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绒 Pref Description: Performance EFB Author: 湖长绒 Other tests from this author Creation Date: 24/11/2024 Category: Personal Number of questions: 30 |
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Which factor influence in takeoff performance?
A. Wind, OAT, MEL B. Temperature, Pressure
C. Obstacle, runway length, tow
D. All above. Which force applied to aircraft inflight? A. Thrust and weight B. Drag C. Lift D. All above. What is the TODA? A. TODA is the length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the stopway available B. TODA is the length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the clearway available C. TODA is the length of the landing run available plus the length of the stopway available. What is the ASDA? A. ASDA is the length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the clearway B. The length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the clearway available C. ASDA is the length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the stopway. What is the TORA? A. The length of runway which is declared available by the appropriate authority and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off B. The length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the clearway available C. The length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the stopway available. What is the final approach speed? A. Maximum recommended speed at 50ft for normal landing, equal to 1.23 Vs1g of the landing configuration B. Minimum recommended speed at 50ft for normal landing, equal to 1.23 Vs1g of the landing configuration C. Is the stall speed at 50 ft for normal landing. What is the DOW? A. DOW is basis weight B. DOW is maximum takeoff weight minus fuel C. DOW is the total of basis weight and pantry weight and crew weight. What is the ZFW? A. DOW plus traffic load B. TOW minus takeoff fuel C. All are correct. What is the LW? A. TOW minus trip fuel B. ZFW plus takeoff fuel C. LW minus trip fuel. What is the takeoff speed operations? A. V1, VR, Vs B. V1, VR, V2 C. V1, V2, VAPP. What is the takeoff speed limitation? A. VMCG, VTIRE, VS B. VMU,VMBE C. All above. What is the minimum flex temperature? A. is equal to flex rating temperature B. is equal to 53 degree C. is equal to ISA plus 53 degree. VNA-650/VJ123/VVTS-VVNB/ CONF 2/4/ PAX : ADULT: 145, CHILD: 10, INFANT: 10/ OA: 55, OB: 60, OC: 40/CARGO: 1580 KG, CP3: 1580 KG/FOB: 9800 KG/TRIP FUEL: 4500 KG/What is the TOW and TOCG? A. TOW=65.3T, TOCG=28.8% B. TOW=65T, TOCG=29% C. TOW=60T, TOCG=28,5%. VNA-650/VJ123/VVTS-VVNB/VVTS: 25L FULL LENGTH/WIND: 220 DEGREE/10 KT/ OAT: 23 Degree/QNH: 1003 HPA/RWY condition: wet/ TOW=65T/ANTI ICE: OFF/TOCG=27/What is the highest flexible temperature AT OPTIMUM CONFIG? 55 56 66 Other . VNA-650/VJ123/VVTS-VVNB/VVNB: 29L/ WIND: 200 Degree/ 8Kt/OAT: 25 degree/QNH:1008 HPA/RWY condition: WET/LW=60T/Anti Ice: OFF/LCG=28/ What is the Vapp and FLD at Conf full? Vapp=138 kt/FLD=2489 m Vapp=135 kt/FLD=2253 m Vapp=140 kt/FLD=2500m. VNA-650/VJ975/RKSI-VVPQ/ CONF 2/4/ PAX : ADULT: 121, CHILD: 37, INFANT: 3/ OA: 55, OB: 60, OC: 43/CARGO: 1238 KG, CP1: 369 KG, CP3: 869 KG/FOB: 18700 KG/TRIP FUEL: 14000 KG/What is the TOW and TOCG? A. TOW=72.9T, TOCG=30% B. TOW=75T, TOCG=29% C. TOW=60T, TOCG=28,5% D. OTHER RESULT. VNA-650/VJ975/RKSI-VVPQ/RKSI: 33L /WIND: 220 DEGREE/10 KT/ OAT: 23 Degree/QNH: 1003 HPA/RWY condition: wet/ TOW=73T/ ANTI ICE: OFF/TOCG=28/ What is the highest flexible temperature at T/O 55 56 57. VN-A695/VJ961/RKSI-VVNB/CONF 2/5/ PAX: ADULT: 158, CHILD: 10; INFANT: 5/ OA: 48; OB: 60; OC: 60/TOTAL CARGO AND BAGGAGE: CARGO: 1200, BAGGAGE:1000 KG/ CP1: 1200 KG, CP3: 1000 KG/ FOB=16000 KG, TRIP FUEL=10500 KG/ What is the ZFW, TOW of the following condition? A. ZFW=57.4 T, TOW=73.2T B. ZFW=56.9T, TOW=72.7T C. ZFW=67T, TOW=79T D. ZFW=42.5.9T, TOW= 72.7T. VN-A695/VJ961/RKSI-VVNB/ VVNB RWY 11R/ WIND 150 DEGREE/6 KT/ OAT: 27 DEGREE/ QNH: 1015 HPA/ DRY RUNWAY/ANTI ICE: OFF/LW=62000 KG/LCG=28/BRAKING MODE: LOW/ REV YES/Y RSVR LO LVL/ What is the landing distance and Vapp of the following conditions? A. FLD=2364 M, Vapp=144 kt B. FLD=2056 m, Vapp=144 kt C. FLD=2344 m, Vapp=137 kt D. FLD=2364 M , Vapp=138 KT. VN-A695/VJ961/ RKSI-VVNB/ RKSI: 33L WIND: 220DEGREE/15KT OAT: 18 DEGREE/ QNH:1005 HPA /RWY CONDITION: DRY/ TOW=73000 KG / CONF OPT /TOCG=28/Anti Ice: OFF/What is the highest flexible temperature of the following conditions? 