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What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Team? (Choose two.) Verifying the work of programmers Everyone in the Development Team is responsible for quality. Tracking quality metrics. Finding bugs. Scrum has no "tester" role.
The CEO asks the Development Team to add a "very important" item to a Sprint that is in progress. What should the Development Team do? Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size. Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments. Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO. Add the item to the next Sprint.
What is the role of management in Scrum? To facilitate the Scrum Teams with insights and resources that help them improve. To monitor the Development Team's productivity. To identify and remove people that aren't working hard enough. To continually monitor staffing levels of the Development Team.
Which technique is the best way the Scrum Master can ensure that the Development Team communicates effectively with the Product Owner? Monitor communications between them and facilitate direct collaboration. Teach the Development Team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the Sprints. Act as a go-between for them.
The time-box for a Daily Scrum? Two minutes per person. 15 minutes. 15 minutes for a 4 week sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter. 4 hours. The same time of day every day.
Which phrase best describes a Product Owner? Go-between development team and customers. Value optimizer. Requirements engineer. Team manager.
The length of a Sprint should be: Short enough to keep the business risk acceptable to the Product Owner. Short enough to be able to synchronize the development work with other business events. No more than one calendar month. All of these answers are correct.
During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Product Owner responsible? Participating as a Scrum Team member. Summarizing and reporting the discussions to the stakeholders that he/she represents in the Scrum Team. Capturing requirements for the Product Backlog. The Product Owner should not take part in Sprint Retrospectives.
Marian is the Product Owner envisioning a project for a new release of her product. She made a projection of a release date based upon a sustained velocity of 17 completed units of work per Sprint. Over the first 3 Sprints, the average velocity was 13 for work that the Development Team estimated as 90% done. The Development Teams, feeling the need to meet the plan, figured that a velocity of 17 was within their reach. A good way to continue is: The Development Team makes sure that all of the selected scope per Sprint is as "Done" as possible. The undone work is estimated and added to the Sprint Backlog of the next Sprint, so it doesn't mess up the Product Backlog. Add enough people to the Development Team for the deadline to be made. The opportunity to inspect and adapt is lost. Opaqueness has replaced transparency. Predictability has dropped below zero. The produced software is not usable. As the rules of Scrum have not been respected, it is the Scrum Master's duty to assess whether repair is possible, or a restart with a more reliable team. If not, the Scrum Master should cancel the project. The Development Team should remind Marian to find funding for enough Release Sprints in which the remaining work can be done.
The Product Owner is not collaborating with the Development Team during the Sprint. What are two valuable actions for a Scrum Master to take? (Choose two.) Inform the Product Owner's functional manager. Stop the Sprint, send the Product Owner to a course and restart. Bring up the problem in the Sprint Retrospective. Coach the Product Owner in the values of Scrum and incremental delivery. Nominate a proxy Product Owner.
Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product or system all select work from the same Product Backlog. True False.
For the purpose of transparency, when does Scrum say a new increment of working software must be available? After the acceptance testing phase. Before the release Sprint. Every 3 Sprints. At the end of every Sprint. When the Product Owner asks to create one.
Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same project must have the same Sprint start date. True False.
What is a Development Team responsible for? (Choose two.) Resolving internal team conflicts. Reporting productivity. Selecting the Product Owner. Organizing the work required to meet the Sprint Goal.
Which two ways of creating Development Teams are consistent with Scrum's values? (Choose two.) Existing teams propose how they would like to go about organizing into the new structure. Managers personally re-assign current subordinates to new teams. Managers collaborate to assign individuals to specific teams. Bring all the developers together and let them self-organize into Development Teams. The Chief Product Owner determines the new team structures and assignments.
A Scrum Master is essentially the same thing as a traditional PM (Project Manager). True False.
A Product Owner wants advice from the Scrum Master about estimating work in Scrum. Which of these is the guideline that a Scrum Master should give? Product Backlog items must be estimated in story points. Estimates are made by the Development Team. Estimates must be in relative units. Scrum forbids estimating. Estimates are made by the Product Owner, but are best checked with the Development Team.
What is the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting? 4 Hours for a monthly Sprint. 8 Hours for a monthly Sprint. Monthly. Whenever it is done.
Which Scrum Value is affected by a lack of trust in the Scrum Team? Focus Respect Openness Courage Commitment. All of the above.
A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but it is growing and he/she has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments. Which three techniques would be most helpful in this situation? (Choose three.) Consulting with the Development Team. Prioritizing the list and working on them in order. Arranging a triage meeting with all project managers. Alerting management to the impediments and their impact.
A product Increment must be released to production at the end of each Sprint. True False.
If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what do they track? Accumulated cost. Individual worker productivity. Work remaining across time. Accumulated business value delivered to the customer.
How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum? The Scrum Master speaks on their behalf. The Development Team self-manages and is the only management required at the Daily Scrum. Management gives an update at the start of each Daily Scrum. The Product Owner represents their opinions.
To get started in terms of what to build, Scrum requires no more than a Product Owner with enough ideas for a first Sprint, a Development Team to implement those ideas and a Scrum Master to help guide the process. True False.
What is the time-box for the Sprint Review? As long as needed. 2 hours for a monthly Sprint. 4 hours for a monthly Sprint. 4 hours and longer as needed. 1 day.
Who is responsible for tracking the remaining work of the Sprint? The Development Team. The Scrum Master. The Project Manager. The Development Team is consultation with the Product Owner. The Product Owner.
What is the tactic a Scrum Master should use to divide a group of 100 people into multiple Development Teams? Create teams based on their skills across multiple layers (such as database, UI, etc.) Ask the Product Owner to assign the people to teams. Ask the developers to divide themselves into teams.
