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Prep Study 2

prep study 2 full

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Creation Date: 17/09/2023

Category: Others

Number of questions: 75
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What is ASDA? The length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided. The length of the take off run available plus the length of the stopway, if provided. The length of the take off run available .
What is Toda (take off distance available) The length of the take off run available plus the length of the stopway, if provided. The length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided. The length of the take off run available.
what is TORA The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an airplane taking off. The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an airplane taking off and stop. the lenght of the usable runway.
What is Stopway? The length of an unprepared surface at the end of the runway in the direction of the takeoff that is capable of supporting an aircraft if the aircraft has to be stopped during a takeoff run. The lenght made to stop the aircraft The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an airplane taking off.
Suitable Etops airports must include Aircraft performance is suitable for airfield. Adequate emergency facilities, Lighting for night ops, A basic instrument approach. A Suitable terminal for the aircraft, Refueling and basic ground operation Aircraft performance is suitable for airfield. Adequate emergency facilities, Refueling, Lighting for night ops, An ILS instrument approach.
What os Etops? Extended twin operations, to operate 60 mins away from an alternate in case of engine failure Extended twin operations, to operate 30 mins away from an alternate in case of engine failure Extended twin operations, to operate 40 mins away from an alternate in case of engine failure.
Etops Categories Normal extended twin operations (ETOPS) categories, vary between 60 and 180 Minutes. Normal extended twin operations (ETOPS) categories, vary between 20 and 120 Minutes. Normal extended twin operations (ETOPS) categories, vary between 60 and 360 Minutes.
ILS protection ICAO is 35 degrees to 10m and 10degrees out to 18nm 55 degrees to 10m and 10degrees out to 16nm 15 degrees to 10m and 10degrees out to 18nm.
why 2000ft at no RVSM Because of altimeter errors because of capabilities of small aircrafts because of airways.
IFR/ RVSM levels 0-179 Magnetic track odd numbers, 180-359 even numbers 0-179 Magnetic track even numbers, 180-359 odd numbers 0-179 Magnetic track odd numbers, 180-359 odd numbers.
Holding entries are Direct, parallel and teardrop entries Direct, parallel and teardrop and orbit Orbit .
no standard holding is to the left to the right teardrop.
Icao Hold speeds are Up to 14000 ft: 230kts 14000 ft to 20000 ft: 240kts 20000 ft to 34000 ft: 265kts Above 34000 ft: MO.83 Up to 8000 ft: 230kts 8000 ft to 18000 ft: 240kts 20000 ft to 34000 ft: 265kts Above 34000 ft: MO.83 Up to 20000 ft: 230kts 24000 ft to 20000 ft: 240kts 20000 ft to 34000 ft: 265kts Above 34000 ft: MO.83.
Sequence speed for takeoff V1, VMCA, VR, V2 V1, VR, V2 V1, VR, V2 RVR.
Lights on taxiway consist of Blue edge, green center. Red edge, blue center Blue center, Green edges.
How long runway remain if lights are solid red Red for last 1,000 ft (305 m) Red for last 2,000 ft (605 m) Red for last 3,000 ft (905 m).
How long runway remaining when WY centerline light turns alternating red and white? 3000 ft remaining 2000 ft remaining 900 ft remaining.
Runway edge lights turning Amber, how many feets remaining? 2000 ft remaining 3000 ft remaining 900 ft remaining .
Is Vmcg ? higher than Vr lower than VR all the above.
what is VMCG during the takeoff run at which, if the critical engine suddenly fails, it is possible to maintain directional control using only aerodynamic controls. speed for stall after takeoff max speed for rejected takeoff.
What type of engine does our B777 have Rolls-Royce CFM P&W.
What is the lat/long of Dubai? 25°18N 55°20'E 22.19° N, 113° E 10.48° N, 66° W.
What is Critical Mach Number (Mcrit)? Is the aircraft's Mach speed at which the airflow over a wing becomes sonic-critical Mach number. is the speed at which the aircraft flies at higher speeds it is the min speed to fly when operating above fl300.
What is Dutch Roll? Dutch roll is a type of aircraft motion (tail-wagging) Dutch roll is the maximum roll after takeoff dutch roll is the min speed during climb.
What are speed brakes used for? to increase drag or increase the angle of approach during landing. To maneuver with better performance used for steep approaches.
What is better used for stopping on a dry runway brakes or reverse thrust? Reverse Thrust Brakes Ground spoilers.
How is wind shear detected? a difference in wind direction and speed or temperature between two places with special weather radars with visual references.
What is the transponder code for lost of communication? Squawk 7600 Squawk 7700 Squawk 7500.
What is the transponder code for hijacking? Squawk 7500 Squawk 7600 Squawk 7700.
How many % to be considered a contaminated runway? 25% 35% 15%.
Effect of weight in stalling speed? Weight increases so does stalling speed. Weight increases so stalling speed decreases. Weight decreases so does stalling speed.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a thin wing? Greater speed Lower speed short take off roll.
Effect of Ice on Stalling Speed? Ice accumulated on aircraft surface will contribute to more weight and drag, which will increase stalling speed Ice accumulated on aircraft surface will contribute to more weight and drag, which will decrease stalling speed Ice accumulated on aircraft surface will contribute to more weight and drag, which will increase max buffer speed.
Why are wings swept? Advantage / Disadvantage regarding Swept Wings? They are swept to be able to fly at a higher speed. They are swept to be able to fly at a lower speed. .
How would you deal with a fire on a cabin seat? Extinguish it with a handheld fire extinguisher, any class. Land as soon as possible declare emergency .
