the AXIOM messages to on-the-wire messages b. They convert based on the content type of the outgoing message c. They serialize the messages All of the above.
29. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “Message relay enables Micro Integrator to pass messages without building or processing unless specifically requested.” True False.
30. Which of these is NOT considered as an extension point in Micro Integrator? a. Class mediator b. Custom inbound endpoints c. Synapse handlers d. Property mediator.
31. Which EIP pattern is supported natively in the Micro Integrator? a. Content Based Router b. Message Filter c. Message Splitter All of the above.
32. Which of the following is a behaviour of Inbound Endpoint? a. Listening b. Polling c. Event based All of the above.
33. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “Message stores and message processors are used to implement asynchronous messaging in Micro Integrator.” True False.
34. Select an appropriate answer to complete the sentence: A ____ sends a message out using static information or an endpoint definition in Micro Integrator. a. Log mediator b. Call mediator c. Switch mediator d. Respond mediator.
35. Which of these depicts the order of the high-level steps of creating a REST Data Service? a. Define Data service, Add Data source, Add Queries, Add RESTful resource b. Define Data service, Add Queries, Add RESTful resource, Add Data source c. Add RESTful resource, Add Data source, Define Data service, Add Queries d. Add RESTful resource, Add Data source, Add Queries, Define Data service.
36. Which of these is an INCORRECT statement regarding mediation debugging? a. It makes sure that independent mediation nits operate as expected b. It makes sure that the combination of units operate as expected c. Inspect message properties at intermediate points d. Encrypt/Decrypt properties inside the mediation units.
37. Which of these is NOT a functionality of Micro Integrator Dashboard? a. Monitor multiple Micro Integrator instances b. View details of deployed artifacts in Micro Integrator runtime c. View logs of Micro Integrator instances d. Update deployment.toml configuration file of a running Micro Integrator instance.
38. What is the name of the file that is created in a Kubernetes Exporter project (Operator mode) in Integration Studio which can used to specify the Kubernetes deployment? a. Integration_cr.yaml b. Api_cr.yaml c. Integration.yaml d. Api.yaml.
39. Which tool is NOT recommended in Cloud-Based Observability Solution for Micro Integrator? a. Prometheus b. Grafana c. Jaeger d. EI Analytics.
40. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “Prometheus is a Metrics monitoring tool used in Classic Observability solution in Micro Integrator.” True False.
41. What are the mediators that you can use after Send mediator in in-sequence? A – Respond mediator B – Loopback mediator a. Both are wrong b. A c. B d. Both A & B.
42. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? “Micro Integrator uses a YAML-based configuration model.” True False.
43. Which language is used to write a custom class mediator? a. JavaScript b. Java c. Python All of the above.
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