56 54 52 53. Calculate the takeoff speed of the following condition: VNA676/VJ961/ RKSI-VVNB /RKSI: 33L/ WIND: 220DEGREE/15KT /OAT: 18°C /QNH:1005 HPA/ RWY CONDITION: DRY /TOW=73.2 T/ Anti Ice: OFF/TOCG=28/ Ground spoiler 1 pair inoperative/ What is the highest flexible temperature? 50 54 55 53. Calculate the load sheet of the following conditions: VNA676/VJ961/ RKSI-VVNB/ CONFIG 2/5/ PAX: ADULT: 160; CHILD: 10;INFANT:5/ OA:54, OB: 60, OC: 56/ TOTAL CARGO: 2200 KG /FWD HOLD 1: 1200 KG, AFT HOLD 3: 1000 KG /Block fuel: 16000 kg/ trip fuel: 10500 kg/ What is the TOW and TOCG? A. ZFW=57.4T, TOW=73.2T, TOCG=28.2% B. ZFW=57.4T, TOW=73.2 T, TOCG=32% C. ZFW=57.4T, TOW=62.7T, TOCG=31.1% D. ZFW=57.5T; TOW= 73,3T; TOCG=27.4%. Calculate the landing distance and Vapp of the following conditions: VN-A676/VJ961/RKSI-VVNB/ VVNB RWY 11R/ WIND:150DEGREE/6KT/ OAT: 27°C /QNH:1015 HPA/RWY CONDITION: DRY RWY/ ANTI ICE: OFF/ LW=62T/ LCG=26/ADR 1+2 FAULT/ What is the factor landing distance (FCD) and Vapp? FLD=2367 M, Vapp=149 kt B. FLD=2722m, Vapp=149 kt C. FLD=2367 m, Vapp=145 kt D. FLD= 2704m , Vapp=148 kt. Calculate the landing distance and Vapp of the following condition: VN-A650/VJ151/VVNB-VVTS/ VVTS:07L/ WIND:150°/6 KT/ OAT: 31° C / QNH: 1015 HPA/ RWY CONDITION: WET/ LW=60T/ AIR COND: ON /ANTI ICE: OFF/LCG=28/Y RSVR LO LVL/What is the factor landing distance (FLD) and Vapp at CONF Full? FLD=2290 m/ VAPP=145 KT B. FLD=2338 M/VAPP=135 KT C. FLD=2263M/VAPP=143 KT D. FLD = 2265M/VAPP= 143 KT. Calculate the load sheet of the following conditions: VNA655/VJ961/ VVDN-VVNB/ CONFIG 2/4/ PAX: ADULT: 160, CHILD: 10, INFANT:5/ OA:54, OB: 60, OC: 56/ TOTAL CARGO: 1000 KG , AFT HOLD 3: 1000 KG/ Block fuel: 7600 kg/ trip fuel: 3500 kg/ What is the ZFW, TOW? TOW=73.2T, TOCG=28.2% TOW=73.2 T, TOCG=32% TOW=63.6T, TOCG=32.4% TOW= 73,3T; TOCG=28%. Calculate the takeoff speed of the following condition: VVNA655/VJ961/ VVDN-VVNB /VVDN: 35L/ WIND: 220DEGREE/5KT /OAT: 28°C /QNH:1005 HPA/ RWY CONDITION: DRY /TOW=63.2 T/Anti Ice: OFF/ Ground spoiler 1 pair inoperative/TOCG=28/ What is the highest flexible temperature? 50 54 61 53. Calculate the landing distance and Vapp of the following condition: VN-A655/VJ961/VVDN-VVNB/ VVNB:11L/ WIND:150°/6 KT/ OAT: 31° C / QNH: 1015 HPA/ RWY CONDITION: WET/ LW=60T/ANTI ICE: OFF/IR 1+2 FAULT/ LCG=28/What is the factor landing distance (FLD) and Vapp at CONF Full? A. FLD=2632 m/ VAPP=145 KT B. FLD=2338 M/VAPP=135 KT C. FLD=2263M/VAPP=143 KT D. FLD=2265M/VAPP= 143 KT. Calculate the load sheet of the following conditions: VNA666/VJ961/ VVBM-VVNB/ CONFIG 2/4/ PAX: ADULT: 150, CHILD: 10, INFANT:5/ OA:50, OB: 60, OC: 50/ TOTAL CARGO: 1000 KG , AFT HOLD 3: 1000 KG/ Block fuel: 7600 kg/ trip fuel: 3500 kg/ What is the ZFW, TOW? TOW=73.2T, TOCG=28.2% B. TOW=73.2 T, TOCG=32% C. TOW=62.9T, TOCG=31.6% D. TOW= 73,3T; TOCG=28%. Calculate the takeoff speed of the following condition: VVNA666/VJ961/ VVBM-VVNB /VVBM: 09/ WIND: 200DEGREE/5KT /OAT: 28°C /QNH:1005 HPA/ RWY CONDITION: WET /TOW=63.2 T/TOCG=28/Anti Ice: OFF/ What is the highest flexible temperature AT OPTIMUM CONF? 50 58 61 53. Calculate the landing distance and Vapp of the following condition: VVN-A666/VJ961/ VVBM-VVNB/ VVNB:29L/ WIND:150°/6 KT/ OAT: 31° C/ QNH: 1015 HPA/ RWY CONDITION: WET/ LW=60T/CG=28/AIRCOND:ON/ ANTI ICE: OFF/What is the factor landing distance (FLD) and Vapp at CONF Full? FLD=2449 m/ VAPP=135 KT B. FLD=2338 M/VAPP=135 KT C. FLD=2263M/VAPP=143 KT. |
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