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Which of the following is a situation or problem that results in job stress for officers? Criminal Justice system organizational practices the public.
_____ stress is the result of an extremely stressful, catastrophic event.
which of the following is not a component of stress caused by undercover work loss of personal identity negative citizen reactions isolation fear of discovery.
which of the following is not a primary function of the EAP to reduce accidents to reduce absenteeism to reduce substance abuse to enchance overtime.
which of the following indicates that stress may be affecting officers misuse of firearms increased number of accidents nervous breakdowns.
which of the following is not an identifiable symptom of an officer with a drinking problem misuse of firearms increased number of accidents nervous breakdowns.
the EAP does not determine the treatment program follow-up testing appropriate disciplinary action to use.
__________ is the key to reducing officer stress.
which of the following is not one of the effects of stress on police officers overprotective of their families emotional exhaustion contempt for the department hardening of their emotions.
the problem of stress is exacerbated in police because officers are reluctant to _______.
which is not a category of training for police officers basic academy field training trial and error in-service training.
basic training provides all but which of the following skills training commitment to law enforcement field training socialization to unofficial boundaries.
the more educated police officers are, the more likely they are to _____.
to become a good supervisor/trainer, which of the following characteristics is not necessary coaching ability demeaning attitude mentoring patience.
which is the least effective method used to train new recruits problem solving one-way communications hands-on training teleconferencing.
following completion of the police academy, a patrol officer is commonly assigned to a ______.
which of the following is true of officers with higher education they are more critical of management they are less insubordinate they have better peer relations they have fewer citizen complaints.
which of the following is a training tool that makes training more meaningful and long lasting memos computer assisted training video simulation teleconferencing.
in many states, community colleges are sites for regional police academy training true false.
professionals keep up with developments in the field by reading professional literature true false.
the cost of accomplishing a task.
how well a task is performed.
the quality of police services delivered to various groups in the community.
traditionally, police have been more concerned with _______ than effectiveness.
which is an evaluation criteria used in the traditional policing model prevention rates clearance rates crime rates response times.
COMPSTAT orignated with the ________ in the mid-______'s.
simplest form of rating system.
police traditionally measured efficiency in all but which of the following criteria? conviction rates numbers of citations issued level of citizen complaints number of arrests.
_______ infers that police are public servants and should provide services that meet the public needs.
an important method of identifying problems and focusing police efforts is _____.
the heart and soul of any organization is ________.
the right to command or give orders due to one's rank or position in the department.
regarding the managerial grid, which type of management is most common authority-compliance managment country club management team management middle-of-the-road management.
maslow's hierarchy of needs does not include survival ego-esteem social prestige.
approximately ______ percent of police department's budget is devoted to personnel salaries.
teh right to command or give orders.
the extent that a leader is able to influence others to follow orders.
team building does not assume that individuals are technically competent all participants are effective at the same level police work is exciting staff knows what they should do.
in team bulding, teh main responsibility of a team leader is to __________.
which is not a management style under blake and mouton's managerial grid situational team impoverished country club.
which is an essential skill of leaders as described by Katz? technical skills fiscal skills human skills conceptual skills.
which of the following is an influencing factor in organization of policing lack of communication between departments informal organization police culture employee organizations and unions.
weber viewed a bureaucracy as capable of attaining the highest degree of efficiency extremely slow nad complicated a highly esteeemed organization that protected individual freedoms a type of administration that focused on adherence to rules and regulations.
which theory is based on biology, stating that an organization is similar to a living organism.
a principle meaning that every officer reports to one and only one supervisor.
what did the Hawthorne experiments conclude illumination alone increases productivity as the number of work breaks consistently increased, so did productiivty levels productivity improvement was mainly due to increased involvment and concern from the managment wages increased productivity levels.
_______ concerns the number of persons reporting to a supervisor.
which is a belief of a theory x style manager employees enjoy work employees avoid responsibility.
which is a belief of a theory y manager employees need to be directed employees will exercise self-control.
a proactive approach that is decentralized in structure.
