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MyCAHy Description: My CA Hy Author: Trio Other tests from this author Creation Date: 12/10/2020 Category: Others Number of questions: 138 |
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Which of the interceptors are called during call? Load Interceptor Prepare Interceptor Validate Interceptor Remove Interceptor Init Defaults Interceptor. Given the below code, which of the following is not correct? // import the package import org.apache.log4j.Logger.., // creating logger instance static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("XYZClass");... log.fatal("Something went wrong"); wrong log.warning("This is a warning");"This is info"); log.error("Some error occured"); log.debug("Some extra information");. Which is the correct bean declaration while creating a bean for a business process after class: <bean id="Action 1" class=""/> wrong <bean id="Action 1" class=" " extends="abstractAction"/> <bean id="Action 1" class="" parent="abstractAction"/> <bean id="Action 1" class="" parent="defaultAction"/> <bean id="Action 1" action="" parent="defaultAction"/>. Since Order state snapshots are generally items of the same type of their original versions. Therefore running queries upon any type of orders returns duplicate orders. How to limit the orders? WRONG Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {orderversionID} is null Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {versionID} is null Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {ordersnapshotID} is null Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {versionID} is null and {ordersnapShotID} is null None. Net price includes taxes true false. Which type of interceptor is not available in Hybris? Update Interceptor Remove Interceptor Prepare Interceptor Validate Interceptor Init Defaults Interceptor. Q26. Which of the following is true in hybris version 6.x: a) ycommercewebservices extension comes with two version v1 and v2. b) The default version is v1. c) v1 is a stateful version and v2 is a stateless version a,b are true b,c are true a,c are true All are true All are false. Select all correct methods which are provided by mediaService (correct) public abstract MediaModel getMediaByFormat(MediaModel paramMediaModel, MediaFormatModel paramMediaFormatModel) throws MediaNotFoundException, illegalArgumentException; public abstract MediaModel getMediaByContext(MediaModel paramMediaModel, MediaContextModel paramMediaContextModel) throws MediaNotFoundException, illegalArgumentException; public abstract MediaModel getMedia(String paramString) throws UnknownIdentifierException, AmbiguousidentifierException; public abstract void cleanData(MediaModel paramMediaModel1, MediaModel paraMediaModel2) throws MediaIOException, illegalArgumentException; public abstract void moveMediaToContainer(MediaModel paramMediaModel, MediaFolderModel paramMediaFolderModel) throws MediaIOException, IllegalArgumentException. Choose correct statement Same uid can be used to create a user and a user group and can be referred in the impex (DOUBT) Same uid can not be used to create a user and a user group, but can be referred in the impex Same uid can be used to create a user and a user group, but can not be referred in the impex Same uid can not be used to create a user and a user group, and can not be referred in the impex None of the above. Select all the methods to add an attribute to existing types Create a new item type and define attributes Create a subtype and adding the attributes to the subtype Create a new relation and define attributes Adding the attribute to the type directly All of the above. Select all functionality areas which are supported by processing Extension (correct) The Cronjob Service The Rules Engine The Task service The workflow engine The process Engine. 12.Choose Correct statements w.r.t configuration properties (correct) overrides project properties overrides overrides overrrides overrides W13.What is the correct configuration to grant access to the My Account page and all subpages to users in the customer group only - <security:intercept-url pattern="/my-account/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_CUSTOMERGROUP')" requires-channel="https"/> <security:intercept-url pattern="*/my-account/*"access="hasRole('ROLE_CUSTOMERGROUP')" requires-channel="https"/> <security:intercept-url pattern="*/my-account/*"access="hasRole('CUSTOMERGROUP')" requires-channel="https"/> <security:intercept-url pattern="/my-account/**"access="hasRole('ROLE_CUSTOMERGROUP')" requires-channel="https"/> <security:intercept-url pattern="*/my-account/**"access="hasRole('CUSTOMERGROUP')" requires-channel="https"/>. W.14. Which of the methods of DefaultWorkflowService class are responsible for creating new instance of workflow? createWorkflow(WorkflowTemplateModel arg(0), UserModel arg1); createWorkflow(String arg0, WorkflowTemplateModel arg1 , List<ItemModel> arg2, UserModel arg3, WorkflowActionTemplateModel arg 4); createWorkflow(WorkflowTemplateModel arg0, UserModel arg1, WorkflowActionTemplateModel arg2); createWorkflow(String arg0, WorkflowTemplateModel arg1, List<ItemModel> arg2, UserModel arg3); createWorkflow(WorkflowTemplateModel arg0, UserModel arg1);. CW.15 Which of the following are correct for FlexibleSearchQuery? By default, specifying type to seach causes a FlexibleSearch query to