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When should a Sprint Goal be created? (Choose the best answer.) It should have been created in the previous Sprint during Product Backlog refinement. It must be established before Sprint Planning in order to begin planning. A Sprint Goal is not mandatory in Scrum. At any time during the Sprint. During Sprint Planning.
During a Sprint Retrospective, the Development Team proposes moving the Daily Scrum to only occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Which two are the most appropriate responses for the Scrum Master? (Choose the best two answers.) Consider the request and decide on which days the Daily Scrum should occur. Coach the team on why the Daily Scrum is important as an opportunity to update the plan. Have the developers vote. Learn why the Development Team wants this and work with them to improve the outcome of the Daily Scrum. Acknowledge and support the self-organizing team's decision.
As the Development Team starts work during the Sprint, it realizes it has selected too much work to finish in the Sprint. What should it do? (Choose the best answer.) Inform the Product Owner at the Sprint Review, but prior to the demonstration. Find another Scrum Team to give the excess work to. As soon as possible in the Sprint, work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items. Reduce the definition of "Done" and get all of the Product Backlog items "Done" by the new definition.
In accordance with Scrum theory, how should a group of 100 people be divided into multiple Development Teams? (Choose the best answer.) Understanding the product, the product vision and the rules of the Scrum framework, the group divides itself into teams. It doesn't really matter because you can rotate the teams every Sprint to spread knowledge. Check with the allocation department to see who has worked together before and make these the first teams. Create a matrix of skills, seniority, and level of experience to assign people to teams.
A Sprint Retrospective should be held: (Choose the best answer.) At the end of each Sprint. At the beginning of each Sprint. Only when the Scrum Team determines it needs one. At the end of the last Sprint in a project or a release.
A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating the hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the team member? (Choose the best answer.) The hiring manager is responsible, because he/she hired the developer. The Scrum Manager is responsible, because he/she removes Impediments. The Development Team is responsible, and may need help from the Scrum Master. The Product Owner is responsible, because he/she controls the return on investment (ROI).
Which three purposes does the definition of "Done" serve? (Choose the best three answers.) Guide the Development Team on how many Product Backlog items to select for the Sprint. Create a shared understanding of when work is complete. Describe the purpose, objective, and time-box of each Scrum event. Describe the work that must be done before the Sprint is allowed to end. Increase transparency.
True or False: The Product Owner makes sure the team selects enough from the Product Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the stakeholders. True False.
Which statement best describes the Sprint Review? (Choose the best answer.) It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it forecast, or to punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its forecast. It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to check on the work done. It is a mechanism to control the Development Team's activities during a Sprint. It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of a Sprint and figure out what to do next.
Who owns the Sprint Backlog? (Choose the best answer.) The Scrum Team. The Product Owner. The Scrum Master. The Development Team.
When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled? (Choose the best answer.) When the Development Team feels that the work is too hard. When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete. When the sales department has an important new opportunity. When it becomes clear that not everything will be finished by the end of the Sprint.
Every Development Team should have: (Choose the best answer.) At least one representative from each major software engineering discipline (like QA, Dev, UX). The competencies and skills needed to deliver a Done Increment in a Sprint. One Lead Developer and no more than 8 other members.
Why does the Product Owner want the Development Team to adhere to its definition of "Done"? (Choose the best answer.) To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint. To be able to reprimand the team when they don't meet their velocity goal for the Sprint. To know what the team will deliver over the next three Sprints. To predict the team's productivity over time.
During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible? (Choose the best answer.) Prioritizing the resulting action items. Participating as a Scrum team member and facilitating as requested or needed. Acting as a scribe to capture the Development Team's answers. Summarizing and reporting the discussions to management.
The Development Team should have all the skills needed to: (Choose the best answer.) Turn Product Backlog items into an Increment of potentially releasable product functionality. Do all of the development work, except for specialized testing that requires additional tools and environments. Complete the project within the date and cost as calculated by the Product Owner.
