ERASED TEST, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED ON Simple past por Freddy Endara Tapia
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Simple past por Freddy Endara Tapia


Freddy Endara Tapia
Other tests from this author

Creation Date: 22/04/2012

Category: Languages

Number of questions: 20
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Which is the simple past of: We buy a door We brought a door We buyed a door We bought a door We buoght a door.
Which is the simple past of: You write poems You written poems You writed poems You wrote poems You wrotten poems.
Which is the simple past of: Kerry does not speak English Kerry doesn't speak English Kerry did not speak English Kerry do not speak English Kerry not did speak English.
Which is the simple past of: Do you see the bird? Does you see the bird? Did you see the bird? Did you saw the bird? Did you seen the bird?.
Which is the simple past of: We (think) New York was in England! We thought New York was in England! We thinked New York was in England! We taught New York was in England! We tought New York was in England!.
„Was“ or „Were“? I ________ hungry were is was am.
„Was“ or „Were“? You ________ in Australia last year. travelled were are have been.
„Was“ or „Were“? She________ not there. did were is was.
„Was“ or „Were“? Charly Chaplin ________ a famous actor. is were was been.
„Was“ or „Were“? My father and my mother____________in the office 5 minutes ago wer were was are.
Ask for the word in the parentheses: Billy ate an (apple).
Ask for the word in the parentheses: The children played (in the garden).
Ask for the word in the parentheses: Laura came home (at six o'clock.).
Ask for the word in the parentheses: (The boy) bought a book.
Ask for the word in the parentheses: She (always) dances in the summer.
Answer the questions. Which words are used with the Simple Past (signal words)? Which verb forms are in the Simple Past? Which verb forms are in the Simple Past? Which is not the typical signal words for Simple Past?.
Which sentences/questions are correct? Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past? Which Information question is in the Simple Past? Which question is in the Simple Past? Which affirmative sentence is in the Simple Past?.
Negate the given sentence. It rained yesterday Lee drew a picture Phil talked to his parrot We ran to the tree house.
Form questions in the Simple Past. where / your father / to repair / the kite how / they / to ride / their bikes to be / the boys / in the sun why / the teacher / to check / the computer.
Answer the questions. When was his English course? When did he go to the Italian restaurant? When did he play tennis? When did he go sailing?.
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