

Title of test:

ACX 1888

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Creation Date: 09/12/2024

Category: Others

Number of questions: 75
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Given the following Core Data Service View Entity Data Definition: @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED DEFINE VIEW ENTITY demo_flight_info_join AS SELECT FROM scarr AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN scounter AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN sairport AS p ON p.id = c.airport ON a.carrid = c.carrid { a.carrid AS carrier_id, p.id AS airport_id, c.countnum AS counter_number } In what order will the join statements be executed? sairport will be joined to scounter first and the result will be joined with scarr. scarr will be joined with scounter first and the result will be joined with sairport. scounter will be joined to sairport first and the result will be joined with scarr. scarr will be joined with sairport first and the result will be joined with scounter.
What elements can you add to enhance a business object in the ABAP RESTful application programming model? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Private methods Field State management routines Action.
Which statement reads a single row from a database table? READ TABLE <tablename> WITH TABLE KEY ... SELECT <tablename> ... SELECT SINGLE <tablename> ... READ TABLE <tablename> ...
In a test method you call method cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( ..) in the following way: CLASS ltcl1 DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS m1 FOR TESTING. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl1 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD m1. DATA: go_test_object TYPE REF TO zcl_to_be_tested. CONSTANTS: lco_exp TYPE string VALUE 'test2'. CREATE OBJECT go_test_object. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals ( EXPORTING act = go_class->mv_attribute exp = lco_exp msg = `assert equals failed ` && go_test_object->mv_attribute && ` ` && lco_exp ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. What will happen if method parameters act and exp are not equal? The tested unit will automatically be appended to a default ABAP Test Cockpit Variant. The tested unit cannot be transported. The test will be aborted. There will be a message in the test log.
In the RESTful Application Programming model where do you implement non-standard operations for customized business-logic behavior? In a determination In a validation In an action In a response.
In a subclass subl you want to redefine a component of a superclass superl. How do you achieve this? There are 2 correct answers to this question. You add the clause REDEFINITION to the component in subl. You add the clause REDEFINITION to the component in superl. You implement the redefined component for a second time in superl. You implement the redefined component in subl.
With the following class definition, what is the correct syntax for calling method b? (Note: lo_a is a reference variable for class ZCL_A.) CLASS zcl_a DEFINITION PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS b. ENDCLASS. zcl_a=>b( ). lo_a=>b( ). lo_a->b( ). zcl_a->b( ).
What Considerations are important when implementing interfaces in ABAP? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Static methods, instance methods, static events, and instance events are possible interface components. Implementing classes may declare the interface in any visibility section. Static methods can be implemented in an interface. Instance methods are not implemented in an interface. Implementing classes must declare the interface in their public section.
You want to enhance a business object to retrieve a default company code that is selected from the database. Which extension type must you use? Validation Determination Action Association.
Which of the following are ABAP Cloud Development Model rules? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Build ABAP reports with either ABAP List Viewer (ALV) or SAP Fiori. Build ABAP RESTful application programming model-based services. Reverse modifications when a suitable public SAP API becomes available. Use public SAP APIs and SAP extension points.
With which predicate condition can you ensure that the CAST will work? IS SUPPLIED IS NOT INITIAL IS INSTANCE OF IS BOUND.
For the assignment, gv_target = gv_source. which of the following data declarations will always work without truncation or rounding? Note: Thereare 2 correct answers to this question DATA gv_source TYPE string, to DATA gv_target TYPE c. DATA gv_source TYPE c. to DATA gv_target TYPE string. DATA gv_source TYPE d. to DATA gv_target TYPE string. DATA gv_source TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 3. to DATA gv_target TYPE p LENGTH 16 DECIMALS 2.
In ABAP SQL, which of the following retneves the association field _Airline-Name of a CDS view? \ Airnline-Name @_Airline-Name /_Anine-Name *_Airline-Name.