search that type and any sub types It is not possible to run FlexibleSearch queries on jalo-only attributes It is possible to run FlexibleSearch queries on jalo attributes It is possible to run FlexibleSearch queries only on persistent data types only By default, FlexibleSearch heavily uses cache for storing search results. C16.Which of the following steps need to be followed while defining Dynamic Attribute User type="dynamic" instead of property in <persistence> Put the Spring bean id inside attributeHandler=".." Declared property write="true" Declared property autocreate="true' None of the above. C17. Please choose the correct command to install the new Addon (wrong) ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="<your_addon_name>" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="yacceleratorstorefront" ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="yacceleratorstorefront" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="<your_addon_name>" ant addonuninstall -Daddonnames="<your_addon_name>" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="yacceleratorstorefront" ant addonuninstall -Daddonnames="yacceleratorstorefront" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="<your_addon_name>" ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="<your_addon_name>" -Daddon.yacceleratorstorefront="yacceleratorstorefront". Q18. Choose the correct answer w.r.t on order entry More than one price can be applied More than one tax can be applied More than one discount can be applied More than one currency can be applied More than one unit factor can be applied. Q19. What set of attributes are used to create Search Restrictions through API? active,user,principal,query,restrictedType enable,user,principal,restriction,restrictedType active,code,principal,query,restrictedType enable,code,principal,restriction,restrictedType enable,active,code,principal,restriction,restrictedType. Q20. Which of the following is a step in the CMS workflow. a) pick b) pack c) label d) store e) ship f) track correct a,b,c,d,e a,b,d,e,f a,b,c,d a,b,d,e. Q21. Choose the correct options associated with JaloSession reference . correct user language currency Locate All of the above. Q22. Select all correct options that defines generate modifier while creating new itemtype Setting the generate modifier on an attribute definition to false results in no getter and setter method being generated Setting the generate modifier on an attribute definition to true results in no getter and setter method not being generated Setting the generate modifier on an attribute definition to true results in getter and setter method being generated, depending on the values of the modifiers tag on the attribute definition Setting the generate modifier on an attribute definition to false results in getter and setter method being generated If the getter method is not generate, there is no way of reading the attribute value. Q23. With respect to the type system, which are the statements are correct. doubt Rizwan new attribute can be added to existing type new attributes can only be added to subtypes attributes can be redeclared in the existing type upon removing the attributes/ types from items.xml, they are removed from database composition refers to creating new type wit relation to existing type. Q24. Which Hybris extension supports Omni Commerce Connect (OCC). doubt ycommrececore commercewebservicescommons ycommercewebservices yoccaddon webservicesaddon. Q25. What are the building blocks for B2B Accelerator data model. correct B2BUnit, B2BUsers, Cost Center, Budget, Credit Limit, B2BManager, B2BType B2BUnit, B2BUsers, Cost Center, Budget, Credit Limit B2BUnit, B2BUsers, Cost Center, Budget, Credit Limit, B2BManager. Q27. What kind of caching are available for Omni Channel Commerce? wrong @Cachable annotation for server side caching @CacheControl annotation for server side caching @CacheControl annotation for server side caching @Cacheable annotation for client side caching None of the above. Q28. Can a tenant provide option to use different time zone and locale than other? Yes no. Q29. Choose correct statements w.r.t Guest Checkout Guest user is logged in the system System generates unique temporary account and maps it to cart Payment information is saved and can be reused for next guest checkout. Option is available for the customer to create an account by providing the password. Customer can complete checkout without creating an account. Q30. The internalization is split into services- correct I18NService and Commercel18NService I18NService and Common18NService Commercel18NService and Common18NService CommerceCommonl18NService and Commercel18NService CommerceCommonl18NService and Commonl18NService. Q31. Does boost rule in Solr for Hybris Commerce follow query time boosting? correct Yes No. Q32. Which of the following are OOB Platform services? AuthenticationService KeywordService CartService UserService CatalogService. Q33. What are the steps when using Distributed Impex? Prepare then split Single import execution Finishing the process All of the above steps None of these steps. Q34. Can a node be autodiscovered in SAP Hybris Commerce 6.x version? Yes No. Q35. Which of the following are true regarding Interceptors in Hybris - correct The load interceptor called when a model is loaded from the database The prepare interceptor is called