The Scrum Master observes the Product Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What is an appropriate action for the Scrum Master to take? (Choose the best answer.) Suggest the Product Owner extend the Sprint, so he can have more time to order the Product Backlog. Suggest that the Development Team does the ordering to be sure that it is a feasible ordering of work. Offer the Product Owner help in understanding that the goal of ordering the Product Backlog is to maximize value. Present the Product Owner with an ordered Product Backlog to use. Encourage the Product Owner to work with the Development Team to see which items technically are fastest to implement.
Which two things are appropriate for a Scrum Master to do if the Development Team doesn't have the engineering tools and infrastructure to completely finish each selected Product Backlog item? (Choose the best two answers.) Coach the Development Team to improve its skills, tools, and infrastructure over time and adjust the Definition of "Done" accordingly. Encourage the Product Owner to accept partially "Done" increments until the situation improves. Refocus the current Sprint on establishing the Development Team's infrastructure instead of delivering an increment. Declare the Development Team not ready for Scrum. Have the Development Team establish a Definition of "Done" that is actually possible to achieve given current circumstances.
When is implementation of a Product Backlog item considered complete? (Choose the best answer) At the end of the Sprint. When the item has no work remaining in order to be potentially released. When QA reports that the item passes all acceptance criteria. When all work in the Sprint Backlog related to the item is finished.
Choose two responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team. (Choose the best two answers.) Reorder the Product Backlog. Pull Product Backlog items for the Sprint. Do the work planned in the Sprint Backlog. Increase velocity.
If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, what will be the immediate impact on the productivity of the original Scrum Team? (Choose the best answer.) Its productivity is likely to decrease. Its productivity is likely to stay the same. Its productivity is likely to increase.
A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Development Team has decided that a Sprint Retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take? (Choose the best answer.) Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management. Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team. Consult with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation. Begin facilitating productive and useful Sprint Retrospectives.
Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role? (Choose the best two answers.) The Product Owner is one person. The Product Owner is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog. Multiple people can share the Product Owner role on a Scrum Team. The Product Owner role can be played by a committee or a team of people.
True or False: When multiple teams work together on the same product, each team should maintain a separate Product Backlog. True False.
When does the second Sprint start? (Choose the best answer.) Once the architectural changes for the second Sprint have been approved by the senior architect. After the Product Backlog for the second Sprint has been selected. Immediately after the first Sprint. After the customer completes acceptance testing of the first Sprint.
What is included in the Sprint Backlog? (Choose the best answer.) User Stories. Tasks. Use Cases. Tests. Any of the above (or others) which are a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog items.
What enhances the transparency of an increment? (Choose the best answer.) Doing all work needed to meet the definition of "Done" Reporting Sprint progress to the stakeholders daily Keeping track of and estimating all undone work to be completed in a separate Sprint. Updating Sprint tasks properly in the electronic tracking tool.
Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint? (Choose the best answer.) Architects. The Development Team. The Scrum Master. Subject matter experts. Development Team managers.
Why should the Product Owner be present at the Daily Scrum? (Choose the best answer.) He/She doesn't need to be there. To hear about impediments in functionality. To represent the stakeholder's point of view. To participate as a Scrum Team member.
What two techniques could the Scrum Master use when the Scrum Team gets caught in an internal disagreement about which development techniques to apply?(Choose the best two answers.) Involve the complete Development Team. Use coaching techniques; such as open questions and active listening. Ask an external technical specialist to make the decision. Send every team member to the company's HR department to express their concerns.
Who is responsible for clearly expressing Product Backlog items? (Choose the best answer.) The Scrum Master, or the Scrum Master may have the Development Team do it. The Scrum Master. The Product Owner. The business analyst who represents the Product Owner in the Development Team.
What is the best suited structure for Development Teams in order to produce integrated Increments? (Choose the best answer.) Each Development Team works only one technical layer of the system (e.g. GUI, database, middle tier, interfaces). Each Development Team develops functionality from beginning to end throughout all technical layers.
What are three benefits of self-organization? (Choose the best three answers.) Increased creativity. Increased rule compliance. Increased accuracy of estimates. Increased self-accountability Increased commitment.
