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SAP Quality Management QM PLM400

Quality Management

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Creation Date: 04/07/2012

Category: Others

Number of questions: 103
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You can only work in one window (session) at a time in an SAP system. true false.
How many window sessions can you open at the same time in maximum? 3 5 7 6.
The following strings are valid entries in the command field: /nend /nex ?SM04 /nsm04 From SAP Easy Access: SM04 From SAP Easy Access: search_sap_menu.
You can use the F1 key to: Display an explanation of a field's uses Display a list of possible input values Change your user data (for example, the logon language) End the session you are in Display detailed technical information on a field.
You can use the F4 key to: Start another session Display detailed technical information on a program Call the SAP Library Display possible entries for an input field Create a print request of the screen currently displayed.
You can also call the context-sensitive SAP Library using the F1 key. true false.
Which of the following statements accurately describe a client in an SAP system? A client represents a completely independent business entity. A client has its own database. A client corresponds to a customer. A client may represent an entire company.
The following personalization options are available in the SAP GUI: You can change the font size (within limits) in the SAP GUI You can have system messages displayed in a dialog box You can change the size of input fields You can suppress the display of pictures in the SAP GUI Every user can display a picture of their choice on the SAP Easy Access screen You can use a personal input history on your front end.
When implementing QM, only the business processes in a company must be examined. true false.
Quality management can be used throughout the whole life cycle of a product. true false.
When implementing QM, which processes in a company must be examined. Business processes Standard requirements.
Physical samples can be processed …. in production at goods receipt at goods issue for the inspection of external products.
QM is integrated in the processes of the logistics supply chain. true false.
Only internal problems can be processed using quality notifications. true false.
Physical samples can only be processed in production. true false.
Quality planning tasks include: Processing of inspection plans Processing of master recipes Management of the material stocks to be inspected Processing of inspection methods.
Customer-specific inspection specifications can be copied from the sales order. true false.
If you procure materials externally, you can only use a goods receipt inspection. true false.
When can Quality certificates be used? when issuing goods at goods receipt.
Which inspection can you use, if you procure materials externally? Goods receipt inspection Source inspection at the vendor.
Quality certificates can only be used when issuing goods. true false.
A goods movement can trigger the automatic creation of an inspection lot. true false.
The Early Warning System can be used to monitor critical values (for example, quality scores). true false.
The quality info record contains data for certificate control at goods receipt. true false.
QM cannot be used to set a payment block for the goods receipt invoice. true false.
You do not have to perform a goods receipt inspection for goods coming from certified vendors. true false.
How can a payment be block for the goods receipt invoice with QM If QM in procurement is activated If QM in procurement is not activated.
What is integrated in the product structure? the inspection plan the material specification.
An inspection lot can be created automatically when a production order is released. true false.
In the course of an inspection during production: Inspection results can be recorded for the inspection characteristics. Defects cannot be recorded. Multiple results for the same inspection characteristic can be recorded if inspection points are used. No unplanned characteristics can be added.
An inspection cannot be performed when goods are received from production. true false.
Customer-specific tolerance specifications can be taken into consideration when performing a goods issue inspection. true false.
Customer returns can be subjected to a returns inspection. true false.
Inspection results from the goods issue inspection cannot be included on the quality certificate. true false.
Quality documents can be stored using document management. true false.
The material specification is not integrated in the product structure. true false.
The material specification can only be used for materials managed in batches. true false.
The inspection characteristics are used to determine what is to be inspected. true false.
The sampling procedure defines how the sample size is to be determined. true false.
The following QM basic data can be distributed to other systems using ALE (Application Link Enabling): Master inspection characteristics Sampling procedure Inspection setup in the materials Dynamic modification rules.
What does the sampling procedure define? how the sample size is to be determined how to perform the valuation.
When is the quality level updated at inspection completion in the usage decision? if you are working with dynamic modification if you are not working with dynamic modification.
Documents can be added at all levels of the hierarchical data object structure in an FMEA. true false.
There can be a list of the higher-level system elements and a list of the lower-level system elements for each FMEA. true false.
Can quality notifications be displayed in the control plan? true false.
You can display and process the assigned FMEAs from the control plan. true false.
Inspection lots are always created automatically. true false.
The specifications in the inspection type define how an inspection is to take place. true false.