before a model is saved to the database after it is valiated by Validate interceptor The validate interceptor is called befor a model is saved to the database The remove interceptor is called after a model is remvoed from the database Its possible to disable interceptor in a session. Q36. Which areas are not part of Report Cockpit? - correct advance search listview Navigation area Editor Area. Q37. Which cockpit is used to configure Validation engine? - correct Administration cockpit Product cockpit WCMS Cockpit CS Cockpit. Q38. The hybris WCMS module is user for? To enable users with little programming to manage web sites To automate generation of XML To save front end developers to use jsp To control the display of content based on time, product, user etc. None of the above. Q39. Catalog perspective can be user for Manage Categories Edit product data Manage catalogs and catalog versions Manage workflows Manage BaseStores. Q40. Which of the following is makes the customer assistance session to timeout in ASM, after the ASM agent completes the assistance - wrong Clicking on end session Clicking on Sign out on the storefront while on ASM mode Both A and B After the time mentioned in assitedservicefacages agentsession property expires. Q41. By default, only members of asmagentsalesmanagergroup in ASM are allowed to place the order on behalf of the customer. This is implemented via - correct The AssistedServiceFilter along with defined restrictionpath for place order Place order interceptor which checks the user and associated permissions CMS component restriction. Q42. While implementing custom editors in backoffice, which class should be overridden? - wrong CockpitAction CockpitEditorRenderer CockpitSearchRenderer DefaultEditorRenderer. Q43. PIM stands for? - correct Product identification Management Product Information Manipulation Product Information Management Product identity Management Product Identify Migration. Q44. In Ordre to Geo-localize your shop, you should? wrong Include the storelocator extension Trigger the geocoding task in admin cockpit Make sure geocoding cron job is scheduled Define a appropriate search strategy None of the above. Q45. Select the correct statements for Language Fallback - wrong It provides a content for a localized attributes if no value is provided for the current localization settings It can be achieved by setLocalizationFallbackEnabled method from I18NService It can be activated by setLocalizationFallbackEnabled method from commonI18NService It provides a content for a localized attributes if no value is provided for the default localization settings None of the above. Q46. What are the options available under Price Settings Menu in backoffice? - wrong Prices, Taxes, Discount Prices, Taxes, Discount, Delivery Cost, Payment Modes Prices, Taxes, Payment Modes Prices, Taxes, Discount, Delivery Cost, Payment Info, B2B Cost Center None of the above. Q47. Once a new validation constraint is created in HMC or Admin cockpit - wrong It gets loaded by invoking the refreshValidationEngine() method It gets loaded when the validation framework starts It gets loaded by invoking the reloadValidationEngine() method With version 6.0 it gets loaded as soon as it is created. None of the above. Q48. The mechanism to provide referrence one class to another class externally through xml configuration is referred as - wrong Aspect Oriented Programming Dependency injection MVC Pattern Data Access pattern None of the above. Q49. What are the possible caching solution in an eCommerce platform? - wrong Server side caching using ehCache Client side of CMS level caching using Varnish CDN for edge caching Network level caching using Hazelcust Browser level caching using HTTP Cache control headers. Q50. Which of the following is not a security vulnerability ? - correct Cross-site scripting SQL injection Sensitive Data Exposure Request Forgery All the above are security vulnerabilities. W1. Which of the following is true? Single selection - correct It is possible to instll addons to the ycommercewebservices extension & the action template is yoccaddon It is possible to install addons to the ycommercewebservices extension & the addon template is yaddon Ycommercewebservices is itself an addon It is not possible to install addons to ycommercewebservices extension None of the above. W2. Please select the correct file format option on which business process configuration are based on? - correct JSON XML IMPEX CSV XSD. W3. Choose correct statement - correct Same uid can be used to create a user and a user group and can be referred in the impex Same uid can not be used to create a user and a user group, but can be referred in the impex Same uid can be used to create a user and a user group, but can not be referred in the impex Same uid can not be used to create a user and a user group, and can not be referred in the impex None of the above. W4. How to retrieve the value of a parameter from sessionService in hybris? sessionService.getAttribute(String id) sessionIdService.getAttribute(String id). W5. what is valid statement in regards to one-to-many relations? One-to-many relations are simple mapped to foreign key attributes at the many-side of the relation Querying one-t-many relations is not possible only in case of many-to-many relations One-to-many relations are simple mapped to composite key attributes at the many-side of the relation One-to-many relations are simple mapped to primary key attributes at the many-side of the relation None. W6. What all elements are important for solr configuration? Multi selection SolrServerConfig SolrEndpointUrl SolrIndexConfig SolrSearchCOnfig SolrINdexedType. W7. Please choose the correct option? Correct answer If deployment for a subtype of genericitem is not specified, the instances of that subtype are stored in the same tale a instances of genericitem false. W8. Since order state snapshots are generally itmes of the same type of their original versions. Therefore running queries upon any type of orders returns duplicate order. How to limit the orders? Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {orderversionid} is null Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {versionid} is null Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {ordersnapshotid} is null Select {pk} from {order} where … condition… and {versionid} is null and {ordersnapshotid} is null None. W9. yCockpit Template is used to ------- multi selections Create a new cockpit Configure basic elements perspectives, navigation areas and editors Extend existing cockpit implementation Extend multiple cockpit implementations Configure backoffice cockpits. W10. Please choose the correct option defining Basic structure of items.xml Atomictypes, collectiontypes, enumtypes, maptypes, relations, itemtypes false. W11. Which of the following itmes are involved in creating a self executing cron job? Cronjob, job and trigger false. W12. Which logging Mechanism is used by hybris OOB? LOG4J2 false. W13. What are the elements needed to define price row? Single selection - correct Price value, currency, unit factor, unit, a minimum quantity, price type Price value, currency, unit factor, unit, a minimum quantity Price value, currency, unit factor, unit, a minimum quantity, Conversion Factor. W14. The web service security framework provides which of the following security strategies to adopt? - correct SSL Security Strategy Access Manager Security Strategy Subscription Manager Security Strategy Property File Security Strategy Custom Security strategy . W15. Select all the methods to add an attribute to existing types- wrong Create a new item type and define attributes Create a subtype and adding the attributes to the subtype Create a new relation and define attributes Adding the attribute to the type directly All of the above. W16. Select the correct option which defines autocreate=true in items.xml file - correct This is not a valid entry This enables SAP Hybris commerce to create a new table automatically This enables SAP Hybris Commerece to create getters and setters for a attributes This enables SAP Hybris commerce to remove an existing database entry This enables SAP Hybris commerce to create a new database entry for defined type at initialization / update process. W17. Which of the methods of DefaultWorkflowService class are responsible for creating enw instance of workflow?- cross verify createWorkFlow(WorkflowTemplateModel arg0, UserModel arg1); createWorkFlow(String arg0, workflowTemplateModel arg1, List<ItemModel> arg2, UserModel arg3, WorkflowActionTemplateModel arg4); createWorkflow(WorkflowTemplateModel arg0, UserModel arg1, WorkflowActionTemplateModel arg2); createWorkflow(String arg0, WorkflowTemplateModel arg1, List<ItemModel> arg2, UserModel arg3); createWorkflow(WorkflowTemplateModel arg0, UserModel arg1g);. W18. Out of the following methods, which combination is supported by hybris REST web services?- correct GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE GET, POST, CONNECT, DELETE GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, CONNECT, HEAD GET, PUT, POST, DELETE GET, POST, DELETE. W19.What is the use of populators & converters?- wrong To prepare data for view Convert model into data object Retrieve values from DTO USE for presentation layer None of the above. W20. Which of the following is not a valid RAO -- Single selection - correct Action RAO Cart RAO Discount RAO Promotion RAO Shipment RAO. W22. Choose correct statements w.r.t. JaloSession • Choose the following options (Check Boxes)- wrong JaloSession held in memory JaloSession is persistent JaloSession is bounded to Tenant JaloSession is node specific Jalossession is bounded to Httpsession. W23. Which of the following holds good with respect to indexed facet property. Choose the best options (Check Boxed) - correct It can hold multi values It cannot be used in Spell checking It cannot be used in auto completion. It can hold multi value simultaneously. None of above. W24. Choose correct statement w.r.t guest checkout. • Choose the best option (Check boxes) - recheck Guest user is logged in the system System generates unique temparory account and maps it to cart Payment information is saved and can be reused for next guest checkout. Option is available for the customer to create an account by providing the password. Customer can complete checkout without creating an account. W21. Which of the following is true for Oauth 2.0 Authorization framework. wrong Access tokens are returned to the client cannot be changes for a user. The RESTful webservice provided in the extension ycommercewebservices uses Oauth 2.0 authentication framework. The key benefit of using OAuth 2.0 is that the API client securely saves the user’s credentials. The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework is the default authorization framework for the commerce driven Omni commerce connect web services. None of the above. W25. Which of the following services are part of basecommerce extension?. Choose the best options (check boxes)- wrong Order Splitting Model Service Stock Service Validation Service Session Service. W26. Which of the statement is correct w.r.t Solr indexing for products: 1. Its is possble to index selective products 2. Its is possible to index selective attributes of the products. 