Which three of the following are time-boxed events in Scrum? (Choose the best three answers.) Release Testing. Release Retrospective. Sprint Retrospective. Sprint Planning. Sprint Testing. Sprint 0. Daily Scrum.
At the end of a Sprint Product Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet the definition of "Done". What two things should happen with the undone Product Backlog item? (Choose the best two answers.) If the stakeholders agree, the Product Owner can accept it and release it to the users. Put it on the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it. Review the item, add the "Done" part of the estimate to the velocity and create a Story for the remaining work. Do not include the item in the Increment this Sprint.
Which two of the following are true about the Scrum Master role? (Choose the best two answers.) At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been "done" and what has not been "done". The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Scrum meetings to their time-box. The Scrum Master helps those outside the team interact with the Scrum Team. The Scrum Master assigns tasks to Development Team members when they need work. The Scrum Master is responsible for updating the Sprint Burndown.
If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line through a release burndown chart indicate? (Choose the best answer.) The evolution of the cost spent on the project. When all work will be completed to the Scrum Team can be released for other work. When the work remaining will likely be completed if nothing changes on the Product Backlog or the Development Team. When the project will be over if the Product Owner removes work that is equal in effort to any new work that is added.
Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders? (Choose the best answer.) The Business Analyst. The Development Team. The Team Manager. The Project Manager. The Product Owner.
What are two good ways for the Development Team to make non-functional requirements visible? (Choose two.) Put them on a separate list on the Scrum board, available for all to see. Add them to the Product Backlog and keep the Product Owner posted on the expected effort. Run the integration and regression tests before the end of the Sprint, and capture the open work for the Sprint Backlog of the next Sprint. Add them to the definition of "Done" so the work is taken care of every Sprint.
The Daily Scrum is an event that happens every day. What would be three key concerns if the frequency were to be lowered to every two or three days? (Choose three.) Opportunities to inspect and adapt the Sprint Backlog are lost. Impediments are raised and resolved more slowly. The Product Owner cannot accurately report progress to the stakeholders. Too much work is spent updating the Scrum board before the meeting. The Scrum Master loses the ability to update the Gantt chart properly. The Sprint plan may become inaccurate.
What is the recommended size for a Development Team? 7 plus or minus 3. At least 7. 9. 3 to 9.
Who can abnormally terminate a Sprint? The Scrum Master The Development Team or its members. The Product Owner The Stakeholders.
Who owns the Sprint Backlog? The Scrum Team. The Product Owner. The Scrum Master. The Development Team.
Every Development Team should have: At least one representative from each major software engineering discipline; such as, Quality Assurance, Development, and User Experience. The competencies and skills needed to deliver a Done Increment in a Sprint. One Lead Developer and no more than 8 other members. One Lead Developer and no more than 8 other members.
How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a Sprint? A proportional amount of time on analysis, design, programming, testing, and documentation. As much as it can fit into the Sprint. Any remaining work will be transferred to a subsequent Sprint. All development work and at least some testing. As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of "Done".
Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning? It is a complete list of all work to be done in a Sprint. Every item has a designated owner. Each task is estimated in hours. It is the Development Team's plan for the Sprint. It is ordered by the Product Owner.
What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional? The Development Team includes not only developers but also business analysts, architects, and testers. The Development Team includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to contribute to do what is necessary to deliver an increment of software. Developers on the Development Team work closely with business analysts, architects, developers and testers who are not on the team. The Development Team is a virtual team drawing from separate teams of business analysts, architects, developers and testers.
Sprint burndown charts are an efficient tracking tool, because they show An estimate of the total work remaining for the Sprint. How much effort has gone into a Sprint. How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member. How many Product Backlog items remain.
Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? The Scrum process, and how it was used during the Sprint. Coding and engineering practices. Sprint results. All of the above.
A member of the Development Team takes the Scrum Master aside to express his concerns about data security issues. What should the Scrum Master do? Add security to the definition of "Done". Tell the Product Owner to stop further development of features until the issues are fixed. Create a Product Backlog item for security. Go check with the testers. Ask the person to share the issue with the team as soon as possible.