Which of the following ON conditions must you insert in place of "???"? ON Z_Sourcel.camer_id = 7_Source2 carrier_id ON Sprojection Camer=Source2 carrier_id ON Sprojection. Carrier Source2.carrier ON Sprojection.carrier_id=Z_Source2.carrier_id.
As a consultant you are posed the following question from a client who is using SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition and also SAP BTP, ABAP environment. "We are currently using an SAP Fiori app based on SAP Fiori elements that analyzes open orders. We have determined that it should be extended via a new button on the UI which will perform an on-the-fly calculation and display the result in a quick popup for the end user. We have been informed by SAP that all underlying stack layers for the SAP Fiori app have been extensibility enabled." Based on this which of the following extension types would you recommend to the customer to add the new button? RAP BO Behavior Extension SAP HANA database table extension RAP BO Node Extension Business Service Extension.
In an Access Control Object, which clauses are used? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Where (to specify the access conditions) Crant (to identify the data source) Return code (to assign the return code of the authority check) Define role (to specify the role name) Revoke (to remove access to the data source).
Which of the following string functions are predicate functions? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. find_any_not_of() contains_any_of() count_any_of() matchesQ.
Which of the following is a generic internal table type? SORTED TABLE INDEX TABLE STANDARD TABLE HASHED TABLE.
In a RESTful Application Programming application, in which objects do you bind a CDS view to create a value help? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Data model view Behavior definition Metadata Extension Service Definition Projection View.
In the assignment, data (gv_result) = 1/8. What will be the data type of gv_result? TYPE I TYPE DEFLOAT 16 TYPE P DECIMALS 3 TYPE P DECIMALS 2.
What are valid statements? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question In class CL1, the interface method is named if-ml. Class CL2 uses the interface. Class CL1 uses the interface. In class CL2, the interface method is named ifl-ml. Class CL1 implements the interface.
With Icl_super being superclass for Icl_subl and Icl_sub2 and with methods subl_methl and sub2_methl being subclass-specific methods of Id_subl or Icl_sub2, respectively. What will happen when executing these casts? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question go subl = CAST # (go super), will not work go_sub2 = CAST # (go super), will work. go_subl = CAST #(go_super), will work go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super). will not work. go sub2->sub2 meth 1(...). will work go_subl->subl_meth !(...)?w'll work.
What RESTful Application Programming feature is used to ensure the uniqueness of a semantic key? Validation Action Determination.
Which ABAP SQL clause allows the use of inline declarations? FROM INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF INTO FIELDS.
In what order are objects created to generate a RESTful Application Programming application? A. Database table 1 B. Service binding Projection view 4 C. Service definition 3 D. Data model view 2 D A B C B D C A A D C B C B A B.
What are advantages of using a field symbol for internal table row access? Note: There are two answers to this question. The field symbol can be reused for other programs. A MODIFY statement to write changed contents back to the table is not required. The row content is copied to the field symbol instead to a work area Using a field symbol is faster than using a work area.
What RESTful Application Programming object contains only the fields required for a particular app? Database view Metadata extension Projection View Data model view.
What are valid statements? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. "zcxl" is a dictionary structure, and "paraml" and "param2" are this structure. "paraml11 and "param2" are predefined names. The code creates an exception object and raises an exception. "previous" expects the reference to a previous exception.
Which of the following ABAP SQL statements are valid? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS carrid, airpfrom, MAX(distance) AS dist_max, MIN( distance) AS dist_min GROUP BY carrid, airpfrom INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits) SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS \/ O carrid, airpfrom, MAX( distance) AS dist_max, MIN(distance) AS dist_min INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits) SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS V D MAX(distance) AS dist_max MIN(distance) AS dist_min INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits). SELECT FROM /dmo/connection FIELDS r―i carrid, airpfrom u GROUP BY carrid, connid INTO TABLE @DATA(It_hits).
Which of the following statements are correct? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. FOR defines a loop that runs over the content of source_itab source_itab is only visible within the loop. row is a predefined name and cannot be chosen arbitrarily. row is only visible within the loop.