3. During indexing, replication is stopped 4. its possible to delete selective products.- Choose the best option 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2 2, 4. W27. How does the cart addition flow work?. Choose the best options (Check boxes) - correct Cart service will try to load the cart from the session, if cart is not there it will be created Commerceaddtocartstreatey will add a new entry to cart entries, mark the cart as not calculated Commerceaddtocartstreatey will add a new entry to cart entries, mark cart as calculated Calculationservice will calculate the cart None of the above. W28. What are the building blocks for b2b accelator data model. Choose the best options (Check boxes) -wrong B2B Unit , B2BUser, CostCenter, Budget, CreditLimit, B2B manager, B2B Type B2BUnit, B2BUser, Costcenter, Budget, Creditlimit B2BUit, B2Buser, costcenter, budget, creditlimit, b2bmanager. W29. Choose correct statement W.r.t PDTRow. •Choose the best options (Check boxes)- correct PDTRow connect with product using PK PDTRow connects with products using product identified PDTRow is catalog version aware PDTROow contains promotional information PDTRow contained Tax information. W30. With respect to the type system, which are statements are correct. Choose the best options (Check boxes)- correct New attribute can be added to existing type New attributes can only be added to subtypes Attributes can be redeclared in the existing type. Upon removing the attributes / types from items.xml, they are removed from database. Composition refers to creating new type with relation to exisitng type. W31. Hybris uses what file to configure any maven dependencies?- correct Externaldependies Maven.xml Mavendepencies.xml Localextensions.xml None of these. W32. An activation script is evaluated each time an item is :• Choose the below optins (Check boxes)- wrong Saved updated removed Created saved removed Saved Removed Saved Updated Updated Removed. W33. What are the steps when using distributed impex? •Choose the below option (Radio button)- correct Prepare then split Single import execution Finishing the process All the above steps None of the steps. W34. Which of the following are true regarding interceptors in hybris. • Choose the best option (Checkboxes) - correct The load interceptor called when a model is loaded from the database The prepare interceptor is called before a model is saved to the database after it is valiated by Validate interceptor The validate interceptor is called befor a model is saved to the database The remove interceptor is called after a model is remvoed from the database Its possible to disable interceptor in a session. W35. When an item type as localized attribute, sap hybris commerce will create an additonal data base table with suffix as : correct Ip false. W36. PCM stand for (Radio Button) - correct Product content management. Product catalog management Product content marketing Product catalog migration Product catalog marketing. W37. Which of the following statements are true? - correct Internationalization in SAP Hybris Commerce is language and country-specific logic that is independent of the operating system If no LanguageModel exists for the given locale, the English language is used as default language If no LanguageModel exists for the given locale, the UnknownIdentifierException is thrown If no LanguageModel exists for the given locale, the German language is used as default language The internationalization is split into two services, I18NService and CommerceI18NService. W38. Backoffice is based on which framework?- correct Next Generation Cockpit Framework JS Framework Struts ZK Framework. W39 - Identify the extension that is not required for supporting SmartEdit functionality. cmswebservices smarteditwebservices occwebservices Npmancillary. W40. In Adaptive Search, what are the functionalities can be done?- correct Only text search General text and facet based search General text search, facet based search, create search profile, boost products Text search and boost products None of the above. W41. Please select all correct options that defines Dynatrace- correct Dynatrace provides the traditional analysis capabilities like Memory Dump analysis, CPU Sampling and visual Thread Dump analysis making it a complete one-stop solution Dynatrace is an application and end-user experience monitoring tool available as an on-premise and SaaS solution Dynatrace provides deep visibility and out-of-the-box hybris specific monitoring configuration Dynatrace is a commercial product and does not requires any license The Dynatrace application performance management (APM) software is used to expose system and transaction performance information from running hybris instances. W42. ASM supports currently registered user accounts only for assistance and doesn’t support anonymous carts, True or False - correct True False. W43. What are the type of address to be checked when creating an address object in backoffice?