The Product Backlog is ordered by: The Product Owner with the most valuable items placed at the top. Risk, where safer items are at the top, and riskier items are at the bottom. Items are randomly arranged. Size, where small items are at the top and large items are at the bottom.
What happens if the Development Team cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint? The Sprint is extended and future Sprints use this new duration. The Sprint length holds and the Development Team continuously learns what is actually possible to do within a Sprint of this length. The Sprint is extended temporarily. Lessons are taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.
User documentation is part of your definition of "Done". However, there aren't enough technical writers for all teams. Your Development Team doesn't have a technical writer. What should you do? Form a separate team of technical writers that will work on an on-demand basis for the various Product Owners. Work order will be first in, first out. Let the user documentation remain undone and accumulate until after the last development Sprint. It will then be done by any available technical writers. Wait until you have a technical writer on your Development Team to take care of this. Your Development Team is still responsible for creating user documentation. In this case, the Development Team members will write it.
You are the Scrum Master for four Scrum Teams working from the same Product Backlog. Several of the developers come to you complaining that work identified for the upcoming two Sprints will require full-time commitment from a technical specialist who is external to the teams. What are two key concerns for the Scrum Master to take into account in this situation? (Choose two.) The desire to maintain a stable velocity. The benefit of Development Teams figuring out a solution for themselves. The need to have enough work to keep all Development Team members busy. The ability of the Development Teams to produce integrated Increments. .
You have just been hired by a company new to Scrum. Your management has assigned you to be the Scrum Master of six new Scrum Teams. These teams will build one product. Select two conditions you should strive for in this scenario. (Choose two.) There should be six Product Owners, one for each Scrum Team. There should be six Product Owners, reporting to a chief Product Owner. The product has one Product Backlog. Each Scrum Team should have a separate Product Backlog. There should be only one Product Owner.
A Scrum Team has been working on a product for nine Sprints. A new Product Owner comes in, understanding he is accountable for the Product Backlog.However, he is unsure about his responsibilities. Which two activities are part of the Product Owner role according to Scrum? (Choose two.) Ensuring that the most valuable functionality is produced first, at all times. Interacting with stakeholders. Providing the Development Team with detailed specifications. Describing features as Use Cases. Creating detailed functional test cases.
Which are NOT appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective? (Choose two.) Definition of "Done". How the team does its work. Team relations. The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog. Arranging the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.
What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase between the end of the current Sprint and the start of the next Sprint? There are no such activities. The next Sprint starts immediately after the current Sprint. Refine the Product Backlog. Work with the Quality Assurance departments on the Increment of the current Sprint. Update the project plan with stakeholders.
Who is on the Scrum Team? (Choose three.) Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team member Project Manager None of the above.
Which of the following are roles on a Scrum Team? (Choose three.) Users Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team Customers.
Which does a self-organizing Development Team choose? Sprint length. How to best accomplish its work. Stakeholders for the Sprint Review. When to release, based on its progress. Product Backlog ordering.
A Scrum Team is only allowed to meet with stakeholders during Sprint Review. True False.
Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place? The consistency reduces complexity. The place can be named. The Product Owner demands it. Rooms are hard to book and this lets it be booked in advance.
Which best describes the Product Backlog? It is allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers. It provides just enough information to enable a Scrum team to start the design phase of a product. It contains all foreseeable tasks and requirements from which the Scrum team can develop and maintain a complete project plan. It is baselined to follow change management processes.
One of the Scrum events is the Daily Scrum. What are two intended outcomes of the Daily Scrum? (Choose two.) A shared understanding of the most important work to be undertaken next to achieve the best possible progress toward the Sprint goal. An update of completed tasks and of the remaining work so the Scrum Master can plan the next day. A status report for the upper management indicating what each individual has done, will be doing, and what is impending him/her. An updated Scrum board to make Sprint progress transparent for the stakeholders. New impediments for the Scrum Master to take care of.
Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog? The Development Team. The Product Owner. The Scrum Master. The Stakeholders. The CEO.
How do you know that a Development Team is cross-functional? Development Team has all the skills to create a potentially releasable increment by the end of every Sprint. A few of the Development Team members pair program and do Test Driven Development. There are no conflicts within the Development Team. Every member of the Development Team is able to perform every task.
