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SAP:FI - Asset Accounting -2 ECC 5.0

SAP:FI - Asset Accounting -2 ECC 5.0

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Creation Date: 24/12/2008

Category: Others

Number of questions: 60
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Periodic processing comprises the task in the asset accounting that must be performed at periodic intervals. True False.
If we want to plane primary costs on a cost center basis, you can periodically determine planned depreciation and interest and pass these on to primary cost planning in the co system via a report. True False.
Investment support is a susidy that a company recieves for a certian asset investemnt. True False.
Assets that are eligable for subsidy are marked in the asset master records with the investement suport key and all the specifications are stored in the defination of this key. True False.
Inflation management is required in countries with high rates of inflation or deflation. True False.
We can use schedule manager in FI-AA to define, schedule,process and control periodically recurring processes. True False.
The purpose of Depreciation areas is for reporting only. True False.
We can define depreciation are how to post the asset balance sheet values and depreciation values to the general ledger. True False.
We can create depreciation areas for reporting purpose only. True False.
The Depreciation areas created for reporting purpose are used for display of asset value and calculate depreciation; but do not post any values to the general ledger. True False.
We can define types of depreciation for each depreciation area. True False.
Types of depreciation in Asset accounting. Ordinary depreciation Special depreciation Unplanned depreciation Manual depreciation Automatic depreciation.
Ordinary depreciation is the planned reduction of asset value due to normal wear and tear. True False.
Special depreciation is purely tax-based for wear and tear of an asset. True False.
Unplanned depreciation is concerned with unusual circumstances, such as damage to the asset, that lead to a permanent reduction of its value. True False.
Unit - of - Production depreciation takes fluctuations in activity into accout for calculating depreciation. True False.
The amount of depreciation calculated using "Unit-of-Production" method will dependent upon seasonal usage of asset. True Fasle.
Specifications and parameters that the system requiures to calcualte depreciation amounts are entered in the calcualtion methods. Calcuation methods replace the internal calcualtion key of the depreciation key. True False.
Individual calcualtion methods which can be assigned to Depreciation key. Base Method Declining balance methods Maximum amounts methods Multilevel methods Period control Methods.
We need to activate depreciation key In order to work with it. Other wise the system will continue to use the old keys. True False.
Advantages of using calculation methods in the depreciation key. Country specific requuirements are represented by methods specific to a paticular chart of accounts. Avoid the use of an ever increasing number of internal calculation keys. we can enter Depreciation keys as default values for a paticular company code or depreciation area. There is no need of assigning chart of company code.
Chose the correct statement related to calculating depreciation values. The asset master contains the depreciation terms. The system calcualtes the annual depreciation using depreciation key and asset useful life. The system determines the depreciation start date using the asset value date and the preiod control method. Asset explorer displays the values and the depreciation for every transsaction and each area. Asset explorer displays the calculation of depreciation values. We have to re-run the depreciation if the depreciation terms have been changed. .
For the Book depreciation area, the system calcualtes book depreciation allowed by commercial law without special depreciation. True False.
We can define whether interest should be calcualted for the cost-accounting depreciation area, and whether depreciation should continue below Zero. These specifications are defined in the depreciation area. True False.
In Cost accounting depreciation area index series are used for indexing of the replacement value. True False.
We can calcualte depreciation after the end of the planned useful life. True False.
We can calcualte the depreciatio after the book value is Zero. For this the depreciatio area must allow negetive book value True False.
For cost accounting, we can calcualte imputed interest on the capital tied up in assets per depreciation area and corresponding company codes. True False.
In the cost accounting, calcualtion of interest is based on the replacement valu, the system calculates indexed interest. True False.
The system posts interest simoultaneously during the periodic depreciation posting run to the relavent GL accounts in the relavent account determination for each depreciation area. True False.
Revaluation for calculation of Replacement value of an asset will be done by index series in the asset or asset class. True False.
The index series is assigned to an index class which consists of control parameters for Index series. True False.
Index clasess are only Year - dependent. True False.
For each fiscal year we should maintian index figures for index series. If they are not maintianed the system switches to the simulated annual rate of revaluation. True False.
An index revaluation can be calculated for accumulated depreciation and imputed interest. True False.
The methods used for distributing forecasted depreciation to the posting periods. Planned depreciation method Unplanned depreciation method Special depreciation method Smoothing method Catch - up methods.
Smoothing method distributes the forcasted depreciation evenly among the periods from the current depreciatio period up to the end of the fiscal year regardless of the value date of the transaction. True False.
With the catch - up method, the depreciatio on the transaction from the start of capitalization up to the current preiod is posted as lump sum.This amount is posted in the period in which the posting date of the transaction lies. True False.
Fiscal year change program opens new annual value fields for each asset. True False.
The earliest start of the fiscal year change program is in the last posting preiod of the current year. True False.
We have to run the Fiscal year change progrm for the whole company code. False True.
We can process the fiscal year chage in the subsequent year if the previous year ha already been closed for Bussiness. True False.
Fiscal year change and Year end closings are one and the same. True False.
Chose the correct statemtent related to Year end closing activities in asset accounting. After depreciation lists and asset history sheet have been checked, derpeciation is posted. If the final result is not satisfactory, we can carry out depreciation simulation or (Bulk) changes, or make adjustment postings. If we change any depreciation values, we have to re-run the depreciation. Once the depreciation has been posted in FI-AA and FI, a balance sheet and profit and loss statment can be created.
One of the main tasks of asset accounting is to represent the asset portfolio in the detailed form of an asset history sheet. True False.
Diffent types of tools used in Reporting of asset accounting. Report Tree Area Menu SAP list viewer Sort criteria Asset history sheet.
SAP list viewer is used for reporting on all line items. True False.
Chose the corect statement related to Asset list viewer. Its User friendly charecteristic support dynamic creation of layouts. New graphical design using the list viewer gird control Deleting and inseting columns. Arranging the values in the columns in ascending or decending order. Calculating totals or subtotals acrross one or more columns with in a list. We can save a repot using layouts and use it forever. Setting filters.
Advantages in Area Menu in the information system of Asset accounting. Displaying or hiding of columns. Formatting the columns by double clicking or dragging with the mouse. Filtering & Sorting Calculating totals for numerical or currency fields. Expanding / collapsing hierarchy levels. Saving client and user dependent settings. Exporting to spread sheets.
In sort criteria, each sort version consists of a maximum of five sort levels which is determined via ABAP dictionary fields. True False.
The asset history sheet is the most important and most comprehensive year end report or intermediate report. True False.
SAP supplies country specific versions of the asset history sheet to meet the legal requirements in a given country. True False.
We can use addtional history sheet versions for reporting of special depreciation. True False.
We can define your own asset history sheet versions. True False.
Chose the correct statement regarding Asset history sheet versions. Size: Up to 10 rows / 8 columns Store the header of the history sheet items Define how the values are supplied to the history sheet items Store the data in the database tables.
By using the report interfaces, we can display the history sheet for the individual asset that form the total. True false.
We can simulate depreciation forecast with Asset Explorer. True False.
We can simulate depreciation for asset using asset explorer. True False.
Asset explorer offers extensive possibilities for evaluating individual asset master records. True False.
By entering and Asterisk (*) in the subnumber field, we can request comined reporting for a main asset and all the subnumber assets belonging to it in Asset explorer. True False.
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