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MRJ_English Reading Test 2


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Creation Date: 19/05/2010

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 4
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The throw-away spirit or the spirit of wastefulness has become part of American life and consumption only keeps rising. Besides, according to the economists, we depend so much on this wasting and buying that people will probably be encouraged to consume even more in the years to come if the US economy is to prosper. In other words, these marketing experts say that 'the average citizen will have to step up his buying by nearly fifty per cent in the next dozen years, or the economy will sicken.' This means that the producer of household commodities, i.e. a television manufacturer, will have to find some new means of making further sales since nine out of ten American homes nowadays have one television set. He could, for instance, launch a campaign to induce people to have a second TV set or one for each member of the family or he could produce a TV set so sophisticated that people would wish to replace their old set. (From Vance Packard: The Waste Makers (Pelican, 1961)) 1) Find two instances of synonymy: . a) ........................... and ........................... b) ........................... and ...........................
The throw-away spirit or the spirit of wastefulness has become part of American life and consumption only keeps rising. Besides, according to the economists, we depend so much on this wasting and buying that people will probably be encouraged to consume even more in the years to come if the US economy is to prosper. In other words, these marketing experts say that 'the average citizen will have to step up his buying by nearly fifty per cent in the next dozen years, or the economy will sicken.' This means that the producer of household commodities, i.e. a television manufacturer, will have to find some new means of making further sales since nine out of ten American homes nowadays have one television set. He could, for instance, launch a campaign to induce people to have a second TV set or one for each member of the family or he could produce a TV set so sophisticated that people would wish to replace their old set. (From Vance Packard: The Waste Makers (Pelican, 1961)) 2) Find two instances of antonym: a) ........................... and ...................... b) ........................... and ...................... .
The throw-away spirit or the spirit of wastefulness has become part of American life and consumption only keeps rising. Besides, according to the economists, we depend so much on this wasting and buying that people will probably be encouraged to consume even more in the years to come if the US economy is to prosper. In other words, these marketing experts say that 'the average citizen will have to step up his buying by nearly fifty per cent in the next dozen years, or the economy will sicken.' This means that the producer of household commodities, i.e. a television manufacturer, will have to find some new means of making further sales since nine out of ten American homes nowadays have one television set. He could, for instance, launch a campaign to induce people to have a second TV set or one for each member of the family or he could produce a TV set so sophisticated that people would wish to replace their old set. (From Vance Packard: The Waste Makers (Pelican, 1961)) 3) Find three markers of equivalence which of these words introduce(s .... a. an example: ................................ b. a rephrasing of what has been said before ........................... c. an equivalent expression: : ........................ .
The throw-away spirit or the spirit of wastefulness has become part of American life and consumption only keeps rising. Besides, according to the economists, we depend so much on this wasting and buying that people will probably be encouraged to consume even more in the years to come if the US economy is to prosper. In other words, these marketing experts say that 'the average citizen will have to step up his buying by nearly fifty per cent in the next dozen years, or the economy will sicken.' This means that the producer of household commodities, i.e. a television manufacturer, will have to find some new means of making further sales since nine out of ten American homes nowadays have one television set. He could, for instance, launch a campaign to induce people to have a second TV set or one for each member of the family or he could produce a TV set so sophisticated that people would wish to replace their old set. (From Vance Packard: The Waste Makers (Pelican, 1961)) 4) Using general words to cover more specific ones: a) As an instance of 'producer of household commodities', the writer mentions ............ b) In the text, the word 'marketing expert' is one instance (i.e. it is less general) of what the Writer meant when using the word 'economist' before. The relation between the two words can be shown as follows: economist --> marketing expert Can you complete the following relationship? producer of household commodities ---> ..................................... .
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