- correct Shipping address, unloading address, billing address, contact address Shipping address, unloading address, billing address, contact address, pickup address Shipping address, unloading address, billing address Shipping address, billing address None of the above. W44. Catalog Perspective can be used for - correct Manage Categories Edit Product data Manage Catalog and Catalog versions Manage Workflows Manage BaseStores. W45. By default, only members of asmagentsalesmanagergroup in ASM are allowed to place the order on behalf of the customer. This is implemented via - correct (only one option) The AssistedServiceFilter along with defined restrictionpath for place order Place order interceptor which checks the user and associated permissions CMS component restriction. W46. When creating a hybris promotion rule in 6.x version through backoffice, what are the typical actions taken? -correct - only one option 1. Create a promotion rule using a template 2. Attach promotion rule group 3. Attach website 4. Give start and end date 5. Attach conditions 6. Attach actions 7. Provide fired message 8. Publish promotion 1. Create a promotion rule using a template 2. Attach promotion rule group 3. Give start and end date 4. Attach conditions 5. Attach actions 6. Provide fired message 1. Create a promotion rule using a template 2. Attach promotion rule group 3. Attach conditions 4. Attach sorting rule 5. Attach restrictions 6. Publish promotion 1. Create a promotion rule using a template 2. Attach promotion rule group 3. Give start and end date 4. Attach conditions 5. Attach actions 6. Attach restrictions 7. Provide fired message 8. Publish promotion None of the above. W47. Which of the following is true. A) Multiple Pages can be associated to the same Page Template. B) The WCMS Cockpit also supports workflow and synchronization tasks - correct A is true & B is false A is false & B is true Both are true Both are false. W48. Visual image search can be done using following technologies- correct Amazon Rekognition Google Visual Cloud Search Apache LIRE (Lucene Image Recognition Engine) Amazon cloud search Microsoft Platform Search. W49. Which of the following is true for Interface Driven Design- correct Interface Driven Design facilitates Dependency Injection in spring Interface Driven Design cannot work in conjunction with Dependency Injection With Interface Driven Design, you cannot identify the underlying implementation class at compile time Under Interface Driven Design, class A can reference class B by directly instantiating class B as new B() Under Interface Driven Design, class A can reference class B by directly instantiating the interface of class B as newInterfaceB(). W50. What are the standard PageSpeed and Yslow Recommendations for UI level Optimization. - correct GZip Compression for assets using content-encoding in HTTP Response Use of CDN JS and CSS Minification Deferred loading of JavaScript Optimization of Image Size. Y2. Which is the correct approach to set a property value that contains has(#)? Myproperty=contains a hash \\# false. Y3. Localization is making your software compatible with different currencies, countries, internationalization is providing the appropriate resources for a specific language? True False. Y4. Which are the valid tenants out of below - correct Master Slave false. Y5. Please choose the correction option to make custom extension as template extension and enable its selection as extgen template in extensioninfo.xml file? - wrong options < false. Y6. Which code snippet returns the codes and the PKs of all instances of product and variant product? Select {code},{pk} from {product} false. Y7. Widgets communicate with each other using- correct sockets false. Y8. Which of the following are valid methods of validationService- wrong Validate() reloadValidationEngine() refreshValidationEngine() validateProperty() validateValue(). Y9.Select the most appropriate option - correct Category objects can hold product objects or classification objects False. Y11. How composite keys can be generated - correct Defining two or more attributes as unique = “true” False. Y12. How to retrieve the value of a parameter from sessionService in hybris? - correct sessionService.getAttribute(String id); false. Y13. Select all appropriate OOB transition status for process engine- correct OK, WAIT, NOK False. Y14. AOP enables us to apply new behavior to classes in a flexible, declarative fashion without touching the class itself- wrong True False. Y15. Which of the following is not a standard group- wrong Admingroup Languagegroup Cockpitgroup Employeegroup countrygroup. Y16. What are the building blocks for B2B Accelerator data model?