The status of the inspection lot informs you about the current “processing status” of the inspection lot. true false.
At inspection lot creation, the inspection specifications are copied into the inspection lot. true false.
The inspection specifications from the routing cannot be altered. true false.
The inspection specifications from the task list cannot be altered. true false.
In addition to inspection results recording for characteristics, it is also possible to record defects. true false.
Inspection results can also be recorded on the Internet. true false.
At inspection completion in the usage decision, the quality level is always updated. true false.
It is not possible to use a digital signature in the usage decision. true false.
Where can you work with digital signature? in the inspection results recording in the usage decision.
The number of physical samples is defined ... in the sample-drawing procedure in the sample-drawing item.
The number of physical samples is defined in the sample-drawing procedure. true false.
Only specifications for the primary sample can be specified in the sample-drawing item. true false.
What can be defined in the sample-drawing item? specifications for the number of primary samples specifications for the number of pool samples specifications for the number of reserve samples.
Which statement is correct? The certificate profile is used to define which characteristics area to appear on the certificate. The certificate form is used to define the layout. Outgoing certificates can be stored using ArchiveLink and displayed again later. Using the Internet service QC40, you can retrieve certificates for a delivery item via the Internet (vendors’ homepage).
An inspection process can consist of planned and unplanned physical samples. true false.
Certificate forms and certificate profiles are used for certificate planning. true false.
To archive outgoing certificates, you can use the ArchiveLink interface. true false.
Certificates cannot be retrieved via the homepage of a vendor. true false.
The general notification can be used to describe problems in production. true false.
Malfunction reports for measuring and inspection devices can be recorded using maintenance notifications. true false.
A general notification cannot be recorded using the Internet. true false.
The action box of the quality notification can be used to trigger tasks for the notification. true false.
SAP Workflow is always required for the processing of quality notifications. true false.
During the defect analysis, tasks can be defined for the defect items in the quality notification. true false.
Which of the following statements are correct? Problems can be recorded by simply entering them in a notification A general notification can be changed to a quality notification. On the basis of the maintenance notification, a maintenance order for the repair of the deviec can be created. You can use the service QISR to create notifications on the Internet. SAP workflow simplifies notification processing. It’s not a prerequisite.
Which of the following statements are correct? For stability study flexible inspection specifications can be used for the initial test of inspection lot. For stability study only fixed specifications are used For stability study you can create inspection instructions. For stability study you can create sample-drawing instructions. For stability study you can use storage lists and smaple removal lists.
Dynamic modification is possible at inspection lot creation or when making the usage decision. true false.
If the action limits of a quality control chart are violated, the relevant inspection characteristic is rejected. true false.
Quality control charts cannot be used for master inspection characteristics. true false.
The quality score is updated when the usage decision is made. true false.
The quality score has an effect on the vendor evaluation. true false.
Activity confirmations for QM orders are only possible at results recording. true false.
Evaluations are performed with reference to inspection lots or with reference to quality notifications. true false.
The Early Warning System can be used to monitor critical key figures. true false.
Test equipment can be created as equipment or as functional locations. true false.
Several similar measurement devices can be grouped together in a test equipment group for the calibration inspection. true false.
The results history for equipment displays the results of past calibration inspections. true false.
The initial test is the first part of a stability study. true false.
The initial test is executed in accordance with the fixed specifications in the inspection plan. true false.
No QM shop papers are used during a stability study. true false.
The stability study is represented in the system with the help of a quality notification. true false.
The physical samples represent the different storage conditions. true false.
A different inspection plan can be used for each storage condition. true false.
A valuation may be in recorded for every question in the question list. true false.
A document may be assigned to every audit data object. true false.
Several question lists can be assigned to one audit. true false.
Processes and QM basic data at client level must be discussed for implementing QM. true false.
Processes and QM basic data at plant level must be discussed when implementing QM. true false.
The expectations related to the QM project should be determined when implementing QM. true false.
Sample processes are only put together in the implementation phase when implementing QM. true false.
The core processes are structured when implementing QM. true false.
The structure of the whole project is defined for implementing QM true false.
System adjustments must be performed in Customizing when implementing QM true false.
A training concept for the end-users must be constructed when implementing QM true false.
Archiving must be prepared and set up when implementing QM true false.
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