What effect does a 60 degrees bank turn have on the stalling speed? Increases it by 41% Increases it by 31% Increases it by 25%.
which months is the monsoon season in South Asia? In summer in winter in autumn.
What is the worst month for fog in Dubai? March april january.
During what months would you expect fog in Dubai? March until May june until september december.
On a flight from Athens to Madrid a correct Flight Level would be? Even, because it's westbound. Assuming IF Odd because it's westbound Even, because it's eastbound. Assuming IF.
What effect do slats have on the max angle of attack? Increased due to improved (more energized) boundary layer. decrease due to improved (more energized) boundary layer. no effect.
What effect do slats have on the Angle of Attack? If maintaining a constant ATTITUDE, Slat extension will cause a DECREASE in Angle of Attack. If maintaining a constant ATTITUDE, Slat extension will cause a INCREASE in Angle of Attack. .
what is the maximum time permitted for a Jet Engine to spool up from idle to full thrust? 8 seconds 9 seconds 10 seconds.
On a Lambert chart the distance scale is most accurate? Along the standard parallels. The scale expands outside them and contracts between them Along the non standard parallels. The scale expands outside them and contracts between them.
What conditions are associated with the ITCZ? Resulting in the formation convective clouds and subsequent heavy precipitation during most part of the year. Resulting in the formation convective clouds and subsequent heavy precipitation during half of the year Resulting in the formation convective clouds and subsequent heavy precipitation during the begining of the year.
How does the Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC) vary with an increased in altitude? TSFC is "lower" at higher altitudes TSFC is "higher" at higher altitudes TSFC is "same" at higher altitudes.
What happens to airspeed in the climb with a block Pitot tube? airspeed indicator to register an increase in airspeed when the aircraft climbs. airspeed indicator to register an decrease in airspeed when the aircraft climbs. airspeed indicator to register same airspeed when the aircraft climbs.
What happens to airspeed in the descent with a blocked Static Port? It will over read. It will under read.
What is the local time in DAC when it is noon in London (DAC is UTC + 6) 18:00 19:00 16:00.
What is balanced field length? That your accelerated stop distance is equal to your accelerated go distance That your accelerated stop distance is equal to your touch and go distance That your accelerated stop distance is different to your accelerated go distance .
What does WS means in Met report? Windshear WIND SNOW Wild Snow.
What is circling approach? A circling approach (circle-to-land) is often established at aerodromes, where a straight-in approach track is not possible due to terrain constraints or an inappropriate descent gradient. A circling approach (circle-to-land) is often established at aerodromes, where a Straight in approach is a circle all the above.
What is the fuel freeze temperature of Jet A? - 40°C - 45°C - 35°C.
What is the fuel freeze temperature of Jet A1? - 47°C - 57°C - 37°C.
A sea breeze is wind that? A cool breeze blowing from the sea toward the land. A cool breeze blowing from the land toward the sea.
Which is a typical characteristic of a swept wing? Thin, minimal - chamber thick. long wing.
The MS on a Jeppesen Chart is generally within how many NM? 25 NM 35 NM 20 NM.
Where is windshear found? Weather fronts, Inversion, Upper-level jet streams, low level jet stream, and downburst. Tropical areas with vertical clouds jet streams.
What effect does a winglets has an aerofoil? Reduction of induced drag Increase Speed reduction of turbulence.
What sort of weather would you expect in a Low Pressure Area? Cloudy weather and precipitation Good weather and clear skies.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the diurnal variation of the wind at about 2000 ft is such that? It veers and velocity increase. It veers and velocity decreases .
Does a compressor change kinetic energy into pressure energy? If so, are stators divergent or convergent? Yes, kinetic energy can change into pressure energy. no, kinetic energy can change into pressure energy.
If your static port gets clogged with ice on descent, you altimeter will over / under read or remain the same? It will over read It will under read.
Why do modern jets have a swept wing? To achieve high speed, and reduce drag. To achieve slow speed, and reduce drag.
Two aircraft are approaching head on turn, which way do you turn to avoid a crash? To the right. To the left Climb.
What is the effect of engine bleed air for air conditioning and anti - icing etc. on take off performance? Reduced performance Increase performance not Affect Performance.
What happens to specific fuel consumption with altitude? Decrease with higher altitude. increase with higher altitude. Decrease with lower altitude.
What does VVxxx mean on a TAF? Vertical Visibility is noted indefinite ceiling Vertical Visibility is noted xxx Wind shear .
Can an increase in clearway increase MTOW? YES no.
ASDA is TORA + What? Stopway clearway TORA.
Three ingredients are needed for the formation of a perfect cumulonimbus cloud? Plenty of moisture, A mass of warm unstable air, A source of energy to lift the warm, moist air mass rapidly upward Plenty of rain A mass of cold air.A source of energy to lift the warm, moist air mass rapidly upward.
With the anti skid inoperative, for any given takeoff weight? The V1 must be reduced. The V1 must be increased The V1 must remain same.
Why does the Airbus have a tail tank? To increase range and provide balanced trim To increase range to provide balance.
A deep stall is often a characteristic of T-tail airplane Airbus small aircrafts.
Ice contamination of the upper and lower surface may cause A reduction in stall margins and possible poor lateral control on takeoff A loss of lift and pitch control on the ground An increase in the calculated thrust setting required for takeoff.
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