What are some of the reasons that Core Data Services are preferable to the classical approach to data modeling? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. They implement code pushdown They avoid data transfer completely. They transfer computational results to the application server. They compute results on the application server.
Class super has subclass sub. Which rules are valid for the sub constructor? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. The method signature can be changed. Import parameters can only be evaluated after calling the constructor of super. The constructor of super must be called before using any components of your own instance. Events of your own instance cannot be raised before the registration of a handler in super.
When does SAP recommend to use a sorted or a hashed table respectively? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A hashed table, when you read a single record and specify the complete key. A hashed table, when you read a subset in a loop and specify a part of the key from the left without gaps. A sorted table, when you read a subset in a loop and specify a part of the key from the left ^ without gaps. A sorted table, when you read a single record and specify non key fields.
What is the purpose of a foreign key relationship between two tables in the ABAP Dictionary? To document the relationship between the two tables To ensure the integrity of data in the corresponding database tables To create a corresponding foreign key relationship in the database.
Which of the following are features of Core Data Services? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Inheritance Associations Annotations Delegation Structured Query Language (SQL).
The class zcl_demo_class is in a software component with the language version set to "Standard ABAP". The function module "ZF11 is in a software component with the language version set to "ABAP Cloud". Both the class and function module are customer created. Regarding line #6, which of the following is a valid statement? 'ZF1' can be called whether it has been released or not for cloud development. 'ZF1' can be called via a wrapper that itself has been released for cloud development. 'ZF1' can be called via a wrapper that itself has not been released for cloud development. 'ZF1' must be released for cloud development to be called.
Which field is defined incorrectly? field1 field3 field4 field2.
In which products must you use the ABAP Cloud Development Model? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition SAP BTP, ABAP environment SAP S/4HANA on premise SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition.
When you attempt to activate the definition, what will be the response? Activation error because the field names of the union do not match Activation error because the field types of the union do not match Activation error because the key fields of the union do not match Activation successful.
Which of the following results in faster access to internal tables? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key completely. In a standard internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key completely.
In ABAP SQL, which of the following can be assigned an alias? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. order criterion (from order by clause) field (from field list) database table group criterion (from group by clause).
Which function call returns 0? Count_any_of ( val – ‘ABAP ABAP abap’ sub "AB" ) Count (val – ‘ABAP ABAP abap’ sub – ‘AB’ ) find_any_of (val = "ABAP ABAP abap’ sub = "AB") find_any_not_of( val ‘ABAP ABAP abap’ sub = ‘AB’).
What are valid statements? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. ##NEEDED is checked by the syntax checker. The pragma is not checked by the syntax checker. #EC_NEEDED is not checked by the syntax checker. The pseudo-comment is checked by the syntax checker.
Which type of legacy code does SAP recommend you eliminate when you review modifications as part of an SAP S/4HANA system conversion? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Code that supports a critical business process Code that now is identical to a standard SAP object Code that has less than 10% usage according to usage statistics Code that can be redesigned as a key user extension.
You want to provide a short description of the data definition for developers that will be attached to the database view, Which of the following annotations would do this if you inserted it on line #27 @UI headerinto description label @UI.badge.title.label @EndUserText.quickInfo @EndUserText label.
Which restrictions exist for ABAP SQL arithmetic expressions? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Floating point types and integer types can NOT be used in the same expression. The operator / is allowed only in floating point expressions. Decimal types and integer types can NOT be used in the same expression The operator ** is allowed only in floating point expressions.
Which of the following integration frameworks have been released for ABAP cloud development? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. SOAP consumption CDS Views Business Add-ins (BAdls) Business Events OData services.
