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MRJ English Reading Test 1


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Creation Date: 10/05/2010

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 5
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Programming people Programming people means getting others to act consistently as you want them to act. Stern parents or employers often are pretty good at this, at least while the subjects are under observation. Hypnotists can obtain excellent results in achieving desired behaviour from suggestible subjects for short periods. What interests us here are precise techniques for altering long term behaviour patterns in predictable ways. These new pattern is may be desirable by the subject or by the programmer or by the organization employing him. For achieving certain kinds of long term programmed behaviour the programmer need not be a scientifically trained technologist. Consider how the intense and unattractive Charles Manson horrified and fascinated millions of people a few years ago by his control methods. He had an ability to induce sustained zombie like behaviour in his followers, mostly girls. They committed random murders in the Los Angeles area. When a number of his 'slaves' faced trial they vigorously asserted that the murders were their own idea. They wanted to protect Charlie, who was always somewhere else when the butcheries occurred. 1) In paragraph 3, find two nouns meaning more or less the same as 'killings': .................................... .
What interests us here are precise techniques for altering long term behaviour patterns in predictable ways. These new pattern is may be desirable by the subject or by the programmer or by the organization employing him. For achieving certain kinds of long term programmed behaviour the programmer need not be a scientifically trained technologist. Consider how the intense and unattractive Charles Manson horrified and fascinated millions of people a few years ago by his control methods. He had an ability to induce sustained zombie like behaviour in his followers, mostly girls. They committed random murders in the Los Angeles area. When a number of his 'slaves' faced trial they vigorously asserted that the murders were their own idea. They wanted to protect Charlie, who was always somewhere else when the butcheries occurred. 2) In paragraphs 2 and 3, find the equivalents of the following words: changing: ...................................... took place: .................................... declared: ....................................... .
For achieving certain kinds of long term programmed behaviour the programmer need not be a scientifically trained technologist. Consider how the intense and unattractive Charles Manson horrified and fascinated millions of people a few years ago by his control methods. He had an ability to induce sustained zombie like behaviour in his followers, mostly girls. They committed random murders in the Los Angeles area. When a number of his 'slaves' faced trial they vigorously asserted that the murders were their own idea. They wanted to protect Charlie, who was always somewhere else when the butcheries occurred. 3) In paragraph 3, find an adjective which means the opposite of 'for short periods': ..........................................
In order to prove his theory that Manson had master minded the killings the prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, had to spend months uncovering and analysing the sources of Manson's control over the presumably free and footloose young people. His most important findings were these: Manson was gifted at perceiving the psychological needs of others. He assured runaway girls needing a father that he would be their father. He assured plain looking girls that they were beautiful. - He was careful to destroy pre-existing identities. All the members of his clan had to take on new names. - He systematically destroyed inhibitions as part of his obedience training. - He offered these insecure youngsters a bizarre religion, in which he was the Infinite Being who would lead them to a world of milk and honey. - He was careful to identify and probe what each recruit was most afraid of, and to play on it. - Finally, Manson apparently had some hypnotic powers. Bugliosi succeeded in convincing the jury that Manson was, indeed, responsible for the murders. (From Vance Packard: The People Shapers (Macdonald, 1978)) 4). find a noun which means the synonim of 'free and footloose young people' (para. 4): ....................................
In order to prove his theory that Manson had master minded the killings the prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, had to spend months uncovering and analysing the sources of Manson's control over the presumably free and footloose young people. His most important findings were these: Manson was gifted at perceiving the psychological needs of others. He assured runaway girls needing a father that he would be their father. He assured plain looking girls that they were beautiful. - He was careful to destroy pre-existing identities. All the members of his clan had to take on new names. - He systematically destroyed inhibitions as part of his obedience training. - He offered these insecure youngsters a bizarre religion, in which he was the Infinite Being who would lead them to a world of milk and honey. - He was careful to identify and probe what each recruit was most afraid of, and to play on it. - Finally, Manson apparently had some hypnotic powers. Bugliosi succeeded in convincing the jury that Manson was, indeed, responsible for the murders. (From Vance Packard: The People Shapers (Macdonald, 1978)) 5) In paragraph 4, find the words which mean the opposite of: hiding: ............................... built: .................................. failed: .................................... .
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