Why does a Development Team need a Sprint Goal? A Sprint Goal only gives purpose to Sprint 0. Sprint Goals are not valuable. Everything is known from the Product Backlog. The Development Team is more focused with a common yet specific goal. A Sprint Goal ensures that all of the Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are implemented.
Which three behaviors demonstrate that a team is NOT self-organizing? (Choose three.) Stakeholders walking in at the Daily Scrum to check progress and work with the Scrum Master to optimize the functional scope for the Sprint. The Development Team members are working within the boundaries of their functional description and nicely handing off work from analyst to developer to tester to integration. The Product Owner doesn't need to be at Sprint Retrospectives. The Development Team creating their own sprint backlog, reflecting all work that is part of the definition of "Done". The Development Team has all the skills needed to create a releasable Increment Development Team members collaboratively selecting their own work during the Sprint. The Development Team inviting external people to the Sprint Planning to ask them how to turn a Product Backlog item into an Increment via a complete and detailed Sprint Backlog. The Scrum Master is no longer needed.
When does the next Sprint begin? When the Product Owner is ready. Immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint. The Monday following the Sprint Review. Immediately following the next Sprint Planning.
Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release? The Project Manager. The Scrum Master. The Development Team. The Product Owner.
What are two ways that architecture and infrastructure are handled in Scrum? (Choose two.) They are discussed, determined, and documented before the actual feature development Sprints. They are implemented along with functional development of the product. They are added to the Product Backlog and addressed in early Sprints, while always requiring at least some business functionality, no matter how small. They are built by a separate team through the creation of an architectural runway.
When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the definition of "Done"? (Choose the best answer.) Each Development Team defines and uses its own. The differences are discussed and reconciled during a hardening Sprint. It depends. Each Development Team uses its own but must make their definition clear to all other teams so the differences are known. All Development Teams must have a definition of "Done" that makes their combined work potentially releasable.
The IT manager asks a Development Team for a status report describing the progress throughout the Sprint. The Development Team asks the Scrum Master for advice. The Scrum Master should:(Choose the best answer.) Talk to the IT manager and explain that progress in Scrum comes from inspecting an Increment at the Sprint Review. Tell the Development Team to figure it out themselves. Tell the Development Team to fit the report into the Sprint Backlog. Create and deliver the report to the manager herself. Ask the Product Owner to send the manager the report.
When a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast, who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected? (Choose the best answer.) The Development Team. The Product Owner and all stakeholders. The Product Owner and the Development Team. The Scrum Master, project manager and Development Team.
What is the accountability of the Product Owner during Sprint 0? (Choose the best answer.) There is no such thing as Sprint 0. Gathering, eliciting, and analyzing the requirements that will be inserted into the Product Backlog. Make the complete project plan to commit date, budget, and scope to the stakeholders. Determine the composition of the Development Teams so they have the capacity to deliver the completed forecast. Make sure enough Product Backlog items are refined to fill the first 3 Sprints.
At the seventh Sprint Review, the stakeholders are disappointed and angry. They have determined that the product or system being built will not meet their needs and will cost more than they are willing to spend. What factors likely led to this? (Choose two.) The Project Management Office (PMO) has not been engaged adequately. The Product Owner has not been keeping the stakeholders aware of the progress of the project. The stakeholders haven't been using the Sprint Reviews to inspect and evaluate progress. The stakeholders were not allowed to enter the development area.
Which three behaviors demonstrate that a team is self-organizing? (Choose three.) Stakeholders walking in at the Daily Scrum to check progress and work with the Scrum Master to optimize the functional scope for the Sprint. The Development Team members are working within the boundaries of their functional description and nicely handing off work from analyst to developer to tester to integration. The Product Owner doesn't need to be at Sprint Retrospectives. The Development Team creating their own sprint backlog, reflecting all work that is part of the definition of "Done". The Development Team has all the skills needed to create a releasable Increment Development Team members collaboratively selecting their own work during the Sprint. The Development Team inviting external people to the Sprint Planning to ask them how to turn a Product Backlog .
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