- correct B2BUnit, B2BUsers, Cost Center, Budget, Credit Limit, B2BManager, B2BType False. W17. The OCC is based on RESTful web services false. Y21. Select the correct extension which enables business processes and Eventing - wrong Yacceleratorstorefront Yacceleratorordermanagement Yacceleratorbusinessprocess Yacceleratorreventprocess Yacceleratorfulfilmentprocess. Y22. Which among the following scopes are specifically featured in Hyris commerce but are not provided by spring in general: - wrong Tenant Singleton Yrequest Prototype Request. Y25. Choose correct statement w.r.t Tenants- wrong One hybris installation can have multiple tenants One tenant can connect to multiple databases Multiple hybris installation can have common tenant Multiple tenants can connect same database None . Y26. Select all correct options that defines important facts retained to deployment table. Deployment table should be used only if the type is extending generic item It is mandatory to specify a deployment for m:n relation, otherwise the platform will not build. Deployment table is not applicable in SAP Hybris commerce data modeling perspective Using a typecode that is already in use causes SAP Hybris commerce to fail that build with the error messages “due to duplicate deployment code” The platform does not allow changing an existing deployment table. This is done in order to protect data. Y28. Which of the following are considered to be master data?- wrong Customer Product Order Stock Price. Y29. The following is recommended by hybris - correct Specify a deployment for direct subtypes of generic Item only Subtypes of subtypes of GenericItem do nto need a specific deployment A and B None of the above. Y32. Choose the correct option describing installer Recipes. - wrong The Installer recipes can contain business logic, type definitions, a web application, or a hybris management console configuration An manual script that takes care of code build, folders, creating dependencies, license and update the system. An automated script that takes care of creating directories, moving files updating configuration and properties files, and initializing the system. Installer recipes provides a list of features that can be used to create a new extension Installer recipes are executed every time when deployment is performed. . Y33. Does boost rule in Solr for hybris commerce follow query time boosting? Radio button - correct Yes No. Y34. Hybris update support the following steps: - wrong Update preserves the table name, to which a type was mapped, even if it was changed in items.xml Update preserves the column name, to which an attribute was mapped, even if it was changed in items.xml Update preserves the column type for an attribute, even if it was changed in items.xml Update drops any tables and columns. Update deletes any items data. Y37. As ASM Agents typically work on helping customer, by default, they are also allowed to create or update support tickets in the customer service cockpit; True or false? True False. Y38. In Product Cockpit (new hybris PCM) under backoffice, single product can be synced from stage to online version- correct True False. Y39. Please select correct statement about WorkflowDecisionTemplate type? CheckBoxes - correct Decision Templates are outbound links from a Workflow Action Template to another Workflow Action Template. A Decision Template defines which actions might follow a given Workflow Action Template Each decision template references the action it belongs to and set of actions it links to An decision template holds a set of general attributes which are used as initial values when creating an action from it. An action cannot be followed by another action if no decision exists between the two Actions. Y40. By default only members of asmagentsalesmanagegroup in ASM, are allowed to place the order, on behalf of the customer. This is implemented via. -wrong incomplete The AssistedServiceFilter along with defined restriction path for place order Place order interceptor which checks the use and associated permissions. Y41. The hybris WCMS module is used for?- correct To enable users with little programming to manage web sites To automate generation of XML To save front end developers to use jsp To control the display of content based on time, product, user etc. None. Y42. What are the valid elements for workflow? Workflow template, workflow action template, option, workflow, workflow action, decision, comment, visibility for principals false. Y43. Which are the different phases in data hub workflow- correct Composition phase Conversion Phase Validation Phase Load Phase Publication Phase. Y44. Does the import cockpit needs an impex import script for importing data- correct True False. Y46. In which XML custom widget for backoffice is declared?- correct Definition.xml false. Y48. What are the applicable technologies to commerce to experience a better customer experience- wrong Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics Data analytics, Augmented and virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence Customer experience is not a concern for commerce None. Y49. Which of the following are correct definitions of spring beans- wrong false false. Y50. What are the standard pagespeed and Yslow recommendations for UI level optimization - correct gZip compression for assets using content-encoding in HTTP Response use of CDN JS and CSS Minification. H1 What are the mandatory Fields for WorkflowActionTemplateModel? wrong actionType principalAssigned sendEmail workflow owner. H2. Select all appropriate conversion status which are applicable during media conversion. wrong Empty UNCONVERTED NOTCONVERTED PARTIALLY_CONVERTED CONVERTED. H3. Which of the following are valid CronJob session attributes - wrong sessionLanguage sessionCurrency sessionUser All the above None of the above. |
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