In a program you find this source code AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT ‘/DWO/TRVL ( ID ‘CNTRY’ FIELD ‘DE* ID ACTVT FIELD ’03". Which of the following apply? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. If the user is authorized for ‘CNTRY = ‘DE’ then the return code is always 0. If the user is NOT authorized for ‘CNTRY’ = ‘DE’ OR for ‘ACTVT’ = ’03 then the program will terminate. If the user is authorized for ‘CNTRY = ‘DE’ AND for ‘ACTVT = ’03 then the return code is 0. AUTHORITY CHECK verifies whether a user is authorized for/DMO/TRVL" with the listed field values.
Which of the following are ABAP Cloud Development Model rules? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Use public SAP APIs and SAP extension points. Build ABAP RESTful application programming model-based services. Reverse modifications when a suitable public SAP API becomes available. Build ABAP reports with either ABAP List Viewer (ALV) or SAP Fiori.
When accessing the subclass instance through go_super, what can you do? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Access the inherited private components. Access the inherited public components. Call a subclass specific public method Call inherited public redefined methods.
Which of the following are valid sort operations for internal tables? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Sort a standard table using SORT itab ASCENDING. Sort a sorted table using SORT itab BY fieldl ASCENDING field2 DESCENDING. Sort a standard table using SORT itab BY field1 field2. Sort a standard table using SORT itab. Sort a sorted table using SORT itab DESCENDING.
Which of the following types are permitted to be used for <source> on line #4? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A database table from the ABAP Dictionary A CDS DDIC-based view An external view from the ABAP Dictionary A database view from the ABAP Dictionary.
What are valid statements? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. go_if 1 may call method ml with go_if1->m1(). Instead of go cl1 = NEW #(…) you could use go if1 = NEW cl1(. … ). go_cl1 may call method m1 with go_cl1->ifl-m1(). Instead of go_cl1 = NEW #() you could use go_iff = NEW #(…). go_if1 may call method m2 with go if->m2(…).
Which of the following are incomplete ABAP types? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. P T C String.
In a subclass subl you want to redefine a component of a superclass superl. How do you achieve this? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. You implement the redefined component in subl. You add the clause REDEFINITION to the component in subl. You implement the redefined component for a second time in superl. You add the clause REDEFINITION to the component in superl.
For what kind of applications would you consider using on-stack developer extensions? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Applications that run separate from SAP S/4HANA Applications that provide APIs for side by side SAP BTP apps Applications that integrate data from several different systems Applications that access SAP S/4HANA data using complex SQL.
As a consultant you are posed the following question from a client who is using SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition and also SAP BTP, ABAP environment. "We are currently using an SAP Fiori app based on SAP Fiori elements that analyzes open orders. We have determined that it should be extended via a new button on the UI which will perform an on- the-fly calculation and display the result in a quick popup for the end user. We have been informed by SAP that all underlying stack layers for the SAP Fiori app have been extensibility enabled." Based on this which of the following extension types would you recommend to the customer to add the new button? Business Service Extension SAP HANA database table extension RAP BO Behavior Extension RAP BO Node Extension.
In RESTful Application Programming, a business object contains which parts? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Behavior definition CDS view Process definition Authentication rules.
Which of the following ABAP SQL snippets are syntactically correct ways to provide a value for the parameter on line #4? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question SELECT * FROM deno_cds_param_view_entity (p_date = @ (cl_abap_context_info->get_system_date ())... SELECT * FROM demo_cds_param_view entity (p_date: $session.system_date)... SELECT * FROM deno_cds_param_view_entity (p_date = '20230101')... ) SELECT * FROM demo_cds_param_view_entity (p_date: 20238181')... ).
Which of the following actions cause an indirect change to a database table requiring a table conversion? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Renaming a field in a structure that is included in the table definition Changing the field labels of a data element that is used in the table definition. Deleting a field from a structure that is included in the table definition. Shortening the length of a domain used in a data element that is used in the table definition.
Using ABAP SQL, which select statement selects the mat field on line #17? SELECT mat FROM Material... SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_cds_so_i_ve... SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_so_i... SELECT mat FROM demo sales cds material ve...
What are some properties of database tables? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. They store information in two dimensions. They may have key fields. They can have any number of key fields. They can have relationships to other tables.