POSDCORB preparing, organizing, structuring, directing, cooperating, responding, budgeting planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting planning, ordering, supervising, developing, controlling, regulating, budgeting plannign, organizing, structuring, disciplining, commanding, reporting, budgeting.
a primary role for supervisors over property crime investigators is ______.
the supervisor's role is to get their subordinates to ______.
what is not a type of supervisor accroding to engel active productive traditional innovative.
supervisors must review each instance of use of force to determine whether _____.
what is an administrative task performed by lieutenants preparing various reports preparing a duty roster performing the duties of a police officer maintaining time sheets.
promotions should only be given to those who.
a primary supervisory responsiblity regarding patrol is to ensure that officers use their free patrol time productively surveil officers and report their errors curtail officer's activities and keep them reigned in unveil the code of ethics at every opportunity.
the most common complaint heard from police executives is that supervisors do not exercise enough control over subordinates exercise too much control over subordinants have too much power in the organization are too highly educated for their position.
von der embse suggests that a good supervisor spends at least _____ percent of their time managing.
according to engel, which type of supervisor develops strong relationships with subordinates, inspires officers, and tries to protect officers from managment.
entities consisting of two or more people who cooperate to accomplish objectives.
has its roots in biology and emphasizes the interdependence and interrelatedness of each part of an organization to the whole.
may harm the goals of formal organizations, through gossip, misinformation, and malicious rumors.
emphasizing partnerships, problem-solving and organizational transformation.
commonly used for supervisory promotional exams.
Law enforcement oriented. Controlling and focused on tasks. Emphasis on punishment.
Opposite of Traditional. Good mentors and coach. Focus on community policing and problem solving.
Concerned with developing subordinates; view themselves as buffer between officers and management. A shortcoming is they may be viewed as one of the boys.
Involved in street work. A possible shortcoming is if overly involved in the field work, denying officers the opportunity to develop - may be viewed as an officer with stripes. .
Engle identified four distinct types of supervisors Law enforcement oriented. Controlling and focused on tasks. Emphasis on punishment. Opposite of Traditional. Good mentors and coach. Focus on community policing and problem solving Concerned with developing subordinates; view themselves as buffer between officers and management. A shortcoming is they may be viewed as one of the boys. Involved in street work. A possible shortcoming is if overly involved in the field work, denying officers the opportunity to develop - may be viewed as an officer with stripes. .
The most important tasks for captains were _______ and ________ functions.
contributes to the lack of proper supervisory oversight.
The leader is attentive to his/her people's needs and has developed satisfying relationships and work culture - but at the expense of achieving results. The leader is defined as agreeable, eager to help, non-confrontational, comforting and uncontroversial. .
The leader achieves high work performance through 'leading' his/her people to become dedicated to the organizational goals. There is a high degree of participation and teamwork, which satisfies the basic need of people to be involved and committed to their work. The leader may be characterized as open-minded, flexible and one who inspires involvement. .
The leader exerts (and expects) minimal effort and has little concern for either staff satisfaction or work targets. This is a leader who is going through the motions is indifferent, non-committal, resigned and apathetic. S/he is doing just enough to keep their job.
The leader concentrates almost exclusively on achieving results. People are viewed as a commodity to be used to get the job done. Communication is de-emphasized and conflict is resolved by suppressing it. Leadership is controlling, demanding and over-powering.
