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Creation Date: 23/03/2014

Category: Competitive Exam

Number of questions: 82
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unplanned depreciation can be done manually T F.
relavant document type recognises manual depreciation t f.
in manual depreciation documents are not posted to FI until depreciation program is run T F.
periodic processing comprises tasks performed on periodic interval T F.
Depreciation are is Two-character numeric key T F.
it is mandatory to post depreciation to relevant gl account T F.
Depreciation and its basis Ordinary Special Unplanned Unit of Measurement.
calculation method are assigned to depreciation key T F.
one calculation method can be used in more than one depreciation key T F.
country specific requirements are represented by methods specific to a particular chart of accounts t f.
we can enter depreciation key a default value for a company code or depreciation area t f.
calculation of depreciation is controlled by depreciation key and calculation method T F.
depreciation key is found in depreciation area of the asset master record T F.
annual depreciation is calculated using depreciation key and useful life of the asset t f.
Asset explorer displays value and depreciation for only one depreciation area F T.
changes in depreciation keys leads to correction of depreciation amounts posted T F.
detail list of calculation method can be called in from Asset explorer Asset master record T Code AFAMA Depreciation area.
changes of depreciation terms during a fiscal year not possible t f.
Transaction based depreciation and period based depreciation derives different values of depreciation. t f.
period based calculation leads to time dependent depreciation parameter t f.
time dependent depreciation parameter can be set to one depreciation area only F T.
time dependent changes in useful life does affect previous year value also f t.
parameter that can be changed on a time dependent basis absolute and % scrap value useful life variable depn depreciation area.
time dependent parameter can be implemented even if other system dependencies are affected t f.
Zero depreciation is possible t f.
with Indexing acquisition value we can calculate replacement value t f.
Depreciation can be calculated even after useful life is exhuasted t f.
Interest and zero depreciation can be defined in asset master record t f.
Interest is calculated per depn area along with depreciation and valuation type t f.
Interest calculation is controlled by depreciation area t f.
interest can be calculated only upto useful life of the asset is exhausted t f.
Interest can be calculated for an unlimited period t f.
if interest is based on replacement value indexed interest is used t f.
asset accounting enables replacement value of asset usage. t f.
replacement value of asset is used where rate of inflation is high t f.
for determining replacement value, system offers indexed replacement values t f.
we can use default index series for calculating replacement value of asset t f.
Index figures should be specified for each index series for each fiscal year t f.
Index series are assigned to the asset or asset class and index class t f.
Only year dependent index class is used t f.
system posts depreciation directly to gl account t f.
Depreciation run posts only ordinary depreciation f t.
depreciation run creates controlling documents t f.
test run checks for errors and dispays in error list t f.
additional account assignment objects are not posted during depn run t f.
possible errors in depn run log. incorrect account assignment object account assignment type is missing account for posting depreciation missing posting period incorrect setting for posting cycle missing parameter not specified.
once fiscal year is changed,we cannot post values in previous year. t f.
we can carry out fiscal year change in any posting period of the previous fiscal year t f.
we can carry out fiscal year change in any posting period of the current fiscal year t f.
we can have maximum of two fiscal year in order making posting. t f.
we can post in new fiscal year even if fiscal year is not changed t f.
we can post in old fiscal year even if fiscal year is changed t f.
we have to run fiscal year program for whole company code t f.
if there are any changes in depreciation values we must run depreciation program again t f.
Year end program checks asset and depreciation balances t f.
Year end program do not check whether asset contains errors t f.
periodic processing is possible in following functions depreciation and value posting planned depreciation and interest for primary costs investment support claim inflation management.
assets eleigble for investment support are marked in the asset master records with an invesment support key t f.
We can manage and monitor periodic processing in asset accounting using schedule manager t f.
Using schedule manager we can view the current status of closing process t f.
We define per depreciation area how to post asset ____values and _____values and into g/l account balance sheet,depreciation cost,depreciation.
pick the correct one(s) we can define depreciation areas for reporting purpose only We can calculate different values in a depreciation area for a specific purpose We can define per depreciation area which values have to be managed We define for each depreciation area how posting values and depreciation terms should or can be transferred to other areas.
Specifications and parameters that the system required to calculate depreciation amounts are entered in _______.
individual calculation methods are base method declining balance method maximum amount method multi level method straight line method period control method.
after release 4,calculation methods replace the internal calculation key of a depreciation key t f.
Advantages of calculation method country specific requirement avoid multiple calculation key enter default deprciation area.
pick the correct one(s) depreciation terms are stored in asset master record system determines depreciation start date using asset value date and period control method From the asset explorer we can display the calculation of depreciation values changes in depreciation keys do not lead to correction of depreciation amounts posted. We have to execute recalculation of depreciation program to correct depreciation amounts already posted.
if there is no transaction on the asset within a fiscal year ,depreciation calculation has same reference value exactly one period interval changed reference value additional period intervals.
if there is transaction on the asset within a fiscal year,depreciation calculation has same reference value changed reference value additional period intervals exactly one period interval.
pick the wrong one(s) setting for zero depreciation and interest calculation is defined in depreciation area We use index series for calculating replacement value system continue depreciation even after end of life of the asset is not possible depreciation is calculated even after book value is zero life of asset is not extended after end of planned life.
Interest is posted for the company code and corresponding depreciation area t f.
if index figure for index series is not specified for a fiscal year replacement value is not calculated simulated annual rate is used.
system posts interest during yearly depreciation posting run t f.
Additional account assignement like cost center can be made for posting interest t f.
According to Replacement Values: Index series pick the wrong one(s) An indexed revaluation can also be calculated for accumulated depreciation and imputed interest Only year in-dependent index classes are used The index series must be assigned to an index class You enter the index series in the asset or in the asset class You should specify index figures for the index series, for each fiscal year.
Program for depreciation run is_____ RAPOST2000 RAPOST2001 RAPOTA2000.
Depreciation run posts ordinary depreciation tax depreciation unplanned depreciation imupted interest revaluation of APC.
following setting required for for posting depreciation configure depreciation area and specify intervals and posting rules specify G/L and document type for posting activate account assignment objects and type.
fiscal year change program opens new annual value fields for each asset t f.
if a closed fiscal year is subsequently released for posting,it can be closed again once the year end closing program is run again t f.
Preparation for year-end closing If you change any depreciation values, you must run depreciation posting again Once depreciation has been posted in FI-AA and Fl, a balance sheet and profit and loss statement can be created If an area posts APC values to the general ledger periodically, you will need to run report RAPERPOO for periodic posting After the depreciation lists and asset history sheet have been checked, depreciation is posted If the final result is not satisfactory, you can carry out depreciation simulation or (bulk) changes, or make adjustment postings.
if the depreciation run program does not find any errors, it updates the last closed fiscal year it locks all closed fiscal years against postings fromt the asset area.
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