A CDS view is a data definition that defines a data structure and a data selection from one or more data sources. A CDS view consists of several parts? Partitioning attributes Extension Field list Semantic table attributes.
Which patterns raise an exception? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. DATA: gv_target TYPE p DECIMALS 2. CONSTANTS: go intl TYPE i VALUE 3. gv_target -U EXACT (2 gcojntl). DATA: gv_target TYPE string. CONSTANTS: gco_string TYPE LENGTH 16 VALUE 0123456789ABCDEF*. gv_target = EXACT # gco_string+5 (5) ). DATA: gv_target TYPE c LENGTH 5. V CONSTANTS: ECO string TYPE string VALUE 0123456789ABCDEF". gv_target - EXACT (gco_string + 5 (6) ). DATA: Ev target TYPE p DECIMALS 3. CONSTANTS: gcojntl TYPE i VALUE 2. Ev_target -U EXACT #2 / gcojntl ). DATA: gv_target TYPE d. s/ CONSTANTS: gco_date TYPE d VALUE '20331233*. gv_target EXACT ( geo_date).
When processing an internal table with the statement LOOP AT itab... ENDLOOP, what system variable contains the current row number? sy-index sy-subrc sy-linno sy-tabix.
What are the effects of this annotation? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. The value of sy-langu will be passed to the CDS view automatically both when you use the -1 CDS view in ABAP and in another CDS view entity (view on view). You can still override the default value with a value of your own. The value of sy-langu will be passed to the CDS view automatically when you use the CDS view in ABAP but not when you use it in another view entity It is no longer possible to pass your own value to the parameter.
Setting a field to read-only in which object would make the field read-only in all applications of the RESTful Application Programming model? Service definition Behaviour definition Projection view Metadata extension.
You want to define the following CDS view entity with an input parameter: Define view entity Z_CONVERT With parameters currency : ??? Which of the following can you use to replace "???? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A built-in ABAP type A built-in ABAP Dictionary type A data element A component of an ABAP Dictionary structure.
You have two internal tables itab1 and itab2.What is true for using the expression itab1 = corresponding #( itab2 )? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. Fields with the same name but with different types may be copied from itab2 to itab1. itab1 and itab2 must have at least one field name in common. Fields with the same name and the same type will be copied from itab2 to itab1. itab1 and itab2 must have the same data type.
What are some characteristics of secondary keys for internal tables? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. Secondary keys must be chosen explicitly when you actually read from an internal table. Multiple secondary keys are allowed for any kind of internal table. Hashed secondary keys do NOT have to be unique. Sorted secondary keys do NOT have to be unique. Secondary keys can only be created for standard tables.
What are some of the reasons that Core Data Services are preferable to the classical approach to data modeling? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. They implement code pushdown. They avoid data transfer completely. They transfer computational results to the application server. They compute results on the application server.
What would be the correct expression to change a given string value 'mr joe doe' into 'JOE' in an ABAP SQL field list? SELECT FROM TABLE dbtabl FIELDS Of1, upper(left( 'mr joe doe', 6)) AS f2_up_left, f3, SELECT FROM TABLE dbtabl FIELDS Of1, left(lower(substring( 'mr joe doe', 4, 3)), 3) AS f2_left_lo_sub, f3, SELECT FROM TABLE dbtabl FIELDS Of1, substring(upper('mr joe doe'), 4, 3) AS f2_sub_up, f3,... SELECT FROM TABLE dbtabl FIELDS Of1, substring(lower(upper( 'mr joe doe' ) ), 4, 3) AS f2_sub_lo_up, f3,.
In RESTful Application Programming, which EML statement retrieves an object? Find entity Select entity Get entity Read entity.
In a RESTful Application Programming application, in which objects do you bind a CDS view to create a value help? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question Data model view Behavior definition Metadata Extension Service Definition Projection View.
Which extensibility type does SAP recommend you use to enhance the existing UI for an SAP Fiori app? Key user Developer Side-by-side Classic.
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