This leader is a compromiser who wants to maintain the status quo and avoid any problems. Is aware of and wants a focus on productivity but not at the expense of the morale of his/her team.
types of leaders This leader is a compromiser who wants to maintain the status quo and avoid any problems. Is aware of and wants a focus on productivity but not at the expense of the morale of his/her team The leader is attentive to his/her people's needs and has developed satisfying relationships and work culture - but at the expense of achieving results. The leader is defined as agreeable, eager to help, non-confrontational, comforting and uncontroversial The leader achieves high work performance through 'leading' his/her people to become dedicated to the organizational goals. There is a high degree of participation and teamwork, which satisfies the basic need of people to be involved and committed to their work. The leader may be characterized as open-minded, flexible and one who inspires involvement The leader exerts (and expects) minimal effort and has little concern for either staff satisfaction or work targets. This is a leader who is going through the motions is indifferent, non-committal, resigned and apathetic. S/he is doing just enough to keep their job. The leader concentrates almost exclusively on achieving results. People are viewed as a commodity to be used to get the job done. Communication is de-emphasized and conflict is resolved by suppressing it. Leadership is controlling, demanding and over-powering.
process of influencing organizational members to use their energies willingly and appropriately to facilitate the achievement of the departments goals.
The ability to perform basic police functions Necessary for line officers .
Involve the capacity to interrelate positively with other people Used at all levels of the police department .
The ability to understand information The ability to interrelate various parcels of information that often seem unrelated become more important as one moves up in the organization .
Make all the decisions Do not consult with subordinates Closely control work performance Theory X manager .
Is group-oriented Promotes active participation of subordinates in planning and executing tasks Theory Y leader .
Takes a hands-off approach Is passive in dealing with subordinates Avoids issues Misses opportunities One of the guys! .
summary measure of the quantity of work performance, with resource utilization considered.
helps agencies decide what they should be doing, linking current activities to future conditions.
provides four benefits for productivity improvement: Timely and accurate intelligence Rapid deployment Effective tactics Follow-up and assessment.
Evaluating how well employees do their jobsand communicating that information to employees.
_____ percent of police heart attacks are due to job-related stress.
individuals will adopt a lifestyle that will help them achieve their highest level of well-being.
Five important dimensions of wellness in alphabetical order.
a psychologically distressing experience outside the range of usual human experience.
organizations are composed of people who interact with one another and with people in other organizations.
subordinates do not respect their leader or they question their directives.
Focuses on the individuals needs, wants, and desires and attempts to explain internal needs that motivate peoples behavior. It neglects the effects of the work environment on the individual.
Explains how people are motivated and focuses on the interplay of the individual with forces in the workplace.
positive stress.
negative stress.
a force that is external in nature that causes both physical and emotional strain upon the body.
the result of an extremely stressful event may subside over time.
the accumulation of the effects of numerous stressful events over time is ever-present.
1st 5 years of a police officers career can be described as a period of .
2nd phase (6 13 years), is the.
3rd phase (14-20 years), is the .
4th phase (20+ years), is the .
the Knapp Commission found that police were actively soliciting gratuities from citizens were passively accepting gratutities from citizens were rarely accepting gratutities from citizens never accepted gratutites from citizens.
the primary components of corruption are the slippery slope and gratutities lack of conscience and disrespect for policy misuse of authority and personal gain lack of supervision adn lack of morals.
unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability constitutes harrassment when the conduct is sufficiently severe to create a hostile work environment a supervisor's harrasing conduct results in a change in an employment status or benefits both answers none of the answers.
examples of a hostile work environment actions can include all but which one of the following leering in a sexually suggestive manner making offensive remarks about looks, clothing, body parts touching in a way that makes an employee uncomfortable bringing an employee of the opposite sex a cup of coffee.
requiring officers to be "objectively reasonable" in their use of force may be defined as officers first ask, "How far and when do I 'climb the next rung' of the ladder." officers evaluate a situation in light of hte known circumstances, including the seriousness of the crime, and level of threat or resistance by the subject officers first mentally select the most severe form of force, adn then work down the scale from that point, as appropriate for the situaiton none of the answers.
contagious shooting is where gunfire directed at the police is shifting from city block to city block gunfire that spreads among officers who believe that they, or their colleagues, are facing a threat where gang members seek out a variety of opposing gangs for their initiation rites the cause of about 90% of police in-service training per year.
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