Which statement best describes a Product Owner's responsibility? Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team does. Managing the project and ensuring that the work meets the commitments to the stakeholders. Directing the Development Team. Keeping stakeholders at bay.
The Sprint Review is mainly an inspect and adapt opportunity for which group? The Development Team and stakeholders. The Product Owner and Development Team. The Scrum Team and stakeholders. The Product Owner and management. The Development Team and management. The Product Owner and stakeholders.
Which of the following best describes an increment of working software? (Choose the best answer.) A decomposition of all Product Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog lists. Additional features in a usable state that complement those delivered in previous iterations. A new user interface design for functionality delivered in previous iterations. An automated test suite to verify functionality delivered in previous iterations. UML diagrams that describe how to deliver functionality in future iterations. Hide Solution Discussion .
In order to achieve the benefits of Scrum, it is important to enact the value of commitment. What two actions demonstrate the commitment of Scrum Team members? (Choose the best two answers.) Always deliver the items in the Sprint forecast. Help the other Scrum Team members. Do your best Send out a daily status report. Work late.
The Product Owner determines how many Product Backlog items the Development Team selects for a Sprint. (Choose the best answer.) False. True, accordingly to what was committed to the stakeholders. True, but only after confirmation by the resource manager that the Team has enough capacity True. False, the Scrum Master does that. False, capacity and commitment are the Project manager's responsibility.
Which three of the following are feedback loops in Scrum? (Choose the best three answers.) Sprint Review. Release Planning. Sprint Retrospective. Refinement Meeting. Daily Scrum.
When a Development Team is having trouble delivering a working Increment because they don't understand a functional requirement, what should they do? (Choose the best answer.) Add a specialist to the Development Team. Partially complete the functionality, and discuss the remaining work at the Sprint Review. Collaborate with the Product Owner to determine what is possible and acceptable. Defer the work to a more appropriate Sprint.
When is the Sprint Backlog created? (Choose the best answer.) At the beginning of the project. During the Sprint Planning meeting. Prior to the Sprint Planning meeting. During the Sprint.
Which of the following services are appropriate for a Scrum Master in regard to the Daily Scrum? (Choose the best answer.) Lead the discussions of the Development Team. Make sure that all 3 questions have been answered by each member of the team. Keep track of whether each team member has a chance to speak. Teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute time-box. All of the above.
Which of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during a Sprint Retrospective? (Choose the best answer.) Methods of communication. The way the Scrum Team does Sprint Planning. Skills needed to improve the Development Team's ability to deliver. Its Definition of "done". All of the above.
What are the two primary ways a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity? (Choose the best two answers.) By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time. By removing impediments that hinder the Development Team. By facilitating Development Team decisions. By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog.
What is the recommended size for a Development Team? (Choose the best answer.) 7 plus or minus 3. At least 7. 9. 3 to 9.
You are the Scrum Master of a new, to be developed product. Development is going to require 45 people. What is a good first question for you to suggest the group thinks about when forming into teams? (Choose the best answer.) How will we make sure all teams have the right amount or expertise? What is the right mixture of senior and junior people on each team? Who are going to be the team leads? Who are the subject matter experts on each team?.
Which two activities will a Product Owner engage in during a Sprint? (Choose the best two answers.) Run the Daily Scrum Prioritize the Development Team's work on the Sprint Backlog. Update the Sprint burndown chart. Answer questions from the Development Team about items in the current Sprint. Work with the stakeholders.
Which three questions might be answered by Development Team members at the Daily Scrum? (Choose the best three answers.) How is the Sprint proceeding? What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? Why were you late? What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? How many hours did I spend on the project yesterday? What will I be working on tomorrow? Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?.
True or False: Cross-functional teams are optimized to work on one technical layer of a system only (e.g. GUI, database, middle tier, interfaces). True False.
A Scrum Master is working with a Development Team that has members in different physical locations. The Development Team meets in a variety of meeting rooms and has much to do logistically (for example, set up conference calls) before the Daily Scrum. What action should the Scrum Master take? (Choose the best answer.) Allow the Development Team to self-manage and determine for itself what to do. Set up the meeting and tell the Development Team that is how it will be done. Ask the Development Team members to alternate who is responsible for meeting setup. Inform management and ask them to solve it.
What are two good ways for a Scrum Team to ensure security concerns are satisfied? (Choose the best two answers.) Postpone the work until a specialist can perform a security audit and create a list of security-related Product Backlog items. Add security concerns to the definition of "Done". Add a Sprint to specifically resolve all security concerns. Have the Scrum Team create Product Backlog items for each concern.
Which are properties of the Daily Scrum? (Choose the best two answers.) It is held first thing in the morning. It is fifteen minutes or less in duration. It is free from and designed to promote conversation. It consists of the Scrum Master asking the Team members the three questions. Its location and time remain constant. It is facilitated by the team lead.
True or False: Every Scrum team must have a Product Owner and Scrum Master. True. Outcomes affected by their participation and availability. False. A Product Owner can be replaced by a business analyst in the Development Team. False. A Scrum Master is only required when asked for by the Development Team. True. Each must be 100% dedicated to the Scrum Team.
Who can abnormally terminate a Sprint? (Choose the best answer.) The Scrum Master The Development Team or its members. The Product Owner The Stakeholders.
True or False: The Sprint Goal is a result of Sprint Planning, as is the Sprint Backlog. True False.
Which two of the following are appropriate topics for discussion during a Sprint Retrospective? (Choose the best two answers.) Identifying high priority process improvements for the next Sprint. The order of items in the Product Backlog How the team collaborates Documenting acceptance criteria for items in the next Sprint.
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